Cicada Moving

Chapter 1091: arrested

Chapter 1091 Arrested

If I have to say, Xu Enzeng learned something after repeated failures, it is that the more careful the plan, the greater the possibility of problems.

So this time, Xu Enzeng didn’t want to engage in any complicated tracking, nor did he want to follow the clues, so he decided to cut the knot quickly and arrest Meng Ting directly!

Remembering the bullet that almost killed him and those agents from the Secret Service Headquarters who were "brutally murdered", he immediately began to deploy an arrest operation, striving to hit the target with one hit.

“Everyone secretly disperses and controls all streets, low walls, and entrances to public buildings within one kilometer of Mengting. The target must not be allowed to escape.

 After the operation begins, no one is allowed to enter or leave the blockade. No matter what kind of documents the other party holds or what their identity is, they will only be released after the target is captured. "

Xu Enzeng called several division chiefs and section chiefs who were leading the team, and whispered his arrangements. Then he looked at Mark, pondered for a moment and said.

“I am a person who always rewards meritorious deeds. You will be responsible for the specific arrests later. You can choose the personnel yourself. You can choose all the operational personnel who come with me this time.

 I will see a capable arresting team in five minutes. You must capture Meng Ting alive. After the operation is successful, I will personally go to the top to ask for credit for you, and I will never break my promise. "

 “Yes, Director!”

Mark replied with an excited look, and then turned around to select the members of the arrest team. As an old commander-in-chief, this was not difficult for him.

He knows who among the secret agents has good marksmanship and who has strong fighting ability. After all, no one will hide their weakness in front of a cripple. It is meaningless.

He quickly selected a dozen agents who had strong operational abilities and were often suppressed by their superiors from among the operatives who had followed Xu Enzeng, and assigned them their respective tasks.

 Mark chose these two people carefully.

Having strong action ability can ensure smooth arrest.

And Pingshi was suppressed. Once such a person gets the opportunity, he will try his best in action. In the future, it will be convenient for him to use it for his own purposes and form his own small force.

Mark then brought the temporary arrest team to Xu Enzeng and introduced each person's situation, what they were good at, and the tasks they had performed.

Being able to show their face in front of the deputy director made the little agents burst into tears of excitement, and they were filled with gratitude to Mark. They did not expect that the other party knew them so well.

Xu Enzeng was also a little surprised. He took a deep look at Mark. He knew something about this person. Meng Ting's subordinate at the secret service headquarters, Jiujiawu, was seriously injured and was later internally reviewed for more than a year.

Logically speaking, such intelligence personnel who have had close contact with dissidents have no chance of getting out of prison alive. However, after the war, the Central Command personnel suffered serious losses, and the other party was indeed somewhat capable, so he ordered their release.

I didn’t expect that this person was a thoughtful person, but so what. He was not afraid that his subordinates would not have ambition, but that they would not be capable. People who are capable and ambitious like this should make good use of them.

  Mu Zhiye, a bastard, defected, and the post of Director of the Intelligence Division is still vacant. Do you want it?

 No, you can’t be anxious about this, you have to be cautious.

After thinking for a while, a smile suddenly appeared on Xu Enzeng's face. He approached the members of the temporary arrest team amiably, patted one on the shoulder, and chatted with the other about home affairs, showing off the energy of Corporal Li Xian.

He also learned this from a certain little Wang Ba Dan named Zuo. He heard that the other party often did this before taking action to boost morale. This method of winning people's hearts must be followed up.

Sure enough, after being encouraged by him, the little agents wanted to rush out and fight Meng Ting for three hundred rounds. Their waists were straightened, ready to wait for the deputy director's order of action.

Xu Enzeng looked at his watch, raised his head and said seriously: "The target hasn't gone far yet, you should follow immediately, use the sound of gunshot as a signal, and arrest people as soon as the gunshot is fired.

The other party came to check the situation near Zhou Yujun's house, and he is likely to be carrying weapons. If a firefight occurs, I hope everyone will shoot non-lethal parts as much as possible.

This is not that I am being picky, nor that I do not take the lives of my brothers seriously. Meng Ting has a lot of secrets. If you catch them alive, you will have greater credit. "

After experiencing the Mou Zhiye incident, Xu Enzeng also learned to speak softly to his subordinates. In the past, this was a treatment that only Minister Chen could enjoy. By doing this, he could be considered as warming to the grassroots.

 Because he thought very clearly that it was all deception anyway, and the deception was the same for everyone. Anyone who could help him make meritorious deeds should not speak softly, just kneel down.


Mark and the agents responded with their chests raised, then filed out of the alley and blended into the crowd. Under the guidance of the surveillance personnel along the way, they accelerated their pace and approached Meng Ting.

Multi-person tracking requires cooperation and tacit understanding. The pace and frequency of movements of the operators must not be synchronized, otherwise they will be easily exposed once discovered by the target.

At this time, Mark put on a fashionable dress, sat on a sliding pole carried by two agents, and wore a wide-brimmed hat on his head, covering his face.

