Cicada Moving

Chapter 1134: touch

Chapter 1134 Contact

  First Army Headquarters.

Yoshio Shinozuka took the telegram from a staff officer. At this time, he had changed into the uniform of a lieutenant general, and his expression became serious, no longer as relaxed as before.

After reading the message, he sighed: "The advance team reported that they successfully intercepted the target convoy near Gaowan Town, but Mr. Chen was not among them. We were fooled."


Doihara, who was next to him, frowned and asked in reply. He quickly walked forward and read the telegram again. Then he turned to look at the map of Shaanxi and Shanxi provinces behind him, and his eyes swept across the border areas.

In order for this mission to be a complete success, he not only used a small number of high-level moles to obtain the itinerary of the condolences group, but also coordinated with the 1st Army to send multiple advance teams carrying walkie-talkies imported from the United States to blockade all areas in the southern part of the border area. aisle.

 Accurate intelligence allows the advance team to enter the attack position in advance and launch a surprise attack while waiting for work.

Real-time communication allows the advancing team to quickly and flexibly mobilize troops and make timely responses to emergencies.

With such a careful arrangement, the action should be absolutely sure, but unexpectedly something happened.

Mr. Chen and even the entire condolence group were not in the convoy, which is inconsistent with the investigation results of intelligence personnel outside Hancheng last night.

It seemed that the other party was aware of it and used a golden cicada to escape from its shell.

So, what will the target do next?

Return to Chang'an? No, if so, the imperial agents along the way from Hancheng to Chang'an will definitely find something, but he has not received relevant information yet.

 In this case, there is only one possibility, the target chooses to move on.

To be precise, they bypassed the original southern route and entered the underground party's territory from other directions to avoid the attack of the advancing team.

In addition, there was no news from the Guo army’s eyes and ears lurking around Hancheng.

This shows that the consolation mission did not seek help from the garrison, but in order to maintain confidentiality, they cut off contact with the outside world and acted alone.

 The opponent this time is very cautious.

Doihara was thoughtful and turned his attention to the map again. To the east of the dissidents' lair was the rapid Yellow River and the imperial occupation, to the west were the densely populated Zhenyuan and the Assimilation Line, and to the north were the rugged mountains.

 According to normal thinking, entering the border area from the west is the best route. It has convenient transportation, convenient supplies, and a shorter distance.

 But would the people of the Republic of China really do this?

It is a pity that the national government kept a high degree of confidentiality on the northwest consolation delegation. Mole only inquired about the general itinerary and did not obtain a specific list of accompanying persons.

  Otherwise, reasonable predictions can be made by studying the behavior and thinking of the team leaders.

 After careful consideration, Doihara made a decision, tapped a certain location on the map with his hand, and said something to Yoshio Shinozuka.

After hearing this, Yoshio Shinozuka agreed and issued an order to the staff, giving instructions for the next move of the advancing team.

 Zhichuandu, east bank of the Yellow River.

 A caravan successfully passed the inspection of the Japanese military post, and then moved slowly toward Daning County along the war-prepared road along the shore.

Under the dark night, beside a carriage in the middle of the team, Gui Youguang looked around while walking, and whispered to Zuo Zhong.

“Team leader, I always feel that you should not come this time. If the underground party recognizes you, I am afraid that this group of dissidents will be detrimental to you.”

Baldhead expressed his concerns. He has been dealing with Northwest for many years. He knows very well the intelligence capabilities of Northwest. A pseudonym will not have much effect at all.

"Don't worry, the underground party will definitely know my true identity. Even if I don't know it now, I won't be able to hide it when I get to the gangster's den."

Zuo Zhong's words were astonishing, and he spoke calmly, as if he didn't care about his identity being exposed at all.

Hearing this, Gui Youguang opened his mouth wide. He didn't understand why the deputy director said that. He was so anxious that his forehead was covered with sweat and he wanted to turn around and go back.

  Don't worry, how can you be relieved?

Although there is not as deep animosity between the military unification and the underground party as there is between the central unification and the underground party, they have even cooperated several times under the banner of United Anti-Japanese, and they get along quite happily.

 But in the final analysis, the two sides are mortal enemies with different beliefs and life-and-death rivals.

If he were an underground party member, he would do anything to get rid of the deputy director. Just when he was about to start persuading, he was interrupted by a word.

“The pseudonym is only used for internal confidentiality, or to prevent Japanese prying.”

Zuo Zhong wiped the sweat from his forehead and said calmly: "The rebel bandits always have a good reputation, but they are always hypocritical in their actions and spread the words of joint anti-Japanese war everywhere.

If something happens to me, it will be a slap in the face of the other party, so even if they know my identity, they will definitely not take action against me, so don't worry. "

 Gui Youguang thought about it and found that it seemed to be true. Once something happened to the deputy director, the dissidents would be the ones most affected.

 Outer circles will certainly think that the other party is duplicitous, saying one thing and doing another. This will make the consolation group and others dissatisfied with the underground party.

After thinking about it, the hanging piece in his heart finally fell to the ground. He smiled and quickened his pace, catching up with Zuo Zhong.

A few dozen meters away from the two of them, Wu Chunyang was sitting on the carriage at the front of the caravan, swinging a whip in his hand and looking at both sides of the road warily.

 You will encounter enemies at any time in the Japanese-occupied areas, and you cannot relax for a minute. If the Japanese find something wrong, everyone present will die.

 Fortunately, what Wu Chunyang was worried about did not appear. At midnight, the convoy was about to enter Daning County.

Once you reach Daning, you will reach Yanchang County in the border area after crossing the Yellow River. There will be no danger in the rest of the journey.

