Cicada Moving

Chapter 1123: Dump Truck Warning

Chapter 1123 Dump Truck Warning

 A few days later, Haojiang Peninsula Pier.

Minister Song and his subordinates were standing by the trestle talking and laughing. Not far away, the Japanese negotiating team was also chatting in low voices. A huge cruise ship was docked on the sea.

 Both sides are waiting for the cruise ship to depart for Hanoi, where China and Japan will hold their third formal talks according to the government’s proposal.

 The Japanese have no objection to this. As long as an agreement can be reached, there will be no difference whether the peace talks are held in Haojiang or Hanoi.

During the conversation, the whistle suddenly sounded, black smoke columns came out of the chimney, and boarding began.

 The other end of the city.

 A dozen British AEC Matador O medium-sized trucks roared past on an unfinished road, their trucks loaded with soil and rocks, heading towards the reclamation site.

This truck, also known as the "Matador" in the British Army, is equipped with a 7.6-liter diesel engine rated at 95 horsepower.

 Plenty of power can allow a vehicle with a full load of more than ten tons to reach a maximum speed of 36 miles per hour on the road. It is powerful and fully worthy of the title of "Matador".

In British colonies and spheres of influence, Matador trucks are widely used in military and engineering construction, and Haojiang, which is only separated from Hong Kong Island by a sea, is no exception.

 Portugal has long lost the glory of the Age of Discovery. There is no decent domestic automobile industry and it can only import foreign vehicles at high prices, among which British cars have the largest number.

 One is the fear of British influence around the world.

  Second, it is another form of protection fee.

The Haojiang authorities purchased these matadors because they had no other choice.

Like the port city, the Portuguese started reclamation very early and never stopped even during the difficult war period.

This requires a very reliable and high-capacity truck. In the current international market, other vehicles except Matador are not qualified for this kind of work.

After the truck convoy traveled for a while, the speed of three trucks slowed down. The white drivers on the trucks said hello to their companions and slowly stopped on the side of the road.

 Matador has many advantages, but it also has a disadvantage, that is, the engine temperature is easily too high, and it needs to be stopped from time to time to cool down the engine, so this situation is normal and drivers have long been used to it.

After the convoy had gone away and the dust it had kicked up had not yet settled, several men in work clothes walked out from the roadside, quickly approached the three stopped trucks and bumped into the drivers.

“This is the reward for three people, 50,000 yen each, old unserialized bills.”

 The leader of the visitors was Wu Chunyang. He pressed the brim of his hat, handed each of the drivers a bulging envelope, and said.

50,000 yen, according to the current exchange rate of yen to US dollar, can be exchanged for more than 10,000 US dollars.

This money can buy 850 tons of rice, dozens of acres of South American land, or 10 kilograms of international standard gold.

To put it in a better way, more than 10,000 US dollars is equivalent to a brand new Stepunk car, which is a high-end gadget that only a few people in the United States can afford.

Seeing the thick wad of banknotes, the three truck drivers' eyes lit up. After checking the number and authenticity, each of them happily handed the truck key to Wu Chunyang.

“Sir, the car is yours. We have filled it with fuel before departure. We wish you a good time.”

With 50,000 yen, they can find a small country and live a carefree life without having to live in the sun and wind in Haojiang.

 As for why these mysterious men bought trucks, is it important?

  Not important.

Although being a white person has certain preferential treatment in Haojiang, money will not automatically flow into your pocket. There are not many opportunities to become a rich man, and only a fool will give up.

Wu Chunyang took the key and checked around the vehicle. After confirming that there was no problem, he gave the drivers a friendly suggestion.

"If you don't want to be wanted, the three of you had better find a place to hide the money. My people will tie you up on the roadside and wait until the matter is over before you take the money away. Don't worry, we will abide by the contract."

As soon as these words were spoken, the three drivers jumped into the bushes like rabbits. No one wanted to become a wanted criminal, even if Portugal now has no deterrent.

After a few minutes, the drivers returned to the road, smiling and sitting on the ground with their hands and feet stretched out.

The white skin gave them full confidence, and they were not afraid of the other party going back on their word. Killing three white people for this little money was unnecessary and not worth it.

Looking at the confident driver, Wu Chunyang looked left and right at the road, and nodded to his men expressionlessly.

The agents immediately took out ropes and strips of cloth, **** and gagged the driver, and then carried the three people to a secluded place to avoid being noticed by passing vehicles and pedestrians.

After dealing with the driver, he glanced at the time and waved his hand, and a strange object was immediately taken out and placed at the front of one of the trucks.

"Set off!"

After giving the order coldly, Wu Chunyang nimbly jumped into the cab of the first truck, slammed the door, and waved to the back.

The truck started again and drove towards Haojiang Pier one by one. The speed slowly reached its maximum speed. Chinese people and rickshaws on the road saw this and gave way. When the white police officers from the Sheriff's Department saw this scene, they stood on the side of the road and laughed. Apparently they were not surprised and did not notice that the driver had changed the person and the front device of the car.

When they were still one kilometer away from the dock, the windshields of the three trucks were damaged from the inside, and the falling fragments fell to the ground, making crisp noises. A "T"-shaped intersection was clearly visible in front of them.

