Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 176 : Black Zetsu: Madara, I have a heart-wrenching sentence to tell you! (its subscription)

Kaguya didn't hear Black Zetsu's call, and the screen quickly exposed new images.

[Video "Send Madara Lord"]

[In the scene, just when Uchiha Madara finished saying everything was over, Black Zetsu directly attacked the black tiger to dig his heart and cut through Madara's body fiercely.

Black Zetsu said in a gloomy Kaidō: "Wrong, Madara."

"You are not the savior, all this is not over yet."

Uchiha Madara was shocked to find that he could not move, and Black Zetsu seemed to have the ability to control his body.

"Why do you say that you are different from Obito? Are you someone who can use everything? Don't you think it's ridiculous if you only think that you are different?,

"Madara, you are actually in an illusory dream, which is the dream I painted for you."

Madara asked incredulously: "Black Zetsu, what are you talking about? I created you! You are my consciousness!

"You are also wrong, my consciousness is Kaguya!"

Naruto Sasuke and the others were stunned. Who can believe that Black Zetsu gave Madara a backhand. 】

In the ninja world, when everyone saw that Black Zetsu drew Uchiha Madara, their faces were full of disbelief.

This kind of bloody thing is like a fantasy!

"what happened?"

"Infighting has started at this point?"

"No! Black Zetsu mentioned Kaguya just now."


"That's the name mentioned by Sage of Six Paths, will you forget it?

"But fucking, I really don't understand it!"

In the chat group,

All the big guys began to gather together to analyze the images.

[Kankuro: I don’t know what the purpose of Black Zetsu is, but I feel so happy to see Uchiha Madara being taken out!]

[Killer Bee: What is it called? Good for good and evil for evil, Madara has Black Zetsu!]

[Darui: How he satirized Obito at the beginning, but now Black Zetsu satirizes him. If Black Zetsu was with our coalition forces, I would definitely become his number one fan!]

[H: Are you not Guy’s number one fan?]

[Darui: Does it matter?]

[H: Uh]

[Hei Shi: Obito used to dig Uchiha Madara on the front, but now Black Zetsu is holding Uchiha Madara on the back, how come I feel so happy!]

[Akato: I hope someone can dig out Uchiha Madara from below]

[Hei Shi: Brother, your thoughts are not pure]

[Ohnoki: If this Black Zetsu is Kaguya's consciousness, then he can be too courageous, right? It is the best in the ninja world!]

[Ai: How long did Black Zetsu live? For thousands of years? Or is he a character from the same era as Sage of Six Paths!]

[Terumi Mei: What is his purpose in killing Madara? Does he have other conspiracies?]

【Kakashi: To be sure, he has a big picture. Uchiha Madara, who plays with the world, is just a pawn in front of him. This man's city is not bottomed out, and it is frightening. 】


The country of rain,

Black Zetsu cursed secretly: "Damn it, if there is no screen, I will rescue my mother 100%!'

"Does it really take me thousands of years to plan the next mother-saving operation?"

"Who knows whether there will be a new crisis at that time? Are the ninjas of that era as easy to manipulate as they are now? Will the aliens of the Ōtsutsuki clan come to earth, "?"

The more Black Zetsu thinks about it, the more uncomfortable he feels. Not only does he have to plan the next move, but he also has to always beware of being caught by people in the Shinobi world.

Helplessly, he can only look at his mother in the video to ease his miss for Kaguya.

[Video "The Truth About Infinite Tsukuyomi"]

[At this moment, Uchiha Madara let out a cry of pain, and Chakra, the ninja trapped in Infinite Tsukuyomi, began to rush to his body, and his body began to swell and grow.

Sasuke and Naruto stepped forward to stop them, but were tied up by Madara's hair.

Naruto yelled, "Sasuke, if you can't defeat him and stop the absorption, everyone's Chakra will be absorbed first. They will die!"

Black Zetsu smiled and said, "Don't worry, they won't die. Kaguya used Infinite Tsukuyomi on people and kept them alive in order to produce an army."

Sasuke said coldly: "Production? What do you mean!"

Black Zetsu did not forget to continue taunting, "You seem to be duller than Itachi, can ordinary humans use it to fight?"

Kakashi murmured in horror: "Could it be?"

"Make them White Zetsu, this is the final fate of those who have been hit by Infinite Tsukuyomi."

At this time, Uchiha Madara asked unwillingly: "What are you talking about Black Zetsu? Infinite Tsukuyomi is Uchiha's technique to bring permanent peace to the ninja world."

Black Zetsu grinned and asked, "What is your basis for saying this?"

"Sage of Six Paths recorded this on the stone tablet, it says on the stone tablet!"

Black Zetsu sighed: "Madara, I live longer than you for too long. I have a lot of time to find the stone stele left by Yuyi and correct it. Infinite Tsukuyomi is not a technique for peaceful dreams, but for Collect the Chakra owned by everyone and make it incredibly large"

"Why do you do this?" Madara demanded.

"You acted for this, driven by Kaguya consciousness!"

Madara unwillingly whispered: "I did that."

"Just like you think of Obito as a pawn, you are actually just a pawn yourself."]

