Cicada Moving

Chapter 1089: Joanna

 Chapter 1089 Joanna

Joanna looked at Jiao Zhonghang across the glass, and her memory suddenly returned to the 21st year of the Republic of China. At that time, she was 17 years old and accompanied her sister who ran away from home to escape an arranged marriage to Shanghai to study at Nanyang Commercial Senior High School. .

It was also that year that she met her good friend Pan Mingzhi, who was a standard progressive young man who often promoted various patriotic ideas to her. Later she learned that Pan Mingzhi was a member of the Shanghai Special Branch of the underground party.

In the 22nd year of the Republic of China, after one year of studying at Nanyang Commercial Senior High School, the business in her hometown in Suzhou suddenly deteriorated, and she and her sister had to drop out of school. Then she chose a stenography school with low tuition and where she could learn skills to learn stenography.

Just one month before graduation, the Zhejiang Provincial Government wanted to recruit stenographers, and the school recommended three outstanding students to apply for the job, including her.

Originally, she was extremely unwilling to serve the Guo Party. Although the treatment from the provincial government was good, she hated the corruption of the Guo Party, so she never nodded.

 After hearing about this incident, her friend Pan Mingzhi revealed his secret identity to her, hoping that she could infiltrate the Zhejiang Provincial Government and help the organization obtain information about the Fruit Party.

Perhaps out of friendship, or perhaps because she wanted to do something for the country and the nation, she agreed to the other party's request and officially started underground work in the winter of the 23rd year of the Republic of China.

As soon as she joined the job, she was appreciated by Zhu Liuxian, the then governor of Zhejiang Province, because the highest standard for general stenographers was 170 words per minute, but she could reach 200 words per minute.

Not only that, the documents she compiled were worded accurately and could accurately convey the spirit of high-level speeches. With these two points, she quickly became Zhu Liuxian's exclusive stenographer and a celebrity in the provincial government.

As her status became higher and higher, some flatterers sent her calligraphy and paintings and other property, hoping that she would say more good things to them in front of Zhu Liuxian and smoothen the relationship.

At Pan Mingzhi's suggestion, she neither participated in nor directly refused these matters. However, these calligraphy works were hung in the most conspicuous place in the office to show respect. This trick was very useful to these officials.

Of course there are exceptions, such as Ms. Xue, the provincial secretary-general. As the secretary-general, she has many secrets, and these secrets are what she and Teko want to know.

So, she simply recognized Ms.

In this way, under the protection of Ms. Xue and some senior members of the Fruit Party, her initial latent work went very smoothly, and she successfully obtained a number of important pieces of information.

After a period of time, her sister, who also joined the underground party, wrote a letter asking her to return to Shanghai. Her superiors wanted to know the recent movements of the Kuomintang party in order to help her hometown who were still fighting against the Kuomintang army in the southwest.

 After receiving the letter, she put the documents she thought were important among the clothes in her suitcase, got on the train without any disguise, and set off from Hangzhou to Shanghai.

Perhaps it was God’s blessing that she did not encounter any inspection on the way and arrived in Shanghai smoothly. She handed the documents to the leader of Special Branch. The leader of Special Branch broke out in a cold sweat when he saw the document.

Later, the other party told her that when delivering confidential documents, the original document must not be touched, and the content of the document must be copied separately and hidden behind a family letter written in invisible ink.

At the same time, in order to protect her, help her, and train him, the superiors officially designated Pan Mingzhi as her liaison. The two of them formed a secret intelligence team directly under the leadership of the head of the Special Branch.

During subsequent work, they discovered that the validity period of invisible ink was short, and when the effect of the drug wore off, the information contained in the information would be revealed, which was very dangerous.

After constant exploration, she and Pan Mingzhi decided that it was safer to hide the information in cigarette boxes and matchboxes. From then on, the two used this method to pass on information without any problems.

It was also during this process that she and Pan Mingzhi both believed that each other was an ideal partner, so with the approval of the organization, they changed from estranged comrades to inseparable lovers.

 In the twenty-sixth year of the Republic of China, China and Japan went to war.

 The government moved to the mountain city, and she and her husband lost contact with their superiors. After discussion, the two decided to resign from their jobs. She returned to Qicheng alone to look for the organization, while Pan Mingzhi stayed in the mountain city on standby.

One day, she met an acquaintance of Teko on the streets of Qicheng. Following this line, she met the head of Teko at the northwest office in the mountain city.

 She reported her current situation to the other party and expressed that she hated the smoky working environment within the Party and hoped to go to the northwest to engage in life-saving work and no longer lurk.

The chief heard her thoughts. In addition to telling her to calm down, he also told her that the current struggle situation was complicated and the Fruit Party might break up at any time.

Therefore, the work of transmitting intelligence is even more important. Without intelligence staff, Northwest will lose a pair of eyes. I hope she will focus on the overall situation and continue to be an unsung hero.

As a party member, it is her bounden duty to obey orders. She approached her old boss Zhu Liu and asked him to arrange work. With his help, she successfully entered the Huangshan Official Residence as a stenographer.

