Cicada Moving

Chapter 997: No. 76

 Chapter 997 No. 76

Shancheng, in the military conference room at No. 29 Luojiawan.

 Wu Chunyang, Wu Jingzhong, Gu Qi, Song Minghao, and Gui Youguang sat in a circle neatly, looking at Zuo Zhong, who was at the top, waiting for instructions. When they were suddenly called to a meeting, they were also confused.

Zuo Zhong didn't waste any time and directly asked Wu Chunyang to give a briefing on the situation at the pseudo-agent headquarters. During this period, the Shanghai District sent back a lot of relevant information to the headquarters, and the Division 1 has been following up on this matter.

After hearing the order, Wu Chunyang went out and asked his subordinates to bring some documents to distribute to everyone. He also told the background of the establishment of the pseudo-agent headquarters, and then began to inform the military commander of the information currently available.

“Let’s take a look at the information. The first two pages contain the detailed files of Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun. These two people are both old people in the national intelligence system. We are all familiar with them, so I won’t introduce them in detail.

Ding Mocun has been engaged in intelligence work since the 15th year of the Republic of China and knows many people, including members of the military command. I think it is necessary to notify the Shanghai District to transfer those who have interacted with Ding.

This man is a veteran underground gangster with a very deep city. He kept a low profile after the surrender. The outside world knows very little about him. No one even knows where he lives. This shows that he is very defensive against outsiders.

Li Shiqun is not an easy character to get along with. The other party is also from the underground party. He joined the Special Branch. He was sent to Red Russia in the 16th year of the Republic of China and received training from the special police school.

According to the other party’s explanation, this is a school that specializes in training spies. Most of the students are underground party members from various countries. The training they receive is very professional and the requirements are very high.

For opponents like this who have received professional training and have rich experience, I hope everyone will go back and tell the brothers below to be vigilant and not to regard the opponent as an ordinary enemy.

In addition, this man has a cunning character and is a double-dealing man. He first betrayed the underground party and joined the Kuomintang party, but he was also dishonest when serving the party and state, and secretly contacted dissidents in Shanghai.

It is rumored that in the 22nd year of the Republic of China, he and Ding Mocun were afraid of being retaliated by Teko, so they killed the then head of the Shanghai District of the secret service headquarters as a proxy to escape the sanctions of the underground party.

If this guy didn't have a good wife, bribed Xu Enzeng with a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry, and spent one night with the man named Xu, the other party would have been sanctioned long ago, and there would be no chance of defecting to the enemy. "

What Wu Chunyang meant when he said this was that it was all Xu Enzeng's fault. If the other party could control their belts, they wouldn't have to hold this meeting today. Even if they did, they would only have to study one person from Dingmo Village.

Zuo Zhong and others nodded unanimously. The worst thing is that Xu Enzeng is a liar. The other party may be deliberately favoring Li Shiqun. At worst, the person named Xu will not have anything to do with Ji Ni.

On the other side of the city, Xu Enzeng, who was explaining to several military bosses that he had nothing to do with the Red Russia cutting off military aid, shuddered, and the next second he forced out a humble smile and continued to accept the reprimands from his superiors.

Not mentioning Xu Enzeng’s grievances, Wu Chunyang added: “Most of the members of the pseudo-agent headquarters were members of the former Suhu District and Southeast Region of the Central United States, from the district chief to the team members, they all became traitors.

Even though these people are pushy and obstructive when doing business, they are well-informed and well-connected. With their help, Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun do pose a certain danger to us and deserve our attention.

By the way, the traitors were first stationed at No. 67 Daxi Road, Shanghai. Later, they had to change locations because of the large area. Zhou Fushui chose No. 76 Jisi Feier Road as his office location after much selection.

 Zhou Fushui chose No. 76 Jisi Feier Road because this place was originally the residence of Chen Tiaoyuan, a veteran of the Kuomintang Party. He had stayed at the other party's house for a period of time and was familiar with No. 76.