On the quiet road, the clatter of horse hooves could be heard far away. Wu Chunyang whispered "drive" and wanted to drive as fast as possible.

 Suddenly, his hair suddenly stood up, and a feeling of being watched came over him.

 This is an intuition developed after countless life and death battles. There is no reason or any evidence.

"Alert!" The next second, Wu Chunyang shouted the alarm, immediately got out of the car, and hid behind the solid wooden wheels.

At the same time, the military special agents in the team stepped on the torches decisively, threw down the members of the condolences group to protect them without hesitation, drew their weapons and pointed them in all directions, and quickly entered a fighting state.

 Principles of guard missions—guards can die, but nothing can happen to the target.

It was only after a long time that the imaginary attack did not happen, and the scene fell into a deathly silence, leaving only the impatient neighing of horses and the sound of hoofbeats.

 “Why don’t you leave? Have you arrived somewhere?”

At this time, Xu Enzeng climbed up from a carriage sleepily, rubbed his eyes and muttered.

After walking such a long distance during the day, he lay down in the carriage and fell asleep as soon as he crossed the river crossing. In a daze, he noticed that the convoy had stopped, and thought he had reached the crossing point.

 “Huh? Why are you all lying on the ground?”

With a piece of eye droppings flying away, Xu Enzeng asked the military commander hiding beside the carriage. Everyone immediately looked back with expressionless expressions, as if they were looking at a dead person.

Deputy Director Xu, who was being stared at by so many people and slowly regained consciousness, realized that something was wrong. His body slowly stiffened and he asked with a sad face.

"Yes or no"

Before he could finish asking, everyone nodded. The meaning was simple. You, the old man, were indeed caught in the line of fire.

Xu Enzeng’s head exploded with a buzz. What evil had he done? It was like this on the Jiujiawei highway, and it is like this now.

  No, we can’t wait to die. Last time we had a cigarette box to stop the bullet. We won’t be so lucky this time. We have to hide.

Thinking of this, Xu Enzeng slowly put his hands on the car, raised his buttocks little by little, and wanted to flip under the car.

Through the hazy moonlight, Zuo Zhong saw his movements, his face suddenly darkened, and he secretly cursed this guy for failing to achieve anything but failing.

  Any slight movement during the confrontation would cause a firefight. Once the gunshots were fired, the Japanese patrol would hear them and the mission would fail.

"Don't move. If you move again, I will kill you first."

Zuo Zhong raised his gun and shook it at Xu Enzeng's head. Xu Enzeng was so frightened that he didn't dare to move. His buttocks were hanging in the air and his body was trembling.

 After taking care of his pig teammates, Zuo Zhong frowned, something was wrong.

If the other party were Japanese, they should have launched an attack long ago instead of remaining silent like this.

I heard that the underground party guerrillas in Jin Province are very active. Could it be that...

Looking at both sides of the dark road, he signaled for light cover, then climbed to a dirt **** and shouted in a higher pitch.

"Brothers opposite, we are a team of Guojun. Please open the way. If you want anything, just ask for it."

 After saying that, he immediately left his original position. The agents tightened their weapons one by one and put their fingers on the triggers.

 The military commanders have professional night combat training. As long as the enemy dares to fire, they will be fully confident to lock the target with muzzle flash and quickly eliminate the opponent.

The shouts echoed in the dark night. Just when Xu Enzeng was about to lose his hold, there was finally a response from the other side, and a loud voice came.

 “You have been surrounded, put down your weapons and surrender immediately!”

"Surrender? I must know who you are. You are hiding your head and tail like this, are you traitors?"

Zuo Zhong stretched his head and shouted again, constantly shifting his feet to prevent anyone from taking advantage of him.

“Put it down, we are guerrillas in southern Shanxi”


Two voices sounded from the opposite side. The first one was from a child, which sounded a little impatient, and the second one was from the person who originally called.

 Obviously the former was aroused by Zuo Zhong's words and fell into the trap impulsively. Although he was stopped by the latter, he still missed the point.

Hearing about the Shannan guerrillas, Zuo Zhong was delighted. He was really from the guerrillas, but how to determine the authenticity? What if it was a trap.

He rolled his eyes and thought of some useless fat man, so he had an idea and replied in the direction of the voice.

“Brother, I am really from the Guo Army. I have important official business to go to your base this time. Please come out and explain. To show our sincerity, we will send someone over as a hostage.”

  After briefly explaining his side's purpose, he waved his pistol at Xu Enzeng and signaled the other party to get out of the car.


Xu Enzeng really wanted to fight with the man named Zuo, but the problem was that a dark gun was pointed at him, and if he didn't go, he would be shot.

The visitor said he was an underground party member. If this was true, his life should not have been in danger. He had no choice but to reluctantly climb out of the car and walk slowly into the darkness.

After stumbling for dozens of meters, the frightened Xu Enzeng felt a pain in his hip. He was kicked to the ground before he could even call for help.

Dizzy, he saw several people pointing guns at him. The dim moonlight reflected on the person's body, and the guy immediately screamed strangely with a high-pitched throat.

“Are you really loyal underground party brothers? Don’t shoot me. I’m estranged from my life.”

Xu Enzeng almost said the idiom, but fortunately he reacted in time and rounded off the words he blurted out, which was quite a bit of quick wit.

I don’t know how long it took, but a torch suddenly lit up, illuminating the vision of everyone in the caravan, and two figures walked over from a distance.

When the two of them walked to the motorcade, in addition to Xu Enzeng, a man wearing a gray-blue military uniform with the word "eight routes" sewn on his armband appeared in front of everyone.

                                   gers timate degree of sensitivity ┴ Sensory words by means of a secret poke test ┴ Sensory words)

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