Cicada Moving

Chapter 636: Study the case

Chapter 636: Discussing the Case

 It’s approaching noon.

Bai Wenzhi called back. During the call, he humblely explained that Jinling has a population of millions, and dozens of people die every day due to various reasons, and it is impossible to report them one by one.

 Coupled with the alternation of winter and spring and sudden changes in temperature, it was already a period of high incidence of heart disease. In addition to 17 officials, 70 to 80 people died of heart diseases in the past two months.

It is difficult for the police to tell which person's death is problematic, but in order to avoid such a thing from happening again in the future, he has decentralized all department personnel who count the death population to the sub-police station.

 Zuo Zhong didn't know what to say after hearing this. Lao Bai's posture was so low this time. If he held on to hold on, wouldn't it look like Zuo Zhong had a weak belly? This really had nothing to do with souvenirs.

  After hanging up the phone after a few words, he thought silently for a while and walked out of the office. He took people to the safe spot of Kunlu Temple again, just in time for lunch, and chatted with Deng Xuegang while eating.

 “Dr. Deng, I have some news.”

Zuo Zhong took the lunch box sent by the little agent, took a few bites and glanced at the other person: "Our forensic doctor will conduct an autopsy on the bodies of Lu Yong'an and my concubine Shashi. This is an order personally given by the chairman of the committee.

Just before I came here, the autopsy reports of the two of them came out. Something was not right. Maybe Dean Lu's death was not an accident, but a carefully planned conspiracy. "


The chopsticks in Deng Xuegang's hand stopped in mid-air. He asked a question in surprise and then sighed: "Can you please ask the forensic doctor in your department to carefully sew them up and let those two leave intact?"

Dean Lu is very concerned about this. If it is convenient for Mr. Wang, I would like to arrange their appearance myself. Don't worry, you can send someone to monitor my movements throughout the whole process. "

Deng Xuegang did not ask what the Secret Service had found, but only asked that the body be treated well. He seemed to have a good relationship with his former proprietor, and he was a sweetheart, but he didn’t know whether it was true or not.

 “No problem, the dead one is the most important.”

Zuo Zhong happily agreed to this request, glanced at the other person with a smile, and gradually became more vigilant in his heart. This person's reaction was spotless from the moment he was controlled, and it was difficult to find a flaw in this aspect.

It is said that a traitor appears to be loyal and a hypocrite appears to be true. Is Deng Xuegang acting? It seems that the roundabout strategy is of no use. The death of Lu Yong'an from an overdose of digitalis must be made clear.

After taking a bite of the food, he said seemingly unintentionally: "The forensic doctor found pathological damage in Dean Lu's gastrointestinal tract, heart and eyes. Dr. Deng, you know what this means, right?"


The metal lunch box fell to the ground and the food was scattered all over the floor. Deng Xuegang’s expression was full of disbelief and he hurriedly said: “This is impossible, I was very careful when using the medicine and never exceeded the dosage.

 Besides, even if I want to murder President Lu, I don’t know how to use digitalis. This will easily make people suspicious of me. I am a professionally trained doctor, so I don’t have to go to such trouble if I want to kill someone. "

 Very convincing explanation.

 But it’s useless.

Zuo Zhong shook his head and looked at the other party with regretful eyes: "Sorry, we only look at the evidence to solve the case. Judging from the current situation, you are the most suspect. Please ask Mr. Deng to come with us later."

After saying that, Deng Xuegang ignored the excitement, quickly finished lunch, and evacuated everyone who was safe to the secret service office. As a result, there was a suspect deep in the detention center who was holding on to the railings and shouting injustice.

Chatted a few words with the head guard, Zuo Zhong wandered to the office. At this time, the little agents who went to check the body and the scene according to the death list of heart disease all came back to resume their duties.

According to preliminary inquiries and investigations, 3 of the 17 deceased were sent back to their hometowns for burial, 12 were buried underground, and only 2 were not buried. As for the death scenes, all the death scenes were destroyed.

 Furthermore, according to the custom of the Republic of China, all the clothes and belongings of the deceased would be discarded, which meant that the Secret Service was unable to trace the cause of their death from physical evidence, and it was too late to act.

Zuo Zhong pondered for a long time and ordered his men to send the only two corpses to Renxin Hospital for autopsy. The other corpses should also be excavated as soon as possible. The three returning bodies should be inspected by the local station.

In short, the most important task at the moment is to determine whether these people died of an overdose of digital drug yellow, so that there would be enough evidence to add to the case. It was impossible for him to rely on reasoning to report to Lao Dai and Bald Head.

There was just one thing he couldn't understand. There was no love without reason, and there was no hatred without reason. If it was really the Japanese who did it, why would they kill these insignificant people?

Different from Lu Yongyi, the jobs and positions of these 17 people did not have access to confidential information, let alone sensitive identities. This can be seen from the fact that their deaths did not attract any attention.

