Cicada Moving

Chapter 1088: Killing chickens to scare monkeys

Chapter 1088 Killing the chicken to scare the monkey

Xu Enzeng's heart skipped a beat when he heard Sun Qitai's confession. He knew that the Northeast National Salvation Association had always been against the government and clamored for joint resistance against Japan every day, but he didn't expect that there were dissidents in it.

 Thinking of the famous figures in this organization, his scalp felt a little numb, and he felt that he might have stung a hornet's nest, and he couldn't help but regret bringing so many people to the observation room to listen.

 Northeast China National Salvation Association.

Comprised of senior officers of the Northeastern Army and patriots who had fled into China, the purpose was to promote the cooperation between the Kuomintang Party and the underground party, and to support the anti-Japanese alliance fighting alone. It had branches all over the country and had great influence.

In the current Republic of China, anti-Japanese resistance is a fashionable thing. Members of the upper class are too embarrassed to go out to meet people unless they join one or two anti-Japanese organizations. Therefore, many wealthy businessmen and fruit party elders have joined this group, which is considered an alternative kind of social interaction.

The underground party’s ability to assimilate is very sharp. If these people are instigated to rebel, it will be a huge blow to the fruit party.

  When word of this gets out, where will the leader’s face be shown, and where will the whole country’s leadership be given the respect? When the time comes, not only will the Central Government have failed, but it will have made mistakes.

Realizing that he might have caused big trouble, Xu Enzeng could no longer bear it. He picked up the microphone in the observation room, pressed the switch, and asked Sun Qitai in the interrogation room loudly.

“Tell me, who else is an underground party in the Donghui Club!”

The sudden sound startled Sun Qitai, but he immediately realized that a senior agent was monitoring the interrogation. He quickly stretched his neck and shouted excitedly in the direction of the loudspeaker.

“I really don’t know. I only know that a few officials have contacted the Northwest Representative Office. Their resumes all have experiences of participating in student movements, so they must be dissidents.

I originally wanted to report to the government when I came back from Chang'an this time, but I met you on the way. I am really not a dissident. If I tell a lie, I will die badly! "

Xu Enzang breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that only a few officials were suspected of collaborating with bandits, so that was fine, as long as there were no problems with the top management.

He ordered Sun Qitai in a cold voice to tell the names of those people, and then pretended to be confident, watching the onlookers slowly speak.

“As you can see, no one can remain silent in Zhongtong. Soon we will be able to find those underground parties based on Vice Chairman Sun’s confession.

Who leaked the meeting minutes will be found out soon. I will give everyone one last chance. As I said before, as long as you surrender, let the past be forgotten. "

 In the end, no one paid attention to him. Everyone was doing what they were supposed to do, chatting, watching a play. There were just a few red spies in the Eastern Club. Isn't this normal in a government that is full of loopholes?

Finding that his words were ignored, Xu Enzeng frowned slightly, turned around and turned on the microphone switch, and said something to the interrogators who had already recorded the list of suspects.

“Next, bring Zhou Yujun, secretary-general of the China-Fabirui Cultural Association.”

 The Sino-French-Belgium Cultural Association is a non-governmental organization that aims to promote friendly exchanges and cultural exchanges between China, France, Belgium and Switzerland, and strives for international assistance. It has branches in Tongdu and Dayi in every province, with more than 2,000 members.

The chairman of the board of directors, Zong Xiang, is not only someone's personal attendant, but also the confidential director of the attendant's room. His official position is not high but very important. He is a powerful figure in the Republic of China.

Because of such a connection, Zhou Yujun had a very tough attitude after being brought into the interrogation room. He was not afraid of the Central Government at all and expressed his protest to the secret agents unceremoniously.

"What are you going to do? Rebellion? Do you know the relationship between me and the Zong Director? I advise you to be sensible and let me go immediately, otherwise you will regret it."

The little spies laughed when they heard this. If they didn't get permission from their superiors, they wouldn't dare to bring people into the interrogation room, so they stopped talking nonsense and directly used methods on the other party.

“Be honest, did you put the files in the mezzanine? Who is your upline!”

 “I don’t know, I don’t know anything!”

 “Stay strong, brothers, let Secretary Zhou┴Secretary see our skills.”

Zhongtong’s torture methods were basically the same as those of the military. They were nothing more than tiger stools, pepper spray, slings, barbed steel whips, crowbars and chest hammers, bamboo sticks pricking hands, and electrocution. There was nothing new or worth mentioning.

In fact, intelligence agencies all over the world use similar methods of corporal punishment. The purpose is to use pain to break through people's psychological defenses and obtain confessions. They use the same tactics.

Hearing screams rang out in the interrogation room again. Within half an hour, Zhou Yujun was covered in bruises, and his dress was in pieces and stained with blood.

The Central Unification agents did not feel that there was anything wrong with this. In their eyes, they were the "just" party, and it was natural to commit violence against the "evil" party, and those who suffered punishment "deserved it."

These dissidents are a threat to social order and a challenge to government management. The other party must either "turn back and give up" or lose their physical integrity or even their lives as the price of "resistance."

 In the observation room.

