Cicada Moving

Chapter 1200: The traitor hiding in the dark

 Chapter 1200 The Traitor Hidden in the Secret

One day in January 1941, there were several vigilant guards standing outside the office of the Director of Military Command. Two voices rang out from the thick door panel, the volume was very small and almost inaudible.

“Have you checked all commercial radio stations?”

 “The bureau seats have all been checked.”

"How's it going?"

 “Nothing suspicious was found.”

Dai Chunfeng and Li Qiwu asked and answered questions, declaring the investigation of the secret radio station bankrupt, and then the office fell into silence.

Li Qiwu lowered his head and did not dare to raise his head, for fear that one of his actions would anger Lao Dai and regret taking on this job.

 After a long time, Dai Chunfeng slowly relaxed his frown, tapped his fingers on the armrest of the sofa a few times, and said lightly.

“It’s okay if there are no results. This shows that our work is effective. Bandits are not rampant in mountain towns. You can continue to screen official radio stations and underground radio stations.

By the way, how did Bai Wenzhi and Xu Weiming perform on New Year's Day? Did they go out during the period? Or have you been in contact with suspicious persons? "

"It's normal. Xu Weiming didn't leave even one step. He went to the toilet without asking, but our people were watching." Li Qiwu replied softly.

If possible, he really wanted to blame Bai and Xu Weiming, but unfortunately there were many people present that day, so he couldn't open his eyes and tell lies.

Dai Chunfeng said favorably and waved his hand to let Li Qiwu go out. He was still sitting on the sofa thinking about something until he was awakened by the ringing of the phone.

 “Dingling bell~”


“Two hours later, Liuyichun Teahouse.”


On the other end of the phone, a man who deliberately lowered his voice reported the time and address. Dai Chunfeng didn't say much, looking very mysterious.

What is even more special is the red phone Dai Chunfeng used when answering the phone. This is a confidential line that belongs to him alone. No one has the right to monitor it. There is only one phone in the entire military command that has this privilege.

Hang up the phone, Lao Dai stood at the table with the phone pressed and thought for a while, his eyes full of suspicion. "That person" has a sensitive identity, why would he risk contacting him?

Once discovered, the opponent will be killed even if he has three heads and six arms. The underground party will not show any mercy to traitors.

After hesitating for a moment, Lao Dai called his secretary Li Wei and asked him to secretly transfer dozens of elites from the security brigade to accompany him to the appointment.

He was not afraid of an ambush by the underground party. After all, everyone in the northwest did not engage in political assassinations. What he was afraid of was that "that person" would get involved with the Japanese - never overestimate the moral bottom line of a traitor.

 After getting ready, Dai Chunfeng got into his car and left the headquarters, followed by seven or eight cars of various types with civilian license plates.

Such a big battle has made the spies, big and small, suspicious. They wonder if there is another big case, and the bureau boss is about to go into battle himself.

 Liu Yi Chun Tea House.

The waiter was carrying a long-mouthed teapot unique to southwest China to add tea to the guests. Tea drinkers from all over the world chatted in various dialects, and the teahouse was bustling with people.

Wearing a long gown and a fake beard on his face, Dai Chunfeng walked into the store, glanced around with his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses, and walked towards a private room.

Several disguised secret agents followed closely behind, sitting down at the front door, back door, counter, and window respectively, with their hands faintly resting on the hem of their clothes.

 “Dong dong.”

“There’s shopkeeper Hong outside the door, cough, cough, come in quickly.”

Dai Chunfeng knocked on the door of the private room twice. When he heard the reply inside, he felt relieved and immediately opened the door and entered.

 In the private room, a person was hiding in the shadows in the corner, with his right hand pressing the brim of his hat, and his left hand covering his mouth with a handkerchief, coughing continuously, looking like a short-lived ghost.

Seeing Dai Chunfeng come in, the man quickly stood up, took off his hat, nodded and bowed to say hello to him.

“Director Dai, see you...”

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense. Why are you calling me here in such a hurry? Aren’t you telling me not to contact me except to report the secret radio’s movements every day?”

Dai Chunfeng didn't give the other party a good look. Now was the critical moment. He didn't want to listen to any pranks, he just wanted to catch the secret radio station!

The mysterious man smiled awkwardly, bowed slightly and lowered his posture, explaining why he was anxious to contact Lao Dai.

“Director Dai, a special correspondent may be sent from the northwest, accompanied by a telegraph operator. The original telegraph operator will return to the northwest for training. I called you as soon as I got the news.

This is a good opportunity. The people who can serve as special commissioners in the underground party are either hard-core internationalists who have returned from Red Russia, or they are veteran rebels. If they are caught, they will definitely gain a lot. "

 Special correspondent, telegraph operator.

These two words kept stimulating Dai Chunfeng's nerves. Of course he knew the weight of the special correspondent and the radio operator. It could be said that as long as either of the two fell into his hands, it would be a huge victory.

Suppressing his excitement, Dai Chunfeng thought carefully about it and judged whether there was fraud. After a while, he ruled out this possibility.

This operation was very secretive, and Mole's identity was even more top-secret. He was the only one in the military command who knew about it. He didn't even tell Zuo Zhong, so Mole couldn't be exposed.

