Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 198 : Sasuke: Do you want me to play love games with her? (Subscribe!)

Sasuke's idea of ​​killing the Five Shadows made the people in other villages angry.

All the good mood of everyone is gone.

Cloud Shinobi Village,

Fourth Raikage scolded angrily: "I thought Sasuke was a plastic talent, the savior of the Ninja world, but he actually made such a moth after the victory of the war! ~ Damn it!,

"If he really has this idea in the future, I don't mind-kill him now!"

As soon as this remark came out, the others were terrified-one after another stepped forward to persuade them.

Azabu Yi: "Master Raikage, don't be impulsive. Sasuke's identity is very important to the future of the Ninja world. For the time being, he must not be touched, otherwise the fourth Ninja war will start early!"

Nozomi: "Yes, Lord Raikage, everyone knows that Sasuke is the reincarnation of Indra, and if Kaguya is resurrected in the future, only Sasuke can seal Kaguya, don't be impulsive!"

Hearing the advice of two powerful subordinates, Fourth Raikage's fire was mostly gone.

In fact, he didn't really want to kill Sasuke, he just wanted to fight the fire.

Moreover, he is also a person who is knowledgeable and willing to give his life to other people in the Shinobi world.

If one day he really needs his life in exchange for peace in the Ninja world, he will definitely be the first to rush forward without blinking his eyes!

As for the other three villages, although they also expressed strong dissatisfaction with Sasuke's ideas, their overall meaning is similar.

As long as it is for the peace of Ninja world, they are willing to give their lives.

But this kind of meaningless pay is really hard for them to accept!

"Sasuke's idea is too extreme!"

"Yes, Ninja is not one of his words, and there is Naruto who is evenly matched with him! He is not qualified to destroy the Five Shadows at the time!"

"Although most of the wars in the Ninja world were caused by the five villages, it cannot be counted as Wuying's head.

"Killing one shadow and the second shadow appearing, it's useless to kill how many people don't solve the real problem!"

"Yeah, I don't know what happened at that time!'

At this time, a new round of image exposure continued on the screen.

[In the scene, after sealing the nine-tailed beasts, Sasuke said: "After the battle, I have adapted to Rinnegan's abilities and methods of use, and there are no people in the way, except you, Naruto."

Sage of Six Paths watched Naruto and Sasuke who were about to fight and said helplessly: "The world is always unsatisfactory. I once entrusted my strength to one side, but I left the brothers Indra and Ashura crippled. I entrusted it to both. The result is the same now."

Unexpectedly, Naruto is sure of Kaidō: "No, I will let the fight between brothers end here."

"Let's release the tail beast, I have become friends with them, so I can understand that they won't do bad things anymore."

Sasuke said indifferently, "Naruto, you don't seem to understand. First, you are the Jinchūriki of the tailed beast, and the tailed beast Chakra in your body, I naturally intend to deal with it all. In other words, you will die, which is inevitable.

"According to the fairy's statement, you don't need to use the power of the tail beasts in your body to remove Infinite Tsukuyomi, just use the tail beasts I grabbed.

Naruto looked at him firmly, "You should understand, I won't let you do this?,

"Let's do it with you first, Naruto."

"Change place, you should know where it is!"

Sasuke turned and walked towards the fateful place. 】

After reading it, everyone in the Ninja world understood why the subtitle was called the Valley of the End.

It turns out that the battle between Sasuke and Naruto broke out there more than once, and there was even a second time!

The first time it was both losers, and almost both ended.

And this time, I am afraid that only one will come back alive.

Is it Sasuke or Naruto?

I am afraid

I'm afraid Sasuke will win the finale, right?

After all, Naruto is soft-hearted, he will not really kill Sasuke, just like the first exposure.

And this time Sasuke is Isshin trying to kill Naruto again,

It can be said that the Ninja World may really usher in a great unification!

Immediately afterwards, the screen continues to expose the picture.

[In front of the camera,

Little Sakura looked at Sasuke's back, as if returning to the night he left the village,

Before she knew it, tears filled her eyes again, and Sakura couldn't help but shouted at Sasuke:

"I actually know very well that I can't do anything. I like Sasuke so much. I think about you all in my heart, but I can't stand by your shoulders, and I can't be your opponent. I can only beg and cry like this. It's very embarrassing, right? .

"But Sasuke, if there is even a tiny bit of my place in your heart, please, don't go far. As long as we are together, one day we will be able to change back to what we were before."

At this moment, Sasuke stood still, Kaidō disdainfully: "You, it's really annoying!"

After speaking, Rinnegan directly used Rinnegan to give her an illusion, which made her feel the feeling of being cut out.

"As for using illusion on little Sakura?" Naruto said angrily.

"If this continues, she will follow us, and she will get in the way!"

Kakashi couldn't stand it anymore, and helped speak: "Little Sakura Little Sakura, she always wanted to help you, Sasuke."

"You want me to play love games with her? I have no reason to like her, and no reason to be liked by her!'

Kakashi continued to explain like a love mentor, "As long as I have a reason when I hate someone, it's enough."

