Cicada Moving

Chapter 1056: trial room

Chapter 1056 Interrogation Room

Zuo Zhong was sitting on the bumpy car, turning his head to look at the mist-shrouded mountain city outside the car window. Xing Hanliang's face flashed in his mind, and he was filled with emotions for a while.

At that time, he had two friends at the Zhejiang Provincial Police College, one was Ban Jun and the other was Xing Hanliang. It turned out that both of them chose the same path. It was really a twist of fate.

Recalling the time the three of them spent at school, he sighed silently. The two of them ran away happily, but they left themselves in the big dyeing vat of Guodang. It was so unfaithful.

Just why did the other party openly defect? ​​If it was really an underground party, they should have chosen to lurk in the Ministry of Interior. That would be valuable.

 Could it be that he was exposed?

Looking at the vendors hawking on the street and the people haggling, Zuo Zhong saw the proud Xu Enzeng out of the corner of his eye, and a hint of hidden ridicule suddenly appeared on his face.

 Half an hour later.

Outside the original teaching building of East Sichuan Normal University, the motorcade slowly stopped. The Central Command and the Military Command were clearly separated, and they walked into the building surrounded by their respective deputy directors.

 Bringing people to a public station for questioning, it was obvious that Xu Enzeng did not want to expose the bamboo factory and was not worried about the news leaking out.

This scene happened to be seen by a little spy. When this person saw Zuo Zhong in the crowd, he was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly ran out of the yard.

On the other side, everyone walked to the door of a room marked "Interrogation Room". Xu Enzeng stopped and pointed to the iron door and said to Zuo Zhong.

“Deputy Director Zuo, please.”

Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang, who came with them, glared at each other. Cooperating with the investigation and interrogation were two different things. The person named Xu went too far, so Wu Chunyang immediately raised objections.

“Deputy Director Xu, I’m afraid it’s inappropriate for you to do this. Deputy Director Zuo is not a prisoner of your Central Command, so it would be more appropriate to find a conference room.”

Xu Enzeng raised his eyebrows, did not answer the other party's question, laughed dryly, and looked at Zuo Zhong pretending to be sorry.

“Deputy Director Zuo, I should have invited you to the conference room, but the bureau is undergoing renovations recently, so I have to ask you to sit in the interrogation room first. I’m really sorry.

In addition, Xu has an urgent business to deal with. Director Mou will talk to you first, and I will arrive later. By the way, your conversation will be recorded. "

He said he was embarrassed, but the corners of Xu Enzeng's mouth almost reached the back of his head, and his eyes were slightly provocative. Even a fool would know that he did it on purpose.

 “Haha, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter.”

They are all good actors in the government. Zuo Zhong responded with a smile, "Don't you just say one thing and do another? Today I will play with each other."

After saying that, he pushed open the iron door and walked in with his head held high. Gui Youguang glared at Xu Enzeng and followed behind with Wu Chunyang carrying a suitcase.

 After being glared at, Xu Enzeng didn't react at all. He turned around and left without hesitation, leaving Mou Zhiye and his men behind, as if he was avoiding something.

Wu Chunyang noticed the other party's movements and frowned slightly, feeling that the other party was a little strange, but he didn't have time to think about it and stepped into the interrogation room.

Zhongtong's interrogation room was no different from that of the military commander. It had an interrogation chair made of steel, an interrogation table with a lamp, and some torture instruments hanging on the wall. The lights were dim and the smell was pungent.

The only difference is that Zhongtong installed one-way glass on one side of the interrogation room wall so that the interrogation process can be monitored from the outside.

 This kind of special glass invented by Americans in the early 20th century is expensive and can only be imported from overseas. Xu Enzeng is fashionable and worthy of being a top student at Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh. He is ugly and easy to play.

“Chunyang, go back and inform the general manager to renovate the interrogation room. This thing is good.”

Zuo Zhong knocked on the one-way glass with his knuckles and gave a warning. Then he walked to the interrogation table and sat down, crossing his legs.

Mou Zhiye was stunned when he saw this. The man named Zuo sat on the interrogation table. He couldn't sit on the interrogation chair, so who was interrogating whom?

After thinking for a long time, he asked the secret agent to bring a chair to the side of the interrogation table with a dark face. He sat down gently and cleared his throat.

“Ahem, Deputy Director Zuo, I am Mou Zhiye, acting director of the Central Intelligence Office. I have some questions for you. Please answer them truthfully.

Do you know Xing Hanliang, the sergeant of the Police Department of the Ministry of Interior? When was the last time you met in private? I need a specific date. "

Mou Zhiye announced his identity, asked two more questions, and seriously picked up the notebook and pen to prepare for recording, looking businesslike.

The two questions he asked were very provocative. As long as Zuo Zhong said he knew Xing Hanliang and had met Xing Hanliang before he defected, many things would remain unclear.

Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang stood behind Zuo Chong, looking down at each other's actions with disdain and sneers on their faces.

Interrogating the deputy director is really a joke.

Who doesn’t know that the deputy director is an interrogation expert in the national intelligence system, proficient in communication interrogation techniques, and has pried open the mouths of countless die-hard Japanese spies.

If an acting director who can die at any time still wants to trick the deputy director, it is simply a trick. What does Xu Enzeng think? This is a waste of everyone's time.

Zuo Zhong did not underestimate Mou Zhiye. If he could become the intelligence director of the Central Unification Bureau, even if it was temporary, he would definitely be unique in his work.

