Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 185 : Six Paths- Planetary Devastation! (Subscription required!)

Inside Rain Shinobi Village,

Black Zetsu became more and more flustered. He was a little afraid that his mother's final defeat was caused by his poisonous mouth.

If that's the case,

But I couldn't find a place to cry even though I was crying.

"Do not!"

"Kasan is so powerful, it's impossible to lose to those two brats!"

"And when it comes to Kasan's starting ball space, it is more convenient for mother to fight, even if it is a war of attrition, Naruto and Sasuke are not opponents!"

So comforted myself in my heart, and then went to watch the screen calmly.

[Video "A Day Into Uchiha"]

[In the scene, Sasuke's complete body Susanoo collapsed under Kaguya's attack. But Naruto also began to prepare big moves.

I saw him using the Shadow Clone Technique to create nine Rasengans containing the tailed beast Chakra.

"Sage Art-Super Tail Beast Spiral Shuriken!"

In an instant, ten Tailed Beast Bombs exploded directly beside Kaguya.

However, the law of smoking without injury cannot be broken. Kaguya's clothes are only damaged, and there is no major problem overall.

But this trick also played a little role,

Because the Chakra of the tailed beast echoes the Chakra of the tailed beast in Kaguya, then Kaguya has turned into a huge rabbit!

"Here is another big guy, wolf? civet cat? rabbit?,

Sasuke Kaidō: "Whatever it is, so that we can seal her more easily!"

Before Sasuke had a plan to deal with the enemy, a dozen long white hands stretched out from the rabbit, only to touch Naruto's clone and it was instantly absorbed.

At this time, another shot started to capture the little Sakura who was still below.


Naruto yelled, "Sasuke, use your pupil technique to help little Sakura get out!"

Sasuke wanted to help, but the distance was not enough.

At this moment, a sky blue 09 complete body Susanoo grabbed the little Sakura, and then flew into the sky.

"Xi Xi, it succeeded!" Naruto Kaidō was pleased.

"Susanoo? Who is it!"

Naruto was dumbfounded and couldn't believe that Sasuke was still standing behind him, "Isn't it yours?"

The camera turns,

It turned out that Kakashi was standing in the cab controlling Susanoo. 】

In the Ninja World,

Uchiha Sasuke looked at Kakashi in the camera in disbelief.

"No, it's impossible. How can Kakashi not belong to the Uchiha clan to use Susanoo? And it's the Susanoo who is the highest level!"

This scene directly makes Sasuke jealous. He can only use Susanoo after experiencing pain in the future to open the eternal Mangekyō and after Rinnegan, but Kakashi is an outsider.

It is really uncomfortable to think about it, after all, this is a unique ability of the family.

But in other places, Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi just felt a little surprised after seeing this scene, and there was no dissatisfaction.

Sharingan is magical, and there is no rule that outsiders who own Mangekyō Sharingan cannot open Susanoo.

As for why Danzo can't open Susanoo, it has to be found from his own reasons, no wonder outsiders.

After all, Shisui can also open Susanoo with a single eye.

"Kakashi, the enlightenment that I intend to send Sharingan to you is indeed correct!" Obito laughed loudly.

"This Sharingan should also contain the power of Six Paths, so the pupil power that オ can increase. Otherwise, just the ordinary Three Tomoe Sharingan can't turn on the full body Susano." Uchiha Itachi said lightly.

In the chat group,

[Killer Bee: Susanoo is completely complete, like Sasuke is a top match, this is really cool!]

[Onoki: With Susanoo, this strength has surpassed me. 】

[Ai: But this seems to have a time limit]

[Terumi Mei: Even if there is a shelf life, this period of time is enough for Kakashi to do a lot of things!)

[Kakashi: Obito, thank you!]

[Uchiha leader: No thanks, as long as you don’t find me and Lin earlier, I will give you Sharingan indefinitely soon!]

[Kakashi: Obito, actually, it’s not necessary. I have too little Chakra. If both eyes are Sharingan, I can only lie in bed every day. 】

[Orochimaru: Recently, the research on Hashirama cells has taken a step further, maybe I can help you!]

[Kakashi: Ah this)

[Orochimaru: Don’t get me wrong, I just want to collect some experimental data. 】

[Jiraiya: Kakashi, accept it, Orochimaru wants to make up for the mistakes he made before! After all, he always liked to scare you before. 】

[Tsunade: We will not be in the village in the future. How can we do if there is no one who can carry the banner? So you worked hard. 】

For a time, the ninjas of the entire ninja world were envious.

Who doesn't want to hang up if conditions permit?

Needless to say how strong Kakashi will become when he gets double Sharingan, right?

Not only that, people also have Hashirama cell blessing, which can make up for the lack of Chakra and the prevention of presbyopia.

At this time, everyone also began to look forward to Susanoo's Kakashi can show some strength.

[In the camera, Kakashi said to himself: "Look at it together, Obito!"

"This time I will protect them and protect the world!"

At this time, Aunt Rabbit controlled the giant hand to kill Kakashi. Facing this move, Ke Kexi did not hide, letting her long hand reach out.

"Try this trick!"

"Kamui Shuriken!"

In an instant, Kakashi killed four long hands and the show turned the audience. 】

This short video made the ninjas envious. Kakashi, who could only make soy sauce, was able to fight against Kaguya in an instant.

This increase in strength is too pervert.

"Sour, sour."

"I really want to drive Gundam too!"

"Who wouldn't want to try Susanoo if possible?"

"It feels better than Sasuke's Susanoo."

"You didn't feel wrong!"

