Cicada Moving

Chapter 659: I guarantee it with my personality

Chapter 659: I guarantee it with my personality

"Ha ha ha ha."

“A kind father and a filial son, what a kind father and filial son.”

 Early the next morning, after receiving the news, Zuo Zhong stood in the office with his hands on his hips and laughed triumphantly. What a surprise. Pang Chong’s two filial sons actually chose to surrender. It was great.

 With the cooperation of these two people, many things about the Pang family can be clarified. At the same time, when faced with inquiries from the Training Directorate, the Secret Service can confidently reply that their people are Japanese spies.

After all, the person who testified was his own son. No matter how defensive the military personnel were, they had nothing to say. It couldn't be said that they were forced to surrender. Now the situation suddenly opened up and the situation was very good.

Zhou Zhong patted Gu Qi on the shoulder after the report: "Let's go and see the two martyrs who were able to abandon the darkness and turn to the light in time. I have something I want to ask them, and some things must be done as soon as possible."

As he spoke, he took the phone in his hand and called Wu Jingzhong and Song Minghao, asking them to monitor Yang Qingchang closely and arrest him immediately if they found any signs of escaping without asking him for instructions.

Gu Qi knew that the deputy director was convinced that Yang Changqing was a Japanese spy. However, due to this person's complicated network of relationships and the intelligence network behind him, it was difficult to get started. Now this incident was a good opportunity to test.

But this matter cannot be rushed.

This pot of ghost soup must be simmered slowly.

After making the phone call, the two of them strode to the detention center. Before they entered, they heard shouts inside. The Secret Service has not been so popular for a long time, and it is estimated that the place will be even more lively in the future.

Nodding to the guards, Zuo Zhong stepped into an interrogation room. There were two young men sitting inside, one with a frightened look on his face, and the other carefully looking at the surrounding furnishings.

Seeing him come in under the **** of special agents, the two of them understood that a big shot was coming, and quickly stood up and asked: "Sir, are our mother and wife okay? They don't know anything."

 “Haha, you two, please sit down, please sit down.”

Zuo Zhong smiled and raised his hands and pressed down, then dragged a chair and placed it in front of the other party. He sat down calmly. Seeing that the two of them did not dare to move, he pondered for a while and spoke.

"Don't worry, your mother and wife are here. As long as we confirm that there are no problems with them, we will release them after the case is over. The premise is that you cooperate with our work, do you understand?"

 “I understand, my brother and I will definitely cooperate.”

 Pang Chong’s youngest son is a good person. He remained calm under this situation and respectfully expressed his cooperative attitude. No wonder he is able to prosper in the city hall and is better than me.

“Okay, as long as you are willing to cooperate, I have a few questions that need you to answer. First, do you know what the real Pang family is like, and what your original Japanese surname is.”

Zuo Zhong crossed his legs and changed into a comfortable position and asked, staring at the faces of the two people, observing the subtle changes in their expressions, because he didn't know whether the so-called surrender was true or false.

Pang Chong's two sons were shocked. How could the intelligence agency of the Republic of China know about this secret event from decades ago? Even they only learned about it from their grandfather after they became adults.

The two of them looked at each other and realized that it was impossible not to tell them. They originally thought that they could get preferential treatment from the Chinese with these things, but it turned out that they knew everything and they had to reveal something real.

So the younger son continued to answer as a representative: "Sir, our Japanese surname is Akai, Pang Chong's real name is Akai Ryota, and the real Pang family was killed a long time ago.

Our grandfather, Akai Daisuke, said that at that time, he used a false identity to meet the real Pang Chong's father in Korea. He was the only son in the family and a wealthy family in the countryside, so his identity was very valuable.

After the Renwu Incident, Zhen Pang Chong’s father returned to Hunan Province, and Daisuke Akai arrived and conducted a secret investigation. He sorted out the Pang family’s relationship network and started formal operations a few years later. "

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly. The situation was similar to what he had guessed. However, he did not expect that the Japanese had already targeted them as early as Goryeo. He had to admit that the Pang family's status was indeed good.

Just as he feared in the canned plan, it would be difficult for people who were orphans or street children to enter confidential institutions, so he asked canned people to replace Japanese middle school students attending military schools.

Since the plan was carried out early, the Japanese had more options, such as pretending to be a family with a background in advance. The reputable Pang family was naturally a suitable target.

What Pang Chong’s younger son said later confirmed Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi’s previous inferences, investigating the relationship network—threatening the real Pang Chong’s father—cutting off contact with relatives and friends—killing people to silence him—and occupying the magpie’s nest.

With these step-by-step actions, the Akai family became the Pang family and enjoyed the property left by the Pang family with peace of mind. They penetrated into the Republic of China bit by bit and regarded themselves as true people of the Republic of China.

