Cicada Moving

Chapter 635: new discoveries

 Chapter 635 New Discovery

 Early the next morning, the sun was just right.

Zuo Zhong was sitting in the restaurant of the Lu Mansion, holding a fried dough stick in his mouth with one hand and holding the Central Daily News of the Kuomintang in the other hand, reading with interest a report that was full of lies except for the punctuation marks.

I saw a piece of news published in a prominent position in the newspaper, with the title "Mrs. Sha Shi of Lu Yong'an Zhiru fell down from the building yesterday and died at the festival. She was 26 years old and three months pregnant. She died immediately after treatment failed."

After a brief glance, he threw the paper full of nonsense to Gucci, took a sip of tofu and asked lightly: "How was the surveillance last night? Did anyone show any strange expressions?"

"After the sound of the wooden bed sounded, our brothers secretly observed the reactions of the servants and bodyguards of the Lu Mansion. One of the bodyguards behaved a little wrong," Gu Qi replied uncertainly.

 “Oh? What’s wrong?”

Zuo Zhong paused with his hand holding the fried dough sticks, and looked up at Gucci in confusion. It was really strange. If there is a problem, there is a problem. If there is no problem, there is no problem. Why is there something amiss?

Gu Qi glanced at the servant who was preparing breakfast not far away, leaned closer and whispered: "The other party cried after hearing the noise. He cried very sadly. Deputy Director, please control that guy."

 Feeling uncomfortable? Want to cry?

Zuo Zhong became interested and motioned to Gu Qi to introduce the situation of the bodyguard. It couldn't be that this person had a deep relationship with Lu Yong'an and couldn't help but cry when he thought of his former employer's death.

This is not to slander the deceased. If the other party had such charisma that he was drunk by his former subordinates at the banquet of the new Zhejiang Provincial Chairman, then the question would be, who is the bodyguard crying for?

After hearing the order, Gu Qi put down his breakfast and sat down to make a report. The bodyguard was Lin Yunshui, a 27-year-old native of Hunan Province. He had worked in the Hunan Army's spy camp. He was good at using short guns and had good fighting ability.

He has a clean family and all his relationships are traceable. Since the 18th year of the Republic of China, he has served in the Lu Yong'an Guards, which was then the commander-in-chief of the bandit suppression campaign in Hunan and Jiangxi. He has won the trust and love of the Lu family.

"27 years old?"

Zuo Zhong looked at the newspaper titles on the table and muttered to himself, Lin Yunsheng and Sha Shi are about the same age, and both of them are from Hunan Province. Is there any problem in this?

At this time, Gu Qi added: "Report to the deputy director, the household registration information shows that this person and Dean Lu's concubine are from the same county. Whether the two knew each other before requires further investigation."

 Love is a light,

The green color makes you panic~~

After listening to these two lines, Zuo Zhong almost hummed when he thought about these two lines. The two were of the same age and came from the same county, and then they appeared at Lu Yong'an's home at the same time. Is it such a coincidence?

This may have been common in later generations, but transportation was difficult in this era, especially in the mountainous Hunan Province. Many people may not be able to leave the mountains in their lives, and the possibility of two fellow villagers getting together is very small.

In addition, regardless of whether the two have any other relationship, Lin Yunsheng should not work in the Lu Mansion to avoid suspicion. Since there is no relationship, and Shashi also concealed the matter, the answer is obvious.

 Someone may have green on his head~

He tapped the table lightly, and then asked Gu Qi to contact the Southwest Station immediately, asking the other party to secretly investigate the relationship between the family doctor Deng Xuegang, his concubine Sha Shi, and the bodyguard Lin Yunsheng, and there should be no mistakes.

Two of these three people were witnesses to Lu Yong'an's death, and two of them were fellow villagers who had hidden their relationship. If it can be proven that there is something wrong with the three people, then a breakthrough in the case will be opened.

Zuo Zhong was thinking when He Yijun helped Mrs. Ding down the stairs. Everyone greeted each other for a few words. During this period, Zuo Zhong found that He Yijun's expression was normal and he had no intention of passing on information.

 Very good, the only one with problems is Lin Yunsheng.

Confirming this, he said goodbye to Mrs. Ding politely and took the car back to the Secret Service Office to process the official documents. As the deputy director, he had a lot of daily work and it was impossible to just focus on one case.

Twenty-four years after the Republic of China, the intelligence from the southwest is becoming more and more complex and unreliable. It is often the underground party that appears here one day and is thousands of miles away the next day.

Moreover, according to the battle reports from the participating troops and security groups from various places, some underground party leaders have died several times. This is pure nonsense. Zuo Zhong regards this information as a joke anyway.

After the daily music session, he looked at the recent security report in Jinling. He originally planned to just take a look at it and then put it down. Unexpectedly, the series of numbers on it made him stand up in shock.

As many as 17 Party officials died of heart attacks in two months. Among them were ordinary clerks, leaders of small and prestigious agencies, and several low-level military officers.

 Lu Yong'an's death is not an exception!

Zuo Zhong felt his hair stand on end, his head was buzzing, and goosebumps appeared on his arms. What was going on, and who was murdering National Government officials crazily.

There are not many forces that are in conflict with the national government. The most suspect ones are the Japanese and the underground party. However, the underground party will not attack ordinary party members except for those spies who do great harm①.

So the murderer can only be Japanese. This is also consistent with Zuo Zhong's previous speculation. Japanese spies are dividing and instigating the relationship between Baldhead and warlords from various places, although the relationship between the two parties is not good.