Zuo Zhong tapped his fingers lightly on the table, and an idea came to his mind involuntarily. In a sense, the Secret Service had to thank the other party for killing Lu Yong'an, otherwise it would be difficult to discover this conspiracy.

 Life is so real. No one cares about the death of a dozen petty officials, but the death of a big shot is shocking. As he thought about it, his fingers stopped and then quickly resumed their movements.

 Two days later. Intelligence from all aspects was gathered into the hands of Zuo Zhong. The first was the autopsy report of the 17 deceased people. The autopsy showed that 15 of them died from an overdose of digitalis.

In addition, it was confirmed in Hunan Province that the concubine Sha Shi and the bodyguard Lin Yunsheng had known each other since they were young and seemed to have had an underground love affair. However, Deng Xuegang had no relationship with these two people and had no common track.

He called his men together for a meeting, with the purpose of reporting the case and discussing the next step in the investigation. Everyone read the briefing with shocked expressions on their faces.

“Everyone has read it. Now that I have announced that the death case of Lu Yong’an and the serial murder of 15 officials will be investigated together, I would like to hear your thoughts on where to open a breakthrough next.”

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he sat back on his chair and lit a cigarette. It was the first time for the Secret Service to deal with a serial murder case of this scale. Solving the case required everyone to use their brains together.

The meeting was silent for a few minutes.

 Gu Qi looked around and found that no one was speaking, so he raised his hand and spoke first: "I think we can start with the interpersonal relationships of these 15 officials, especially doctors and pharmacy practitioners.

These deceased people worked in different places and lived all over Jinling City. Moreover, the smell and taste of digitalis medicine were very obvious, so it was almost impossible to poison them at the same time in life.

 But they all have a long-term record of treating heart disease, which gives the murderer an opportunity to take advantage of it, such as changing the originally safe dosage of the drug to a lethal dosage, which ordinary people cannot see at all. "

The people present nodded slightly. It is indeed the case. People who can work in the government are definitely not fools. They will definitely be prepared when faced with strange-smelling medicines given by strangers or others.

The only way is to modify the doctor's prescription and let the deceased eat it himself. This way the action is safe and concealed. Who would have thought that the digitalis used to treat the disease would turn into a deadly poison.

 “Very good, there’s more.”

Zuo Zhong made a note in his notebook, flicked his cigarette ashes and asked, this detection route was quite satisfactory, but the murderer was not a fool and would not leave such an obvious flaw for them to investigate.

 It still needs to be investigated. If there is a glimmer of hope, you can’t let it go. What if the other party is confused? Even if there is no gain, it is necessary to eliminate the suspicion of the relevant personnel.

With Gu Qi’s beginning, other people expressed their opinions. Wu Jingzhong proposed to compare the movement trajectories of the deceased to see if there were any overlaps, especially in places such as restaurants and dance halls.

As we all know, the free life of Guo Party officials is very colorful. In addition, all 15 officials are male, so they must have a lot of entertainment. It is normal to drink so much that they become unconscious.

Since there are no warning signs for heart disease, many patients carry treatment medicines with them for safety. The murderer can take this opportunity to change medicines. This is indeed a direction.

 The meeting gradually became lively.

Song Minghao and Shen Dongxin have successively stated that what the deceased ate before death can be traced, and the odor of medicines can be masked by food, especially some dishes with strong smells.

Bald Gui Youguang thought of a clue that could easily be ignored. Medicines were scarce in the Republic of China and were not cheap. The medicines of the deceased were probably not thrown away as personal belongings.

Even if it was really thrown away by family members, would it be picked up by scavengers? He believed that it was necessary to find digitalis medicine through these people. This was the most conclusive and important evidence.

 “Yes, Youguang is right.”

Zuo Zhong pointed at the other person and showed a satisfied smile. With abundant material conditions in his previous life and a wealthy family background in this life, he did not expect that there are still many people in this era who cannot afford ordinary medicines.

As soon as his thoughts changed, he turned to look at Wu Chunyang, who had the strongest intelligence ability in the Secret Service and had remained silent since the meeting began. He asked with a smile: "Chunyang, why are you so quiet today?"

“Deputy Director, I’m thinking about one thing, the purpose. Let’s assume that the murderer is Japanese, so what is their purpose of doing this? It can’t be because they dislike these 15 low-level officials.

You see, deceased A is a staff member of the archives of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission and Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission, deceased B is the deputy section chief of the Examination Yuan, and the others are similar and have no intelligence value. "

Wu Chunyang tilted his chin and looked deeply, his tone a little uncertain: "So the other party is trying to scare the monkeys, using the death of these people to threaten another group of people to achieve a certain purpose.

 Other than that, I can't think of other possibilities. I suggest increasing surveillance of various agencies in Jinling, focusing on looking for officials whose behavior, speech, and emotions have been abnormal in the recent period. "

 As soon as this statement comes out,

Everyone’s eyes lit up.

 (End of this chapter)

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