Cicada Moving

Chapter 1122: haojiang

In the night, a car turned off its headlights and relied on the dim moonlight to travel through the undulating mountain city, and finally stopped in front of Renxin Hospital.

The guards at the door looked wary when they saw this. They loaded the submachine guns in their hands silently, surrounded him from the left and the right, and asked about the purpose of the visitor.

The person in the driver's seat rolled down the window and handed over his ID and said something. The guard compared the ID, checked the belongings in the car again, made a phone call, and then pushed open the wooden fence to let him through.

The car started slowly and drove along Cement Road to the main courtyard. After the car stopped, three capable young men got out and walked into the building.

 In the hall, Ling Sanping, Wu Jingzhong and several armed agents were already waiting here pushing wheelchairs. Lying on the wheelchair was the unconscious Mark.

“Dean Ling, Deputy Director Wu, I am the Commander-in-Chief of the Central Committee.”

“Okay, there’s no need to say your name. Just bring the pick-up documents.”

Just as one of the visitors was about to introduce himself, he was interrupted by Wu Jingzhong. He was not interested in chatting with the other party and wanted to send the person away quickly.

Mark came from Bai Gongguan. That place is now a sensitive place. If you can, don't touch it. Otherwise, if something happens, they will be affected.

When the Central Unification agent heard what Wu Jingzhong said, he laughed twice and handed over a document for mentioning the person, with a bright red Central Unification seal stamped on it.

 Official documents are useless most of the time, but sometimes they are crucial.

For example, in the current situation, if the central commander wants to take someone away, he must issue a formal document to the military commander so that responsibilities can be clarified when problems arise.

Wu Jingzhong read the document word by word, made sure that the Central Command did not play word games, took another document from his subordinates, threw it to the visitor and said coldly.

“Sign your name and get out. I remind you again that once you leave the hospital gate, it has nothing to do with our military.”

To scold the Central Unification Committee is politically correct in the military. Wu Jingzhong, an old man, would naturally not look down upon the Central Unification agents.

Ling Sanping's attitude was much better. He carefully reported the medication situation, handed over medical records and examination reports, and gently warned the visitor that Mark had been injected with sedatives and might not wake up until tomorrow morning, so that the visitor did not have to worry. .

As for the reason for injecting sedatives, he spoke a lot of medical terms, which made everyone present feel dizzy and nodded repeatedly, as if they understood.

The person from Zhongtong was very sensible. He signed the document obediently and pushed the wheelchair to the car. The handover process was over.

 Watching the Central Unification agents stuff Mark into the car and drive away quickly, Ling Sanping tilted his head and looked at Wu Jingzhong and made a suggestion.

"Old Wu, why don't you send someone to follow us? If something happens to the other party on the road, we will have to fight a muddy lawsuit again."

Wu Jingzhong shook his head and said nonchalantly: "Wu just said that after they left the hospital gate, whatever happens to them has nothing to do with us.

I wish someone would tutu them all. I heard that Zhongtong’s cook is very good, so we can still have a toothpaste. Let’s go. "

 After saying that, Wu Jingzhong shook his head and led the people away. The Zhongtong did not care about his affairs. It was better to do less than to do more.

In response to his answer, Ling Sanping smiled slightly, glanced at the clock on the wall, and followed him.

 On the highway.

The Central Unification agent in the back seat of the car looked down at Mark, who was leaning on his shoulder, with a look of disgust on his face, and raised his hand to move the other person's head to the side.

No one in the entire Zhongtong government looked down upon this guy. As soon as he turned around, he would send people who had offended him in the past to enemy-occupied areas.

For a little bit of things, it is necessary to be human. Such a small belly chicken intestine and 睚眦 must be reported, even in the middle of villains.


Thinking about it, the Central Unification agent spat at Mark. Maybe he felt that he was still angry, so he slapped Mark twice hard in the mouth, making a crackling sound.

 The agents in the driver's seat and the co-pilot looked back when they heard the sound. They looked at each other and then smiled and turned to the road. They were immediately dazzled by a light.

"You bastard! Who dares to turn on the lights at night without fear of violating air defense regulations?"

The driver cursed angrily in his heart, turned his hand and leaned towards the road, but was surprised to find that the headlights were getting closer and closer.

  Southeast direction of the Republic of China.


Outside the penthouse suite of a high-end Portuguese hotel, Wu Chunyang, dressed as a waiter, knocked on the door. After getting permission, he pushed the door in and closed the door behind him.

“Director Wu, how are you? Did the Japanese really record the audio or take photos?”

As soon as he walked in, Minister Song, who was sitting on the sofa, stood up and asked anxiously.

“Yes, Minister Song, during your second negotiation with the Japanese during the day, the other party installed bugs under the negotiation table, and some of the negotiators also carried spy cameras.”

Wu Chunyang nodded silently and reported on his investigation results today.

Now that the hotel is owned by the government and has been inspected, there is no need to worry about being eavesdropped and you can talk with confidence.

  Hearing this, Minister Song fell back onto the sofa and his face became very ugly.

  Negotiation, no, to be precise, once the peace negotiation happened, he was afraid that he would be scolded by everyone in the Republic of China.

