Cicada Moving

Chapter 1135: guerrillas

 “What to eat in the Second War Zone!”

 “Such a big team, if you say it doesn’t exist, it will be gone! Waste!”

“Hurry up and ask them to find it for me. If you can’t find it, ask someone to fight with them!”

At the Luojiawan headquarters of Shancheng Military Command, Dai Chunfeng stood in front of his desk and cursed loudly, his chest heaving violently, and various documents and office supplies scattered on the floor.

 A few minutes ago, the Second Theater Joint Border Region sent a message to the national government. The convoy of the Nanyang condolences group and the national government entourage was attacked 30 kilometers north of Hancheng.

Dozens of corpses were left at the scene of the attack. The Political Training Office of the theater urgently dispatched personnel who had seen the condolence group to Hancheng to confirm that the corpses had nothing to do with the condolence group.

Later, after identification by the Hancheng Party Headquarters, it was found that the deceased were all party members. More than 20 people, including the director, died, and no one survived.

 As for the condolences group and its entourage, they are gone.

The local garrison has launched a large-scale search, but due to the dark sky and low visibility, no clues have been found yet.

According to eyewitness testimony, the perpetrator who attacked the convoy was wearing a northwest military uniform. The border region government refuted this and denied that it was related to the attack.

Dai Chunfeng looked at the message on the table, his face looked even more sinister under the dim light of the desk lamp, and his eyes were full of regret.

 I shouldn’t have let Shen Zhi lead the team to the northwest!

If something happens to the other side, the intelligence work of military commanders will be paralyzed for at least a year, or even longer.

Some high-level informants have no files at all, and their contact information and communication passwords are all in the other party's mind. Now it's all over.

 Putting aside official matters for the time being, Dai Chunfeng could not accept the loss of this proud disciple based solely on his personal emotions.

 Since the 22nd year of the Republic of China, the other party has been his best assistant and closest junior.

 Human beings are not ruthless. After so many years of interaction, when I suddenly heard that Zuo Zhong was attacked and disappeared, even if he was as cold-blooded as Dai Chunfeng, he would inevitably feel sad.

After breathing heavily for a while, holding back the emotions that were about to explode, Lao Dai raised his head and looked at his secretary Li Wei, and asked grimly.

“Has the Telecommunications Office contacted the consolation mission’s radio station?”

 “No, the other party did not respond.”

Li Wei stood up straight, lowered his head and whispered back, his trouser legs shaking slightly, he was so scared that he didn't even dare to speak out.

 Having followed Dai Chunfeng for many years, this was the first time he saw the director lose his temper like this. Apparently, deputy director Zuo's position in the other party's mind was more important than imagined.

 “Then keep calling and don’t stop until you make contact.”

Hearing Li Wei's answer, Dai Chunfeng replied in a deep voice, but his original anxious mood lightened a lot.

 The condolences group and Zuo Zhong and his party were not at the scene. Instead, someone from the Hancheng Party Headquarters died. This was probably Zuo Zhong's plan to escape.

 After escaping, it is normal to maintain radio silence in order to conceal your whereabouts.

 The military commander's operation manual clearly requires that in the event of extreme danger, self-preservation is the top priority and contact is allowed to be cut off.

Dai Chunfeng walked to the window and looked at the deep night without saying anything for a long time. He was a little hesitant in his heart. Was this really the work of the underground party?

 If it is true, do you want to wake up...

Thinking of this, his face showed some confusion, but it passed quickly, and then he returned to the table and firmly picked up the phone.

 Jin Province, Daning County.

 Led by Xu Enzeng, the man with the word "Balu" sewn on his armband saluted Zuo Zhong, revealed his identity and asked two questions.

“I am Cui Hongyong, the instructor of the second detachment of the underground Shannan Guerrillas. May I ask about your position and the purpose of going to our base area.”

As he spoke, Cui Hong looked at the national team in front of him with vigilance, and did not even release the hammer of the shell gun in his hand.

 The other guerrilla members never showed up and remained hidden in the darkness.

Zuo Zhong didn't take it seriously when he saw the situation. He carried out guerrilla warfare in the Japanese-occupied areas. Even his own people who were unfamiliar with it couldn't completely believe it, not to mention that they were members of the national government.

If this Instructor Cui is an old underground party member from the southwest period, if he doesn't shoot when he sees them, he has strong party spirit.

The "good deeds" done by the Guo Party in the Southwest are even worse than what the Japanese did in Jinling. Even when the Japanese 6th Division comes, they will be at a disadvantage.

These thoughts flashed through Zuo Zhong's mind. He strode up to Cui Hongyong, cupped his hands and said with a smile on his face.

“Hello, Instructor Cui, my brother’s surname is Xu. Thanks to Shangguan’s cultivation, he serves as the team leader in the Attendant’s Office. This time he accompanied the Nanyang Consolation Group to inspect the border area.

I do n’t want to encounter an attack halfway, and the whole army is overwhelmed. In order to get rid of the chase, we can only get involved in the danger to enter the devil's site to bypass. You see, this is my certificate. "

After introducing the situation, he handed over a genuine Attendant's Room ID, glanced at the other person's face, and began to remember it quickly.

 Remembering every stranger you meet is a basic skill for intelligence officers, and it may save your life at some point.

During the negotiation between Zuo Zhong and Cui Hongyong, Gui Youguang and several tall members of the special operations team separated to the left and right, blocking the firing range in all directions, ready to block bullets with their bodies at any time.

The remaining military commanders, like the guerrillas, still lie on the ground and remain alert, with their weapons ready to fire.

