Cicada Moving

Chapter 1090: I will definitely get back what I lost!

Chapter 1090: I will definitely get back what I lost!

 Mountain city, Guiyuan Temple.

Two cars drove quickly from a distance and stopped at the door of a bookstore near the temple. A group of Central Unification agents got out of the car. The leader looked around with a look of surprise on his face.

“What’s going on? The bureau chief said he would keep an eye on Zhou Yujun’s residence 24 hours a day. Where have all the people died?”

Before he finished speaking, a man ran out of the bookstore, limped in front of him, bent down, showed a humble smile, and apologized repeatedly.

"Hello, Chief Tan, the brothers have gone to have dinner, and I have left one person on guard here. I didn't see you coming just now. Please forgive me. Oops, your shoes are dirty. Let me wipe them for you."

As he said that, the visitor took out his handkerchief and half-knelt on the ground, and diligently wiped the other party's leather shoes. His movements were extremely skillful, and it was obvious from a glance that Tsutoki had done this kind of work for a long time.

The Chief Tan in his mouth raised his eyebrows and spat on his shoes with a haha ​​sound. The little spies around him laughed when they saw this, and did not think there was anything wrong with doing so.

A look of resentment flashed in the eyes of the lame man who lowered his head, but it passed quickly. He raised his sleeves to wipe away the spit, and continued to polish his leather shoes vigorously, pretending that nothing had happened.

 “Tsk, tsk.”

Chief Tan smacked his lips, looked at the subordinates beside him and said proudly: "You don't know, a few years ago, when our Central Command was called the Secret Service Headquarters, this man was a popular figure in the bureau, and he was very popular as the Intelligence Section Chief. Meng Ting’s respect.

I followed him when I first entered this industry. I was bullied a lot at work. MD scolded me when I was unhappy, and sometimes got violent. Fortunately, I knew how to bear the humiliation, otherwise I would have been beaten to death by this loser.

Later, Meng Ting suddenly surrendered to the enemy in Jiujiawei, kidnapped hundreds of important underground party suspects, and killed many agents on missions. Even the bureau chief almost had an accident, and he was injured in the leg by dissidents. .

Afterwards, this guy was not only beaten to death, but also underwent an internal review for a whole year. If the bureau hadn't been in desperate need of manpower after moving westward, he would still be counting lice in prison. Am I right, Ma Lame? "

 After speaking, Section Chief Tan stepped on the lame horse's shoulder with one of his wiped feet, looked at him condescendingly, and said in a contemptuous and sarcastic tone.

"Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. You didn't expect that you would end up like this. To tell you the truth, as long as I am in the game for one day, you will have no chance to turn around."

Being humiliated in front of so many people, Ma Laizi held the handkerchief tightly, with veins popping out on his hands. However, thinking of the status gap between the two parties, he immediately raised his hand and gave himself a few slaps, and patted Ma flatteringly.

"When you go deep into the grassroots level, you are all humble and ignorant, and you have an eye for gold and a jade. If you have a lot of money, just let me go as a P."


The section chief surnamed Tan burst out laughing when he heard this. He held his stomach and laughed until he was out of breath. He seemed to have heard something funny. After a long time, he stopped smiling, lowered his head and whispered in the other person's ear.

“Let you go? It’s not that easy. Let’s play slowly! Get out of here~”

He jerked his feet back, took out his wallet from his pocket, counted out a few bills and threw them on the ground. He led his men into the bookstore without looking back, with an extremely arrogant attitude.

Hearing the sound of footsteps walking away, Ma Laizi put the money on the ground into his pocket and stood up slowly, looking back at the backs of Section Chief Tan and others, with a sinister expression on his face.

One day he will trample these people under his feet again, not to prove how great he is, but to tell others that he must get back what Mark lost!

Mark silently swore an oath and walked lamely towards Zhou Yujun's residence. As a former loser, he had no other way to turn around. Only by making great achievements could he regain the attention of the deputy director.

Now that the records of the Supreme National Defense Conference have been leaked, if he can prove that one of the suspects, Zhou Yujun, is an underground party spy, or find the other party's top and bottom lines, he can get out of the current predicament.

While thinking, he slowly walked to the opposite side of Zhou Yujun's residence, pretending to be a refugee and huddled in the corner and sat down, his eyes scanning the passers-by from time to time, looking for suspicious persons.

As a former elite intelligence officer, Mark clearly understands the operating procedures of the party's intelligence organization. Assuming that Zhou Yujun is a dissident and the other party's superiors have not received secret documents, they will definitely send someone to verify the situation.

This is an opportunity, an opportunity to enter the core of the Central Unification Committee. Naturally, he will not share this kind of good thing with Chief Tan and others. Moreover, the underground party agents are very vigilant and can be easily exposed if they act with that group of insects.

 If nothing else, let’s just say that the other party’s behavior at the door of the bookstore just now seriously violated the rules of intelligence work. He just held up a sign saying “I am a spy” to tell everyone that they have a problem.

Time passed slowly, and there was a constant flow of vehicles and pedestrians on the road.