"Besides, Sakura didn't want to take you as her own just now, she just wanted to help you."

"The girl who was almost killed by you still thinks of you and shed tears for you. That's because she loves you and suffers for it.

After recalling the scene with his family, Sasuke said faintly: "Perhaps it was just the bondage brought by the failed past.

Then Sasuke escaped towards End Valley.

And Naruto also gave Kakashi a thumbs up: "I will definitely bring Sasuke back, I will do what I say!"

Then rush to End Valley!]

Konoha Village,

Hokage square.

Little Sakura's face was no longer bloody.

When she saw that Sasuke wanted to kill herself with illusion, her heart instantly froze.

And Ino next to him is also walking back and forth in anger,

can be seen,

Little Sakura really likes Sasuke, but Sasuke is also really heartbroken.

Even saying that he didn't want to play a love game with little Sakura at all to hit people, it was too much.

Is it really just a game that little Sakura likes him?

So my love for Sasuke is also a game show?

"This Sasuke is too much."

"He is so disappointed that Sakura likes him so much! Starting today, I decided not to like him!"

"Little Sakura, don't be mad, three-legged toads are hard to find, and two-legged men are everywhere! It's not that he can't do it!"

But Ino's persuasion didn't make Sakura feel better, and she kept her head down and silently shed tears.

In the chat group,

[The first rap singer in the Ninja world: Sasuke is a bit cruel. Before in Kaguya's space, Sakura gave up his life to save him!]

[The First Puppet Master in the Ninja World: It is indeed too ruthless, not a gentleman at all!]

[Temari: The handsomer the man, the more cruel-hearted, I will find a man of ordinary appearance to marry in the future!]

[Black Soil: This Sasuke doesn’t understand Lianxiangxiyu, even if I don’t like it, I won’t use illusion to kill the little Sakura!]

[Qing: People say that beautiful women are like snake Sasori, but handsome men are the same!]

[Terumi Mei: This man is a bit interesting, but it’s not my wife’s food!]

0……………Look for flowers……

[Mist Shinobi everyone:)

[Onogi: The battle is about to come, I hope Naruto will win!]

[Ai: Even if you are not winning, you must draw a tie, otherwise the ninja world will really be ruled by the stinky boy Sasuke. 】

[Gaara: I believe Naruto! He will definitely get Sasuke back on track!]

At this time, a line of text appears in the middle of the screen.

Question: What is the ending of Zuoming's battle?

Option A, Sasuke died.

Option B, Naruto died.

Option C, both of them are dead.

Option D, neither of them died.

Reward: Get the right to ask a question to the screen.

Conditions: Single-choice questions, answer within 1 minute, and the top three audiences who answered the correct answer will be rewarded.

As soon as this problem came out, many people in the ninja world were immediately attracted by rewards.

It can be said,

This reward is equivalent to a prophecy.

And it's 100% correct.

In other words, if anyone answers the correct answer, whoever has a chance to predict the future.

In the chat group,

[Ohnogi: There are four options in total, so many of us will definitely be able to answer the correct answer. What we have to do now is to consider what the problem is and how can it be best for the Ninja World!]


[Ai: The old man is right, I suggest not to use this right to ask questions on individuals!]

【Terumi Mei: I thought of a question. 】

[Kakashi: Please speak!]

[Terumi Mei: Let’s ask about the screen, who is "they" in Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's mouth? Will they come to the earth in the future? What is their strength?]

[Gaara: These are already three questions, so I should simplify it a bit!]

[Kakashi: I want to directly ask how the "them" in Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's mouth died? How?]

[Ohnoki: Kakashi, you are really smart. 】

[Gaara: It’s just that we don’t know who they are)

[Ai: Otherwise, I'd better use two questions to insure a little bit. 】

[Oh Nogi: Yes, what about the third question?]

[Kakashi: I recommend keeping it for future use!]

[Everyone in the Ninja World: Yes!]

Although everyone had a good discussion, the leaders of the five villages also knew that if the right to ask questions like this were in the hands of individuals, they would inevitably make a deal with the five villages.

The right to ask questions in exchange for some benefits.

If such a deal is acceptable to them, most afraid that some people really use it for individuals, it will be a loss to the Ninja World as a whole.

I hope that these three opportunities to ask questions can be mastered by the five villages!

Taking into account that the time is up, everyone in the Ninja world began to fiercely answer the questions.



"C! "


Soon a minute passed, the screen recorded everyone's choice but did not announce the correct answer.

Ninja audiences are not surprised, knowing that the screen now likes to announce the answer in the end.

[Naruto: I believe I will stop Sasuke, he will not die!]

[Little Sakura: Me too!]

[Temari: I think Naruto might die, I chose B!]

[Gaara: I chose D!]

[Qing: Although I don’t want to see Sasuke win, but rationally believes that Sasuke might win, I chose B!]

[No. 1 rap singer in the Ninja world: Naruto must be impossible to die, he is my partner! I choose A!]


As everyone said their reasons for choosing the answer, the screen began to expose the final battle!

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