Cicada Moving

Chapter 603: Preparing for the trip to Germany

Chapter 603 Preparation for the trip to Germany

Arrived at the building of the Bureau of Statistics and Investigation, Zuo Zhong jumped out of the car and rushed upstairs. He first went to chat with Dai Chunfeng's secretary Li Wei, and by the way gave that **** Li Qiwu some eye drops.

Li Qiwu became the chief secretary. The person who was most unhappy was Li Wei, because logically this position belonged to him. Who would have thought that a cut-off guy would show up halfway, and he would probably have his heart set on killing him.

Zuo Zhong babbled a few random words, and decisively pulled away when Li Wei started to gnash his teeth. He knocked on Dai Chunfeng's office. When he heard a call from inside to come in, he quickly opened the door and walked in.

Lao Dai in the room was reviewing documents. When I looked up, I saw him smiling. He pointed at the sofa and continued to lower his head. It seemed that he had important work. I wonder if it was related to the underground party.

Since the end of the white blood cell project, his contact with old K Xu Weiming has been intermittent. It was not because of an accident, but because there was no information worth reporting. The two of them couldn't talk about daily life.

Zuo Zhong glanced at Lao Dai and sat down on the sofa obediently. Now was not a good time to get information. Anyway, important documents would be sent to the Secret Service in the end, so major events would not be delayed.

 After waiting like this for more than ten minutes, Dai Chunfeng finished handling his official duties, walked to another sofa with a tea cup in hand, sat down, and then asked with a smile: "You are back from the leader, what do you think?"

“The leader asked me to accompany Mao Yike to Germany. The student speculated that the chairman seemed to want to send me to carry out a secret mission, but he could not explain it directly.” Zuo Zhong replied cautiously.

 “Well, you guessed it right.”

Dai Chunfeng nodded with satisfaction, sighed and said: "Last year, Minister Kong, Minister of Finance, signed the "Sino-German Raw Materials, Agricultural Products, Industrial and Other Products Exchange Treaty" with the Germans.

  We use tungsten sand, manganese sand and other strategic raw materials and agricultural products in exchange for German industrial products, especially military supplies. You are well aware of this matter, and the Jinling newspaper also reported it.

What the outside world doesn’t know is that the two sides later added a supplementary treaty, which required Germany to hand over samples of Type 1924 rifles, MG08 heavy machine guns and 75mm caliber grenades to the government.

However, the Germans were slippery in the implementation of the treaty. After receiving the minerals, they used junk goods from the war period as inferior goods. The rifles delivered in advance were also riddled with problems and could not be used.

As for the remaining heavy machine guns and howitzers, the Military Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs many times in an attempt to obtain the drawings of these two weapons. The Germans refused to agree and may have to default on the payment. "

When Dai Chunfeng mentioned the word "debt", he slapped the armrest of the sofa hard. He was obviously very angry with the Germans. Think about it, the first batch of minerals shipped to Germany was worth up to one million US dollars.

If the other party is allowed to just let the bill go, all the participants in this matter will be the sinners of the country and the nation. The first one on the list is Baldhead, who will definitely be scolded by the newspapers of the Republic of China.

As Baldhead’s number one confidant, Dai Chunfeng will never allow this to happen. Whether it’s stealing or robbing, he must get the weapon drawings in the contract and explain it to his superiors and subordinates.

 Sino-German trade.

The MG08 heavy machine gun is the same as a grenade.

Zuo Zhong next to him suddenly realized that before returning to Ningbo last year, he escorted his husband Zhu Jiahua to Shanghai to greet the German General Seckter and his party. After that, the cooperation between China and Germany entered the fast lane.

At that time, Jinling newspapers boasted at length, saying that this was a barter treaty that was completely equal and both sides enjoyed the same rights. It played an important role for both China and Germany.

 For the Nationalist government, it solved the financial difficulties caused by the civil war and huge budget deficits, promoted China's industrial development, and also provided huge help to the reform of the military.

 For Germany, after the signing of the treaty, the raw materials provided by China to Germany met all of the other country's needs, and Germany almost did not need to purchase any other products in the international raw material market.

 Dreams are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

All the people who are rejoicing about this have forgotten one thing. What if the Germans do not abide by the contract? Does the National Government have enough countermeasures to this? The answer is no.

 Without the Republic of China, Germany could obtain tungsten ore from South America and manganese sand from Africa. Warlords and tribes in these places were also happy to exchange minerals for weapons to maintain their rule.

At the same time, using raw materials to trade industrial products is unequal from the beginning. If you want to use resources to choke other people's necks, you must first have the strength to say no, otherwise you can only be passive.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while and put forward his own opinion: "Teacher, can we obtain the drawings from other countries? After all, the prototype of the MG08 Maxim heavy machine gun is not a cutting-edge technology.

As far as I know, the United States, Canada, the British, and even the Swedes and Finns have a complete set of drawings and many years of actual production experience. They must be able to buy them without spending too much. "

 “Be careful, this won’t work.”

Dai Chunfeng shook his head and told the details: "There is no airtight wall in the world, and Wang is keeping a close eye on it. He must get the drawings from the Germans. This is related to the majesty of the leader.

