Cicada Moving

Chapter 1198: critical moment

Chapter 1198 A critical moment

"This vampire! Lao Bai, we can't let him rip us off. We must find a way. At worst, everything will be broken. There are many robe brothers in the mountain city who are willing to sacrifice their lives."

Xu Weiming switched the microphone to the other side of his face and said angrily to Bai Wenzhi, his tone full of murderous intent.

 He ​​said this not because he was greedy for money, but because the part of the profit that belonged to him was not his personal profit, but the organization's. These were life-saving money.

Northwest is lacking everything now, so Xu Weiming feels distressed just thinking about spending such precious funds on Li Qiwu, and wants to tear him apart alive.

Since last year, the Kuomintang and the Japanese have joined forces to blockade the border areas. Medicines, weapons, cloth, and food used in the hometown have to be purchased at high prices.

 In fact, if it were not for financial difficulties that would make it difficult to maintain daily office work, his superiors would not allow him to participate in material transactions.

You must know that the existence of "Qiu Chan" is a top secret among top secrets. No matter how hard it is, the leaders will not activate radio stations related to Qiu Chan.

 Fortunately, relying on Bai Wenzhi's connections and the help of the underground party in Shancheng, Xu Weiming raised a lot of supplies these days and sent them back to the border area through secret transportation lines.

But the price of all this is that "Qiu Chan" and he will be exposed at any time. Taking such a big risk, all the benefits will be taken by Li Qiwu. How can Xu Weiming be willing to take this opportunity to show off his cards with the other party?

 It’s only at 7pm.

Xu Weiming didn't know what he thought of, and his expression changed slightly, but in the end he didn't refuse the invitation.

Although this will involve Bai Wenzhi, in the eyes of people like Zuo Zhong, there are no friends that cannot be betrayed, and there is no friendship that cannot be betrayed. As long as the opponent can be eliminated, it is normal to do anything.

Thinking of this possibility, Xu Weiming paused for a breath and carefully thought about all the details of his interaction with Li Qiwu, looking for loopholes.

"Okay, if the person named Li is shameless, I will find a way to ask Deputy Director Gu Qigu to come forward. It's a pity that Deputy Director Zuo is not in the mountain city, otherwise there would be no room for Li Qiwu to jump around."

Hang up the phone, he lit a cigarette and held it in his hand. He looked at the map of the mountain city on the wall and fell into deep thought. He recalled Li Qiwu's information in his mind.

Zuo Zhong knew his partner's thoughts and would definitely complain. He recommended him to Li Qiwu or Xu Enzeng just to be safe. He had no intention of cheating Lao Bai and Lao K.

 Left heavy! The most dangerous and insidious agent of the Kuomintang intelligence agency!

With such a great reputation, there is no false person. Even the head of the Social Affairs Department of the border area specially called him to remind him to pay attention to this person. No one can be too vigilant against this kind of enemy.

Bai Wenzhi on the opposite side was silent for a while after hearing his words, then gritted his teeth and scolded Li Qiwuyitong, and gave a solution to the problem.

Walking to the monitoring equipment, Dai Chunfeng picked up the monitoring record and looked at it. When he saw the names of Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi written on it, he frowned and asked.

 Suppose Zuo Zhong suddenly attacked Li Qiwu one day and made some articles about the radio station's license, and even forged evidence that their radio station was in contact with the northwest.

 So when he and Lao Bai came to the door, the other party issued the radio station license without hesitation. The whole process seemed normal. The question was, who suggested that they go to Li Qiwu?

While he was performing the face change, Dai Chunfeng opened the door and walked in. Lao Dai's outfit was completely different from usual. He was wearing a coarse cloth and a disguise on his face.

In the past few years, Li Qiwu was severely suppressed by Zuo Zhong. He messed up a lot of things. He went to the army to fight corruption and almost didn't come back. Last time, he became a spy and spent all his family property to escape. .

Before, Bai Wenzhi thought Zuo Zhong was too shady, but now compared with Li Qiwuyi, he couldn't be better. At least he was really doing things after receiving the money, and he wouldn't take advantage of him every time.