Because of her strong business ability and lack of cliques, she was highly appreciated by someone and recommended her to serve as a stenographer at Madam's speech conference. She knew that this person was very fond of beauty, so she put on a decent cheongsam that day, drew flowers on the cover of the shorthand document, and wrote the title in artistic calligraphy. These little "thoughts" made her like her instantly.

Since then, she has been responsible for the shorthand work of the Party Standing Committee, the Central Committee Plenary Session, the Supreme Council of National Defense, the State Council, the Supreme Military Council, and the stenography of someone's speech at the training group.

 Half a month ago, at the Supreme National Defense Conference, the top leaders of the Kuomintang Party determined the strategy to contain the northwest and asked Chief Hu and the First War Zone to find opportunities to carry out military strikes.

After receiving the news, she restored the meeting minutes from memory. A few days ago, she contacted Jiao Zhonghang, director of the management department of Zhengzhong Bookstore, the new online bookstore, and informed him to report the information to Northwest.

Unexpectedly, they met again in Zhongtong's interrogation room. Joanna silently stared at Jiao Zhonghang who was being tortured through the one-way glass. There was no fear in her heart, but endless anger.

“Everyone, we can’t see clearly through the glass, so we might as well get closer.”

At this time, Xu Enzeng clapped his hands and said something, smiled and motioned to the little agent to open the door of the observation room, and then led everyone through the corridor to the interrogation room.

Jiao Zhonghang, who had been whipped several times, heard the footsteps and spat **** spit on the ground. He took the opportunity to glance at the crowd coming in, and immediately saw Joanna who was looking as if nothing had happened.

Having been engaged in secret intelligence work for more than ten years since the Republic of China, he did not panic. Instead, he chuckled and turned to look at Xu Enzeng next to him with a strange expression.

“Deputy Director Xu, our brothers have eaten at the same table in the past. I can understand that you want to find someone to take the blame, but it’s a bit unethical for you to put the **** basin on my head, isn’t it?

I just hitchhiked to Chang'an, but why did I become a gangster? According to you, the people on the road from Shancheng to Chang'an are all dissidents. This matter is not over today. "

When the interrogation agent heard that the prisoner dared to say this, he was so angry that he raised his whip and wanted to hit him again, but was stopped by the smiling Xu Enzeng. Then Xu Enzeng walked up to Jiao Zhonghang and slowly lowered his head.

“Director Jiao, if you weren’t an old acquaintance of Xu, you would be the same as Zhou Yujun and Secretary-General Zhou. Do you want to know his situation? I’m telling you, **** it!

And he died miserably. The skin and flesh from the ribs were picked off and thrown on the stove. Look, they are still roasting on the fire. This is the fate of being dishonest. "

He looked into the other person's eyes, pointed in the direction of the stove and said sadly. After speaking, he straightened up and patted Jiao Zhonghang on the shoulder, letting out a long sigh.

“Well, we are all friends, why do we need to make it like this? As long as you can tell the truth and admit that it was you who put the documents in the mezzanine, I guarantee that you can go out safely tonight.

Minister Xiao Chen also asked me to say something: The underground party’s tactics would not work in the Republic of China. Sooner or later, when the Japanese are driven away, the government will have to kill all the people in the northwest. You still have time now anyway. "

Xu Enzeng seemed to have decided that Jiao Zhonghang was an underground party. This was also a trick used to test and confuse the people being interrogated. Inexperienced agents could easily fall for it.

However, Jiao Zhonghang had been lurking in the Fruit Party for so many years and was sent to contact Joanna, so it was naturally impossible for him to make such a stupid mistake, so he immediately sneered disdainfully.

"Yes, yes, yes, I am an underground party. I admit it. I also put the documents in the mezzanine. Where is the confession, I will press my fingerprint immediately. Is this okay, my Deputy Director Xu?"

But I have to remind you, if I become an underground party, then Secretary-General Zhou will become an unjust ghost. You should first think about how to explain it to the director of the attendant's room. "

 After saying that, Jiao Zhonghang looked at Xu Enzeng provocatively, "Don't you think I am an underground party? Then I will admit it, as long as you are not afraid of Zong Xiang's settlement in the future."


Xu Enzeng was so angry that he was furious, and at the same time he was a little worried. Zong Xiang was not an easy talker. After thinking for a while, he pointed at Jiao Zhonghang's nose and said bitterly.

"Stupid! Do you think this is children's play house? This is a life-and-death struggle. Director Zong will understand. I advise you to tell all your uplines and downlines, otherwise you will go underground with Zhou Yujun. Go!”

After intimidating Jiao Zhonghang, he glanced at the spectators and waved his hands to let these people be taken out. He was about to go back to the office and think about what to do next.

Three suspects, one refused to speak, one was really dead, and the last one did speak, but he didn't know anything, which means he didn't confess.

The troubled Xu Enzeng sat in the office and meditated for a long time. Suddenly he heard a set of footsteps approaching quickly. He immediately grabbed his gun with vigilance. A moment later, he saw a cronies pushing open the door and running in.

The other party came to him and reported something in a breathless whisper. Xu Enzeng's eyes gradually widened, and finally he stood up suddenly, slapped the table and gave an order.

 “Quick! Gather the men and we must not let this **** go!”

 Is there really love that never changes in the world?

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