The matter is settled like this. You take people to Germany as Mao Yike's escort, and wait for an opportunity to get back things that will belong to the National Government. You must be careful, the Germans are not that easy to deal with. ” ˆ ˆ Zuo Zhong nodded helplessly, thinking that he could collect the money on his own. The problem was that an ordinary old man could only repay the money after a beating. This old man had planes and cannons, so it was hard to collect the debt.

However, the deal is already done, and it is useless to overthink it. It is your first time to perform a mission abroad, and you must make good preparations. No mistakes can be made in personnel, equipment, intelligence, and evacuation routes.

He thought for a long time and said to Lao Dai seriously: "Teacher, my student is valued by you and the leader. He serves as the deputy director of the lieutenant colonel at a young age. I am so grateful that I can't express it in words.

 In this mission to Germany, I will be determined to succeed or succeed. If the operation fails, the students and others will take matters into their own hands and will never bring trouble to the country. Please rest assured. "

Zuo Zhong was in an unusually calm mood. There will always be a day when he will do this. Besides, it is better to go now than during the war. At least he will not encounter danger on the way and end up dying before leaving the battle.

 “Okay, these are my students.”

Dai Chunfeng was very satisfied with his reply, and suddenly smiled again: "Be flexible when doing things, the important thing is the results. I believe you can complete the task, and the leader will personally promote you to the rank when you come back.

 You should have been promoted after graduating from a higher education class, but you have been promoted many times in the past two years. Some people in the army are not convinced. But when you come back with victory, those who say weird things will have no reason. "

Zuo Chong's ears twitched, flexible and fruitful, there was something in Lao Dai's words, did this imply that he could find a solution from other places? After all, so many real money and land stores were not given to him in vain.

As for the promotion, in fact, he has no interest in promotion at all. The military salary increase is not enough to go to Dehe Tower. The main reason is that after promotion, he can do more for the country and the nation.

Well, that's it.

Zuo Zhong calmed down for a moment, chatted with Teacher Jianyi, then left and returned to Hong Gong Temple. He immediately called Gu Qi, introduced the general situation, and began to select action candidates.

 When going on a mission abroad, the first thing to consider is the language. Not many people in the Secret Service can speak German, so if you have one, you should bring them with you. Those who speak English are also fine. There are many people in Germany who speak English.

 The second point must be elite. Whether it is operational personnel or intelligence personnel, this operation only requires the best. The professional intelligence personnel of the Gestapo do not only massacre Jewish people.

 Finally, it’s family relationships.

 The only son is not selected, the one who has a wife who is not pregnant is not selected, and the one who has a child under one month old is not selected. This may not be fair to other people, but wealth can be gained through danger, and the loser also loses the opportunity to rise to the top.

Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi screened for a long time and finally selected a group of people, including Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang. As the new generation leaders of the Intelligence Department, these two people must play this time.

There are almost twenty people left, which is a bit small, but there is nothing we can do about it. This is already the result of lowering the language requirements. Compared with their counterparts in the old empire, the Secret Service's background is still not enough.

Zuo Zhong shook his head. If he were a Japanese, he could easily recruit hundreds of people who knew German from the intelligence agency. Why he was so sure had to start with Ryosuke Hase.

This guy seems to be uneducated, but in fact he knows Chinese, Korean, English and a little bit of French. Almost everyone in the intelligence staff of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs knows one or two foreign languages.

 A simple calculation of the number of Japanese embassies and consulates around the world shows that there must be many people who master German. The Japanese placed the special higher education courses in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to cultivate language talents.

After the selection, Gucci said happily: "Count me in, I have also gone abroad to gain experience. I happened to have learned English during the special training, and I have no problem with daily conversations and simple writing.

One more person brings more strength. Let Lao Song handle Corey's affairs. Otherwise, a deputy section chief will never have the opportunity to take charge of his own role and it will be difficult to get training. Deputy Chief, are you right? "

Seeing the hesitation on Zuo Zhong’s face, he hurriedly patted his chest and said, “I have been training during this period. I don’t believe you can test it. I will never hold you back when I get to Germany.

In addition, the Virgo position has become the Bureau position, and the position of director will be yours sooner or later. When the time comes, I also want to move up to the top, and if I have merit, you might as well speak for me, so just promise me. "

Having said that, if he stopped him, he would be blocking his progress. Zuo Zhong looked at him helplessly: "Count you in, let's divide into two groups: light and dark. I am in the light and you are in the dark.

Gui Youguang and I followed Mao Yike and the others to board the ship from Shanghai as escorts. You and Wu Chunyang first went to the port city to wait, and then boarded when the ship passed the port city. After arriving in Europe, go directly to the United Kingdom.

 Hong Kong City is currently the territory of the British, and there are many Chinese people coming and going. Your actions will not arouse suspicion. Once it is confirmed that it is safe, transfer to France and pretend to be tourists to meet in Germany. "

I haven’t read any other books, and I don’t know if there are any plots about international intelligence warfare. I want to give it a try. The pattern should be larger, and I can’t always squat on a three-quarter acre of land.



 (End of this chapter)

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