If this person is really a waste, Xu Enzeng will not let him interrogate him. This will only embarrass him again in front of everyone and has no meaning.

 In short, never underestimate the lethality of small people. People at the bottom can do anything in order to climb up, not to mention the consequences. Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong changed his legs and continued to cross his legs. He glanced at the one-way glass on the wall and said something to Mou Zhiye calmly.

“Director Mou, right? Depending on your age, you should have joined the Central Command just a few years ago. You must have systematically learned interrogation techniques in the training class.

If I remember correctly, part of the latest interrogation textbook used by your Zhongtong training class contains the case of Mr. Zuo.

So let’s not talk nonsense, let’s get straight to the point. If Deputy Director Xu has any hats that he wants to pin on Zuo, just tell him. "

Xu Enzeng ran away on his own, but sent a **** to test him, so there was no need for him to be too polite, even if it hurt him.

 The officialdom has its own rules. As long as he is not removed from his post for a day, he will still be the major general and deputy director of the military command. He is qualified to say this.

Hearing Zuo Zhong’s taunt, Mou Zhiye’s expression did not change. He put down the pen in his hand, raised his head and sternly warned, his tone full of threats.

“Deputy Director Zuo, because you are the chief, we are sitting here and asking questions. How about we change seats?”


Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang shouted angrily at the same time. Gou Dongxi was so brave. He dared to say such a thing. Are they treating the two of them as dead persons?

The next second, the two of them walked up to Mou Zhiye together, ready to ask this guy to have a taste of his fist and teach him a lesson.

 “Spring sun, there is light.”

Zuo Zhong, who was behind the interrogation table, stopped the two of them with words. He stood up and walked to the one-way glass to look at it for a while, then turned around and stretched out **** to Mou Zhiye.

“Director Mou, Zuo has worked in the national intelligence system for seven or eight years. Over the years, I have only learned two words, and that is rules.

Do you know why your commander didn't follow in? Because he knew that such questioning would be fruitless, but why did he invite me again? "

Zuo Zhonghan looked at Mou Zhiye thoughtfully, shook his head regretfully, and then raised his voice again without waiting for the other party to answer.

“The answer is you, let me guess, did he tell you that as long as you can ask certain things, he will support you regardless of other things.

 Perhaps he also promised you that he would help you become the official director of the department after this matter is over. Well, by the way, he must have mentioned Minister Chen. Am I right?

 But did he tell you that as the deputy director of the military command, only the committee and the military council have the right to deal with me? Do you know what the following crime is? "

The following guilty.

Hearing these four words, Mou Zhiye was trembling. Of course he knew what the consequences would be. Going to jail was considered a light thing, but if he didn't make a mistake, he would lose his head.

But remembering what Deputy Director Xu said, he was a little reluctant. There are several opportunities in a person's life to reach the sky in one step, and he must seize it.

Taking a deep breath, Mou Zhiye was about to give the order to the Central Military Commission agents in the interrogation room to drive out all the military commanders except Zuo Zhong.

"Deputy Director."

Before Mou Zhiye could speak, a small military agent walked in from outside. He paid a military salute to Zuo and whispered something to Wu Chunyang.

After hearing this, Wu Chunyang waved his hand to let him go out, quickly came to Zuo Zhong's side, and also reported in a low voice that only two people could hear.

Zuo Zhong nodded while listening, and finally returned to the interrogation table and sat down. He crossed his arms and looked at Mou Zhiye for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth.

“Mou Zhiye, a 30-year-old native of Yueyang County, Hunan Province, has a widowed mother at home. He has lived in poverty since he was a child but is extremely smart. He relied on the help of his neighbors and relatives to finish high school.

 After graduation, I worked several jobs. In the 24th year of the Republic of China, I joined the Hunan Provincial Party Headquarters Investigation Office as an investigator. A year later, I was promoted to the Chief of the Investigation Office, responsible for tracking down dissidents.

He once led teams to crack down on underground party organizations in Hunan Province many times and captured many important personnel of the other party. However, he never received a promotion until he was transferred to the mountain city at the beginning of this year.

I heard from neighbors that you are very filial to your mother. I appreciate filial people the most, so I would like to remind you that it is not easy for you to get to where you are today. You must learn to cherish it.

My people saw with my own eyes your mother sewing winter clothes for you at home. What a kind and great mother you are. You must never let an old man with white hair send a black-haired man to you. "

He slowly reported Mou Zhiye’s information and kindly tried to persuade the other party, but he had no control over whether the other party would listen or not.

There are always some people who feel that as long as they dare to work hard, they will gain something, but the cruel reality will make them understand that when you come out to work, you have to talk about the background and backstage, otherwise no matter how hard you work, you will be a loser with no future.

However, Gu Qi's ability to figure out Mou Zhiye's details so quickly was indeed a bit beyond his expectation. It seems that the intelligence network of the two offices is getting better and better.

Faced with Zuo Zhong's heart-wrenching words, Mou Zhiye's eyes were slightly red, his hands were clenched into fists, his eyes were full of anger and fear, and he swallowed the order back in his stomach.

They all work in this industry, and he knows very well what the other party means. When necessary, the white-haired person can send the black-haired person to the black-haired person, and the black-haired person can send the white-haired person. The result depends on the mood of the other party.

 So how to choose? He was in a dilemma for a while.

At this time, there was a faint cough from behind the one-way glass. Mou Zhiye, who was in a state of war between heaven and man, suddenly woke up, came back to his senses and looked at Zuo Zhong fiercely.

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