Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 197 : To complete the unification of the Ninja World, Sashi Huang!

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Everyone in the ninja world knows that there is bound to be a big battle between Kaguya and Hayi, and the result of the battle is also obvious. Sage of Six Paths and Hamura won.

But what are the details in it, everyone still doesn't know.

At this moment, the screen also began a new round of exposure.

[In the scene, Hamura is controlled by Kaguya, and he constantly attacks Sage of Six Paths with physical skills.

"Wake up! Hamura, your enemy is not me!" Yui reminded loudly.

But Hamura seemed to be unaware, and just attacked Yui without speaking.


Hayi took a deep breath, and Chakra ran away all over his body, and shot Raikiri against Hamura who was rushing towards him.

"It turns out I, Hamura!"

With a thump,

Ha Yi's right hand penetrated Hamura's chest.

After receiving this kind of injury, Hamura finally came to his senses, and said in disbelief, "Brother."

As for Yui, because of his guilt towards Hamura and the self-blame for hurting his younger brother, he directly evolved from Sangoyu to Rinnegan.

The dying Hamura looked at Yui, "I..."

"You were manipulated by your mother just now.

"It's careless"

"Don't talk, I'll heal you!"

I saw that Yui took out the fairy talismans given to him by the toad pill from his arms, and then gently stuck it on Yumura's forehead, the green light flashed, and the fairy talism merged into Yumura's body, and the chest that was originally penetrated was completely restored. . 】

After watching the operation of Hayi and Hamura, the audience in the ninja world suddenly felt that the picture and the lines were very familiar. There was a feeling that they had seen it before, is it an illusion?

Think about it carefully,

This is the fucking version of Itachi, Sasuke and Kakashi Obito.

"Forgive me, Hamura" directly reminds me of "Forgive me, Sasuke"

As for Sage of Six Paths using Raikiri to penetrate Hamura's chest, dreaming back to the famous scene of Kakashi killing Lin and Obito.


The originator of all these famous scenes turned out to be Sage of Six Paths.

"No, why are everyone Brocon!"

"Sage of Six Paths has evolved directly from Sangou Jade to Rinnegan. How deep is this feeling for my brother?"

"Presumably the way to open eyes with Sage of Six Paths, the Uchiha clan are all younger brothers.

"I want a brother like this too, who can protect me!"

"You don't know how to take a soaked urine photo to see if you are worthy."

In the chat group,

[Ohnoki: The function of this fairy talisman is so powerful that it directly rescued the mortal!]

[Ai: It's too fierce. If Jiraiya could bring a fairy talisman when he went to investigate the Akatsuki organization, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to die!]

【Terumi Mei: You think that the fairy talisman is everywhere. Toad Sage means that this fairy talisman is extremely precious. If it weren't for Yui to play against Kaguya, it wouldn't hand over such treasures. 】

[Qing: Thanks to Kaguya, Sage of Six Paths, Rinnegan can be turned on. 】

[Nagajuro: Sage of Six Paths is the real one!]


Image continues-

[In the scene, Yui picked up the Six Paths tin stick and confronted Kaguya.

Suddenly the ground shook, and the sacred tree in the distance turned into a huge Ten Tails monster.

"What happened? Hamura."

"Feel a tremendous force."

Immediately after,

Sage of Six Paths drove a blue Susanoo equal in size to Ten Tails and several hundred meters high to slam into Ten Tails.

The battle lasted for several months. In the end, Hayi and Hamura's strength surpassed Kaguya, and the two jointly used the Six Paths Planetary Devastation Technique to seal Kaguya.

However, Kaguya squeezed some strength at the end and produced Black Zetsu from the cuff.

With Kaguya being completely sealed,

Ten Tails are also transformed into nine tailed beasts and are cultivated in Yuyi.

And Hamura was also preparing to bid farewell to Hayi at this time, "Brother, I want to be with my mother. When I was brainwashed, my mother's consciousness entered my mind and I felt her heart. My mother was always scared, and in order to protect us, My mother also has her own ideas. She is actually a weak woman. In the end, I still like my mother."

Although Yui was a little bit reluctant, he couldn't dissuade him. He praised: "Hamura, you are really a kind person."

"Brother, I will always watch the world you create in the sky.

Yuyi waved his hand and said, "Occasionally I remember to come and play, the road is not far away.

"I will, you take care."

Then Hamura turned into fluorescent light and floated to the sky to protect Kaguya. 】

After watching this clip, Ninja knew that that period of history should be over. The following content and the establishment of Sage of Six Paths, Indra and Ashura can be connected.

Although I knew that Sage of Six Paths won in this battle, I still felt that the scale of the battle was too big.

Celebrating a few months,

The whole world suffers from acne, no wonder Sage of Six Paths is going to repair the earth.

"Through this battle, I discovered several more details."

"If it's Susanoo who is the best, it's Sage of Six Paths. It's as big as Ten Tails, which is too exaggerated."

"In fact, what I care more about is that Kaguya's control of Ten Tails can fight Sage of Six Paths and Hamura for a few months, but she was defeated by Naruto and Sasuke in a day, which is too unacceptable."

"That's because you didn't notice a few variables in it. Kaguya has Black Zetsu, a dog-headed military division, who can resist for a day already!"

"Hahaha, this is also true."

After mocking Black Zetsu, everyone turned their attention to Kaguya and Hamura.

Have to admit,

Kaguya is indeed very pitiful. It must be uncomfortable to be sealed by his two sons.

