Cicada Moving

Chapter 1199: No good feast

Chapter 1199 There is no good feast

  No. 29 Luojiawan, Military Command Headquarters.

 Li Qiwu stood in front of Dai Chunfeng's desk in a standard military posture, reporting to him the results of the day's investigation of the commercial radio station, or asking for rewards. To make a living in the public sector, he must show his face in front of his immediate boss from time to time.

“Bureau chief, no suspicious targets have been found so far. Tomorrow night, I will personally screen Xu Weiming and Bai Wenzhi. However, these two people have a good relationship with Deputy Director Zuo, so I am worried.”

Wearing small shoes can be regarded as Li Qiwu's innate skill. As long as this guy finds an opportunity, he will find a way to give his competitors some eye candy.

He and the German propaganda director both believe in a saying, "A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth." The more times it is repeated, the false will become true.

But Dai Chunfeng was obviously not an ordinary person. After hearing Li Qiwu's words, he just smiled faintly, got up from his chair and walked to the window. He crossed his arms and looked at the little spies in the yard, and asked each other a question.

“Qi Wu, do you know what kind of person Shen Zhong is?”

Li Qiwu was dumbfounded. Of course he knew who Zuo Zhong was. He was cunning, despicable, ruthless, well-heeled, and good at disguise. Anyway, he was not a good guy.

But he could only think about these words in his heart. Saying them would destroy the unity and lower his impression in Dai Chunfeng's mind. There was no way he could say it.

On the other side, Dai Chunfeng did not give his old classmate a chance to organize his words. He slowly turned around, stared into his eyes and spoke again.

Dai Chunfeng slammed the table and cursed with a black face: "Tell Shen Zhi to investigate with confidence. These **** have fallen into depravity even before the Japanese have driven them away. They deserve to be killed!"

"Shen Zhong is a young man at heart. He has enjoyed fine clothes and fine food since he was a child. His food, clothing, housing and transportation are more exquisite than those of a teacher like me. He smokes American cigarettes, drinks Laoguo red wine, and wears dresses made by red tailors. .

 After saying that, he got angry at Li Qiwu again. The director of the inspection office was in charge of internal discipline. Lao Dai's angry saliva hit the helpless Li Qiwu like a storm.

That evening, Mrs. Li Qiwu visited the family members of the chief and deputy stationmaster of Annan Station. She also took several small suitcases with her, but when she returned home, the suitcases were missing.


Does such a person have anything to do with the dissidents who value hardship and simplicity? I think it's impossible. The underground party is better at this than us. Even I have to admit it.

 The Deputy is planning to stay there for a while and conduct a secret investigation. He specifically asked me to ask you for leave. Once the investigation is found out, he will return to the mountain city immediately. "

After beating Li Qiwu, Dai Chunfeng's expression relaxed and became "amiable" again, and then he returned to his seat and gave the other party a few more words.

I have also checked Bai Wenzhi and Xu Weiming. These two are senior cadres of the party and state when they were in Jinling. When selecting them, attention should be paid to the methods and methods, so as not to cause trouble in the city.

He Yijun opened the door and walked in. She glanced at Li Qiwu and put a telegram on the table.

Just after talking for a while, there was a knock on the office door, and Lao Dai said in a deep voice, "Come in."

“Brother Qi Wu, you have to put your energy where it should be, and don’t always cling to Shen. Do you know why we have been unable to defeat the underground party? It’s because we are not united.

In addition, Shen Zhong has always acted without scruples. As long as he can complete the task, he does not care about the old, weak, women and children, and the underground party will never allow this kind of behavior. Their discipline is too benevolent for women. "

“The bureau chief and deputy chief have returned, but when passing through Annan Station, they discovered that the station commander and deputy station commander were suspected of reselling military supplies and deducting military pay.

Speaking of which, this woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She has a good appearance. She is proficient in playing, playing, singing, playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting. She has unclear relationships with many high-ranking officials in the mountain city. Li Qiwu married her. "Green" smoke.

After dissing Xixi, Lao Dai did not let Li Qiwu go. He took two steps forward and continued to speak earnestly.

More importantly, according to reliable information, the secret radio station had just contacted the underground party in the mountain city, and showed no signs of delaying the report. What we do is based on evidence and cannot rely on guesswork. "

 Li Qiwu was so frightened that he was sweating profusely when he thought of some of the items in the secret compartment at home. He planned to return the things when he got home, so as not to eat the mutton and make himself smelly.

"What do you do for food? Have you been involved in the Annan Station incident? Let me tell you, if you let me know that this matter is related to you, don't blame me for not being a classmate! Okay, go ahead."

He exited Dai Chunfeng's office in embarrassment, pouted at He Yijun who walked away, and then left the military command headquarters in a hurry, as if his **** was on fire.

But to change the way of thinking, Lao Li and Commander Yuan, who should now be called Commander Yuan, Xu Enzeng and others can be good friends and let each other know what they have~

Back to business, after making sure that his wife had sorted out the matter, the frightened Li Qiwu fell asleep peacefully, but he was a little worried that the fat in his hands had flown away again.

the next day.

Li Qiwu drove around several times and returned to the secret monitoring point. The first thing he did was to check the monitoring records, especially those related to Xu Weiming and Bai Wenzhi.

Considering the concealment, Dai Chunfeng did not send any follow-up personnel to investigate the commercial radio station this time, and the investigation relied entirely on technical means.

This may cause omissions and the speed is slow, but it can ensure that no one is alerted to the greatest extent.

 After reading the document, Li Qiwu threw the notebook aside. Bai Wenzhi and Xu Weiming behaved normally, and the calls at their residence and office were not suspicious.

