Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 187 : It's not the fault of the father, Sage of Six Paths, you carry this pot on your b

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The entire ninja world wanted to unravel the truth as soon as possible, and understand the origin of the grievances between Indra and Ashura more quickly, and the eagerness was conveyed to the screen, which also caused the screen to use the double speed to expose the image.

[In the camera, Indra looks worriedly at the members of the Ninzong who are practicing the technique.

"I don't know if this is a good thing."

Sage of Six Paths asked in a deep voice: "Why?"

"The spiritual-centered practice has been transformed into a technique-centered practice. Perhaps one day it will become a weapon and bring war to the world."

"The posterity is terrible, have you thought of this far?"


"That's okay. No one can stop the pace of time. Even if you don't invent seals now, someone will invent them in the future. Weak Chakra will become a weapon, so hone your control of it."]

This paragraph of dialogue on philosophy has made many people in the Ninja world come to an epiphany.

Especially those who hate Forbidden Technique and hate Second Hokage.

Because of Second Hokage's Impure World Reincarnation, so many dead people are causing trouble in the Ninja World.

But after another thought,

These Forbidden Techniques have pros and cons, and the Master can play different roles in the hands of different people.

Rather than hate people who develop Forbidden Technique, it is better to accept it, and then polish one's heart. Only when the heart is upright will not abuse Ninjutsu.

Just like ordinary ninjutsu, it was just for the convenience of people's lives in the beginning. But people with ulterior motives still use ninjutsu on the battlefield, all of which are mental problems, no wonder ninjutsu.

[Black Earth: Indra is too smart, and his eyes are so far away, which is far behind us. 】

[Akato: Junior sister, that's the son of Sage of Six Paths anyway, this is normal. 】

[Huang Tu: Since his talent in ninjutsu is not as good as his ninjutsu talent, then cultivate your heart. In this regard, everyone is on the same starting line!]

[Ohnoki: Hurry up and polish the stone in your heart!]

The others were seeing the people of Iwagakure rediscover the Will of Stone, and they followed closely, trying to find the persistence in their hearts 677, the spirit that cannot be given up.

And at this moment,

The screen exposes the image at high speed again.

[In the scene, "Weapon Master" Black Zetsu tried to contact Indra for the first time, said a few inexplicable words and left.

But Indra knew that he was still asleep in his body with a more powerful force, but it was conditional to awaken this force.

You can't do it by practice, you can only lose love.

Immediately after the screen turned,

Ashura faced a wild boar attack, Indra turned on Sharingan in fear of his brother being injured, and then started the power that Black Zetsu said. 】

[In the scene, the two grew bigger and bigger, but Indra's character turned out to be more stubborn.

Because of being the hero of Black Zetsu, the "weapon master", Indra feels that he has Sharingan and can gradually see the truth of the world.

He believes that it is power that constrains the world, and it is the rules created by force to make the world more peaceful. 】

After watching two consecutive pictures,

People in the ninja world also gradually understood why Indra and Ashura eventually parted ways because of deviations in their respective concepts.

Indra, who was imaged by Black Zetsu, began to think that he was special and unique.

And the powerful power in his body also made him arrogant and arrogant, thinking that the rules of the world should be created by power.

[Ai: Indra's ideas are very similar to our village. It’s just that we agree with the strength of the collective, not the strength of the individual!]

[Onoki: Perhaps this is a common problem with powerful people, and the same is true for Uchiha Madara. 】

【Terumi Mei: Many people will get lost in the temptation of power, not everyone is Sage of Six Paths. 】

When this topic was discussed, no one continued to answer the conversation.

Because this issue is too sensitive, it is easy to make the united hearts fall apart again.

If you think deep down,

The strength of Konoha Village has far surpassed the other four villages. If they lose themselves, it will be a disaster for other villages and countries.

At this time, the screen also exposed the new picture to shift everyone's mind.

[In the scene, Sage of Six Paths released a mission to let Indra and Ashura each solve a mission to clean up the remains of Ten Tails, and decide who to entrust Ninzong to depending on the result.

"Why? Father, why did you do this? You know that I didn't inherit the talents of Ninzu. No, I don't want to inherit Ninzu at all! It's enough to be sent by my brother!" Ashura was unwilling to accept.

"It's up to me to decide. What you will do after you join the world, I will make a decision after seeing it clearly."

In this way, the two embarked on the journey of carrying out the task. 】

【Ashura finally rushed to the destination with his companions after hardships. In order to solve the problem caused by the drought, he decided to lead everyone to dig a well.

In this way, day after day, Ashura started the mode of digging wells like a fool.

Finally, he shot the water and returned to Ninzong with a few villagers.

On the other side, Indra relied on his own strength to easily solve the problem, and returned to Ninzong early to wait for the result. 】

[As soon as the camera turns, Ashura and Indra wait for the final choice of Sage of Six Paths.

"Ashura, tell me about your experience there.

"The village I went to originally relied on the water source of the sacred tree for a living, so I decided to dig a well and spread Ninzong to save everyone."