 The discussion slowly became quieter, and the chatting staff members closed their mouths. Xu Enzeng noticed everyone's reaction, and when he was proud, he ordered his men to increase the intensity of the interrogation, preparing to scare the monkeys. It doesn't matter whether the guards are afraid or not, as long as they can scare other people, why did these women just talk nonsense, but at the same time as he let out a bad breath, he felt a little regretful.

The three people caught at the scene were not ordinary people, and their connections were all over the mountainous city. Therefore, the superiors allowed torture, but they were only allowed to be tortured personally, and family members were not allowed to be implicated, so as not to cause panic.

 Otherwise, there is no need to go to such trouble. The wives, children, and parents of these three people were taken to the interrogation room and beaten to death one by one. If there were really underground gangsters among them, they would definitely speak out.

Not to mention the regretful Xu Enzeng, the Central Command agent in the interrogation room used another method - scraped off Zhou Yujun's ribs with a sharp piece of bamboo, and threw the shaved flesh onto the charcoal stove.

Even though there was a thick layer of one-way glass, the disgusting smell still drifted into the observation room, causing more people to vomit. The onlookers who had not paid much attention to Xu Enzeng before turned around. He bent down and vomited out everything he had eaten in the morning.

Joanna was among them. She covered her mouth and leaned against the wall. She suppressed her anger and wrote down everything she saw and heard. This was the only thing she could do now.

As for the comrades from the Donghui Association whose identities were exposed, as well as Zhou Yujun who could not confirm whether they were one of their own, they could only look at themselves.

Since Xu Enzeng dared to let them observe the interrogation, he was naturally not afraid of the news being leaked. He had probably arranged for spies to monitor him and was waiting for him or other comrades to pass on the news to the outside world.

Once she reveals her flaws, the organization will lose its high-level source of intelligence from the national government. Joanna suddenly remembered what the gentleman said to herself in the Northwest Office not long ago.

“Comrade Xiao Qiao, latent work is cruel. You may have to watch your comrades die, or you may know that your comrades are about to be exposed, but you have to pretend to be nonchalant and continue talking and laughing with the enemy.

This is not timidity. On the contrary, it requires more courage. You cannot do this without firm belief. Remember, your mission is very important and involves the lives of countless people. You must be calm when encountering things. "

 Faith and mission.

Joanna bit her lip lightly. At this moment, she seemed to truly understand the true meaning of these four words and the heavy responsibility behind them.

 The reason why they can face the test of human physiological and psychological limits with dignity and dignity can be explained by no other reason except faith and the power of lofty faith.

 “I’m in the position, I can’t do it anymore.”

 Xu Enzeng was observing everyone's reactions when he heard the report of the little spy. When he turned around, he found Zhou Yujun lying there motionless, losing his breath before his eyes.

 It stands to reason that interrogators have been trained to know how to inflict maximum pain on interrogation subjects without endangering their lives, and will not beat people to death easily.

Zhou Yujun must have had a hidden disease in his body. He couldn't see the problem at the time. After being tortured for a while, the hidden disease broke out and he died so quickly.

Humbling a curse in his mind, Xu Enzeng had the body carried out and ordered the third interrogation to begin. The subject was Jiao Zhonghang, the director of the management department of Zhengzhong Bookstore.

 Speaking of which, Zhengzhong Bookstore has a close relationship with Zhongtong. This bookstore was first established by Xiao Chen in the 20th year of the Republic of China. At first, it mainly printed textbooks and also organized the printing and distribution of ancient books of the Republic of China.

 The name "Zhengzhong" is taken from the meaning of "zheng" (zhengzhong), "zhengzhong" (zhengzhong), "zhengzhong" (zhengzhong), "zhengzhong" (zhengzhong), "zhengzhong" (zhengzhong) and "zhengzhong" (zhengzhong).

In the 22nd year of the Republic of China, the Chen family donated it to the Kuomintang Party and turned it into a party-run publishing organization affiliated with the Kuomintang Party. It was specially responsible for the printing of theoretical books and various documents on the Kuomintang party affairs.

So, this unit seems to be a Qingshui Yamen, but it has access to a lot of secrets. No wonder Xu Enzeng made Jiao Zhonghang the last target for interrogation.


The iron door of the interrogation room opened, and the little agent pushed in a tall man with a slightly fat body. He was wearing handcuffs and anklets, and he was treated like a standard serious criminal.

This person was Jiao Zhonghang, who had a close relationship with the Central Government and the party headquarters. After a few clattering sounds of iron chains, he was pressed down on the interrogation chair that was still warm.

 Touching the blood on the armrest, Jiao Zhonghang slowly raised his head and looked at the one-way glass, with a trace of ridicule flashing in his eyes, and said unhurriedly.

“Deputy Director Xu, we have known each other for a long time. Why don’t we come out to meet each other? Or are you saying that you know that Jiao was wrongly accused and feel that you have no face to see me?”

"Shut up!"

The little agent who had been instructed long ago sternly scolded, picked up a steel whip with barbs, and prepared to help the opponent loosen his muscles and bones first, and also let the opponent understand his situation. It has the same effect as a killing stick.

 Behind the one-way glass, Joanna took out a scented handkerchief from her exquisite little Kun bag and wiped the corners of her mouth. She glanced at Jiao Zhonghang who was about to be whipped from the corner of her eye, and her heart suddenly tightened.

 (End of this chapter)

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