Cicada Moving

Chapter 604: Arrangements between the enemy and ourselves

Chapter 604: Arrangements between the enemy and ourselves

When Gu Qi heard Zuo Zhong's arrangements for him and Wu Chunyang, he slightly nodded. Dividing them into two groups, light and dark, could indeed confuse the German intelligence agency and avoid being targeted by the other party's counterintelligence department.

He recalled the various cruise lines in his mind and couldn't help but frown: "How to arrange the specific itinerary? There are not many cruise ships going to Europe now, and most of them belong to Japanese companies.

The mission we are performing involves arms manufacturing. If the news leaks out, the Japanese will not let us get the drawings back. They will definitely find ways to sabotage it. Taking their boat is like a sheep in a tiger's mouth. "

 “Well, you are right.”

Zuo Zhong expressed satisfaction with his caution, and then sneered: "But it's still a bit too polite. When the government can keep secrets, the Japanese must have got the news.

 Coupled with the MG08 heavy machine gun and 75mm howitzer, the performance completely suppressed the Type 92 heavy machine gun and Type 92 infantry gun. With the behavior of the small Japanese military, how could they sit still and wait for death. "

 At this point, he took out a cruise ship schedule and pointed to one of them: "This is the French ship Intrepon, which was launched in 1913. It is not too old and is responsible for the route to the Far East.

The ship is 161 meters long, 18.8 meters wide, 13,200 tons, and has a speed of 17 knots. If all goes well, it will only take about 35 days from Shanghai to Marseille, a port in southern France, which is much faster than Japanese cruise ships.

The most important thing is that it is the only cruise ship with luxury suites on the Asia-Europe route. Mao Yike is representing the country on this trip. According to the generous decisions of the people in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he will definitely choose this ship. "

 “That’s right, it’s at public expense anyway.”

Gucci replied with a smile and looked down at the route. The Intrepon boarded the ship from the Shanghai Pier and passed through Port City, Saigon, Singapore, Colombo, Djibouti and Istanbul.

After staying in Istanbul for a few days, they sailed to Marseille, where Zuo Shige and others disembarked and took a train to Germany. They then transferred to another cruise ship to go to the UK to get rid of possible stalkers.

Zuo Zhong continued to introduce the plan on the side: "You need to use the Hong Kong City documents to enter the UK. The Hong Kong City Station will provide necessary assistance, but it is best to change the documents to Japanese ones when you arrive in France.

 There are many Japanese doing business in Europe, and they are more common than Chinese. Remember, if you are caught, you must kill the Japanese, and you must not reveal your true identity. Lao Gu, this is very important. "

His expression was very serious. The Republic of China is currently in urgent need of military assistance from the Germans. If bilateral relations break down due to the actions of the Secret Service, no one can bear this responsibility.

 “I understand, Deputy Director.”

 Gu Qi smoothed his hair and said in a very calm tone: "Not many people can survive the torture. I will ask everyone to carry poison with them and be prepared to be successful and not give the enemy a chance to capture them alive.

 We will also put some Japanese-style items in the luggage to try to lead the investigators’ attention in the wrong direction. There will always be a day in this business, don’t worry.

It's just that I want to ask you for someone, Shen Dongxin. He studied at the Saint-Cyr Military Academy and knows the situation in France better than all operational personnel. He can be useful for both operations and retreats. "

 “Okay, let’s get ready.”

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong immediately agreed to the other party's request. It would be good to have a local snake as a guide. At least when dealing with local people, he would not be exposed due to some low-level mistakes.

 There are many such examples in intelligence warfare.

For example, there are many one-way streets in the UK. These streets have no sidewalks and no traffic lights. Over time, the British have developed the habit of looking left and right to see if there is a car before crossing the road.

A Red Russian spy made a mistake in this regard. He crossed the road in an "atypical" way, was discovered by the police and reported to the British military intelligence department, causing huge losses to the Red Russia.

 Is this an exaggeration?

 It’s not an exaggeration.

 Spies have undergone strict training and know how to hide themselves, but as long as they are human, they are inert. After leaving a tense environment, people can easily relax their vigilance and leak secrets.

Sometimes victory or defeat can be decided in an instant. Zuo Zhong thought of this unlucky colleague. While arranging the relevant matters for the action, he secretly told himself to be cautious and not make the same mistake.

 A few days later, in a small building.

Dong Qiang, the younger brother who met in the tea shop in the tea shop, stood in the dark hall and swallowed. When he returned to the commercial bank this morning, he was called to the office by the manager.

The other party informed him that a big shot wanted to see him in the evening, and also gave him an address, asking him to go there alone after get off work, and not to disclose the matter to anyone, not even his family members.

 Who could he be, the big shot? Could he be the boss behind the company? Dong Qiang thought of this possibility. He was not a fool, so he naturally knew that the so-called information officer was the informant in the script.

 Being able to open a trading firm in Jinling and employ so many people, he must be a big shot with great hands and eyes. The question is why do you want to see him? He has nothing worth using.

