Cicada Moving

Chapter 334: Accident

Chapter 334 Accident

 Half an hour later.

Gu Qi drove the car towards the third archway and asked: "Section Chief, what did you say to Xu Enzeng in the end? Why did he become nervous all of a sudden and his eyes became weird."

 “Haha, it’s nothing.”

Zuo Zhong leaned on the car seat with his hands on the back of his head, with a slight smile on his face. At this time, Xu Enzeng should start to investigate the inside, especially his cronies, such as Liu Gui.

According to the clues he gave, two people had a problem at a safe spot. If one person had a problem, it could be explained by being bribed, but it would be far-fetched for two people to use this reason.

Especially since these two people are in key positions adjacent to each other, it looks like someone has deliberately arranged it. The person who can arrange the field personnel at the safe point is naturally the senior staff of the secret service headquarters.

 Of course, that’s based on common sense.

Zuo Zhong is just talking nonsense. Is this a clever trick? It is just a simple way of sowing discord. Xu Enzeng fell into the trap only because he was suspicious, and it has nothing to do with him to create an unjust, false or wrongful conviction.

Let’s talk about those bastards. It may be unfair to shoot them one by one. If you kill every other one, some of them will definitely slip through the net. Then let them bite the dog, and I will give you a big gift in the future.

 Gu Qi saw that Zuo Zhong just smiled without explaining, knowing that the section chief had dug a hole for him again, he sighed in his heart and thought to himself that Xu Enzeng had been working in the intelligence industry for many years, so how could he be so naive.

Every time he met the section chief, he always stumbled, but when they left just now, this guy kept holding the section chief's hand and said thank you, which made Gu Qi almost laugh out loud.

I really don’t understand it.

Dingjiaqiao and Sanpailou were not far away. The two of them were silent and the car quickly reached its destination - the clock tower where Ye Jinzhong was monitored. Wu Chunyang was watching here with people from the political intelligence unit.

Seeing Gu Qi driving Zuo Zhong's car from a distance, Wu Chunyang asked his men to take over the surveillance, and ran down the bell tower to greet the two section chiefs, preparing to introduce their surveillance results in the past two days.

“Hello, section chief, and deputy section chief Gu, yesterday the target went to meet with the insider of the Navy Department again. Now there is sufficient evidence to prove that Ye Jinzhong is the liaison between the Japanese intelligence agency and Mole.

I don’t know why, but he has never sent any information to the outside world. Just in case, I checked our investigation process thoroughly last night to make sure there were no omissions. "

Wu Chunyang helped Zuo reopen the door and reported quickly. Ye Jinzhong's actions made him a little suspicious. He always felt that the other party had passed on the information but had not been discovered.

 It was not until the inspection was completed that he breathed a sigh of relief. If two pieces of intelligence were leaked due to mistakes in their work, then the first case after the establishment of the Political Intelligence Unit would have been failed.

 “Okay, don’t scare yourself.”

Hearing his words, Zuo Zhong showed a thoughtful look on his face: "It seems that our previous inference was correct. The Japanese Kwantung Army and the Puppet Manchukuo did not strictly manage this Puppet Manchukuo intelligence team."

Wu Chunyang nodded: "So the purpose of the Japanese sending them is very suspicious. You said you should start thinking from the beginning if you don't find the problem. I have thought a lot in the past few days and have some ideas."

Listening to the conversation between Zuo Zhong and Wu Chunyang, Gu Qi was a little confused: "Section Chief, what are you talking about? We have either determined the mission of the Puppet Manchukuo team, or there is a suicide attack in Jinling."

“Chunyang, please talk to Deputy Section Chief Gu, and then we’ll share your thoughts.”

During the conversation, several people reached the top of the clock tower. Zuo Zhong said something, picked up the binoculars and looked at the target's house. Ye Jin Zhongzheng and Vanessa were chatting across the courtyard wall. They were talking and laughing and seemed very happy.

It seems that Wang Deyong's actions have made them a little afraid. They don't dare to blatantly expose Hongxing, and they only dare to use this way of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl to relieve their lovesickness. It's really rare to have a lover.


Zuo Zhong moved the telescope and observed the two of them for a while, but found nothing unusual. Apart from talking, there was no physical contact. It was just the flirtatious look that was disgusting.

Over there, Wu Chunyang explained to Gu Qi what he and Zuo Zhong had discovered.

 Gu Qi frowned. What on earth were the Japanese doing? They just left the puppet Manchukuo intelligence team alone. There were indeed some problems. This was not in line with the style of the Japanese intelligence agency.

He looked at Wu Chunyang: "You said you have some ideas, tell me and listen. Anyway, I didn't want to understand the secret behind it. Is there something wrong with the information Miyamoto disclosed to the section chief?"

 “Well, tell me.”

Zuo Zhong did not look back and continued to observe Ye Jinzhong and Vanessa.

Wu Chunyang did not show off, and opened his mouth directly and said: "I have thought about it for a long time. First of all, our positioning of the Puppet Manchukuo intelligence team is not wrong. They are lurking in Jinling City as victims.

 It's just that the method and purpose of the sacrifice are different from what we thought. They may attack the National Government, but this is also a cover-up. Their real purpose is to let us catch them. "

 “You mean?”

