Cicada Moving

Chapter 998: traitor to military rule

Chapter 998: Military Traitor


The French Concession is as lively as ever. The war brought a large number of refugees. These cheap laborers brought huge profits to industry and commerce. Time seemed to have returned to the "Golden Decade", and all walks of life were quite prosperous.

Especially at night, Aidoya Road is even more crowded because it not only houses the famous Casanova Ballroom in Shanghai, but also the Ambassador Ballroom, Anle Palace and other entertainment venues. It is a famous nightlife location in the French Concession.

 Cars and rickshaws stopped here. Well-dressed Xiaokai, flamboyant socialites, cigarette sellers, newspaper sellers, and errand runners blocked the road so tightly that it was difficult to even walk.

That night, a man and a woman appeared at the intersection of Aidoya Road. The woman held the man's arm and smiled sweetly. The man was wearing a fashionable striped suit and looked very elegant.

The two of them walked to the Casabano Ballroom while talking. When they passed the foreman at the door, the man took out two yen and threw them to each other. The foreman immediately bent down and led the way with a flattering smile.

 The guests on the side were secretly stunned. Nowadays, in Shanghai, the government’s legal currency is no different from waste paper. Only the value of foreign currencies does not fluctuate much, especially the Japanese yen.

 Under the forcible promotion of the Japanese troops stationed in Shanghai, the exchange rate of the Japanese yen was very stable. Those two yen just now were enough for ordinary Shanghai people to live for a month. I don’t know who was so generous.

At the same time, at a surveillance point opposite the Casabano Ballroom, Li Shiqun, deputy director of No. 76, stood next to the surveillance point and pointed at the man in the distance to introduce the situation to Ryosuke Hase, the assistant officer of the Special Committee on China.

“Your Excellency Chang Gu, this is Chen Mingchu, the personnel commissioner of the Juntong Shanghai District. According to the confession of He Xingjian, the deputy commander-in-chief of the Zhongjiu Army and commander of the 1st Column who surrendered to the empire, this person has mastered most of the personnel in the Juntong Shanghai District.

Not only that, the other party has also worked at the Jinling Station of Juntong and is very familiar with the situation there. This is a big fish. As long as we can persuade it to cooperate with the empire, then Juntong will no longer pose a threat to us and the new government. "

Li Shiqun licked his lips excitedly as if thinking of his general's ability to rule Shanghai and capture all the intelligence personnel in Jinling. With this achievement, he would be able to gain a firm foothold on the 76th.

If we can coax Mr. Changgu in front of us, he, Li Shiqun, may not be able to sit in the position of director of No. 76. They are all traitors who betray their country and seek glory. Whatever benefits they have, they will be taken away by Ding Mocun.

Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun were both veteran members of the underground party at first. Because of their lack of determination, they rebelled against the party and joined the Kuomintang party. Then they rebelled against the country and surrendered to the Japanese invaders again, becoming shameful traitors and great spies.

Ordinarily, with such an embarrassing status, the two of them should support and help each other, but human nature is the most complicated thing. When they became homeless dogs, the relationship between the two was really good, but now the situation is different.

No. 76 holds the intelligence power of the new government and controls the lives and deaths of countless people. The words Xiang Yu said in front of the First Emperor's guard of honor still apply here. The two of them will naturally compete for this position.

Another reason is that although they both rebelled against the party, the situations of Li Shiqun and Ding Mocun were different. When Li Shiqun was arrested, he concealed a lot about the underground party from the party, and the damage caused was not very great.

But Ding Mo Village was different. After his rebellion, he sold out all the information he had in order to seek credit and reward from the Fruit Party, causing great casualties to the underground party.

 At other times, Li Shiqun naturally has an advantage over Ding Mo Village. After all, he has not done everything right, so he doesn’t have to worry about the underground party coming to trouble him. The problem is that the Japanese trust Ding Mo Village more than Ding Mo Village, who has done everything possible.

Because doing Jue means that Dingmo Village has no way out, offending the underground party, and offending the fruit party, he can only follow the Japanese all the way to the dark side without worrying about loyalty.

Then the question is, as long as Dingmo Village does not move for a day, Li Shiqun will have to be the deputy director for a day, so dog bites dog is inevitable. It is simply impossible to expect a bunch of traitors to take care of the overall situation.

As for the Zhongjiu Army that Li Shiqun just mentioned, it was the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Special Forces in the Shanghai Battle. After the war, due to heavy losses, it was transferred to fight behind enemy lines, and its name was officially changed in the 27th year of the Republic of China.

This is also the only large-scale armed force under the direct control of Dai Chunfeng. Therefore, it is highly valued by Lao Dai. He wants money and people. As a result, the number two figure defected to the enemy and rebelled. It has to be said to be an irony.

After listening to Li Shiqun's report, Hase Ryosuke's eyes rolled around and he felt a little panicked. Will the personnel specialist of Juntong Shanghai District know his true identity?

Although Zuo Zhong has repeatedly assured that his identity is top secret and has no interaction with the local district station, he has leaked so much information. What if a certain piece of information is known by the Shanghai District and points to a mole within the empire.

You can never gamble with your own life. He glanced at Li Shiqun's neck with his peripheral vision. After all, he also came from Tongwen Academy. He was still sure of killing someone... There was a p.

 Hase Ryosuke remembered that the other party had been trained at the Red Russian Intelligence School, and decisively gave up this unrealistic idea. Besides, there was a person from No. 76 outside the door, and he could not explain the death of the person.

He suppressed the murderous intention, raised the telescope in a pretentious manner and watched Chen Mingchu slowly disappearing into the feasting and feasting, nodded his head, turned around and praised with a smile.

