Cicada Moving

Chapter 1057: Something is wrong with Lao Dai!

Chapter 1057 Something is wrong with Lao Dai!

The sound of coughing behind the one-way glass woke up Mou Zhiye, and at the same time helped him make up his mind. He immediately slammed the interrogation table.

“Deputy Director Zuo Zhong, let me ask you, did you know in advance that Xing Hanliang was going to defect, and did you disclose party-state secrets to him?”

In the end, he chose to take a gamble, preparing to pin the blame for collaboration with the enemy on Zuo Zhong, and pinned the safety of himself and his mother on the protection of Zhongtong.

Zuo Zhong looked at the other party calmly, as if looking at a clown.

Don't Mou Zhiye know what virtue Zhongtong is? Rather than believing that Zhongtong will care about him and his family, it is more realistic to believe that the sun rises from the west.

Xu Enzeng's style of conduct has always been to go up if he has merit, and to blame if he has faults. As long as he can disgust the military commander, the life and death of one of his subordinates does not matter.

Recalling the confrontation with Zhongtong in the past few years, Zuo Zhong sighed and recited the names of the former intelligence section chiefs of the former secret service headquarters.

 “Wang Aofu, Liu Gui, Meng Ting”

After reciting the names of several old rivals and dead ghosts, he looked at Mou Zhiye who was trying to make a fierce expression and chuckled.

“Haha, some of your predecessors are bad, some are stupid, some are both bad and stupid, and some are dissidents.

 But no matter what, they at least know that Xu Enzeng’s words cannot be fully believed, and they know how to protect themselves. Why did a fool like you suddenly appear?

It is true that weasels are giving birth to cubs, and each litter is worse than the next. If you have time to ask me, why not lead a team to intercept Xing Hanliang. "

As Zuo Zhong spoke, he took out a cigarette and lit it. His eyes fell through the swirling smoke on the face of the blushing Mou Zhiye, and he asked two questions indifferently.

“I would like to ask you that Operation Hong Kong City is a top secret among top secrets. How did you know about it? Could it be that the Japanese told you?

Do you know that pretending to cooperate and using underground parties to obtain information is the decision of the committee? Do you have any objections to the committee? "

 “No! I didn’t! Don’t talk nonsense.”

Hearing Zuo Zhong’s fatal question, Mou Zhiye was so frightened that he waved his hands repeatedly, shook his head and immediately denied it three times.

 Collude with the Japanese and have objections to the committee. Is it allowed to say such nonsense? If word spreads, he will be peeled off even if he dies.

With such an interruption, the courage Mou Zhiye finally mustered up evaporated, the rhythm of the interrogation was also interrupted, and the roles of both parties changed unknowingly.

Looking at the panicked young man, Zuo Zhong chose to strike while the iron was hot. He leaned forward with an impact and continued to ask questions without hesitation.

“Then tell me who revealed the Gangcheng operation to you. If you are not clear about this matter, you will have to go to the military commander sooner or later. Our military commander is not as gentle as your central commander.

I can tell you clearly that this matter is of great importance. Not to mention you, even Xu Enzeng has no right to intervene. Anyone suspected of leaking secrets is half a foot in the door of hell. "

In a short period of time, the interrogator became the interrogator, and the interrogator became the suspect.

Facing Zuo Zhong’s serious face and questioning, Mou Zhiye opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, lowered his head, and spoke out about the report, not daring to hide it at all.

Logically speaking, he should protect the whistleblower, but Zuo Zhong refuses to let go of his confidential mission, so now he can only sacrifice the other party.

Only when the question at hand is answered can the next inquiry be continued. If nothing is gained from this "interrogation", it will be difficult for the Central Committee to bring Zuo Zhong to the interrogation room.

 “Telephone? Report?”

Zuo Zhong frowned and muttered to himself, seeming to be thinking about the identity of the reporter, then glanced at Mou Zhiye and spoke slowly.

“Our Military Command will verify this matter. Regardless of whether it is true or false, as long as the relevant information is leaked, you will be the first suspect.

As for whether I knew about Xing Hanliang's defection, I would like to ask Director Mou something. Do you know what your mother ate this morning? "

Mou Zhiye was stunned. When he left his hometown, he asked a distant relative to take care of his mother. Could it be that the other party did not take good care of his mother, and even abused the old man?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help it any longer, rushed to Zuo Zhong and asked anxiously.

 “What did my mother eat?”

Zuo Zhong sat on a stool and took a puff of cigarette calmly. His smile faded little by little, and then he suddenly raised his hand and slapped the table hard.

“You **** thing don’t even know what your mother is eating today. How do I know that Xing Hanliang is going to defect? ​​Don’t you think your question is ridiculous?

Zuo's loyalty to the committee and the party and the country is evident. If I have second thoughts, I will be struck by lightning and I will die a good death. If I violate this oath, it will be like this. "

As he said that, he stood up and grabbed Mou Zhiye's pen and broke it in pieces directly. He was like a loyal and unyielding Deputy Director Zuo.

