Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 186 : Sage of Six Paths class starts! (Subscription required)

Not only the good mood of the people in the Ninja world is gone, but even the good mood of Black Zetsu is gone.

Unexpectedly, I was deliberate and worked hard for so many years to finally rescue Kaguya's mother, but in the end he was sealed back because of myself.

All this feels like reminding myself, don't mess up, the end result is the same.

Just when all the Ninja world felt sad for the future extinction of mankind,

New images were exposed on the screen, but this time the protagonists are no longer Naruto and Kakashi.

[In the camera, Hashirama, Tobirama, Hiruzen, and Minato were not imaged by Infinite Tsukuyomi, so they gathered again.

"Everyone has disappeared, only Madara's lower body is left here."

"Since Madara's lower body is lying on the ground, it should be considered as dead, right?"

"Since it is necessary to clarify Madara's life and death to understand the situation, then use his lower body to try Impure World Reincarnation!" Tobirama suggested.

Hashirama stopped and said, "Then we need other sacrifices."

"Don't be so naive now!"

Hashirama directly disagreed, "Think of another way!"

The voice fell, and a white Chakra floated from Madara's lower body, and then turned into Sage of Six Paths.

"You are really kind, Ashura's predecessor.

"You are?"

"My name is Yuyi, and I am called Sage of Six Paths."]

After watching this scene, the people in the ninja world suddenly became excited, and they even forgot this character.

With the help of Sage of Six Paths, Naruto and Sasuke would surely be rescued, right?

After all, Sage of Six Paths will never see the Ninja world really perish anyway.

"It seems luck is still on our side!

"Little Black Zetsu, you should just cry honestly!"

"I just don't know how to use Sage of Six Paths. After all, he is only in Chakra state and has no direct combat ability. Otherwise, he will definitely fight Kaguya himself!"

"That's the same, but don't worry, there are historical Hokages here!"

Some people are happy and some are worried. Black Zetsu hates the itching of his teeth after seeing his brother Yuyi. It is a good thing that he broke himself.

Without him teaching the Six Paths Planetary Devastation seal technique, Sasuke and Naruto would never be able to seal their mother.

Speaking of being despicable and shameless, this big brother is still more despicable, secretly hiding in the Ninja World for so many years, he has more scheming than himself!

"I don't believe you can save Naruto, Kasan's starting ball space is not so easy to travel back!"

In the idea of ​​anger,

Black Zetsu clung to the screen, just wanting to see what he could do.

[In the scene, Sage of Six Paths explains to the four people the issue of Ashura and Indra reincarnation, and the story of their grandfather and grandson Third Generation fighting.

It can be said that this is a battle between families, but there are too many people involved, affecting the entire Ninja World.

"If you want to save Naruto and Sasuke, you need to know everything."

"Before mentioning Ashura and Indra, I need to tell you the origin of Ninzong."

"Thousands of years ago, my brother Hamura and I sealed our mother Kaguya and Ten Tails in the moon, and Hamura went to the moon to monitor our mother."]

Hearing this terrifying truth, the people in the Ninja world are still a little unimaginable, this

The Planetary Devastation made by Sage of Six Paths and his brother is too big, right?

The moon turned out to be the ninjutsu of the two of them. Fuck is not an exaggeration.

Ōtsutsuki's younger brother Hamura turned out to be a celestial member and went to guard the moon.

Does this mean to say,

There are descendants of Ōtsutsuki Hamura on the moon now?


This kind of thing is very possible. After all, Hamura has lived there for so long, it is inevitable that he will be hungry and thirsty.

[Killer Bee: I want to go to the moon too! I want to be an astronaut!]

[Ai: Do you believe it or not I will give you your favorite big mouth?]

[Black Earth: Moon! Don’t you want to take a look?]

[Akato: Will it become light and fluttering after going up, I also want to fly freely like a teacher!]

[Qing: Don’t divert your attention. It’s time to learn history. Didn’t you see Sage of Six Paths start to teach?]

At the same time, Black Zetsu said to himself with an unhappy face,

"What's worth telling about this history,"?"

"It's the same as who doesn't know!"

[In the scene, Yuyi puts on a Taoist suit and holds a Six Paths tin stick and leaves the home where he has lived for decades, preparing for a road to redemption.

"Thanks for your care, toad pill! I wouldn't be able to defeat my mother without the immortal power you taught me."

"Are you going anyway? Brother." asked the slapped toad pill.

"Well, I want to find a place suitable for the life of the nine-tailed beasts, and to restore this torn land to its original form!"

"Good luck, but I want to remind you one thing. I had a dream. In the distant future, there will be a blue-eyed boy playing with nine monsters. This boy will evoke miracles.

"Then this means that the chaotic world has appeared, and what I did was wasted effort?"

"Don't mind, fate is not something you can avoid if you want to avoid it! Goodbye, brother.,

After speaking, one person and one clam separate, and each embarks on a different path. 】

When everyone saw Sage of Six Paths and a toad in the video calling them brothers and sisters, they were all dumbfounded.

[Ya: Where's the toad here? It's so big. It's a brother of Sage of Six Paths. 】

[Xiao Li: And it seems that I also taught Sage of Six Paths Sage Art, really?]