“Yoshi, Li Sang, your work is very good. I will report your results to the director of Osako Agency. Unfortunately, I always think that you, Li Sang, are more suitable to lead the secret service headquarters than Ding, but the director of Oso Agency does not think so.

He believes that Ding Sang, who has completely betrayed the party and the underground party, can ensure loyalty. This old-fashioned personnel appointment rule is unacceptable. I have always believed that loyalty is only because the weight of betrayal is not enough. We want those who really do things to get the honor, money, and status they deserve. Only in this way can we ensure loyalty, rather than relying on how many underground party members have been killed. Li Sang, do you agree with me or not? "

After working hard in the consulate in Shanghai for so many years, Hase Ryosuke is no longer the stupid young man he once was. He paid his old classmate Iwai Gaosheng to make room for him and started to fight fiercely with the Japanese troops stationed in Shanghai. These two things alone made him You can see his wrist.

Now it is no problem to incite a traitor who is in constant panic. People have desires, just like he did at the Six Nations Hotel. As long as the benefits are sufficient, the other party will know how to choose.

Sure enough, Li Shiqun's heart immediately turned upside down after hearing this. Yes, Chang Gu is the assistant officer of the Special Committee on China. He is in the same situation as himself and is a natural ally.

The other party can be said to be a powerful influencer in Shanghai. It is said that he has deep connections in the Japanese Army, Navy, Customs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and even the Cabinet, and he also has good friendships with many big figures in Tokyo.

 How could such a person be willing to submit to others, especially under the old-fashioned man Osako Tosada? If the other person wanted to be promoted, he needed political achievements, and he needed a backstage background, so each of them got what they needed.

If the other party fully supports him, let alone No. 76, even Li Shiqun would dare to sit in the special committee and even the ministerial position of the new government, provided that he shows enough value.

Realizing that the director's throne was only one step away, Li Shiqun no longer hesitated, quietly looked in the direction of the door, lowered his voice and expressed his loyalty to Chang Gu mysteriously.

“Your Excellency Hase, no, Chief Hase, I am devoted to you and the empire. I haven’t reported Chen Mingchu to Director Ding and Daxu yet. Do you want to..."

Li Shiqun cautiously made a suggestion, with a very clear meaning, that is, to conceal Chen Mingchu and the investigation of the military reunification of Shanghai District. After the case is solved, he will go directly to Dingmo Village and Daxi to report to the superiors.

 “No, Li Sang.”

Hase Ryosuke did not correct Li Shiqun’s title, but turned around and patted the other party on the shoulder: “The premise of competition is that it does not affect the interests of the empire. We cannot kill each other like the people of the Republic of China.

 Just go ahead and do it, no one can take away your credit. I have some very powerful friends in the military and high-level empire, and they will ensure that our interests are not harmed.

But I want to know how Li Sang will deal with this Chen Mingchu, whether to arrest him secretly, or to follow the clues to find the latent organization of the military commander, and whether he can be used by the empire. "

Li Shiqun was surprised and happy. What surprised him was that Chang Gu was not prepared to hide the news. What he was happy about was that the rumors about Chang Gu's deep background were indeed true. He made the right bet this time.

At the same time, he still felt a little sad. It was different when he had a backer. Even if he didn't conceal the information, he didn't have to worry about being robbed of his credit. He immediately stopped hesitating and told the whole story about Chen Mingchu.

“Your Excellency Chang Gu, He Xingjian was originally a member of the Shanghai Cao Gang. During the Songhu Battle, he was the captain of the 1st Brigade of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Action Committee. The main members of the 1st Brigade were gang members, and their scope of activities was in the Pudong area.

This man attached great importance to the troops under his command and was dissatisfied with the reorganization and reorganization of the Zhongjiu Army by the Military Command Bureau. He had many conflicts with the personnel sent by Shancheng to inspect the troops. Dai Chunfeng, the leader of the military command, had murderous intentions for him.

In order to protect himself, He Xingjian took the initiative to lead more than 50,000 of his men to surrender to the imperial army. Afterwards, he revealed that he was quite familiar with Chen Mingchu, the personnel commissioner of the Shanghai District of the Military Command, and the two had eaten, drank and played together several times.

Moreover, he provided Chen Mingchu’s disguised identity and address, saying that the other party was greedy for pleasure and was a good target for rebellion. I thought it might be possible to contact the other party directly to avoid any mistakes. "

Regarding the business status of his former colleagues on No. 76, Li Shiqun knew very well that Chen Mingchu had indeed seriously violated the operating rules of intelligence personnel and exposed his identity and address. However, after all, he was a strictly trained military unification agent who wanted to rely on the Central Unification It is unrealistic for people to follow her. If the action is discovered, there will be many complications. It is better to talk openly and honestly.

“Yo Xi, let’s meet Chen Sang, and we’ll keep it a secret. You and I can go there. No one else is required to accompany us. Let them wait outside the door. They are not allowed to come in without an order.”

Hase Ryosuke touched the pistol in his trouser pocket and replied without hesitation. At the same time, he made up his mind that if Chen Mingchu said something that he shouldn't say, then he would send these two people to see the King of Hell.

As the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the adjunct of the Special Committee on China, although doing so will cause a lot of trouble, as long as he can find a good reason, his life will not be in danger.

The worst thing is to send more specialties of the Republic of China to "friends" in Tokyo. Hase Ryosuke just wants to find out the situation as soon as possible and report it to "Fat Tiger". After all, the land in South America has increased a lot...

 (End of this chapter)

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