Gu Qi had some ideas, and a person suddenly flashed in his mind: "Listening to what you said, I feel that their role is the same as that of the Japanese spy named Li Shudong in the Safe Point shooting case.

He was the deputy captain of the Detective Brigade of the National Police Agency. The Japanese spy Chen Jianzhong (Ichiro Ishimaru) who was lurking in the secret service headquarters at that time planned to use him as a promotion to gain Xu Enzeng's trust. " "Yes. "

Wu Chunyang nodded, and then showed a puzzled look: "But they were lurking in Jinling City a few years ago. At that time, our secret service had not been established. I don't understand this.

The Japanese never predict the future. After the Secret Service was established, people were placed in Jinling in advance. Moreover, the clues to the case were provided by Miyamoto. Who did they want to make meritorious deeds? "

His meaning is very clear. Miyamoto has already gone to the ravine. Who can benefit from this case cannot be Zuo Zhong and the Intelligence Section. The Japanese will not give credit to the Intelligence Section in vain.

 The time is not right.

 The beneficiaries are unknown.

Without clarifying these two issues, the case could not be investigated. Wu Chunyang thought about it without thinking. He originally wanted to find a time to ask Zuo Zhong, but now that he had the opportunity, he would of course take the opportunity to ask for advice.

Zuo Zhong did not answer. He was still monitoring the target attentively and allowed Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang to discuss. He was not ready to get involved for the time being. They had to let them figure out some things on their own.

In addition, although he has made some discoveries, some things are still unexplainable. It is too early to draw conclusions now. He has to wait for someone to jump out on his own before the next thing can be done.

After hearing this, Gu Qi fell into thinking. After a while, he put forward his own opinion: "The first thing is easy to explain. The target of the Japanese is probably not us, but Xu Enzeng's secret service headquarters.

 A few years ago, they were the largest intelligence agency in the country. At that time, Chen Jianzhong would lurk there. Now it is very reasonable to have another puppet Manchukuo group and another beneficiary. "

 At this point, he asked for instructions: "Section Chief, can you let me check the situation you asked me to check?"

Zuo Zhong stood there and waved his hands, allowing him to tell him about Xu Enzeng's nephew.

With permission, Gu Qi approached Wu Chunyang and said, "Xu Enzeng's nephew works at the General Staff Headquarters, and his fiancée is probably also a member of the Puppet Manchukuo group. This makes everything right."

You have to know that a few years ago, when the Secret Service Headquarters was at its peak, political and military intelligence were grasped. If people could be penetrated, the Japanese would be able to fully grasp our intelligence. "

Based on his own investigation, he gave a very reasonable explanation. As for the beneficiary on the other side, it may be the fiancée of Xu Enzeng's nephew, or someone else.

"Are you sure we are taking the blame for the same place?"

Wu Chunyang's mouth opened wide. He had worked so hard to lead the investigation for so long, and finally found out a group of spies who were targeting the secret service headquarters. Who should get the credit? It's the stubborn little Japan.

He almost had a heat stroke. His head felt a little big as he thought about it. Xu Enzeng would probably laugh his head off when he knew this. This is a real person who sits at home and his merit comes from heaven.

With a look of regret on his face, Gu Qi patted him on the shoulder: "Well, at least you have more than half of the credit. No matter how bad Xu Enzeng is, he can't erase the credit of your political intelligence unit in this case.

Don’t forget, our Secret Service is now leading the intelligence operations against Japan. The most we can do is share the credit. If he wants to take all the credit, Virgo No. 1 will not agree, so don’t worry. "

 The problem is that someone is more of an **** than an asshole.

Wu Chunyang was a little downcast and asked Zuo Zhong for instructions: "Section Chief, do you want to investigate this case yet? Do you want to transfer it to another department? We have completed the preliminary investigation. There is no big problem for them to take over."

 Gu Qi also looked at Zuo Zhong. There was really no need for the Intelligence Section to work for the secret service headquarters. It was just that Xu Enzeng's nephew's fiancée was involved in the case. It would be a pity not to take the opportunity to do something.

After listening to what they said, Zuo Zhong put the telescope aside, picked up the water glass and took a sip of water. He looked at the two of them with a smile and asked a small question: "Can the goal of the intelligence operation be changed?"

 Change the target, this is the case.

 Intelligence activities themselves are a work of adaptability. When faced with situations beyond our capabilities, we can naturally change our goals flexibly. We cannot risk our lives knowing the danger unless we must do so.

A glimmer of hope rose in Wu Chunyang's heart, and he cheered up: "Section Chief, you are saying that the Japanese's earliest target was one, and then it became our secret service. But where are the beneficiaries?"

 Speaking of this, his tone became suspicious again. Miyamoto must be fine. He learned this information by accident and did not use this information to obtain any benefits.

“You guys, your brain just can’t turn around.”

Zuo Zhong looked at Song Minghao who was hurriedly coming from the tower, and raised the corner of his mouth: "Everyone said that Miyamoto got the information accidentally. He only told the matter before the beneficiary. It was just an accident."


The typo is pointed out and will be corrected tomorrow.



 (End of this chapter)

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