Even if the other party could notify Shancheng Wei through a dead mailbox or through a contact, Dai Chunfeng still couldn't escape Dai Chunfeng's eyes within the underground party.

Moreover, this operation was so covert that it was impossible for Bai and Xu to detect it in advance. The secret radio was operated by a single person, so the probability of the target finding someone to transmit it on his behalf was low.

Based on Li Qiwu's understanding of dissidents, the underground party has strict disciplinary requirements for the use and maintenance of radio stations, and revealing the codebook is a serious crime.

So, if tonight’s telegram is sent as usual, then the suspicions of Bai Wenzhi and Xu Weiming can indeed be eliminated. Li Qiwu felt a little disappointed that he could not throw dirt on Zuo Zhong, but then he cheered up. In this case, he could confidently and boldly rip off Bai and Xu, so as to recover the losses from last night.

Time passed quickly, and it was 6:30 in the evening. Bai Wenzhi and Xu Weiming walked into a restaurant in downtown Shancheng City.

“Director Bai, Deputy Director Xu, happy New Year to both of you, I’m calling you out, my sisters-in-law won’t have any objections, hahaha, please come in quickly.”

Li Qiwu greeted the two of them with a smile, invited them to the box, and made a little joke, looking all-round.

Bai Wenzhi and Xu Weiming were both smiling and shook hands with each other one by one. Bai Wenzhi, the major shareholder, was even more shy and waved vigorously as he walked.

"Director Li, you're welcome. Lao Xu's wife is in her hometown. The one in my family always does what Bai says. The male takes charge of the outside and the female takes charge of the house. This is the rule set by our ancestors."

“Director Bai has strict family rules, and Li admires him.”

Li Qiwu praised her on the surface, but actually sneered in her heart. Who doesn’t know that you are famous for being henpecked when you ask Bai Zhi? The washboard at home is almost worn out.

Xu Weiming did not join in the conversation between the two of them. He quietly looked at the customers and clerks in the store with his peripheral vision. Not surprisingly, he discovered a few people acting suspiciously, which confirmed his guess.

 The so-called invitation was actually a trap set by Li Qiwu. If it hadn't been for "Qiu Chan"'s timely reminder, he would have been in the military commander's interrogation room.

 But who could be the traitor?

His own existence is top secret, and only the top management of the Shancheng organization and some of the participants in the material transfer know about it. If someone here betrays the organization, the consequences will be disastrous.

Furthermore, why did "Qiu Chan" know that there was a traitor, why did he know that he was in the trading company, and why didn't he send a warning through the radio from the beginning.

 Could it be that Qiu Chan has been hiding by his side, and at the same time, the other party does not trust him? In an instant, countless questions came to Xu Weiming's mind.

The three people with their own thoughts sat down in the private room, and the waiters began to serve food. There were everything from swimming in the water to flying in the sky. The money consumed by this table of meals was enough to feed an ordinary family for several months.

Li Qiwu picked up a chopstick of meat, glanced at Bai Wenzhi, and then fell on Xu Weiming's face, "concerned" about his private life with a smile.

“Deputy Director Xu, is your wife okay in her hometown? Do you have any plans to bring your children and your wife to the mountain city? If you need help, please just ask. We are friends.”

Hearing Li Qiwu's words, Xu Weiming became more vigilant and immediately answered according to the background information provided by the organization with a slight wry smile.

“Thank you, Director Li, but Zhuo Jing has to take care of her mother in the countryside and may not have time to come to the mountain city. Besides, she has not studied for a few days and is not used to life in a big city.

 A few years ago, she visited my residence in Jinling. When cooking, she looked around for a stove at home. I told her about the coal stoves used in the city. What do you think she said? "

 “Oh? What did Madam-in-law say?”

“She said that people in the city are so poor that they have to spend money to buy coal even for cooking. It is better to just collect some firewood and cow dung in the countryside.”

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Li Qiwu and Bai Wenzhi were wandering around happily. Since they became officials, the women they have come into contact with are either progressive young people or ladies. They have never heard such vulgar remarks. Today, when they suddenly heard it, they felt a bit rustic.

 Wiping the non-existent tears from the corners of his eyes, Li Qiwu glanced at the clock on the wall and enthusiastically toasted Xu Weiming with a glass of wine.

While drinking and drinking, the time came to 8pm unknowingly. During this period, I went to the toilet for free. Li Qiwu personally sent an **** to **** him, as if there was some beast in the toilet.

Xu Weiming sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, clinking glasses with Li Qiwu from time to time, with a natural expression and no trace of nervousness at all.

He has given his fingerings, the verification code in the message, and the code book to Qiu Chan through the backup frequency. With a little practice, the other party can deceive the radio operator in Shancheng Wei.

 Fortunately, the contact with Shancheng City Wei was of a temporary nature, and the code book was not specially formulated, but a book in circulation was used, otherwise it would have been a bit troublesome.

 At 9:15 pm, when the banquet was about to end, a little spy walked into the house and put it next to Li Qiwu's ear, conveying the latest news from Dai Chunfeng.

“Director, the message was sent on time.”

Li Qiwu's face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye. He sent Bai Wenzhi and Xu Weiming away with a forced smile, and even forgot to knock the stick.

If Bai Wenzhi knew what he was thinking, he would probably have started talking loudly, hoping that something would happen to his "customer", and whether he had any business ethics.

 Over an hour ago.

In a certain house in the urban area of ​​Shancheng City, a figure quickly put away the radio, cleared the fingerprints and footprints in the house, opened the door and left quickly, quickly blending into the dark night.

While passing the intersection, a radio detection vehicle passed by it. The shrill siren caused passers-by to turn their heads and guess what happened.

 In the crowd, the figure put down the top hat on his head, ducked into the alley with complicated terrain, and disappeared in a moment.

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