Suddenly, a desk lamp lit up in the empty hall, and a desk appeared in the dim light. There seemed to be something on the table, which attracted Dongqiang's attention and vigilance.

He only hesitated for a few seconds, then walked over, and then saw an envelope with a few words clearly written on it - Dongqiang personally opened it, it turned out to be a letter to himself. Who put this letter here?

 Where are the big shots?

But now that his name is written, let’s open it and take a look. Dongqiang’s newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, so he tore off the seal carelessly, took out the letter paper, and used the lighting of the desk lamp to read it.

“Tomorrow we will go to the Hong Kong City Police Station to lurk and wait for awakening. The awakening code is Equator. The ID will be provided by the Hong Kong City response staff. No unauthorized contact with Jinling is allowed without an order. It will be destroyed after reading.”

Sent himself to the Hong Kong City Police Station to lurk. Dongqiang was excited but also a little uneasy after reading it. His father was unfortunately killed while fighting pirates on Hong Kong Island. It was not a good place.

 But if you want to become a master, you have to pay something. His eyes gradually became firmer. He took out the match on his body and lit the letter on fire. He watched it turn into a pile of ashes and turned around to leave the small building.

 “Creak. Peng.”

As the door of the house was closed, someone whispered in the darkness: "This person's father has participated in the Huayong Army and has inextricable ties with the British. He is very suitable for the requirements of the action."

“Keep a close eye on the fish and deal with it immediately if there are signs of the fish decoupling or defecting. Lao Song, you have to pay attention to this matter. It is related to the future plans of the Secret Service.” Another person said slowly.

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

The two voices exchanged a few words, and Xiaokou fell into silence. At this point, Zuo Zhong's trip to Germany has entered a countdown. In the complex international intelligence battlefield, new challenges are waiting for him.

Just as Zuo Zhong expected, the Japanese had received information that the Nationalist Government had sent people to Germany to receive weapons patterns, which aroused the great attention of the Japanese Army General Staff Headquarters.

   1924 model standard rifle.

 MG08 heavy machine gun.

 75mm howitzer.

The weapons equipped with these three weapons with the Japanese basic infantry combat units are good or bad. No one is clearer than those who wear chrysanthemums and star badges in the staff headquarters.

 In the words of some young and energetic military officers, the weapons designers of the Empire of Japan are all standard non-nationals, and they all deserve to die, lest the army soldiers die in vain.

Since the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese Army has suffered enough from the lack of local weapons. Countless warriors are filled with hatred. Those anti-human things cannot be thought of by the human mind.

Have you ever seen a light machine gun loaded with a five-round magazine? Have you ever seen a light machine gun that pours oil while loading? Have you ever seen a light machine gun with a barrel that stops to dissipate heat after firing two or three hundred rounds? They have seen it.

 —Taisho 11-type light machine gun.

Have you ever seen a heavy machine gun with only thirty rounds of ammunition? Have you ever seen a heavy machine gun that weighs 55.3 kilograms? Have you ever seen a heavy machine gun that requires four people to carry it when maneuvering? They have seen it too.

—Type 92 heavy machine gun.

If the Chinese army is fully equipped with cutting-edge German weapons, once a war breaks out between China and Japan, the firepower of the imperial army will not be able to form an overwhelming advantage and achieve a quick victory.

After the deduction, the staff officers expressed that the manpower and material resources of the Empire of Japan may not be able to withstand this result. Not only was the Japanese General Staff Headquarters unable to sit still, but even the locusts were alarmed.

 Meetings, meetings all the time.

  The relevant heads of the Japanese Ministry of War, Ministry of Navy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc. gathered together. After arguing and pushing each other, they finally came to a decision, and the Ministry of War sent people to intercept it.

This is not surprising at all. The weapons accepted by the government cannot threaten ships, let alone the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. No one is willing to put precious intelligence resources in Europe. The risk is too high.

The meeting broke up unhappily, and the generals of the Army Staff Headquarters came back with a dark face, using the spies they had trained at great cost. Thinking about it made them feel distressed, **** the Navy Red Deer.

The Chief of the General Staff Headquarters, Prince Xuan Yuan Gong Zai Ren, looked relaxed, as if he did not take this matter to heart. He walked into the conference room of the General Staff Headquarters leisurely, sat down and looked around.

The youngest field marshal in Japan saw the expressions of his men and laughed: "You don't have to worry, I have already communicated with Hirota Koki and asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for assistance.

The Imperial Embassy in Germany will send personnel from the Special Higher Education Department to collect relevant intelligence. Let Doihara of the Kwantung Army send people to the Ministry of War. He has many elites who are good at this work. "

The generals' eyes lit up. With the intelligence support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Kwantung Army operation, this matter should be foolproof. Even if all the operators died, it would not matter. The War Department had plenty of postcards.

The matter was resolved, and everyone present regained their former majesty. They all expressed compliments to His Excellency the Prince for his perfect plan. The staff headquarters was filled with a happy atmosphere, and it was a joyous scene.

There are Easter eggs



 (End of this chapter)

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