After listening to Ashura, Sage of Six Paths solemnly said: "Now the heir of Ninzong is announced. The heir of Ninzong is Ashura!"

"Why are you dissatisfied with my successor, please tell me the answer?" Indra was puzzled.

"I have received a report that the village you are responsible for is on the verge of destruction. Tell me about what you did."

"What I did is the same as Ashura. I gave the villagers water according to their needs, but the only difference is that I did it alone.,

"But this has led to a big difference in the results. The villagers fight each other for the right to water and kill themselves, and the happiness at their fingertips will not last long.,

"Indra, you have the extraordinary power of Sharingan. Although Ashura has grown, but the strength is not strong enough, in order to support the future development of Ninzong, you can help Ashura!"

Hearing this result, Indra left here with two of his confidants. 】

Hearing this answer, everyone in the Ninja World didn't feel any surprise in their hearts.

But in fact, everyone also felt that Sage of Six Paths was a little bit eccentric, and Indra did it right. At least he also helped them (ajbg) get water out of the water for the sake of the people in that village.

As for the village’s demise, it was entirely self-inflicted. It would be out of nowhere if this kind of thing had to depend on Indra.

It's not that Indra taught them to use their power to occupy the water source and cause the villagers to kill each other.

To say why such a result occurs, it can only be blamed on Indra being too strong and Ashura being too weak.

Obviously, Ashura wanted to dig the well by one person at the beginning, but his strength was insufficient, so everyone would help.

If he has the same power as Ashura and he can easily get out of the water, wouldn't that village also end in death?

However, none of these thoughts were spoken out.

Because for ordinary people in the ninja world, the more mediocre the leader, the more comfortable and relaxed they are, and the less stressful they are.

[Hei Shi: Actually, I think Indra's departure is mainly related to Sage of Six Paths. If he can reason with Indra, I think the result will change!]

[Azabu Yi: Indra is too strong to lose!]

[Samui: If you don’t teach it, it’s a sense that Sage of Six Paths is not good at educating children!]

[Killer Bee: The strong recognize Indra more, and the weak recognize Ashura more. However, there are still many weak people in this ninja world, and Indra doesn't understand the principle that people who are in favor of the people win the world. 】

[Ai: Where did you study?]

[Killer Bee: I read a miscellaneous book, which states that when the throne is replaced, the princes have made various calculations because of the problem of the heir. But in the end, he was won the throne by a prince who was not very capable but was good at garnering talents. 】

【Terumi Mei: Sage of Six Paths must have known his mistakes at the time, so please don't let it go. 】


Although some people sympathized with Indra, most Ninja members were satisfied with Ashura's succession.

Because he knows more about unity and strength, and knows more about love.

The true peace of the Ninja world is connected by love, and power is only a constraint, and it cannot truly make the Ninja world peaceful.

But everyone also understands,

The contradiction between Ashura and Indra is unfolding again. I am afraid that Ashura will face Blacken's Indra's revenge.

I'm afraid Ashura's situation will be bad, after all, he can't beat Indra.

At this time, the square meter began to be exposed.

[In the scene, Indra killed two good brothers who followed him in order to start Mangekyō Sharingan.

On the other side, facing Ashura's unwillingness to accept the position of heir, Sage of Six Paths opened Shikai puzzle.

"Indra has changed because of Sharingan. Everyone who sees him Sharingan will succumb to that power, because his Sharingan is so powerful."

"Because of this powerful force, slowly Indra stopped trying to understand other people's hearts, and his heart became closed. But you are different. You can understand people's hearts, so you can use forbearance with great love. Zong. And this brings trust, fetters and companions to people."

"There is love and affection in the fetters. As long as the fetters exist, Ninzong will not be used to crooked ways.

"You have to work together with your brother to spread the fetters of Ninzong."

"Now, I want to entrust my strength to you."

Then Sage of Six Paths directly empowered Ashura to transmit power. 】

After watching this scene,

Everyone in the ninja world was afraid of Indra's pursuit of power to kill his companions.

Unexpectedly, he would be so cruel after Blacken, just to turn on Mangekyō Sharingan to kill such a deep-fettered companion.

If such a person really becomes the leader of the Ninzong, it may really make everyone live in dire straits.

But if you want to face Indra’s Blacken journey,

The responsibility of Sage of Six Paths is also indispensable,

Since he knew that Indra would face the possibility of autism when sharingan was turned on, he still didn't help him, instead he watched his son Blacken.

All these show operations are also speechless.

Isn't this exactly the same as pure stocking?

When he was young, Indra knew how to love and took good care of everyone, and even made a contribution to the seal operation.

Even if he teaches Indra a little bit, the result will be different.

In the end, Blacken forced Indra to have a hostile relationship with Ashura, which can be said to be caused by Sage of Six Paths.

He didn't want to take down the scapegoat of "the son is not the godfather."

Of course, Black Zetsu also contributed to all these tragedies.

In the Ninja world, there are still a few good brains. They decide to only have one child in the future, and save the time because of branch house production.

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