Cicada Moving

Chapter 602: Return to Jinling and new tasks

 Chapter 602 Return to Jinling and new tasks

The National Government and the Japanese responded quickly, and the British were not slow either. A message from the British Foreign Secretary arrived at the Embassy in Japan on the same day, requesting the other party to lodge a formal inquiry with the Japanese government.

No one knows how the two sides discussed it. The outside world only knows that the British ambassador cursed when he walked out of the Japanese Prime Minister's residence, with a very angry expression. It was obvious that the communication was not smooth and unhappy.

Three days later, the Public Settlement Patrol Office announced that Ikuta Takaki was being detained on charges of murder, espionage, and poaching of wild animals. Public opinion in Shanghai was in an uproar, and Japan and Britain were still at odds.

ˆ What is strange is that the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai never expressed any opinion, let alone hired a lawyer to help Ikuta Takaki, and did not even send anyone to come during the trial.

The trial was held quickly. With reporters and citizens watching, the judge wearing a white wig covered his head with black gauze and stood up to pronounce the verdict when faced with the conclusive evidence given by the patrol room.

As a former high-achieving student at the Tokyo Higher Commercial School, Ikuta Takaki naturally knew what it meant for a judge to be masked. He would only do this if he was sentenced to death.

The empire gave up on itself, and the Matsumoto family also gave up on itself. Facing the pursuit of the British, the big shot wanted to downplay the matter with the death of the little guy, and Ikuta Takaki was completely desperate.

 “I pronounce the verdict.”

Zuo Zhong in the gallery suddenly felt a little bored while listening to the verdict. He put down his hat and stood up and walked out of the court. Wu Chunyang on the side quickly followed him, and the two got into the car and drove away quickly.

“Deputy Director, the result is as you expected. Ikuta was sentenced to death, and the conflict between Japan and Britain broke out. This situation is beneficial to the national government, and our mission has been successfully completed.”

Wu Chunyang said with a smile while driving that they achieved their goal during the trip to Shanghai without firing a single shot. This gave him a new understanding of intelligence work and felt that it had benefited a lot.

Zuo Zhong was not very excited. He clasped his hands behind his head and leaned back on his seat. He closed his eyes and muttered to himself: "You need to be strong to make iron. Taking advantage of the situation is only a temporary solution, but it is extremely difficult to cure the root cause.

Let me give you a word, the one who laughs at the end is the winner. Today we have a slight victory, but the situation in the future may be more dangerous. Let's go back to Jisi Feier Road. Let's rush back to Aurous Hill as soon as possible. "

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

Wu Chunyang nodded thoughtfully, and the speed of the car increased a bit. The crowds on the road were still bustling, and no one knew that an invisible battle quietly started and ended quietly.

However, the impact of this incident was far-reaching. After the trial, Daiying immediately launched retaliation, such as supporting the National Government's actions in North China, publicly criticizing Japan's China policy, etc.

Amid the unanimous condemnation from the Commonwealth countries, Japan's international image has plummeted. Although there was nothing to say about it, Tian Locust was still angry to death and repeatedly denounced the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As a direct beneficiary, Hase Ryosuke succeeded in assuming the position. On the day he was appointed deputy director of the Intelligence Department of the Consulate in Shanghai, he directly invited the entire consulate staff to a celebration banquet.

This not only satisfied the entire consulate, but also the special envoy who came to convey the appointment. Especially when he touched the bulging wallet, Mr. Hase in the envoy's mouth immediately became a pillar of the empire.

Perhaps one day in the future, Zuo Zhong will gain a high-level mole from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Of course, it is also possible that Hase Ryosuke will be exposed tomorrow. Who knows, all this can only be left to time.

 The river of time,

 Won’t stop for anyone,

 Be restless and always move forward.

When everyone in the Secret Service heard the news of Ikuta Takaki's execution, it was already more than a month after they returned to Jinling from Shanghai. Winter slowly went away, and spring arrived unknowingly.

During this period of time, there have been some personnel changes in the Secret Service and the Bureau of Control. First, Director Chen stepped down to make way for others, and Dai Chunfeng finally ascended to the much-desired position of Director of the Bureau.

Then Li Qiwu became the chief secretary of the Secret Service. The so-called chief secretary is another way of saying the secretary-general. This duplicitous guy became one of the many senior officers of the Secret Service.

Zuo Zhong didn't bother to pay attention to this. As long as he was in the secret service for one day, the other party would not be able to make a difference. Regardless of his qualifications and Li Qiwu's qualifications, the other party was not qualified to carry his shoes.

More importantly, Zuo Zhong was busy writing his graduation thesis for a higher education class at the Mainland University. The title was a brief discussion of the analysis and application of capability factors of military intelligence personnel in war, so he had no time to engage in intrigues.

 Thanks to the lack of plagiarism checking in this era, and combining his own experience and copywriting, he successfully completed the defense and became a half-graduate from Mainland China, and was immediately personally received by the bald man.

Baldhead came to him and told him two things. The first thing was to recommend him to join the second phase of the special class at Mainland China for further study. The second thing was to ask about the Secret Service's tracking of international military technology.

Regarding the first thing, the bald head said happily: "Shen Zhong, there are no formal academic qualifications in the higher education class, and there are no graduation diplomas, classmate lists, and graduation certificates to get, so you can't be regarded as my student.