Mou Zhiye watched as the pen that had been with him for more than ten years was broken into two parts. He stood there stupidly and didn't know what to say, until someone outside shouted a few times.

“What are you doing? Are you going to rebel? Even the director dares to stop you. Get out of my way now.”

In the corridor, Shen Dongxin, the secretary-general of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, pushed aside the little agent in front of him arrogantly. Behind him were Zhu Liuxian, who looked like water, and a group of armed agents.

 (i.e. Zhu ┴ Jiahua, there is no way to avoid nothingness)

 After nearly a year of overt and covert fighting, Zhu Liuxian and Shen Dongxin also have some personnel in the Central Bureau of Statistics, responsible for investigating the latest news and actions.

Just now, Xu Enzeng and Mou Zhiye took Zuo Zhong into the office building. Someone saw it and reported it immediately, so they appeared here.

In any case, Zhu Liuxian was the director-general of the Central Military Commission and the nominal commander of everyone. Xu Enzeng's people did not dare to go too far, so they had to get out of the way.

 “Be careful in your end.”

As soon as Zhu Liu walked into the interrogation room, he immediately shouted, then quickly came to Zuo Zhong, looked him up and down, and breathed a sigh of relief.

“As long as it’s okay, it’s okay, as long as it’s okay, don’t worry, Shen Zhi, I will definitely seek justice for you.”

When he learned that someone from the Central Government was escorting Zuo Chong back, Zhu Liang was anxious and angry. He immediately guessed that Xu Enzeng was up to something, and that the relevant actions must not have been authorized.

Because if there is a problem with Zuo Zhong and Shangfeng wants the Zhongtong to investigate a Major General Quan Xu, it is impossible not to inform him. This is a basic rule for the operation of the state machine.

Even if he needs to avoid it, the attendant's office or other departments will inform him of the reason and will never hide it from him. This will cause chaos.

Remembering the conflict between Xu Enzeng and Zuo Zhong, Zhu Liuxian was worried that a conflict would break out between the two parties, or even some short-sighted people would torture and extort confessions, so he immediately rushed over with his people.

 Fortunately, what he was most worried about did not happen.

If anything happens to the deputy director of the Central Military Commission, it will cause huge turmoil within the government. As the director, he cannot absolve himself of the blame.

Zuo Zhong knew that the old principal was worried and that the matter had nothing to do with Lao Zhu, so he quickly smiled and shook his head to indicate that he was fine. Yelling and making a fuss after being wronged is what a shrew does. Smart people should learn to "recognize the general situation" and consider their superiors.

If this matter gets serious, the person most affected will not be Xu Enzeng. Anyway, this guy has too many debts and no worries about lice. The real headache is his old principal.

As a student, he naturally wanted to reduce the other party's responsibilities as much as possible. There was no need to offend a big backer because of the person named Xu. If I remember correctly, this person soon became the organizational director of the Guo Party and managed the world's official hat...

Huh? Looking at it this way, Dai Chunfeng seemed a bit inferior. The more Zuo Zhong thought about it, the more respectful his expression became. He stood at attention and lowered his head in a dignified manner, playing the role of a good student.

Zhu Li first patted Zuo Zhong on the shoulder with relief, very satisfied with the answer, and then turned to look at Mou Zhiye coldly, as if he wanted to kill someone.

 “Director of the bureau.”


As soon as the frightened Mou Zhiye said something, he was slapped to the ground by Zhu Liuxian. Half of his face immediately became swollen and several teeth were lost.

 Although Lao Zhu was born as a scholar, he was also a ruthless man who had traveled half of the world. He was physically strong and had considerable strength in his hands.

Mou Zhiye's head was buzzing after being beaten, and he shed helpless tears while lying on the ground. It was so bullying. He was just following orders, why should he suffer such humiliation.

Seeing that the other party was so pitiful, Zuo Zhong pretended to stop the furious Zhu Liuxian and pretended to persuade him.

“Sir, Director Mou is also on official business. There is something wrong with the student’s friend. According to the rules, he really needs to come to the Central Committee to explain the situation.

 You calm down first, then look for an opportunity to educate him later. Don’t get angry because of this, otherwise the student will feel uneasy. "

As soon as these tea words came out, Zhu Liuxian lost seven points of his anger. He raised his finger and pointed at the smiling Zuo Zhong, shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

 “Be careful, you are just soft-hearted~”

Mou Zhiye almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. If the other party was soft-hearted, then there would be no bad people in the world. The person named Zuo was so shameless.

By the way, where is Deputy Director Xu? He suddenly thought of his backing, pushed himself up and stared straight at the one-way glass. Unfortunately, there was no sound behind the dark one-way glass.

Zuo Zhong noticed his reaction and couldn't help but sneered. Some people are used to being like turtles, and it's harder to get out than to reach the sky. The next second he turned around and started chatting with Shen Dongxin.

Since Shen Dongxin arrived at Zhongtong, there have been fewer opportunities for the two to meet. First, they are very busy with work, and second, frequent meetings between the top leaders of the two intelligence agencies can easily cause criticism.

