Cicada Moving

Chapter 333: Xu Enzeng said that even if I raise a dog, it will be more useful than you.

Chapter 333 Xu Enzeng said that even if I raise a dog, it will be more useful than you.

   Xu Enzeng stood on the steps of the Japan Pavilion at the Qunye Conference, raising his hands in the air, and roared at the secret agents with their heads lowered below: "Even if I have a dog, it's more useful than you, bastards!"

The agents below did not dare to refute, and kept their heads lowered, thinking that whatever you say is what it is, and it is not bad to compare with dogs. Dogs are so loyal, but we are just a little bit behind them.

Xu Enzeng didn't know what his men were thinking. If he knew, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood. However, seeing the indifferent expressions on their faces, his heart was filled with desolation for these useless people.

He turned around and looked at the burned-black Japan Pavilion, smelling the unpleasant burnt smell in the air. He put his hands on his hips and thought about who had leaked the news, but after thinking for a long time, he found nothing.

Wang Lizhong was in the Japanese Pavilion at Quanye Conference, but few people knew about it.

It should be said that he was the only one. Even Director Chen didn't know. Director Chen only knew that he was at the Quanye Conference. He didn't know where exactly, how many guards there were, etc., just to keep it secret.

The leaker will naturally not be Director Chen. If Director Chen is an underground party, then Southwest is still kicking the ass, so why should he arrest the underground party? It is better to join the underground party with Director Chen.

 Xu Enzeng finished thinking about Director Chen and tried his best to recall whether he had leaked the secret. The result was negative. He didn't even dare to find a woman these days because he was afraid that he would leak the secret by talking in his sleep.

Furthermore, the secret service headquarters is under his strict supervision. He knows exactly who anyone has met and what they have said. No one has ever passed on Wang Lizhong's information to the underground party.

 So, the only insiders left were the agents who participated in the operation, a group of 10 people. There were two groups of people performing protection tasks. All the people in that group died last night, so the traitor could be easily identified.

Thinking of this, he said in a deep voice: "Come here, let me shoot all their guns. If I find someone cheating, don't blame Mr. Xu for being ruthless and not remembering the old relationship."

 Xu Enzeng said while pointing to a group of 10 people standing aside with pale faces.

These people knew it was over as soon as it happened. No matter what the truth was, they were all scapegoats. Sure enough, before the scene could be investigated, a **** pot was firmly placed on it.

The vicious agent immediately pushed his old colleague to the ground and put on handcuffs and shackles.

 No one begged for mercy, and no one complained about injustice. These people were very aware of the virtues of their division chiefs, and they argued about merit and blame. There was no superior in the entire Republic of China who was more powerful than him. They had already accepted their fate.

Since you have no way to survive, you might as well just wait and see what happens, lest your family members and children will be affected. If you are lucky, you can get back part of the salary you saved in the past from the business fund.

However, their resignation made Xu Enzeng even more angry. He thought that these people's silence was acquiescence and they were resisting him. A murderous intention flashed through his heart, and he gritted his teeth and asked fiercely.

 “Why don’t you speak up? Are you demonstrating against me?”

The agent who was kneeling on the ground almost cried when he heard this. What the **** is this? Begging for mercy or not begging for mercy is a matter of death. After looking at each other, he could only shout weakly.

 “Director, please spare my life.”

 “Spare my life.”

Xu Enzeng listened to the begging for mercy, which was no louder than a cat's meowing. He raised his hands and said tremblingly: "You, you are going to make me angry to death. Come on, kill them all. Do it immediately."

 “Ah, Director, you are unjust for your humble position.”

“Director, I really didn’t reveal the secret.”

This time, the pleas for mercy were much more sincere. Possible death and death now were two different concepts. The agents kowtowed like garlic, and the hard concrete floor was stained with blood. The onlookers were sympathetic.

Today, these people were unjustly killed, and it is likely that they will be the ones in the future. I can’t help but feel sad that a rabbit has died and a fox has died, and something has harmed its own kind. I can’t help but feel a trace of resentment in Xu Enzeng’s eyes when he looked at the stage.

 “Director, the people from the Secret Service are here.”

“Hey, it’s still early for the Chinese New Year, why are you so polite?”

At this moment, two voices came from a distance. People present recognized that one was Liu Gui, and the other sounded familiar, but judging from the strange tone, it was easy to guess the identity of the person.

 Zo Zhong, Chief of the Intelligence Section of the Secret Service.

Xu Enzeng's eyes widened. Why did this **** Zuo Zhong come? Their safe spot was attacked. What does it have to do with the Secret Service?

Liu Gui hurried to the side of his director and made a few furtive reports, mainly talking about how helpless he was and how arrogant Zuo Zhong was, in order to shirk responsibility.

 Otherwise Xu Enzeng said that it was your boy who brought Zuo Zhong here, which would be enough for him to feel comfortable. Moreover, he had indeed tried his best to stop it, but who gave the Second Division the jurisdiction over serious cases?

The security point of the secret agent headquarters was attacked. Whether the murder of the secret agent was considered a serious crime or not, of course it was. This was Zuo Zhong's confidence to watch the excitement. Xu Enzeng had to endure it no matter how unhappy he was. This was the rule.

With a smile on his face, Zuo Zhong stepped on the steps he had walked a few hours ago and saluted neatly: "I have met Director Xu and I heard that a major case occurred here. I am here to take a look as per the rules."


