Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 196 : Sage of Six Paths, who is angry with Sangou jade, and Kaguya who is betrayed again! (s

The behavior of the emperor of the motherland made the Ninja audience feel the atmosphere, and they launched the strongest contempt for people like him.

Regardless of Kaguya's future,

At least at that time, she was a mother who needed protection and a wife who needed care.

However, the emperor was not involved with others, and pointed the finger at Kaguya with his backhand.

Don't say anything. The order was made to kill the other country before.

Is it possible that the other country can only kill himself, and he can't kill himself?

What is this Hadō principle?

Now, countless people want to see how the emperor of the motherland died, and it would be better to end badly.

[In the camera, watching Aino rush to Jianyu to buy time for herself, Kaguya's eyes cold.

Kaguya desperately ran to the ground of the sacred tree, then opened his hands, and a fruit fell in her hand.

Then she took a bite, and the extremely huge Chakra energy filled her body in an instant, and a nine-hook jade Rinnegan was instantly born on her forehead.

Then she luminesed like a god and came to the nine heavens.

"Light up the world, Infinite Tsukuyomi!"

At that moment,

Everyone was exposed to the strong light of Infinite Tsukuyomi, and their bodies were firmly entangled by the roots of the sacred tree, turning them into "Zongzi".

Kaguya also stood in front of the emperor and said firmly:

"From now on, this land will be ruled by me and my children!"]

After watching this scene,

The audience in Ninja World felt very happy.

Perhaps this is because they substituted themselves as Kaguya!

But why did she become so cruel and evil in people's mouth?

If it's a big change in temperament, it won't change so quickly, right?


The two children, Sage of Six Paths and Ōtsutsuki Hamura, should never run contrary to her, and even act to seal Kaguya.

Anyway, Kaguya also desperately protected them...

Could it be that Kaguya suffered some psychological harm?

Thinking like this,

The screen begins to expose a new picture again.

[In the scene, Toad Maru contacts the adult Hagata Ha Village and tells them that the sacred tree is absorbing the essence of the earth.

And another walking doctor also told Hamura what he knew.

Many people throughout the Ninja World opposed Kaguya's routine worship of the sacred tree, and rebellions broke out everywhere. In order to suppress the rebellion, Kaguya killed the people in that country.

People everywhere say that Kaguya is a violent-kun, a demon who kills people without blinking.

Suddenly, Yui saw a group of people who were making a routine worship to the sacred tree.

But a woman in the team made Yu Yi very concerned.

He hurried down to stop the woman,


The woman turned her head to say hello: "Hayi, Hamura."

Yui asked concerned: "What are you?"

"I have been notified that it is time to worship the sacred tree."

"But" Yuyi knew the consequences, none of the people who went to worship the sacred tree had come back alive.

Haori pretended to look at him calmly, "No way, this is the rule set by Kaguya-sama a long time ago. Haori, although it is not long, I am very happy to meet you. Don't forget me."

Then she hung her long jewel necklace around Yuyi's neck, and then bid him farewell.


After watching this scene, the Ninja audience directly had a bold idea about the battle between Yui and Kaguya.


"Isn't it? The conflict between Yui and Kaguya is because of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?"

"I think it's because Toad Sage is holding him back,".

"Anyway, Sage of Six Paths and Toad Sage are on our side, ordinary humans."

"After all, if you continue to worship the sacred tree, the purification of the Ninja world will be sucked away by the sacred tree, and those of us may also become one of the people who worship the sacred tree.

"That's right. I just don't know what is the use of Kaguya to make those living weapons? If it is to control the population of the entire Ninja world or to control the Ninja world, her strength is enough.

Soon, the screen exposed the image again.

[In the camera, Yui is worried about the safety of the person who worships him, so he resists Kaguya's punishment and decides to take a look.

After hearing this, Hamura decided to follow along.

In this way, the two came to the ground of the sacred tree and saw thousands of "Zongzi" lying beneath the roots of the tree.

Hamura found Haori through Byakugan, and said to Hayi: "Brother, open this cocoon."

After the wooden cocoon was opened, it was the girl he liked, Haori, lying inside.

"Haori! Wake up!

But no matter how he swayed, Haori couldn't respond to him.

"Brother, it's useless, already dead.

Yui shouted sadly,

The next second, when Yuyi opened his eyes again, he had already evolved into Three Tomoe Sharingan. 】


Countless people in the ninja world are calling for cowhide!

Everyone believes that only Obito has a deep love for women, and can evolve from Ergouyu to Mangekyō Sharingan.

But what they don't know is,

Sage of Six Paths directly opens the three-goed jade for love, which is much larger than Obito's.

"At this time, I can basically be sure that Sage of Six Paths is going to have a big fight with his mother because of the death of his lover!"

"Don't say it is so superficial, Sage of Six Paths is a person with great love, not only for the lover, but also for the common people in the world."

"After talking so much, the main reason is that my love is dead.

"Ah, what you said is right, I don't rate it with you."

[The screen continues. Two people from Hayiha Village found Toad Maru, and then they entered Mount Myōboku with it.

As soon as he entered, Yui said curiously: "I feel an incredible power."

"Sure enough, as a human being, I can feel the power here. There is a kind of natural force called immortal power here, so as long as you use this power, you can easily gain strength far beyond normal.

Then the toad pill showed its operation and raised a huge stone statue of toad with one hand.

After pretending to be forced, Toad Maru took Yuyi and two people to the main hall, pointed to the glass ball and said, "This stone is called a memory stone, and it records everything that happened on the ground. You can also take a look."

Sure enough, it recorded the birth of the sacred tree, the Blacken of Kaguya, and the reasons for the worship, etc.