And because Jisi Feier Road is located on the edge of the city, the surrounding area is not too busy but has many roads and convenient transportation. The most important thing is that the location is large enough to accommodate all the personnel of the pseudo-agent headquarters. "

Speaking of this, he glanced at Zuo Zhong covertly. When they were performing tasks against the underground party in Shanghai, they lived at No. 75 Jisi Feier Road. At that time, the deputy director seemed to have done some things to No. 76. layout.

He was a little confused as to why the deputy director would do this. Did he already know that the pseudo-agent headquarters was going to be established and that the office would be located at No. 76 Jisi Feier Road?

This thing is so weird.

  It should be said that No. 76 was picked by Hase Ryosuke, and it may have been planned. However, Zhou Fushui is a **** traitor and cannot have anything to do with the military commander or the government. So can the deputy director really figure it out?

Not only Wu Chunyang, but also Gui Youguang, who was responsible for digging the underground passage leading to No. 76 Jisi Feier Road, was also surprised. He stared at Zuo Zhong with his mouth open, his eyes full of shock and confusion.

Zuo Chong smiled and said nothing. He couldn't tell his subordinates that this was something he remembered in his previous life. After all, movies and TV dramas had ruined this agency. It seemed that without No. 76, spy wars would not be filmed.

Seeing that the deputy director had no explanation, Wu Chunyang thought it involved confidentiality. He immediately put this question behind him and introduced the internal structure of the pseudo-agent headquarters building.

“In order to keep it secret, Dingmo Village and Li Shiqun were not listed to the outside world. Internal staff of the Puppet Government called it No. 76. The overall layout is similar to No. 75 where we lived, with multiple flat houses and a three-story western-style building.

According to reliable information, there is a watchtower near Gate 76, facing the Jisi Feier Road. The tower is equipped with rifles and is responsible for long-distance surveillance and security. Entry and exit must have a pass issued by the Special Commission.

The back door was originally a Western style, but after the traitors left, it was changed to an archway style, with a doorway in the middle. The two gatehouses on the left and right were built with gun holes and two machine guns hidden inside. Anyone without documents or who forced the attack would be killed.

The brick-and-plank building in the yard is the residence of the security brigade, the interrogation room, and the offices of some of the "76" offices. There are about 40 to 50 people working during the day, and there are not many people at night. All of them are armed with Browning high-power short guns. .

As for the three-story foreign-style building, No. 76 is called "Gaoyangfang" internally, which means that only senior intelligence personnel and high-level officials of the puppet government can enter. At the same time, everyone who enters has a special collar badge on the back of their collar as a secret sign. In fact, it is not accurate to say that it has three floors. There are more than ten dungeons, water cells and torture chambers underground, used to deal with arrested persons who refuse to surrender or confess. Each torture chamber has an electric chair and a tiger bench.

The first room on the east side of the first floor is the reception room. There are two socialites hired from Dinmo Village from the study apartment as receptionists. These two people are not equipped with guns, but there is an alarm bell under the table that leads directly to the security brigade.

Behind the reception room is an inner and outer room. The inner room is used for telephone wiring. There are three male operators with short guns on duty in three shifts. Two courtesans sometimes help. The inner room is a storage room where some spare electrical materials are stored.

Opposite the reception room is the restaurant. There is a chef and 6 waiters on call around the clock. There is a door in the corner connected to the conference room on the west side of the first floor. This conference room is also the swearing-in room for new agents joining the "76".

There is a staircase in the middle of the first floor, with a total of 82 steps. It is a wooden structure that was just renovated two months ago. It is relatively strong. There is a sentry post at the corner of the middle section of the staircase, equipped with an alarm bell, a submachine gun and a short gun.

To the east of the second floor, above the reception room, is Ding Mocun’s office and bedroom, and opposite is Li Shiqun’s. However, they never work in the office and only handle official documents in the conference room on the first floor.

There is a long and narrow corridor to the west of the two-person room. On both sides of the corridor are small cells dedicated to female prisoners and other high-rise residences in No. 76. A 10-person security team is responsible for guarding the room in two shifts.

The stairs from the second to the third floor are the same as those on the first floor. The only difference is the iron fence at the entrance of the stairs. This floor is used as a residence for prisoners who are willing to surrender. It is also called a treatment room. Each room has a dedicated washroom.

