Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 177 :Question: What ninjutsu did Naruto use to control Kaguya for a few seconds! (Subscribe!

The country of rain,

After seeing the resurrection of Kaguya's mother, Black Zetsu shouted in excitement, and there was no longer the conspiracy of the former conspirator.

"Mother is the same as she remembered!"

"I really miss her!"

"No, even if I risk being killed, I have to think about it again!"

"If you don't have Uchiha Madara, then try to use other people and you can always find one!"

Black Zetsu also had great confidence at this moment. He believed that he could save his mother once with a calculation, and he would be able to save a second time with a calculation.

At this time, a line of text began to appear in the middle of the screen.

Question: When Naruto played against Kaguya, what ninjutsu used to control the opponent for a few seconds?

Reward: Talk to Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Fugaku for one minute. (Can be given as a gift)

Condition: Within five minutes, the first two ninjas who answered the correct answer will be rewarded.

As soon as this problem came out,

Two people in the ninja world broke the defense directly.

Uchiha Sasuke of Tanokuni and Uchiha Itachi of Kusunokuni looked straight at the question on the screen.

To them,

The reward for this question seems to be for them.

Thinking of the opportunity to meet 673's mother once, Sasuke trembled with excitement. He was thinking about what to say when meeting his mother and whether he could get his approval when meeting his father.

For a moment,

He was so flustered and out of shape, he was completely out of his usual stability.

After all, he is the naive ghost Sasuke who wants to be accompanied by his parents.

On the other side, Uchiha Itachi was even more terrified. He didn't know how to face his parents' eyes.

At that time, his parents entrusted Sasuke to him, but he forced Sasuke out of Konoha Village and let him into Orochimaru's sect.

Although he was playing a good flag for Sasuke, he was wrong after all, and he was wrong.

this time,

Does he really have the face to see his parents?

For the rest of the Ninja world, this reward is a bit dull.

After all, it was a conversation with Uchiha Fugaku and Mikoto, even if it was given to them, it was meaningless.

But the smart ninja has other ideas,

Although this reward is not very useful to them, it can be exchanged for the goodwill of Sasuke and Itachi!

In other words, you can also exchange something from them

for example,

Sharingan of the Uchiha clan!

Although this is a bit unkind, but who can get a chance to become stronger, who is not happy?

Suddenly, a large number of "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chick" appeared in the entire chat group, all gathered together to analyze which Naruto's ninjutsu moves is the most powerful!

[Killer Bee: Based on my understanding of Naruto, he will definitely use "Tailed Beast Bomb Spiral Shuriken". Oye!)

[Baki: Although this trick is powerful, it’s hard to control Kaguya! If you want me to say, it must be the "Magnet Style Rasengan!" with the Chakra bonus of Morizuru]

[Deidara: Explosion! How many times did you say it? Art is explosion! Naruto should use "Blast Truth-Seeking Ball". There was a boom! It definitely made Kaguya stunned for a few seconds. 】

[Xiao Li: Naruto must use physique, only physique can resist Kaguya's ninjutsu. I guess it’s "Naruto"

[Kankuro: Can you guys stop guessing the rhythm? I have already figured out what the trick is!]

[Gaara: Do you know it again?]

[Kankuro: Yes, that trick is "Thousand Years of Death". At that time, Naruto used the trick against Shouhe-sama, and directly caused Shouhe-sama to tighten the chrysanthemum, and the tiger's body was shocked. 】

[Shikamaru: This trick is indeed possible, but let Naruto come to Kaguya, obviously a bit]

[Chōji: I think Naruto should control Kaguya by the "change technique", and changed Kaguya a table of delicious food, it will definitely be able to control Kaguya!]

[Ino: You know how to eat. If I say, I should have used the "Flower Sending Technique". After all, which woman doesn't like flowers?]

[Jiraiya: I think the "Seduction Technique" is a little more reliable! Are you right? Ebisu!]

[Ebisu: Ahem, Lord Jiraiya, I think "Harem Technique" is more reliable)

As soon as this word comes out (ajbg),

Sasuke and Little Sakura felt that according to Naruto’s character, he was likely to come up with such a trick, but

At this moment,

The rush to answer begins.

"Sage Art- Magnet Style Rasengan!"

"Seductive Technique!"

"Thousand Years of Death!"

"Harem Technique!



"Pai Daxing!!

"Inverse Harem Technique!"

"Inverse Harem Technique!"

At the end of the time, the Ninja audience looked at the screen curiously. Everyone wanted to see what the answer was.

[Killer Bee: Who said Susanoo? That is Sasuke's ninjutsu!]

[Kankuro: There are also people talking about Chidori, I also laughed!)

[Deidara: Who said the big star? Is this mocking me? Huh?]


At this time, the answer appears on the screen.

Question: When Naruto played against Kaguya, what ninjutsu used to control the opponent for a few seconds?

Answer: Inverse Harem Technique!

Recipients: Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke.

Seeing this answer, everyone in the Ninja World was dumbfounded.

They can understand Harem Technique, and many people have even seen Naruto use this technique.

But what is this reverse harem Technique?

Could it be???

Ebisu and Jiraiya didn't dare to think about it. If they were using beautiful men, they might really be able to control Kaguya. After all, they had tried the Harem Technique very well!

"Naruto, you guys are really good! You deserve to be the most unexpected ninja!"

Kushina raised Naruto's ear and asked, "Did you learn some improper ninjutsu with whom?"

Naruto's face flushed, and he didn't dare to answer directly, so he had to hesitate Kaidō: "No, no, no."

"Better don't lie to me." Kushina said with a knife in her smile.

On the other side,

Little Sakura looked at her video meeting opportunity, feeling a little excited.

Do you want to meet Sasuke's parents?

How does it feel a bit like the feeling of a stinky daughter-in-law meeting in-laws?

But on second thought, Sasuke doesn't like herself, and licking her face by herself will only disturb their reunion...

Let's give the opportunity to others!

Thinking again and again, little Sakura asked in the chat group:

[Little Sakura: Sasuke, I will give the opportunity to Itachi, okay?]

[Sasuke: Whatever. 】

[Uchiha Itachi: Little Sakura, I don’t use it.. I]

[Sasuke: Are you scared? Dare to see them?]

【Uchiha Itachi:)

Little Sakura saw that although Sasuke's mouth was stiff, he still wanted to let himself pass the opportunity to Itachi.

She also decisively gave the reward to Itachi. After all, this is also an opportunity to win the favor of the two of them, and it will help her to marry into the Uchiha family.

Thinking of this, her face blushed and she dared not look up to see people.

PS: I will write a big chapter later, first make up the chapter that was updated last night!

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