Zhu Liuxian next to him looked at the one-way glass thoughtfully, seeming to realize that there was something fishy behind the glass, but he still didn't expose it after thinking about it. After all, they were all from Zhongtong, and it would be his face to expose it.

After Zuo Zhong and Shen Dong finished talking about old times, Zhu Liu first said, "I will vouch for Deputy Director Zuo" and left with the military unified party. Mou Zhiye could only watch a few people walk out of the interrogation room without any solution.

This inexplicable "conversation" ended in such an anticlimactic manner, or perhaps for the time being. Xu Enzeng, who had tried his best to cause trouble for the military commander, would not give up easily, and would definitely continue to entangle himself.

Moreover, Zuo Zhong and his group came to the office building chatting and laughing with Shen Dongxin. Just as Lao Zhu was about to let them stay for a meal to express his apology, several military-brand cars drove in at the door.

When the vehicle stopped, Dai Chunfeng got out of the car surrounded by more than a dozen secret agents. The crowd was dark and seemed quite imposing.

Lao Dai was not in a hurry to say anything to his proud disciple. Instead, he laughed and stretched out his right hand towards Zhu Liuxian, calling Director Zhu, and walked over in a hurry.

 Next, the two directors shook hands and stood together talking and laughing without mentioning today's "misunderstanding" at all, as if it had never happened.

Zuo Zhong stood aside and waited respectfully. After more than ten minutes, Lao Dai ended the conversation and asked him to get in his car and leave. Everyone in the military command left Zhongtong safely.

Xu Enzeng did not show up during the whole process. I don’t know whether he went to his older cousins ​​for help or went home to his wife to find comfort. He was as "sincere" as usual.

On the way back to Luojiawan, Dai Chunfeng, who was sitting in the back row, first turned his head and took a good look at Zuo Zhong, and then comforted him with a smile.

“Don’t worry, cooperation with the underground party is approved by the committee. No one can attack you with this matter. Besides, there are few underground party friends or classmates in the party.

 There are committee members, I have them, and other high-level government officials also have them. As long as you act upright, go straight, and be loyal to the leader, the conspiracy of Xu Enzeng and his like will never succeed.

However, although I believe that there is nothing wrong with you, Shen Zhong, anti-corruption in the military is of great importance. In this case, it is best for you to avoid suspicion and let Li Qiwu handle this matter. "

"is teacher."

Zuo Zhong didn't hesitate and immediately replied. He slowly let go of his suspenseful heart. It was true that he had reported himself in vain, and he finally put off this fatal task.

 That’s right, it’s said that he’s so ruthless that he even puts himself in trouble.

 After receiving news that someone was going to fight corruption, he asked Gui Youguang to send the second telegram just to handle this matter. Everything developed as he expected.

Anti-corruption in the military is extremely sensitive. The person in charge must not have any weaknesses, otherwise he will be easily criticized by the subject of the investigation. Regardless of whether he has "collaborated with bandits" or not, he will no longer be suitable to be responsible for this matter once this incident comes out.

Looking at Wu Chunyang in the co-pilot, Zuo Zhong silently praised the other person's acting skills. It was Wu Chunyang who was responsible for making phone calls to confuse Zhongtong and Mou Zhiye. He did this beautifully.

Xu Enzeng probably never dreamed that the report call would be his instruction. It is a pity that the Central Command is not responsible for military affairs, otherwise he could trick this old boy again.

Of course, it would be nice to trick Li Qiwu once. After the other party became the chief secretary, he repeatedly opposed him and was shameless. This time, he was sent to the front line to "make love" with the military chiefs.

The only change was Xing Hanliang's defection, which was completely unexpected and made him a little passive, and he didn't even have a chance to say goodbye.

Just when Zuo Zhong felt regretful, Dai Chunfeng suddenly said another sentence, or a reminder and a warning, and his attitude became extremely harsh.

"Shen Zhi, you have to remember one thing. Since Xing Hanliang, a playboy, has given up his bright future as a police officer, don't run to the northwest. If you see him again in the future, you must not be merciful."

 Lao Dai waved his hand when he said this, and once again emphasized his tone. This is his habitual action. It is rarely used in peacetime and only appears when emphasizing the extreme importance of something.

Zuo Zhong nodded repeatedly on the surface, but in his heart there was a turmoil. How could Lao Dai know that Xing Hanliang was a playboy? There was something wrong with this!

During his studies at the Zhejiang Provincial Police Academy, Xing Hanliang was famous for being drunk now and for eating, drinking and having fun. The problem was that he stopped being public after work, and few people knew about this.

 Even if Dai Chunfeng had people conduct background checks as soon as he got the news of Xing Hanliang's defection today, it would be impossible to find out so clearly within a few hours. The military commander is powerful, but not to this level.

 Unless...he has been paying attention to Xing Hanliang for a long time.

Thinking of this possibility, Zuo Zhong narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at Dai Chunfeng secretly. He found that the man was leaning on his seat with a smile on his face, which seemed to be indescribably leisurely and comfortable.

 Something is wrong!

 There is something very wrong with Lao Dai!

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