[Tenten: He seems to be able to predict)

[Naruto: This isn’t the big toad grandpa from Mount Myōboku, right? How small!]

[Jiraiya: Naruto, you are right. 】

[Naruto: I can’t believe that Grandpa Toad Sage lived for so long! It’s amazing!]

[Namikaze Minato: Naruto, it seems Toad Sage predicted that you are the son of destiny thousands of years ago!]

【Jiraiya: Minato, I actually thought you were the one who fate.. I didn’t expect Naruto in the end. 】

[Namikaze Minato: Ahaha, it's all the same, they are all boys with closed eyes!]

The image exposed in this video is not particularly important, but everyone has also realized a fact from the mouth of the toad pill.

That is, even if you know your fate, you can't escape it if you want to escape it.

Everyone must firmly walk the path he should take, even if it is wrong!

Even if Sage of Six Paths knew the fate of the future, he still insisted on going on, let alone them?

Regardless of whether he will become extinct in the future, Chong will be over.

[In the scene, Sage of Six Paths began to take people to repair the bridge day after day, to influence everyone.

As his acts of kindness increased, people who were willing to understand the idea of ​​Sage of Six Paths appeared in the crowd, and passed Chakra to those people, leading them to think about what is life, what is love, and what is power. The bond between people forged will lead the world to peace.

After traveling for a long time, Sage of Six Paths took the apprentices to repair this dilapidated world and found a suitable place to release the tail beast.

However, things are counterproductive. In the long history, people who attempt to abuse the power of the tail beast have emerged one after another, eroding the tail beast's patience with humans.

This has also led to a hostile relationship between the tail beast and humans. 】

After watching this quick short film, people in the ninja world know the greatness of Sage of Six Paths.

He broadcasts Chakra, not for the ninjas to use Chakra for war, but just to connect everyone's hearts together and lead the real world peace.

Even the tail beast was willing to get along with humans at first, but people were selfish and wanted to use the power of the tail beast for their own personal gain. In the end, the tail beast was incompatible with humans and caused so many human tragedies.

In the final analysis, all these are people's answers.

[Naruto: Captain Kurama, I say sorry for those who hurt you]

[Kurama: Hmph, kid, you can make do with the others I met, hehe. 】

[Muzuru: Actually, Gaara, the kid on the screen is also doing pretty well!]

[Gyūki: If Killer Bee can say less rap, I would like him better! But, I am used to it now. If he doesn't rap, I will not be used to it. 】

[Monkey King: Why did the three of you start showing off your Jinchūriki? It would be better if Lao Zi can remember my full name. 】

[Lao Zi: It's been so many years, and everybody complains about me. Go back, Monkey King. 】


The rest of the ninja world watched the tail beasts chatting silently.

Touching his conscience and saying,

They are indeed not qualified to enslavement and drive the tail beasts. It is these people who have caused the status quo. If they still do not know how to repent, the war will only break out again and again, and it will never end.

At this time, the screen continues to expose new images.

[In the scene, Sage of Six Paths returned to the village, where Ninzong was established, and at the same time he married his wife and gave birth to two sons, Indra and Ashura.

Ashura and Indra grow up strong and close, the older brother always takes care of the younger brother, and the younger brother always revolves around the older brother.

The two study together, play together, and fish together.

At that time, the Ninja School did not possess the elements of martial arts. In the final analysis, what Sage of Six Paths wanted was the bond of the heart, as long as it had a healthy body with a healthy spirit.

Sage of Six Paths doesn't think it is necessary to practice ninjutsu again, but the invention of Indra greatly changed the development of ninjutsu, that is, knot printing and launching ninjutsu.

For Sage of Six Paths, you can use the technique without the seal, but the people who were given Chakra by him can't do it, but Indra has realized an invention that Sage of Six Paths can't do at the age of ten. A veritable genius of Ninzong (Wang Zhao Zhao).

The invention of the use of Jie Yin fundamentally changed people's lives. As long as you persist in practicing, everyone can learn the technique, but Sage of Six Paths did not find a mysterious dark power that has come to Indra, that is, Black Zetsu.

It is precisely because of Black Zetsu that caused the grievances of brothers that lasted for thousands of years. 】

After watching this series of condensed images, the people in the ninja world are also quite conscious about the establishment of Ninja Sect and the relationship between Ashura and Indra.

On Hokage Square,

Ya: "|I ​​found that Naruto is indeed the same as Ashura. They are both stupid people who don't like to read and can't learn ninjutsu."

Ino: "Sasuke is similar to Indra, no matter what it is, you can learn everything. It is a veritable genius."

Hinata: "Because of this, two people can complement each other!"

Little Sakura: "Hinata is right!"

Neji: "I didn't expect that Jieyin's use of ninjutsu was not passed down by Sage of Six Paths, but was invented by the ten-year-old Ashura! This is the true originator of ninjutsu!'

"Yeah, I can't believe it."

This fact has greatly subverted everyone's cognition, just as people in the world think the earth is a square, but suddenly someone tells you that the earth is round.

If this is understandable, but what kind of fascination did Indra suffer from Black Zetsu?

What happened in it?

Can Sage of Six Paths finish the story quickly?

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