 But poor relations and broken relations are two different concepts. Under the premise of a Republic of China, when the central and local governments encounter foreign enemies, they can at least work together to resist foreign aggression.

Each person going his own way can only be defeated one by one. This is what the Japanese want to see and have been operating. For example, Wang and East Asia Club, after the failure of the last time, the other party has to go into battle personally.

"Bang! That's too much!" Zuo Zhong hit the desk hard, and the water glass on the table rolled to the ground with a clang. The guards outside the door heard the sound and thought something had happened to him, so they rushed towards him with their guns raised. Come in.

As a result, he stood there fine, but his face didn't look good. The guards didn't know what happened, so they had to put the gun back in the holster and carefully asked Zuo Zhong if he needed anything.

 “Okay, you go out.”

 No matter how angry Zuo Zhong was, he would not take it out on the people doing the work. He waved his hand to let them out, and then picked up the confidential phone and called the Jinling Police Department. He wanted to ask Bai Wenzhi why he didn't report the matter.

Had I not taken a few more glances today on a whim, I don’t know when this matter would have been discovered. The day lilies would have been cold by then. This cannot be solved by giving more local products.

 It’s not even possible to add money.

 This is a matter of principle.

  The Jinling Police Department’s responsibilities include providing clues to the intelligence agency. If such an obvious large-scale serial murder case is not reported as soon as possible, will the police officers responsible for screening the case be blind?

Angry Zuo Zhong waited for a long time, and Bai Wenzhi's slightly distorted voice finally rang on the phone. This guy didn't know that disaster was imminent, and his words were full of arrogance and impatience.

Too lazy to talk nonsense to him, Zuo Zhong directly told the murder case he discovered, and at the same time revealed the details of Lu Yong'an's case, and finally gave the **** a warning.

“Director Bai, if you don’t give us an explanation for this matter, we will meet in the interrogation room next time. If you don’t want this to happen, start an internal investigation as soon as possible.

I'll give you half a day. It's 8:15 in the morning. Tell me before 12 noon. Do you understand why your people didn't discover and report the abnormal deaths of so many government officials? "

“I understand, I understand. Thank you, Deputy Director Zuo, for reminding me. By the way, my hometown sent some souvenirs some time ago. I will send them to your house when I have time. Don’t be polite. This is a gift from friends.”

  The voice of Bai Wenzhi on the other end of the phone was wavy, and the sound of teeth could be heard chattering. He was obviously frightened by this shocking case. 17 officials were murdered, which had never happened before.

Zuo Zhong had no interest in souvenirs at all. After scaring the other party for a few words, he hung up the phone, and then asked the remaining agents to immediately protect the scene and the body according to the address on the death list.

 Let's do everything we can to obey the destiny.

More than two months have passed since the death of the first victim. The body is probably in a state of decay. I can only pray that the low temperature in the previous period has prevented the body from changing much, otherwise.

Zuo Zhong sighed and sat down. It was a bad year. Things were happening one after another. For the first time, he felt a little tricky. This time, his opponent was not easy. He was even more difficult to deal with than the butterfly Xiao Qingmin.

 Being at home has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that more manpower and material resources can be used, but the disadvantage is that there are too many things to care about, and it is easy for the enemy to take advantage of them, just like these party-state officials who died together.

The confusing thing is that this matter cannot be ignored. If a government cannot even protect its staff, who will be willing to sacrifice their lives for you? No matter how much energy is spent, the murderer must be found and punished severely.

Zuo Zhong rubbed his head, and suddenly the phone rang. He picked up the phone and put it to his ear. Ling Sanping's lazy voice sounded, announcing the results of the autopsy on Lu Yong'an and his concubine Shashi.

“Hey, since you are busy with work, I will keep the story short. Sarcopterygium is a standard fall injury and there is nothing suspicious about it. However, pathological damage was found in Lu Yong’an’s gastrointestinal tract, heart and eyes.

I’m telling you that you probably don’t understand. To put it simply, it is very likely that Lu Yong’an died of digitalis. Unfortunately, I don’t have the medicine to test the blood magnesium content②, otherwise I would be more certain. "

 What the **** are you?

Zuo Zhong was so angry that he was itching his teeth. After all, he also graduated with a bachelor's degree. He didn't understand what it meant. Damn, if this **** hadn't been so skilled in medicine, he would have been sent to the Northeast long ago.

 He resisted the urge to scold the other party, moved the phone away from his mouth, kept shouting "hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!"

 The medicine for testing blood magnesium levels didn't sound cheap. Fortunately, he was smart enough to end the conversation in time. Now that he was in charge of the entire Secret Service, he knew what Lao Dai was in trouble for.

Every department needs money, but the general affairs account will make mice cry when they see it. Anyway, the cause of death can be determined through organ damage, so there is no need to spend a large sum of money to buy any medicine.

 Zuo Zhong was thinking about all the messy things, he leaned back in the chair and frowned. He died of digitalis overdose. It seemed that he was going to have a chat with Lu Yong'an's family doctor Deng Xue again.

 As for reporting Dai Chunfeng, there is no rush.

 Let the news fly for a while~~

① Some people misunderstand that the underground party does not engage in assassinations. Historically, the spy chiefs Shi Jimei and Wang Yonghua were eliminated by the Red Team. Facing extremely vicious enemies, if you don’t fight back, will you wait for death? Don’t think of the old timers. Boss, intelligence war is not a house game, and Bai Lianhua cannot do intelligence work. I won’t go into details.

②After reading a paper and forensic report from the University of Minnesota, death from digitalis overdose should have these characteristics. If I am wrong, tell me, thank you.



 (End of this chapter)

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