At the other end of the fork on the right side of the "T"-shaped intersection, there were also three cars driving at high speed. The first and last cars were filled with heavily armed Japanese intelligence personnel.

 In the back seat of the second car in the middle, someone was holding a briefcase. Two burly guards were sitting next to him. There was a pair of handcuffs locked between the handle of the briefcase and his wrist.

 This is the standard intelligence **** procedure:

The guard vehicle provides front and rear protection, personal escorts accompany the vehicle, and the target object is locked.

  And during the driving process, the three vehicles always kept a distance of about 50 meters.

This distance can ensure that operators have sufficient reaction time when encountering an attack, and will not give the enemy a chance to intercept.

As long as the number of enemies is not large and the quality of the personnel is the same, the escorts can leave calmly with the help of transportation, and at least they can wait for rescue.

Seeing that the three cars were about to arrive at the intersection, the Japanese agent in the third guard car suddenly noticed a truck emerging from behind. After a roaring engine, the truck approached at an extremely fast speed.

Almost at the same time, a truck appeared opposite the front guard vehicle. Its huge body occupied most of the road, and its piercing horn was deafening.


 The head of the Japanese intelligence team in the lead car noticed something was wrong and shouted to the driver: "Speed ​​up at the intersection on the left!"

  Retreating is the right choice. No matter how strong the car is, it cannot compete head-on with the truck. Their goal is to **** the target away, not to fight the enemy.

But everything was too late. Just as the driver turned his direction, the truck on the opposite side suddenly accelerated and hit him head-on.

The huge kinetic energy directly caused the car's engine compartment to collapse into the cockpit. The two Japanese spies in the front row were squeezed into a pulp, and blood and flesh flew everywhere in the cabin.

The drivers of the remaining two cars desperately stepped on the brake pedals, leaving four blackened brake marks on the road. The sharp braking sound was still lingering, and the car behind them suffered the same fate as the car in front.

 The rear of the third car that had stopped collided violently with the following truck. The broken iron sheet was like a sharp razor, stabbing into the body of the Japanese agent.

In the blink of an eye, the two guard cars were turned into scrap metal, and the accompanying guards also lost their combat effectiveness, leaving only the most important second car.

The Japanese with a briefcase in his arms was thrown to the front row by the inertia of the sudden braking. As soon as he raised his head, he heard the whistling sound getting closer and closer outside the left window. He subconsciously turned around and saw another truck speeding from the intersection. .

What frightened him even more was that the front of the truck was equipped with a bifurcated ram corner. The shiny metal material shone in the sun, and it pierced the car he was riding in.

On the other side, Wu Chunyang in the cab of the truck tied himself tightly to the seat with a rope, held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, stared at the target with both eyes, gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

 “Bang! Zila~”

There was a sound of metal collision and twisting, and the truck hit exactly under the back door of the second car. The corner of the collision easily pierced the car's skin, and a free amputation was performed for the Japanese in the car.

The angle of impact was right at the legs of the passengers. The three Japanese people in the back row were lying in the tattered car body, looking at the stumps and blood, and howling in despair.

The truck continued to move forward while pushing the car until the car hit the wall and turned into a pile of scrap metal. Wu Chunyang then raised his feet and jumped out with a pale face.

 “30 seconds, hurry up!”

He shouted to the agents in the other two cars, pulled out an oil drum, opened the lid, walked to the car, and started pouring it vigorously.

At this time, the Japanese intelligence officer in the second car was not completely dead. He watched the other party pour gasoline on the car, and then watched the other party light a kerosene lighter and throw it over.


Not only this car, but two other cars also caught fire. The gasoline plus the fuel leaked from the vehicle itself, and in a moment three orange-red flames rose on the street.

As the saying goes, fire and water are merciless, and the high temperature of thousands of degrees burned the Japanese who were either in a coma or dying and into charcoal.

The handcuffed briefcase melted and burned in the flames, and the recordings and photos painstakingly collected by the Japanese intelligence agencies turned into a plume of smoke.

Wu Chunyang watched the evidence being swallowed up by the flames coldly, his frown slightly relaxed. A few days ago, the sound of car horns outside the hotel window reminded him.

Back then, the Jinling underground party used trucks to attack the convoy of the secret service headquarters, killing Xu Enzeng by surprise. This time he could follow suit and use a well-planned car accident to disintegrate the Japanese **** force.

In addition, he also realized that they don’t need to go to great lengths to regain the evidence, just destroy it. Once the fire is set on fire, all the evidence will be gone.

After repeatedly making sure that no one was left alive, Wu Chunyang glanced at the Haojiang people and police officers squatting on the ground with their heads folded on the roadside. He quickly joined his men, lifted up his clothes, grabbed the fast-moving car, and rushed to the private boat dock on the seaside. And go.

There, a robotic ship has pulled anchor, and it only takes an hour to enter the harbor waters after setting sail, and the personnel involved in this mission can escape safely.

 In less than two minutes, all action steps including attack, arson, and retreat were completed in one go. Wu Chunyang perfectly completed the work assigned by Zuo Zhong, but the matter was far from over.

 (After writing this, I found that Chunyang is a bit handsome)

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