Behind the high-rise bungalow is a large garden. A large garden shed to the west of the garden has been converted into a detention center. There is also a two-story building. Radio No. 76 is located here, and there are guards in front of the door 24 hours a day.

Behind the garden shed is a large three-bay building with a reinforced concrete structure. It is the Japanese military police dormitory and arsenal responsible for monitoring and supervising No. 76. Even Ding and Li must be notified in advance when they go here.

What I just said is attached with detailed drawings on page 5 of the document, accurate to centimeters. This is top secret information. You can read it here. You cannot take it out of this conference room, let alone disclose it to anyone. "

Wu Chunyang told all the information about the location of No. 76 in one breath. After hearing this and looking at the drawings, everyone present was moved in their hearts. There must be someone in No. 76, otherwise the information would not be so accurate.

But Zuo Zhong still had no intention of explaining. He joked to Wu Chunyang: "Let's talk about the other party's organizational structure. Look at how much these losers from the central government have grown."


With a serious expression, Wu Chunyang walked to the blackboard in the conference room and drew a tree diagram on it. He used chalk to add notes next to the tree diagram while explaining.

“No. 76 is a newly-established department, the personnel situation is very unstable, and the structure has changed many times recently. According to the latest information we obtained, the department is divided into eight divisions and four rooms.

 The first division is mainly responsible for dealing with our military commander. The division chief is Wan Lilang. It is rumored that he was a member of the Jinhua training class of the Secret Service in the 21st year of the Republic of China. This is pure fabrication.

In the 21st year of the Republic of China, the Secret Service did not have this so-called Jinhua training class at all. Even in several other training classes, there was no name of the other party, and the background was relatively mysterious.

 The second division is to deal with the Central Unification, which has an attached anti-underground party unit to deal with the northwest and the newly formed Fourth Army. The director is Hu He, the former deputy director of the Suhu District of the Central Unification and the chief of the Intelligence Section.

The third division dealt with anti-Japanese military forces. The division chief Zhang Jinlu, female, was originally the chief of the interrogation section of the Suhu District of the Central Unification Committee. She was good at prying open the mouths of interrogated persons through heart-to-heart talks.

 The fourth department dealt with the concession. The director, Panda, had a background in the Cao Gang and was Ji Yunqing's eldest disciple. He had a large number of people in the public concession and the French Concession, and he was considered a man with great hands and eyes.

The remaining heads of the Confidential Office, General Affairs Office, and Electrical Affairs Office are also the old people in charge of these aspects in the Suhu District of the Central Unification Committee. Some of the deputy directors and lower-level staff are traitors of the Central Unification Committee, and some are Caogang personnel.

The last one is the Intelligence Division, which is responsible for the collection, editing, and guidance of intelligence. The director of the division, Tang Keming, is also from Caobang and has a close relationship with Boss Zhang, one of the three tycoons in Shanghai.

I won’t introduce the inspector’s office, commissioner’s office, interrogation room, and laboratory. Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun are competing for these positions, and the person in charge has not yet been determined.

In addition to these departments, the captain of the guard brigade of No. 76 is Wu Sibao, who is also a disciple of Ji Yunqing. He is tall, powerful, cunning, and cruel.

This is the organizational structure and personnel situation of No. 76. Judging from the above information, No. 76 is an enlarged version of the Suhu District of the Central Unification Bureau. All it takes is Xu Enzeng to be the director himself. "

Wu Chunyang ended the report with a joke. After saying that, he returned to his seat and sat upright. In fact, he was being polite. No. 76 was not only an expanded version of the Su-Shanghai District, but also the Central Unification Bureau in Shanghai.

Zuo Zhong looked at the familiar names on the blackboard, and his teeth itched with hatred. Xu Enzeng had been busy for so many years and had accomplished nothing. Instead, he had cultivated a group of talents for the puppet government, mother┴Xippi!

What he didn't know was that just when he was talking sweetly about Zhongtong and Xu Enzeng, the Japanese had already targeted the Shanghai District of Juntong and were monitoring an important person in the Shanghai District.

 (End of this chapter)

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