So, could Li Qiwu's invitation be a trap, and he could be inadvertently involved in the strife within the military system?

The other party is an old classmate of the military commander Dai Chunfeng. The two have a close relationship. He is Dai Chunfeng's confidant second only to Zuo Zhong in the military commander. He has a cunning personality but gives people the impression of being loyal and mature and difficult to deal with.

But the world is so strange. Xu Weiming's "every tree and grass are soldiers" is wrong. Li Qiwu's invitation is indeed not as simple as it seems.

Hearing this, Xu Weiming was gracious and suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He seemed to have underestimated his enemy. The reason for Li Qiwu's treat was not yet determined. Now was not the time to relax.

“How many suspicious targets have been identified?”

Li Qiwu took off the monitoring headphones. There was pride and resentment on his fat face. The pride was because Bai Wenzhi and Xu Weiming did not suspect him, and the resentment was because he had lost the position of deputy director.

 Somewhere in the mountain city.

Li Qiwu responded flatteringly: "There are 141 commercial radio stations in Shancheng, and we have currently checked 45 of them."

  141 minus 45, that is to say, there are still 96 targets to be screened. Dai Chunfeng's face was expressionless after hearing this, neither expressing satisfaction nor dissatisfaction. This attitude of neither getting better nor worse made Li Qiwu feel uneasy.

  After hesitating for a while, Li Qiwu whispered a test: "Boss, the people who can obtain the commercial radio license are those who have connections and connections in the government. Such people should not have any problems.

Furthermore, I don’t understand why the people in charge of these radio stations must be sent away at 7pm. Have you received the news? "

Glancing at his old classmate, Dai Chunfeng knew that the other party had noticed something. He thought that Li Qiwu would need to participate in the following plan. After thinking for a while, he slowly spoke.

“The underground party has a highly confidential secret radio station in the mountain city. More than half of the information leaked by the party-state is related to this radio station, which can even be traced back to the Jinling period.

At the same time, the materials smuggled from the Kuomintang-controlled areas to the northwest in recent months are also inextricably linked to it. The other party is like a sharp sword stuck in our hearts and must be removed as soon as possible! "

 When he said the last two words, Dai Chunfeng's eyes flashed fiercely, which scared the little spies next to him and quickly lowered their heads. Seeing this, Lao Dai softened his tone and continued to explain.

"Unfortunately, I didn't get many clues. The code name, identity, and password are all unknown. I only know that this radio station is operated by a single person and will send reports to the underground party in the mountain city around 8 o'clock every night. Such a high-intensity report is risky. It is very large and can be easily discovered by us and other intelligence agencies. I analyze that the other party is more likely to be hidden in a frequently used commercial radio station.

To deal with such veterans, general power outage investigation and signal detection will not be of much use, and close investigation will expose them. Only by combining technical means with intelligence can we get twice the result with half the effort.

I happen to have a way to grasp the trends of underground party radio stations in Shancheng, so I ask you to find a way to remove the people in charge of these commercial radio stations before 8 o'clock. Do you understand? "

Li Qiwu suddenly realized that the purpose of using the transmission time was to identify the moles of the underground party. If the target left the radio station and the message that was supposed to be sent at 8 o'clock was not sent, he would be a suspect.

If he could pull out this nail, the credit would be huge, and the bad effects from the last time would also be eliminated. Thinking of this, he felt slightly excited.

But a question immediately popped up. Why didn’t Dai Chunfeng give such a good job to his proud disciple Zuo Zhong? Are there any risks?

Li Qiwu thought about it suspiciously for a moment. He felt that the time was wrong. Zuo Zhong had disappeared for a long time. It was said that he was performing a secret mission.

In the entire military commander, only Dai Chunfeng knew where the other party was. Perhaps the man named Zuo would not be able to come back for the time being, which gave him a big advantage.

 This is the fact. If Zuo Zhong was in Shancheng, it would not be Li Qiwu's turn to take charge of this matter.