Xu Enzeng's teeth were itching with anger. What nonsense rules? There were serious cases in other places in Jinling, but you didn't see your Secret Service running around. This is a joke that you came here to see the Secret Service Headquarters.

He said with a cold face: "You, Director Dai, went to Nanchang. I heard that you are temporarily in charge of the Secret Service. This is because Lao Dai trusts you. If you don't handle official affairs well in the Second Office, why are you meddling with us?" The chief has the right to speak like this to a section chief. In the past, Dai Chunfeng was here, and it was difficult for him to get a big education. Now Dai Chunfeng is far away in Nanchang, and Xu Enzeng is ready to teach Zuo Zhong a lesson.

 The opportunity is rare.

Liu Gui next to him rolled his eyes and laughed a few times. The man named Zuo came to the door by himself. No matter how ugly the director said, he could only listen obediently. If he refuted it, he would be guilty of the following.

He used this trick to deal with his men before, and now the director used it to deal with him. This was retribution. The more Liu Gui thought about it, the happier he became, feeling that he could finally get revenge this time.


Facing Xu Enzeng's difficulty, Zuo Zhong calmly took out a medal from his arms, pinned it on his chest, and then asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Director Xu, what did you just say?"

 Fourth Class Medal of Baoding.

Xu Enzeng's eyes almost turned red with envy. This thing is very precious. The recipients are basically military warriors who have fought **** the battlefield and made great achievements. Why did this little **** get it?

 How unfair God is.

He has done so many things for the leader, but he can only swallow his saliva while looking at the medal, without even looking at a hair. What’s more, this medal was awarded by the Chairman himself. It’s really infuriating that people are more powerful than others.

More importantly, the person named Zuo showed this thing. There are some things he cannot say. Xu Enzeng, a pillar of the party and the country who has been praised by the chairman of the committee, is not a green onion. What qualifications do he have to teach others.

Xu Enzeng was silent for a long time. After a while, he raised his head and grinned: "But since it is a serious case, it is appropriate for Section Chief Zuo to come to inspect the scene. You are welcome."

 (The easter egg has a video)

He gritted his teeth and rounded out what he just said without any embarrassment at all. He said it very naturally, just as he said, as long as I am not embarrassed, you will be the one who is embarrassed.

 “Director, you are really...”

Liu Gui's eyes darkened, and he almost said what he was thinking. He had such a useless boss who had done evil in his past life, and he was full of evil.

Not only him, but other agents in the branch were also dejected. Their boss was bullied so much, and their subordinates were also in disgrace.

 “Haha, thank you very much, Director Xu.”

Zuo Chong saw that he was good and stopped, and said respectfully: "I heard that this is a safe spot. I wonder if I can ask Director Xu to introduce the details of the scene. I will return home so that I can make a report."

This is to tell Xu Enzeng that what you say is what it is. The Secret Service is no longer in trouble. His Zuo Zhong is really just a formality. Director Xu, please rest assured. Hello, hello, hello, everyone.

 Is there such a good thing?

 Xu Enzeng hesitated for a moment, feeling that this matter could not be hidden, so he nodded: "There is a team of 10 people performing a protection mission. The target of the mission is... an underground party member."

Zuo Zhong showed admiration when he heard this: "The location here is hidden. If the second floor of the safe point is used as an observation post and machine gun position, a small number of people will not be able to rush in. It is indeed a good place."


 Xu Enzeng sighed. If he had subordinates like Zuo Zhong, he might have become the director of the Bureau of Statistics. Then he looked at Liu Gui, who was in a daze, with a trace of disgust in his eyes.

He steeled himself and said: "Section Chief Zuo is indeed a master of detection. He can see the key to this place at a glance. When I chose this place as a safe spot, I valued it because it is easy to control the surrounding environment."

Zuo Zhong walked to the door of the first floor, took a look at his masterpiece, turned back and said seriously: "It would be fine if a group of people attacked here, but if there are several people or even one person, then the matter will be serious."

“Chief Zuo, what does this mean?” Xu Enzeng sincerely asked for advice.

Zuo Zhong pointed at the walls near the entrances of the second and first floors: "Director Xu, your people did not exchange fire with the other party at all, otherwise there would be bullet holes left in these places, right?"


Xu Enzeng really didn’t pay attention to this just now. He quickly raised his head and squinted to check the exterior of the second floor. The cement wall above was extremely smooth. Looking at the door again, there were also no bullet marks.

“So the attacker must have internal personnel to respond, and there must be at least two of them, otherwise there is no way to avoid cross surveillance. Of course, this is just a humble opinion.” Zuo Zhong pretended to be humble and said.

"I see!"

Xu Enzeng held Zuo Zhong's hand and shook it vigorously, with a grateful expression on his face: "I was just a little skeptical at first, but after your explanation, Xu was really enlightened. Thank you Shenzhong for your reminder."

This is what he said in his heart. Once the direction of the investigation is pointed out, the following things will be easier to handle. It is nothing more than tracking, monitoring, and questioning. The mole will always leave some clues when doing this kind of thing.

Zuo Zhong didn't look too happy. He said in a worried voice with the voice of only two people: "Be careful about the people around you."

 After saying that, he respectfully saluted Xu Enzeng and left, leaving Director Xu with a suspicious look messy in the wind.

  The subject went home and pointed out a typo. I will correct it tomorrow. Thanks Uェ*U



 (End of this chapter)

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