After listening to Black Zetsu telling the truth about Tsukuyomi, everyone in the Ninja world turned pale with fright.

According to what Uchiha Madara said before, Infinite Tsukuyomi is to let everyone enter a world of illusion, everyone can realize their dreams.

Everyone can barely accept it when they are weak, but the real facts are far from the case.

Infinite Tsukuyomi is to make people become White Zetsu,

Just like the previous video exposure, it has become a combat tool at the mercy of others, without personality, without thought, just a living puppet.

Who the hell can accept this?

As for Uchiha Madara, it is just a striker in Black Zetsu's realization of the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan.

Although it is a bit more advanced than Nagato, Obito!

The real winner of the entire fourth Ninja War is Xiao Hei

[Uchiha Sasuke: The original stone monument has already been modified]

[Uchiha Itachi: I was also deceived by the stele. If there is no misleading by the stele, I should solve the problem with the family]

[Uchiha Obito: It's ironic enough, Uchiha Madara thinks the way to save the world is just a scam. They are all tool people!]

[Uchiha Obito: Black Zetsu, I know you are watching the chat, at this time I should thank you for solving Uchiha Madara. However, Lin's death also has a little responsibility for you, it is better not to be caught by me, otherwise】

Faced with Obito's naked threat, Black Zetsu didn't dare to fart.

He is good at conspiracy, but even Chojuro can hack him to death in combat..

Although he dared not respond in the video, he scolded in private.

"Obito of Damn it, that is, the screen exposes my plan, otherwise you are a bug that has been exploited!"

"A bed bug dare to threaten me, just wait!"

After letting go of the cruel words,

The screen will continue to be exposed.

[Video "The Advent of Kaguya"]

[In the lens,

Uchiha Madara swelled rapidly, and when his consciousness was completely swallowed, he asked unwilling questions.

"Why? Why is this? Hashirama, where am I going wrong?"

At the same time, Black Zetsu left Obito and entered Kaguya's cuff.

Uchiha Madara, who had swelled into a ball, suddenly became a long-haired woman, who was the Ōtsutsuki Kaguya in the mouth of Black Zetsu. 】

In the Shinobi world, when people really see Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, they are both attracted by her incomparable beauty and shocked by her powerful strength.

She is so beautiful, like a fairy in the sky.

Cold, holy, not touching the fireworks in the world.

But her strength is too strong, which makes people feel terrifying and daunting.

Is this the evil spirit in Sage of Six Paths?

Why does she look so harmless, like a little girl without any bad thoughts.

Cloud Shinobi Village,

Killer Bee's saliva almost came out,

"|This woman is so beautiful, even more attractive than Tsunade!"

When Fourth Raikage saw him like this, he kicked it up and scolded, "You mean to be the father of Sage of Six Paths?"

"I fucking hammered your heart!"

Not to blame Killer Bee, even Jiraiya kept swallowing, but fortunately, with the deterrence of Tsunade, his actions were not so obvious.

Many old pornographic critics in the Ninja world have been attracted, but they are forced to say in their hearts, they dare not speak wild words.

The screen continues to expose the image!

[I saw the woman floating in the air, frowning after seeing the seal handprints on Sasuke and Naruto's hands, and directly attacked them with her long hair.

They were vulnerable to a single blow in front of Kaguya, who could have done two tricks in the hands of Six Paths Madara, and were beaten tens of meters away.

"They are Hayi and Hamura, are they Indra and Ashura?"

"Then it is Yuyi who passed Sealing Techniques to them."

Sasuke watched Kaguya approaching slowly like Sadako, and sighed inwardly: "I didn't expect there to be such a person, Madara can't compare with him at all."

"Haoyi is sure she will show up before giving it to us."

Kakashi asked, "What is your purpose?"

"Ninzong isn't right, it's called a ninja? I have nothing to say to someone like you who doesn't understand the meaning of Chakra and can only play around at will.

(Wang Zhao's) "Here, this piece of land is my precious nursery, so I can't let it hurt anymore"]

After reading this paragraph,

Countless talents in the Ninja world completely put away their liking for Kaguya, this woman simply doesn't treat the earthlings as human beings.

In her opinion,

The earth is only her back garden, her nursery.

And these ninjas are just her seedlings, her private property.

"My mother is right, the more beautiful the woman, the more vicious the mind!"

"You have something to say while standing in front of Tsunade and Terumi Mei!"

"They are not as pretty as Kaguya!"

In the chat group,

[Ohnogi: Kakashi, I sympathize with you a little bit. I was slapped by Sasuke, and was despised by Kei Yoruichi again))

[Kakashi: As long as we can get more information, it's worth it! Body]

[Gaara: But it is useless to ask about this information, after all, Kaguya is better than Six Paths Madara)

[Ai: Unless)

[Terumi Mei: Unless what?]

[Ai: If Sage of Six Paths can come out, will there be a turnaround? After all, he has sealed Kaguya once!]

[Ohnoki: The problem is that he entrusted all his power to Naruto and Sasuke. Even if it comes out, it's useless, right?]

[Kakashi: I hope Naruto, the most unexpected ninja, can create some hope for everyone!]


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