From the time someone betrayed his life to the beginning of the war between China and Japan, the fruit party and the underground party were fighting to the death. They lacked enough trust in each other, so both sides kept a hand.

Cui Hongyong took the certificate, opened it, put it under the torch, looked at it carefully by the light of the fire, returned it, and said.

"Team Leader Xu, right? Cui has little knowledge and can't tell the authenticity of the documents. I can indeed take you to the border area, but!" His tone suddenly dropped, and under everyone's gaze, he slowly raised his voice. The voice gave a serious warning.

"You must follow me closely along the way and are not allowed to pry around. When you arrive at the border area, your identity will be verified by your superiors."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Enzeng, Mr. Chen and others all breathed a sigh of relief, and they could finally go to the border area.

Especially Xu Enzeng, at this moment he was extremely looking forward to seeing the large army of dissidents. Compared with the Japanese, the underground party was still "approachable".

 “No problem, just follow Chief Cui’s instructions.”

Zuo Zhong also responded with a smile. His mouth was full of Guo Party official accent, and his expression was full of bureaucracy.

However, Cui Hong looked away, and he gestured to Gui Youguang, ordering everyone to get up, but to continue to be vigilant to prevent sneak attacks.

Subsequently, the agents helped the members of the condolences team to get up from the ground, and the extinguished torches were lit again.

 This is the sincerity given by Zuo Zhong. Now it depends on how Cui Hongyong responds.

If the guerrillas still treat the consolation group with the attitude of dealing with the enemy, the consolation group may have a bad impression on the border area.

Cui Hongyong hesitated for a moment, put his hand in his mouth and whistled. Someone in the distance immediately responded with a whistle. It seemed to be some kind of communication code.

After a few minutes, noisy footsteps slowly approached the convoy. It sounded like there were a lot of people.

 “Instructor, are you okay?”

Soon, a man with a Chinese character came over and asked nervously. The shell gun in his hand was pointed at Zuo Zhong and the agents intentionally or unintentionally.

There is another group of people following the other party. There are about less than 50 people, with different heights and different ages. I am afraid this is the second detachment of the Shanxi South Guerrilla Army.

 Among them were gray-haired old men, a child whose head was no taller than a carriage wheel, and women with mutilated limbs.

 What kind of team is this?

  The consolation group and the special agents couldn't help but take a deep breath and exclaimed inwardly. They couldn't believe their eyes.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of everyone, the so-called second detachment of Shanxi Southern Guerrilla Army is less like an army and more like a group of beggars.

 Because the clothes of the visitors were all kinds, a few wore military uniforms from the Northwest, Guo, Japanese, and Shanxi-Sui armies, while more wore tattered cotton-padded jackets.

 Some people didn’t even have shoes. They walked barefoot or wearing straw sandals on the ground covered with sharp gravels.

You must know that although it is July, the nighttime temperature in the northwest is still very low. The agents feel cold even wearing cloth shoes, let alone bare feet.

 I can’t imagine what it would be like to walk in the snow wearing such simple clothes in winter.

Not only were the guerrillas dressed in rags, but the weapons they used were indescribable. It was like a museum, spanning several decades.

The Belarusian Shui Lian Zhu, the German 1888 Committee rifle, the Japanese gold hook, the old forward sleeve, as well as the homemade fire blunderbuss, red tassel gun, and broadsword.

 It was such a group of irregular troops with neither supplies nor logistical support that fought against the Japanese who were armed to the teeth for more than two years.

Watching all this, Mr. Chen's eyes slowly became moist, and then he suddenly turned around and questioned Zuo Zhong in a deep voice, with an extremely sad and angry tone.

“Team Leader Xu, the overseas Chinese are frugal and have ruined their families to provide relief. They have remitted more than hundreds of millions of dollars, but what exactly has the money been used on?”

Zuo Zhong was speechless, yes, where was the money used?

 Are they the luxuriously decorated private villas in mountain cities?

 Or a feast of feasting and feasting?

Or is it the accounts of the four major families with equal power in overseas banks?

Everyone knew this very well, but they pretended not to know anything, putting money in their pockets while shouting various slogans.

After a long silence, Zuo Zhong looked at Mr. Chen expressionlessly and spoke in an official tone lukewarmly.

“Don’t worry, after returning to the mountain city, I will report it to the committee, track down the officials who have failed in their duties, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer.”

With so many Fruit Party agents around, he had no choice but to answer in this way, otherwise his stance would not be firm, and someone would be killed.

Mr. Chen didn't know the reason for his difficulties. He suddenly laughed angrily, pointed at the guerrillas standing there like javelins, and let out a roar.

 “It’s not to satisfy me! It’s to satisfy them!”


At this moment, an inappropriate sneer came from the crowd, which was very harsh in the quiet night.

Everyone heard the sound and looked around, only to see Xu Enzeng looking at the guerrillas with disdain and whispering "bumpkin" in his mouth.

 “That’s unreasonable! You!”

“Okay, Mr. Chen, please be patient.”

Zuo Zhong stopped the angry Mr. Chen, took a deep look at Xu Enzeng who had retracted his head, turned around and said to Cui Hongyong who was watching the show.

“Sir Cui, I’m making you laugh. It’s getting late. Why don’t we cross the river first?”

"Okay, but we don't call you "Sir". Team Leader Xu, you can call me Lao Cui or Comrade Cui. Come on, I'll lead the way."

Cui Hongyong first corrected Zuo Zhong's title, and then walked in the front. Zuo Zhong smiled and said nothing, and followed closely with a sympathy group.

The man with the Chinese character's face was still worried, and with a secret wink, the guerrillas dispersed silently, hugging the fruit party and leaving quickly.

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