In addition, Dai Chunfeng also wanted to see how effective the military commander was after leaving Zuo Zhong.

 A mature organization should have a complete reserve force and cannot pin all its hopes on any one person.

"Bureau chief, if the secret radio station is hidden in a military and political agency or simply an underground radio station, how should we deal with it?" At this time, Li Qiwu asked a question.

“Check the commercial radio stations first. If there is no result, then check the official radio stations. After all, the radio stations that are still on at 8 o’clock in the evening are basically from the military, and underground radio stations are not likely. The bandits will definitely not be so rampant.”

Dai Chunfeng answered simply, and after that, he sneaked away. As the commander-in-chief of the military command, he had a lot of official business to deal with, and it was impossible to spend all day here.

After respectfully bidding farewell to Lao Dai, the morale of Li Qiwu and the spies soared. They vowed to destroy the underground party's important radio station in the mountain city in one fell swoop, get promoted and make a fortune, and reach the pinnacle of life.

The day before New Year's Day arrived in the blink of an eye. Xu Weiming arranged the work of the party department, locked the office door, put the bag on the sliding pole, and headed to the business firm he and Bai Wenzhi opened together.

On the road, he observed the movement behind him from time to time, and stopped several times to buy things to make sure if anyone was following him.

It took more than an hour, and the sliding pole fell in front of the store. Xu Weiming dropped a few banknotes, glanced at both sides of the street, and stepped through the door.

 “Manager Xu, you are here.”

The staff greeted us warmly.

Xu Weiming waved his hand and walked directly into the telegraph room of the trading company. He chatted with the telegraph operator hired to learn about the purchase and sale of goods in various places.

 When the business talk was over, Xu Weiming raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was already 7:50 pm. He signaled the operator to get off work and sat down in front of the telegraph machine.

The operator didn't care either. The firm's codebook was divided into two sets. One was used for daily business transactions and was controlled by him, and the other was used for confidential messages. The codebook was in the hands of the two shareholders and was generated by Manager Xu. , this is the case every day.

It didn’t take long before Xu Weiming was the only one left in the business store except the janitor on duty. The clock was ticking, and his right index finger was on the key, ready to press it.

Tomorrow night at 7 o'clock he will go to Li Qiwu's appointment, which coincides with the time to contact the underground party in Shancheng. He decided to inform the other party so as not to affect his work.


Just as the buzzer of the electric key rang, the door of the trading house was suddenly slammed hard, followed by the gatekeeper shouting twice.

 “Manager Xu, I have your urgent letter!”

 Xu Weiming's hand movements suddenly stopped, he hesitated slightly and got up and went outside. He got a letter from the gatekeeper with the words "Brother Xu Weiming Junqi" written on it.

"Who sent it?" He looked at the letter and the people coming and going outside the store, and asked in a deep voice.

The janitor replied honestly: "A postman left after delivering the letter. What's the matter? Manager Xu, do you want me to go out and look for it?"


Xu Weiming shook his head, quickly returned to the telegraph room, opened the envelope, and took out a piece of letter paper.

“There is a traitor in the top management of Wei in Shancheng City. Do not expose him. We will activate the backup frequency for contact in one hour, Qiu Chan!”

Looking at the content on the paper, thinking of Li Qiwu's invitation, and then thinking of the contact time between himself and the Shancheng underground party, Xu Weiming was stunned and froze in place, with cold sweat covering his back.

 “Dang, dong, dong…” The clock struck 8 times.

 Lao K, who was awakened by the bell, immediately established contact with Shancheng City Wei at the usual time. After sending the message, he truthfully reported Li Qiwu's incident to Northwest, seeking help from his superiors.

He must go to tomorrow's appointment, and the 8 o'clock telegram must be sent, but he does not have the ability to clone himself. The only solution now is to find someone to send the telegram on his behalf, such as Qiu Chan, provided that his superior approves his request.

 Five minutes later, a reply from Northwest came, with only one sentence: Agree, follow the command of "Qiu Chan".

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