The purpose of approaching the target in this way is to conceal his leg features, otherwise he would not be able to deceive the experienced Meng Ting. After all, the possibility of a lame refugee and a lame businessman appearing one after another is too small. Furthermore, he and Meng Ting had spent a long time together and were very familiar with their respective body shapes and movements. This might not seem like much to ordinary people, but it was very dangerous in intelligence operations.

As for the other agents, some pretended to be citizens on the road, some pretended to be thieves, and some pretended to be patrolmen chasing the thieves, gradually closing the distance with the target.

Soon, the temporary arrest team saw Meng Ting, who was walking with his head down. Some people continued to walk quickly, while others slowed down quietly, vaguely surrounding him in the middle.

“Don’t run! Stop! Put down Director Zhang’s bag!”

Hearing several shouts from behind, Meng Ting turned his head slightly and saw a young man running towards him desperately, looking back from time to time. Further away, a fat patrolman was chasing after him with difficulty.

As more and more refugees arrive, the security of the mountain city becomes more and more chaotic. Scenes like this often happen. There are always some people who are blind and steal things that they shouldn't steal, causing trouble between black and white.

Even though there was nothing suspicious, Meng Ting still frowned and turned left to cross the road. He obviously had the word caution engraved in his bones.

He stood on the side of the road, observing the thieves and patrolmen who were getting closer and closer, looking left and right at the passing vehicles, watching a sliding pole passing in front of him, and slowly raised his right foot.

 At this moment, the gun rang out!


A deafening gunshot suddenly exploded in the bustling street. Before the people passing by could react, Meng Ting turned around and ran to the alley without any hesitation, showing the decisiveness of a professional agent.

But he moved quickly, and Mark moved even faster. No one knew the power of this old boss better than Mark. The moment the gunshot rang out, Mark flew toward the opponent with a desperate swoop.

 The future and fate of both parties are decided at this moment.

Meng Ting is indeed an old agent who has left the secret service headquarters and the group of British-Chinese soldiers in a whirlwind. Although he didn't see Mark's movements, there seemed to be a pair of eyes behind him, and he immediately tilted his shoulders and changed his position.

Mark looked at the target getting further and further away in mid-air. He made a decision in a split second. He exerted force on his abdomen, quickly stretched his body using his core muscles, and stretched his arms to grab the opponent, even though it was easy to get injured.

 The next moment, he fell heavily to the hard cement ground, stirring up a cloud of dust, but at the same time, his right hand grabbed Meng Ting's trouser leg, staggering Meng Ting, and gained a key capture window.

  Everyone has three opportunities to change his life. Only by firmly grasping them can he change his destiny.

For the little spies involved in the arrest, this opportunity is right in front of them. If they don't fight desperately, they will wait until later. They all used their strength and pounced on Meng Ting from various angles, killing Meng Ting. Death lies beneath him.

As for Meng Ting, the moment he was entangled by Mark, he seemed to know that he could not run away. He took out a gun with one hand and pointed it at his temple, took out a pill from his pocket with the other hand, and tried to stuff it into his mouth.

Being captured by the enemy is the last thing every intelligence officer wants to encounter. If it really happens, there are only two options, either surrender or commit suicide. No one can guarantee that he will survive torture and extort a confession.

However, the "Loser Alliance" who finally seized the opportunity to stand up could not give the target a chance to commit suicide. They held the opponent's left and right hands and mouth firmly, and Mark, who was beaten to pieces, even yelled. A sound.

 “Quick! Don’t let him commit suicide!”

Even though Meng Ting had been subdued, it was not easy for the agents to **** things away from a professional agent who was determined to die. They had no choice but to use coercion.

The so-called coercive method is to break off the target's fingers holding the gun and pills. Catching the victim alive does not mean that you can't do anything. Broken fingers will not affect the interrogation, but can continue to cause pain and weaken the will to resist.

After a few crisp clicks, Meng Ting's ten fingers were broken off one by one. As the saying goes, ten fingers are connected to the heart. No matter how powerful a professional agent is, he is still a living person. He was sweating profusely in pain and turned pale.

 “Check for other weapons and suicide agents.”

Mark got up from the ground, ignoring his bleeding elbow, and immediately issued a search order. He walked for half a hundred miles, and the closer he was to success, the more careful he had to be.

After hearing the order, the little spies immediately touched Meng Ting's hair, collar, sleeves, and belt carefully. After confirming that there were no dangerous items, they put handcuffs and shackles on him, and also put a gun into his mouth. Dirty cloth.

While the scene was under control, a sound of footsteps slowly approached. Meng Ting, whose head was close to the ground, tried to raise his head and saw an old acquaintance. The other person slowly knelt down and said with a smile.

 “Mr. Meng, we meet again!”

Looking at the expressionless and silent Meng Ting, Xu Enzeng stood up and smiled. He finally caught the traitor who had made him so embarrassed. This time he would definitely pry open his mouth!

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