 What’s more serious is that being scolded is only a minor problem, while criticism from political opponents within the government or someone’s censure is a big problem. He can't imitate Gao Chongwu and Tao Xisheng and defect to Ji to announce the secret agreement. The roots of the Song family are in the national government.

After a moment of silence, Minister Song slowly raised his head, forced out a smile and motioned for Wu Chunyang to sit down, and then asked tiredly.

“Director Wu, in your opinion, what should we do now? Song will definitely cooperate.”


 What did you do earlier?

Wu Chunyang was also furious. He received the order to lead a team to Haojiang. He didn't know what the mission was in advance and thought it was normal intelligence reconnaissance.

 Only when he arrived did he find out that Shangfeng asked him to protect Minister Song who was negotiating peace talks with the Japanese, and at the same time ensure that news of the peace talks was not leaked.

Although it is the duty of a soldier to obey orders, this stupid task still made him feel like a traitor, and he wished he could just throw in the towel and leave.

But just thinking about it, if he really did this, he probably wouldn't be able to see the sun the next day, so he had to hold his nose and take on the errand.

 In order to prevent the Japanese from noticing, the military commander did not directly follow Minister Song to participate in the negotiations. Instead, he secretly protected and observed from the sidelines, and thus the conversation just took place.

After thinking for a moment, Wu Chunyang reviewed the situation he had found out so far in his mind, took stock of the power at hand, and slowly replied.

“Minister Song, I think the most urgent thing at the moment is to mobilize the Japanese. Can you inform the other party that the third meeting will be held in Hanoi?”

 “Mobile? Hanoi?”

Minister Song is a little confused. He is good at management and diplomacy, but is a layman in intelligence operations. He doesn't understand why peace talks should be held so far away.

Seeing his expression, Wu Chunyang realized that the other party was not a military commander and probably couldn't understand what he said, so he patiently explained.

“According to our investigation, in order to cover up the deception, Japanese peace negotiators and intelligence personnel also operate separately, which gives us the opportunity to defeat them one by one.

You may not know much about the intelligence industry. The more critical items such as photos and recordings are passed on, the higher the risk of exposure and leakage.

 If I guess correctly, the Japanese will not send these things back to the mainland every time the negotiations end. In other words, they are still in the hands of Japanese intelligence personnel.

 Only by getting the Japanese to take action, people in low-level positions can take advantage of the situation and take back the relevant evidence, lest the Japanese use it to blackmail the government and you. "


Minister Song slapped his thigh, and Wu Chunyang explained clearly. He immediately understood the purpose of doing so and followed what Wu Chunyang said.

“When the Japanese negotiators move, the other side’s intelligence personnel will inevitably move as well, and they will definitely leave separately, taking photos and recordings with them.

Haojiang is a small place, and the whereabouts of the other party can be easily determined. Chunyang, your people can take action on the road and directly steal the evidence.

 The best thing is that even if the Japanese know that we did it, they can't turn their backs. After all, they still hope to reach an agreement with the government. "

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and his name for Wu Chunyang changed from Director Wu to Chunyang. He was obviously very satisfied with the plan. Finally, he even said that he would ask for credit for Wu Chunyang in front of someone, and even a blind person could see the intention of wooing him. Gotta come out.

 “Thank you very much, Minister Song. I’m afraid of this humble position.”

As the sedan chair was being carried, Wu Chunyang quickly stood up, pretending to be excited and thanking the other party, but he sighed in his heart.

 Can such a government really drive away the Japanese?

Even if they can be driven away, can they really allow the people to live a good life?

The answer to this question is that everyone knows it, but so what if you know it. The only way now is to take back the photos and recordings as soon as possible to avoid the situation worsening.

But Wu Chunyang has no idea what to do specifically.

Portuguese military strength in Haojiang cannot be underestimated. It not only has seaplanes and warships, but also an artillery company, a machine gun company, and two indigenous light infantry companies.

This does not include the more than 600 police officers from the Public Security Department. If there is a head-on conflict, the military commander has no chance of winning.

They are indeed rigorously trained agents, but if they are not Zhao Zilong, they can kill seven in and seven out of the enemy's formation and still be safe and sound. This is not what the storybook dares to write.

Therefore, this operation must be fast and ruthless, without giving Haojiang officials a chance to react, and immediately retreat by sea after grabbing the evidence.

Haojiang and the port city are separated by only a sea. As long as they enter the port city waters, the Portuguese navy will not dare to enter the British territory even if they are given eight courages.

 After confirming the general plan, Wu Chunyang began to detail the action steps, regardless of Minister Song who kept chattering next to him.

The most difficult part of the entire operation is that the Japanese intelligence officers are not fools and will not stand there waiting for them to be killed. They will definitely resist.

Once you are entangled, the Portuguese military and police will arrive at the scene in five minutes at the fastest and ten minutes at the latest. Haojiang is still too small.

Similarly, pretending to be a police officer to check and intercept people will not work. Unknown faces suddenly appear on the road and it is easy to get through.

While Wu Chunyang was thinking hard, he heard a sound outside the window, which reminded him of a past event, and he thought of a solution.

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