The people in the ninja world looked at the image with joy, but soon everyone realized that they were too happy

[In the lens,

After Kakashi used the Kamui shuriken to kill a few long hands, a large amount of Chakra began to gush out from the ground of the beginning ball space to penetrate into the rabbit's body, and then a huge swelling Truth-Seeking Ball was formed, with a diameter of several hundred meters.

But what is even more frightening is that the black ball continues to grow bigger, and there is no sign of stopping!

Black Zetsu explained excitedly: "This starting ball space where Chakra can be drawn directly from the ninjas of Infinite Tsukuyomi is a special area for mothers, tail beasts and stability, mother even used the inflated Truth-Seeking Ball. The new space is unfolding, Everyone is going to die!

Naruto explained: "This is the same as the ball behind me.

Sasuke: "The size is too different, right? And it's still getting bigger."

Kakashi: "That's too big to be transferred by Kamui. Even if we go to the time space for a while, if the thing becomes too big, we won't be able to come back."]

Seeing Kaguya's big move, all audiences in the Ninja world became numb.

The swelling Truth-Seeking Ball is really too big, so big that people don't have the heart to resist.

You know, the little Truth-Seeking Ball behind Naruto is already powerful enough, with amazing defensive power, it can be said to be able to withstand all ninjutsu attacks.

If you cooperate with the Rasengan attack, you can easily blow up a Planetary Devastation.

In the chat group,

[Ohnogi: Don't explode this thing, otherwise they will be killed directly. 】

[Gaara: Even if it doesn’t blow up, it can squeeze people to death!]

[Terumi Mei: According to Black Zetsu, that thing can keep swelling and getting bigger, Naruto and the others will all die. 】

[Ai: Let me say that the best defense is offense, she just fucked it!]

[Kakashi: Fourth Raikage is right, avoiding will not solve the problem, unless Kaguya can be sealed!]

Looking at the content of the chat group,

Black Zetsu said to himself fiercely: "Even if I can't clean up you now, you still have to die on the screen!"

"Kasan's swelling Truth-Seeking Ball can't be defeated by anyone!"

"Wait for death, haha!"

Smiling and laughing, Black Zetsu couldn't smile anymore.

Because the four people on the screen actually launched an attack on Kaguya's mother.

[In the scene, Kakashi begins to take on the role of command again.

"Assemble and convey the action plan! This is our original seventh class... the last task!'

"We save the world together."



At this time, Kaguya mocked: "I am immortal, and neither of them can seal me if they die, so which one to choose?"

Seeing that Kaguya was about to do something, Naruto hurriedly blocked the body and Sasuke.

Sasuke reminded: "We attacked together. She was afraid of being sealed, so she was distracted. First take me for a ride and then take off."

I saw "Sasuke" and Naruto kill Kaguya.

And Kakashi also launched a feint, "Kamui Raikiri!"

One move directly cut Kaguya's right arm, so that her two hands could not be used to kill the gray bones at the same time.

However, Kaguya's left hand had already hit the assassin and hit Naruto.

Unfortunately, that is Naruto's Shadow Clone, and the real Naruto is Sasuke on her right.

With a puff,

Naruto returned to his original shape and reached out to touch Kaguya with his right hand.

Seeing this, the little Black Zetsu hurriedly helped open the space crack and launched an attack on Sasuke, "Kasan, I'll help you!"

But at this moment,

A "Kamui!" interrupted his operation, his space crack was directly forcibly closed by Kakashi, and the total killing of the gray bones was not successful.

And Sasuke also used his hand power to exchange bodies with Shadow Clone Naruto and touched Kaguya!

Kaguya was shocked: "No, let's escape to the ice and snow space. No, Indra's 677 reincarnated have Amaterasu, this is not good!"

In desperation, Kaguya had to run up, but before she took off, she was directly punched in the head by the little Sakura who fell from the sky.

"There is me! Same as a woman, don't look down on me!'

"watch out!"

Finally, Naruto and Sasuke ran into Kaguya at the same time and shouted:

"Six Paths- Planetary Devastation!"]

At this time, the people in the Ninja World were completely dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, the ancestor of Chakra was actually defeated by Naruto and Sasuke.

In the chat group,



【Terumi Mei:】


[Kakashi: The final mission of Class 7 seems to be a success!]

[Killer Bee: This is too handsome, I didn’t expect that such a powerful bald aunt would be sealed by your seventh class!]

[Qing: This kind of evil spirit is sealed, I feel a lot easier all at once. 】

[Kankuro: Fortunately, this Kaguya is brave and intrepid, and I can’t use it with the strength, otherwise it’s really hard to deal with! I can think of several ways to kill Naruto and Sasuke...)

[Temari: This is inseparable from the help of Black Zetsu! Kaguya was sealed, and the little Black Zetsu contributed this time!]

[Changjuro: After watching the exposure for so long, it seems to have had a long dream, and now the dream has finally woken up. 】

[Black Earth: Do you think we have entered Infinite Tsukuyomi now? Otherwise, how could this kind of thing happen]

[Azabu Yi: You can't make a joke at this time!]

[Nara Shikahisa: There is another question, that is, how do they escape the starting ball space?]

[Yamanaka Keiichi: This is indeed a trouble. I saw that Kakashi's Sharingan has disappeared, and there is no way to use Kamui to transfer everyone again. 】

[Everyone in the Ninja World: Is this the same death once? This]


Everyone's good mood is gone, if everyone in the Ninja World is dead, then what is the point of defeating Kaguya?

And the people outside wrapped in Infinite Tsukuyomi will die slowly, and the whole world will have no vitality.

"Hey, this may be a self-purification of the earth!'

"It's everyone's retribution, abuse of Chakra's retribution."

PS: Seek subscription! Seek monthly pass! Seek flowers!.

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