 Special classes are different. They last for three years and learn military skills systematically. In the future, you can also call me the principal. Jun Ru① in the first period, I realize that I am your senior, and you must learn from them. ” ˆ ˜ What to study and how to build a perpetual motion machine?

Zuo Zhong really wanted to say thank you to your eight generations of ancestors, but considering the guards with guns and ammunition on the side, he had to show an excited expression, pretend to be stunned, stood up suddenly and shouted loudly.

“Shen Zhi must remember the kindness of the leader and strive to make new contributions to the party and the country. In addition, colleagues from the US and German stations of the Secret Service are thinking of ways to bribe and instigate important scientific and technological personnel from the opposition.

Once this matter is successful, we will have uninterrupted access to the latest technologies from these two countries. Director Dai once said that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will always be victorious, and the Secret Service will never betray your trust. "

 “Haha, okay, sit down and talk.”

 The bald man pressed his hand with satisfaction and asked him to sit down, then leaned on the civilization stick and said slowly: "Since the end of the previous dynasty, we have been continuously introducing and imitating German Mauser rifles.

Now the government is about to defeat warlords and dissidents in various places, and achieve political unification of the country after nearly 20 years of division. It also needs to unify weapons, simplify logistics, and facilitate the training of the army.

With the help of the German advisory group, at the beginning of the 21st year of the Republic of China, the Military Commission decided to carry out a German-style military reorganization plan in order to complete the nationalization and regularization of the army as soon as possible. "

Zuo Zhong quietly took out his mobile phone from the space, pressed the record button in his pocket, and sent a compliment at the right time: "The leader is far-sighted, Shen Zhong admires him very much, and unified equipment really facilitates logistics work.

Moreover, the cost of mass-producing weapons is low, and training costs will be reduced accordingly. The experience gained in using equipment can be promoted to the entire army, and the use of common parts can reduce casualties among military officers. "

 “Shen Zhi, that’s well said.”

 The bald head felt comfortable being flattered by the professional, and he asked the guard to give Zuo Zhong a glass of water, and continued: "One of the items is to produce a standard rifle based on the German 1924 Mauser rifle.

Last year, Minister Kong of the Ministry of Finance went to Germany to order 10,000 guns. Mauser Company handed over a complete set of drawings, sample guns, and attachments for the gun, and returned to China to the Gongxian Arsenal for surveying, mapping and production.

Unexpectedly, the Gongxian Arsenal revised the chuck tool according to the data, and found that the sample gun turned out to be old goods, and the drawings also had errors. I want to send the factory director Mao Yike to receive the new drawings. You go with him. "

 Let me go to Germany?

Zuo Zhong was shocked when he heard this. He was just accepting new patterns. Why should he be sent as the deputy director of the Secret Service? He knew nothing about military industry, unlike Mao Yi.

The other party is the director of the Gongxian Arsenal. He studied at the Technical University of Berlin and is very well-connected in the German industry. He is very suitable for this task. What does the bald head mean by such an arrangement?

He recalled the conversation just now, and suddenly thought of the second thing the bald man said. Could it be that this person asked him to go to Germany to steal, no, to get technical information on certain military equipment?

Zuo Zhong's mind changed quickly and he immediately straightened his back and replied: "Yes, Shen finally understands. I will definitely protect Director Mao and bring the information on the Mauser rifle back to China safely. Leader, please rest assured."


The bald man took a sip from the tea cup and said lightly: "You should go back to the Bureau of Regulation first. Your teacher Dai Chunfeng will tell you the specific itinerary and plan. I am waiting for the news of your victory."

Seeing the other party serving tea to see off the guests, Zuo Zhong stood up and saluted, walked out of the dormitory under the guidance of the guards, got in the car and drove towards the Central Regulation Bureau, thinking about the previous things in his mind, his expression was a little serious.

 It is very dangerous to engage in intelligence or obtain technology on German territory. Due to different races and skin colors, any actions they take will attract the attention of others.

In this case, it is easy to be exposed. Besides, the German counterintelligence agency is not a vegetarian. The year before last, the Germans merged the political police, intelligence police and special political department into a small department.

 —Secret State Police Department

Of course, this department also had a more famous abbreviation in later generations, that is, the Gestapo, which enjoyed the power of preventive arrest and could put suspects in jail without legal procedures.

 In a few years, countless Jews, underground parties, leftists, rightists, Germans, and foreigners will be sent to concentration camps one by one by the other side to become raw materials for lampshades and soaps.


Don't go to the concentration camp to enjoy the poison gas bathroom without entering the Gongde Forest. Zuo Zhong's face was ashen and he felt that he was going to die. Just listen to those rumors that a certain bearded man likes China.

 After the severance of diplomatic relations between China and Germany, the German government arrested all the Chinese in Hamburg’s Chinatown and imprisoned them in the Tomorrow Concentration Camp. Ironically, most of the people in this concentration camp would not live to see Tomorrow.

 Everyone knows the methods of the concentration camps, including beatings, starvation, hard labor, gas chambers, cremators, and burial alive. In the end, only 140 of these Chinese people survived and saw the sun tomorrow.

These are ordinary people. If a Chinese intelligence officer is caught, he knows what the result will be. Zuo Zhong decided to seek help from a cheap teacher. He didn’t want to become a soap!

① Explanation on the special class of the Mainland University: Wei went to Peking in 1928 to study in the first batch of the special class for generals of the Mainland University. Later, the first batch of the special class for generals became the beginning of the special class of the Mainland University. The information can be found.



 (End of this chapter)

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