After watching the video, Yui said: "Toad pill, can you teach me how to use Sinka?"

"Brother, do you have to fight against your mother?"

"Just in case.

Next, Hayi began to learn immortal arts, and Hamura first returned to the village to stabilize Kaguya, lest the plan of the two of them was discovered.

However, Haemura was caught by Kaguya as soon as he returned to the village, and Byakugan discovered the secret between him and Hayi and Toadmaru.

At the same time, Yuyi's fairy skills have been completed, and he returned to the gate of the village to prepare for a battle with Kaguya.

The toad pill immediately took out a fairy talisman and said: "Brother, give you this, this treasure handed down from the toad country, this talisman is full of immortal power, which was made by the ancestors, and when your immortal power runs out Use it when you’re ready."

"Although it is a one-off, it allows people to recover from a near-death state.

After the feathers are collected, Kaidō: "I am grateful."

"I wish you peace, brother."

After speaking, the toad pill bounced and slipped away. 】

The exposure of this video is equivalent to fully showing the talent of Sage of Six Paths in front of everyone.

Sage of Six Paths, the legendary magic trick that is extremely difficult to learn, was learned within a few days by Sage of Six Paths.

This is when Naruto cried when she watched, and Jiraiya was heartbroken when she watched.

Naruto: "Sage of Six Paths learns so quickly, you don't have to taste the smell of bugs, right?"

Jiraiya: "Hey, I suffered the most in Mount Myōboku back then. Birds laid eggs on my head!!

Namikaze Minato: ".

In the chat group,

[Ohnoki: The result of the subsequent battle is obvious. Sage of Six Paths and Hayi have teamed up to seal Kaguya. 】

[Ai: Seriously, I am very interested in that fairy talisman, like the resurrection armor. 】

【Terumi Mei: Sage of Six Paths is the originator of the sage, learn fairy magic, obtain fairy talisman, and become fairy body. 】

[Kakashi: I'm just curious that Hamura should have been caught by Kaguya at this time, how did Sage of Six Paths save him?]

Kakashi just finished speaking,

The screen exposes the image,

[In the camera, Ha Yi walks into the lobby where Kaguya is.

"Yi, you broke the rules and went to that mountain, right? I can't help it, I can read your heart."

"Then you should also know, why am I mad at you?"

Kaguya's mouth rose slightly, "Do you love that girl?"

"Not just her, but all the people on this land. This is my love. Mother, why do you do that?"

Kaguya said coldly: "You don't understand how terrifying they are! For this, I need an army.

"That's the army? Mother! Who are you and where are you from?"

"I came from a distant sky, the original way. You can't reach that place, and someone who greets me will come here one day. Love doesn't work for them, they can only speak with strength." Kaguya's tone was obvious. With a hint of fear.

"|That shouldn't be the case either, mother, you obviously believed in love, that's why you have us.

"However, that relationship has also been betrayed, and now you, who I had tried my life to empower you, also want to betray me."

Yuyi stepped forward and persuaded: "Mother, believe in the power of love again! End the worship of the sacred tree!"

"No, I protected you and brought you up to adults. It seems to be a waste of effort. In the end, neither of you can understand each other with me."

"Then Yui, give me your power back!"]

The exposure of this scene directly frightened everyone.

Although no fighting broke out between Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and Kaguya, they got a terrible message from their conversation.

That's what Ōtsutsuki Kaguya said.. Who are "they"?

And judging from Kaguya's actions, even someone as powerful as she has to use the sacred tree to make living weapons to resist "them".

This means that "they" are much stronger than Kaguya, or at least stronger than Kaguya.

And everyone also found that Kei Yoruichi looked up at the starry sky, maybe not because she likes watching night scenes, but because she is always paying attention to the arrival of "them".

"Oops, I already feel scared!"

"Could Kaguya just be defeated, Naruto Sasuke and the others will face the'them' that Kaguya said?"

"Don't be like this, my little heart can't take it anymore!"

"Crow mouths quickly shut!"

Because of Kaguya's "they", everyone was almost frightened of heart disease.

But I quickly relaxed. Kaguya’s era has passed four to five thousand years. "They" have not come for so long, and it is estimated that the earth has long been forgotten.

At this time, everyone refocused their attention on Kaguya's personal issues.

(Good money)

To be fair, this woman is miserable enough.

What the guest officer said,

She once trusted humans, but was betrayed by humans.

Therefore, as an alien and human beings, she is justified.

Then she raised two more children, but the children stood with the earthlings against herself, which was tantamount to being betrayed by her son again.

Such a double blow is really cruel to a woman.

Is Kaguya really wrong?

Actually not necessarily?

After all, he and humans are not of the same kind, she has her own position, and she doesn't have to think about humans completely.

She just wants to live and fight against "them".

It is also incorrect to say that she is not at all wrong, because her status as an alien controls the lives of people on earth in her own hands, which is a harm to people on earth.

At the same time, the sacred tree is constantly absorbing the nutrients of the earth and constantly destroying the earth.

This also violates the interests of the people on earth.

After watching this conflict between aliens and humans, the audience in the Ninja world is also constantly reflecting on themselves.

Kaguya and the earthlings originally had a chance to live in peace, but they were broken by the earthlings.

It can only be said that the people of the earth at that time could not live their own lives.

The behavior of Hayi and Hamura has been recognized by most of the audience in the ninja world.

But according to the guest officials, they are a traitor, betraying Kaguya's trust and Kaguya's love for them.

They also made some mistakes.

But at this time, people in the ninja world must think for themselves. In the eyes of the audience, Yui and Hamura are heroes of salvation. This is an indelible fact!

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