Mark put his hands into the sleeves of his tattered cotton coat, curled up into a ball, and his hair was messy, looking very embarrassed, no different from the refugees that can be seen everywhere in mountain towns.

He stared intently at the people passing by, analyzing and judging the identities of these people based on their movements and clothing. He learned this skill from Meng Ting.

 Thinking of this old boss, Mark had mixed emotions, including resentment and gratitude.

What I hate is that the other party rebelled and surrendered to the enemy, which caused him to be internally reviewed. The internal review of the Central Unification Committee had no other content. It did not talk about any psychological offensive at all, just one word, beat! During more than a year in prison, he suffered all the pain he had never experienced in his life. He was either beaten every day or on the way to being beaten, and his legs were injured after injuries, and he became completely lame.

  What he was grateful for was that the other party was really kind to him and taught him a lot of things. Although they were very basic investigative techniques, they were of great help to him.

What the person named Tan just said is not accurate. If it weren't for this skill, even if Zhongtong suffered a serious loss of manpower, he would not be able to get out of prison.


Mark felt regretful. If Meng Ting had not run away, he would have been at least a deputy director. As a close confidant of the other party, his position as director was secure.

Just like the military commander Wu Chunyang, he rose from an ordinary spy to a director in a few years. What he relied on was the support of Zuo Zhong.

After fantasizing for a while, Mark sighed and continued to monitor. He looked at a major officer of the Central Army who was walking from a distance and looked at him from top to bottom.

There's nothing wrong with the hat, the coat, the collar badge, the breast badge, the breeches, or the shoes. No, there's something wrong with the shoes!

After the war, the clothing standards of the Central Army were: each person has two single-piece tops, two single-cloth shorts, one pair of leggings, and a military cap in spring, summer, and autumn each year; one set of cotton-padded clothes and trousers, and a cotton hat in winter; There is a bed of quilts two feet five feet wide and a straw mat two feet wide.

As for shoes, each army has different distribution standards. Except for the teaching corps back then, lower-level officers and soldiers mostly wore cloth shoes or straw sandals. In the opinion of the big shots in the Army Weihui, with such a high frontline death rate, it would be better to distribute them to a group of cannon fodder. Shoes are a waste.

Officers above the school level are uniformly issued leather shoes and riding boots. After all, officers represent the face of the Guo Army. No matter how difficult the country is, the money to buy shoes can still be found, so to identify the status of Guo Army officers, just look at the shoes. The better the shoes and the higher the military rank, you can never go wrong.

According to this rule, the major officer should be wearing leather shoes, but the reality is that the other party is wearing cloth shoes, and they are a kind of northern cloth shoes called lazy shoes. Most of the users are the Northwest Army, Jin Army, and Northeast Army. The Central Military Commission has never been issued.

Mark was ecstatic that he finally found a clue to the underground party, so he immediately looked at the other party's face. At that moment, the major officer raised his head, revealing the face that had been hidden under the brim of his hat.

Looking at that familiar face, Mark, who had already shown a victorious smile, felt like he was struck by lightning. He couldn't believe his eyes. He was stunned and his body was shaking slightly.

Meng Ting!

This former famous detective in Shanghai was the culprit who caused the largest casualty record in the national intelligence system. He was the most wanted criminal under the Central Government. Even if the other party turned into ashes, he would not admit his mistake!

He just came here to find evidence that Zhou Yujun was an underground party. He didn't expect to get such a big harvest. Catching Meng Ting, a section chief named Tan, was nothing.

Mark, who was almost dizzy with excitement, bit the tip of his tongue. After quickly regaining his composure, he walked into a roadside shop, connected to a number and said a few words, then hung far behind Meng Tingting, leaving secret notes on the roadside from time to time.

He understands that when tracking an agent, an elite agent of the underground party, any oversight will lead to exposure. Long-distance surveillance is the best option, even if it is easy to lose track.

 There is a principle in intelligence tracking—it is better to lose it than to wake it up.

Since I know Meng Ting is in the mountain city, there are other ways to find him if I lose him, but if I startle the target, it will be difficult to find such a good opportunity to catch him.

Mark tried his best to maximize the tracking techniques he learned from Meng Ting and taught in the Zhongtong training class, and finally did not lose anyone.

But as Meng Ting's anti-tracking actions became more and more frequent, he knew that he would be thrown away sooner or later. Just when Mark was anxious, he saw a person on the other side of the road making a concealed gesture.

Very good! Support is coming!

Mark's heart was relieved. He pointed the target at Meng Ting, who was pointing forward, and then crossed the road and walked into a small alley.

As soon as he walked into the alley, Xu Enzeng, dressed as a rich man, jumped over and asked impatiently in a low voice: "Are you sure it's Meng Ting?"

“I’m sure, I’m very familiar with Meng Ni, it’s him!”

Mark replied categorically, if it weren't for the deputy director's taboo, he would have dared to use his own head to guarantee it.

 “Okay! Okay! Okay!”

After receiving a positive reply, Xu Enzeng said "good" three times in a row, stood there and rubbed his hands excitedly, then turned to look in the direction where Meng Ting left, with a fierce look in his eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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