Having confirmed this, Dai Chunfeng patted the table lightly and said coldly under the gaze of the traitor. “Okay, without further ado, you immediately return to the city Wei headquarters of the rebel bandits and try to figure out the route, time and disguised identities of the two people who entered the mountain city.

 When the time is right, I will ask people to control them through public security inspections and try not to involve you. Your position is very important and must not be exposed. Don't worry, I will give you the first credit for catching the person.

Well, from now on, you will be the lieutenant intelligence officer of our military command, and your treatment will be the same as that of the headquarters staff. By the way, how is your health? Can you persist? "

Painting is a basic skill that all officers must master. Lao Dai promoted Mole casually and showed concern for him.

Mole's face turned red, whether from excitement or from coughing, and he immediately thanked him.

“Ahem, thank you Director Dai for your concern. This is an old problem for me, so it doesn’t matter.”

 “That’s good, then you do this and that…”

Dai Chunfeng whispered a few words to Mole, which were all based on experience extracted from the intelligence operations commanded by Zuo Zhong.

The teacher secretly learned from his students, and it would be a good story if word spread about it. This is also evidence that the military tradition is passed down in an orderly manner.

 After discussing the matter, Dai Chunfeng and the traitors left one after another. The teahouse was still so lively, as if nothing had happened.

at the same time.

On a small street in downtown Shancheng City, in a small building with the sign of "Zhicheng Company", "Lao Peng", the head of the underground party Shancheng City Wei, was holding a telegram in his hand and looking ugly.

This veteran underground intelligence officer never expected that a traitor would appear under his nose!

At this moment, the reactionary agents were staring at them not far away. They were not caught not because the party had good intentions, but because the enemy wanted to follow the clues.

 Shame! What a shame!

His hands clenched tightly and crumpled the message into a ball. His heart was filled with rage, and the faces of members of the underground party in the mountain city City Wei kept flashing in his mind.

According to the clues given by the superiors, the traitor was transferred from Qicheng. His position and level were not low. There were many people in Shancheng City who met these two conditions.

For example, there are more than a dozen people including the director of the urban work department, the director of the student work department, the deputy director of the organization department, and even his deputy secretary.

This is because after the fall of Qicheng, the personnel of the local organization retreated to the mountain city in an emergency, and the two parties merged to form the current Shancheng Wei Agency. Therefore, it is difficult to find traitors based on these two points alone.

However, Lao Peng was not in a hurry. His superiors already had a way to deal with it. He slowly calmed down his anger, lit a match and burned the message to ashes. He walked to the window and opened the blinds.

Looking through the gap between the window leaves, there seems to be nothing unusual in the street with people coming and going. In the past, Lao Peng thought so too.

  But he was sure that there was a traitor around him. Now when he looked outside, he immediately discovered several suspicious situations.

 For example, a small vendor who has been here for several months but has no change in his goods;

 For example, a salesman who walks through the streets every day but whose collar is as clean as new;

There are also pawnshop owners who don’t even clean up their signs.

These discoveries made Lao Peng take a breath of cold air. The enemy was more cunning than he thought. Fortunately, Shancheng City Wei had been strictly enforcing secret work discipline.

 That is, the party's instructions are conveyed from top to bottom, person by person, and implemented;

 The situation is handled from the bottom up, and each person reflects and reports upward;

Each department is divided into separate departments, horizontal contact is not allowed, and staff from different departments are strictly prohibited from discussing work with each other;

Thanks to this, otherwise within a few months, the enemy would have figured out all their details and could arrest them on a large scale at any time, without the need for surveillance.

 Damn traitor!

Lao Peng cursed secretly in his heart, his eyes moved to the map of the mountain city, his eyes shone with light, and a plan slowly took shape.

 The purpose of the plan is two-fold, one is to find the traitor, and the other is to help other City Wei staff escape safely.

Immediately, Lao Peng summoned many high-level officials from the municipal government to have a secret meeting. The surveillance agents looked at the targets walking in and out, and left line after line of records in their notebooks.

“At 17:35, Operation No. 2, moving to **** Road.”

“At 18:18, move to XX Lane on No. 4.”


 After several months of tracking, the spies have figured out the organizational structure of Shancheng City Wei. The identities, names, and addresses of the heads of each department are still unclear. Only the situation of grassroots intelligence personnel is still unclear.

As long as Dai Chunfeng is willing, most of the underground party's intelligence network in the mountain city will be destroyed in the next moment, and it will not be able to be restored in a few years.

This is the Party's most successful intelligence operation since the leader of the Red Team rebelled and surrendered to the enemy. The mountain city is in danger.

At 20:55, dark clouds enveloped the mountain city, and the traitor who met Dai Chunfeng at the Liuyichun Teahouse appeared outside a house that was destroyed by an air raid.

The man looked around, removed a certain bluestone slab from the ruins, stuffed an object under it, then turned up his collar and left quickly.

Tens of meters away, several small spies, like the surveillance personnel near "Zhicheng Company", recorded the traitor's every move in detail.

If Zuo Zhong were here, he would definitely find that these people, without exception, are the top students in various training classes of the military command. They have all passed the most stringent background checks and are the staunchest believers in the Three People's Principles.

This incident means that Lao Dai no longer trusts the staff of the Military Command Headquarters. The traitors may have revealed more information than imagined...

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