But fortunately, Hamura is very kind,

Realizing Kaguya's not easy, after her fear, he decided to go to the moon to accompany Kaguya.

This can be regarded as a rare condolences to Teru Yoruichi.

After reading that period of history, Black Zetsu in the chat group appeared again.

[Black Zetsu: I just want to save my mother, is it wrong?]

[Ohnoki: It was correct to save my mother, but after you let her out, we people suffered. 】

[Ai: That's right, we people are just like grass and mustards in front of your mother. We can only be driven by her and become weapons. Are you saying that she is wrong?]

[Terumi Mei: Black Zetsu, you don’t want to be here now, we won’t let your plan succeed anyway!]

[Black Zetsu: You guys, wait, I will definitely rescue mom!]


After Black Zetsu let out his final roar, he disappeared from the chat group.

Everyone approves of his determination.

But everyone will not let him successfully rescue Kaguya.

Although Kaguya can be sealed by Naruto and Sasuke, who knows if Kaguya in the future can learn from his lesson and kill Naruto and Sasuke.

At this moment, a super huge video title appeared on the screen (ajbg).

"End of the Valley"

Seeing this title, everyone in the Ninja world was confounded.

Some do not understand why these four words appear again.

to be honest,

Seeing the end of the valley, everyone couldn't help but speculate in their hearts, because several fateful wars broke out in this valley.

Madara and Hashirama, Naruto and Sasuke.

Every time it is life and death,

Is there any opponent who is going to fight there this time?

Just in everyone's puzzled eyes, the screen started a new round of exposure.

[The scene once again returns to the aftermath plot after Kaguya was sealed. 】

[Sage of Six Paths got Naruto's answer and said: "Now you can disarm Infinite Tsukuyomi.

"Need our help?" Nine Tails volunteered.

"You don't need to take action. As long as Naruto, who owns all the tail beasts, Chakra, and Sasuke, who owns Rinnegan, form the seal of the child, the technique can be completely removed."

"So, Sasuke next, what's your answer?" Sage of Six Paths looked at Sasuke on the side.

Sasuke said in a deep voice, "Yes, but first I will kill the current Five Shadows in this Infinite Tsukuyomi!"

As soon as this word came out, Kakashi, Xiao Sakura, Naruto and others stared with surprise. 】

at the same time,

Everyone in the ninja world was shocked by Sasuke's words.

Isn't it?

The fuck just solved Kaguya, Sasuke is Blacken again?

Sasuke actually wants to kill the current Five Shadows, isn't he going to fight with the five villages at the same time?

This is really a limit reversal!

On Hokage Square,

Naruto wiped his fists and shouted unwillingly:

"Why! They have sealed the last Kaguya together, he still wants to be like this!"

"Asshole! Sasuke!"

Seeing that Naruto was so emotional, the others hurriedly calmed down.

This is not to blame Naruto,

Sasuke's remarks were too cruel, killing Gokage, this is provoking the fifth Ninja war.

Such behavior will definitely bring Sasuke into a situation where he will never recover. Even if Naruto wants to pull him, he won't be able to pull him back.

The four shadows in the other villages are also sinking into the water, but they didn't run away directly because of this, but wanted to watch the ending.

"This Sasuke is really curious and hard to control."

"Keep watching, Sasuke can't kill now, after all, he is the reincarnation of Indra.

[The scene continues, after Sasuke has said that he wants to kill the five shadows, he then said to the tail beasts: "There are also tail beasts, I want you to be restrained by me and one day put all of you to death!

Nine Tails' temper suddenly came up, and if he stretched out his paws, Sasuke,

But Sasuke just glared at him, and Rinnegan directly stopped all the nine tail beasts.

"The tail beasts were caught in the illusion and only used one tube."

"Naruto, it really turned out to be like this, I can only leave it to you next!"

"I won't stay in this world for long, and will soon disappear."

Sage of Six Paths sighed helplessly, and then prepared to hang up, not participating in the fight.

"Sasuke, is this your dream now? Are you still thinking about revenge?" Kakashi asked.

"Indeed, I used Isshin to think about destruction, with the goal of revenge, but now it's different. I want to destroy and then rebuild. A village without darkness will give the ninja world a new look.

"My proposition is revolution! It was the Five Shadows of the past that led to the ending today, so I came to be Hokage and change the village."

Then Sasuke folded his hands together and shouted: "Planetary Devastation!'

In an instant, the nine-tailed beasts were directly sealed tightly, flying in the sky and turning into nine little stars.

"Naruto, please!" Nine Tails shouted.

"Don't worry, I won't let you stay in for too long!" Naruto replied. 】

On Hokage Square,

Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang finally knew why Sasuke said at the time that he was going to be Hokage.

It turns out that his Hokage is not limited to Konoha Village, but the entire Ninja World.

He wanted to kill the Five Shadows, then complete the unification, and turn the entire Ninja World into a village, and he was the one who led the world to peace.

"Hiss! Sasuke's thoughts are too advanced!"

"This is no different from Indra's desire to restrain the Ninja world with strength!"

"Slightly stronger than Kaguya's rule, but only a little bit more."

"Such rule will not last long, and no one will always be oppressed by him."

"Furthermore, he can rule for a while, can he rule for a lifetime? He can't be immortal like Kaguya!

"Sasuke is still thinking simple!"

In other parts of the Ninja World, all kinds of heated discussions were also caused by Sasuke's sudden second episode.

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