After introducing the specific situation, Pang Chong's youngest son bent down and said sincerely: "Sir, this is the whole story. My brother and I can't decide our origins, but we don't want to make the same mistake again and again.

 Moreover, the education we received when we were young, the friends we made when we grew up, and what we saw and heard in life all make us identify more with the Republic of China from the bottom of our hearts, rather than distant Japan. "

 What he said was very emotional and logically reasonable. It’s just that Japanese people are best at acting and bowing. It’s too beautiful to expect the other party to say a few beautiful words and then start over.

"Haha, don't be in a hurry, take your time." Zuo Zhong smiled and brought up the topic and asked the second question: "Do you two know the name and cover identity of your father's superior? This is also for your safety. Na.

If the other party knows what happened today, will they send gunmen to kill them in the future? I think this possibility is very high. If you help us, you are helping yourself. Can you understand this? "

Pang Chong's two sons looked bitter and understood. The problem was that they really didn't know who Pang Chong's superior was. They only knew that this person's code name was Boss, so they had no choice but to explain the situation.

Zuo Zhong sighed secretly after hearing this. Sure enough, it is not that easy. Even Pang Chong hid it so secretly. Let alone the other party's superior, it seemed that Pang Chong had to explain the problem.

He showed a regretful expression while thinking quickly: "Don't you know, that's such a pity. Let's go to the cell and calm down first, and we'll talk later, okay."

After saying these words, Zuo Zhong stood up and prepared to walk out. Even though he understood that this was a hard-to-get game, the two filial sons were still frightened. Pang Chong's younger son finally panicked and shouted in a hurry.

 “We know something else!”

 “Oh? What’s the matter?”

Zuo Zhong stopped and yawned. It seemed that he was not interested in anything else the other party said. Two spies who had only learned skills and had no actual combat skills could be dealt with by anyone from the Secret Service.

“Our father Ryota Akai once saw a young man at home. He was very well-dressed and had an expensive watch. His identity must not be simple. He might be his superior.”

Pang Chong’s youngest son sold out his biological father. Would an intelligence agent meet with him at his own home? This is basically impossible. Japanese spies have always attached great importance to confidentiality.

Zuo Zhong felt that there was not much hope, and thought of the decent young man the other party mentioned. A name flashed in his mind, and he took out a few photos from his pocket, handed them to the filial son, and asked a question.

“Have you heard of the names Yang Changqing and Su Zifu? It doesn’t matter if you haven’t. It’s very important to see if there are people who went to your home in these photos.

It determines whether the two of you will suffer in a dark cell for the rest of your life, or whether you will start a new life. I assure you that the Secret Service will never burn bridges. I guarantee this with my personality. "

 In the photo are Yang Changqing, Su Zifu, and the assistant manager of the wine shop who put the copper lock on. Although Yang Changqing's age does not qualify as young, the possibility of the other party wearing makeup should be considered.

“Sir, this person looks a bit like him.”

Pang Chong’s two sons took the photos and looked at them. They pointed at one of them and shouted in unison that if they had the chance to return to a normal life, they couldn’t wait to pull this person out of the photo.

Zuo Zhong stared at the photo they selected, his pupils suddenly shrank, Su Zifu! As expected, this shareholder of Chengxin Bank had personal contact with Pang Chong. Now many things can be explained.

For example, how did Su Zifu meet Lu Yong'an? One was a banker on the surface, and the other was a high-level government official. Their statuses were so far apart that it was logically difficult for them to have the opportunity to come into contact with each other.

Even if Su Zifu can help the other party make money, he must first get to know him, and Lu Yong'an's old friend Pang Chong is the best middleman. By the way, there is also the child pregnant by his concubine Shashi.

Zuo Zhong's hair stood up. Did the Japanese want to use the same tactics they used against the Pang family on Lu Yong'an? The only difference was that Lu Yong'an didn't have to die because he wanted to send his child to a high-level official.

 In an instant, he thought of a series of possibilities, but there was no evidence to prove them all. He took a deep breath, a smile suddenly broke out on his face, and he said with an amiable look.

"Very good, this is a good start. In view of what just happened, I declare that the two of you can walk out of the prison cell and become a truly free man at least within ten years. Do you want to continue?"


Pang Chong's two sons nodded their heads out of the afterimage. Zuo Chong smiled even more happily and asked carefully about the specific time Su Zifu went to Pang's house, how long the conversation lasted and the atmosphere of the conversation.

The two people quickly gave a precise date. According to them, their father and the visitor only talked for less than ten minutes. The two sides were very unhappy and almost even started fighting.

Especially after the man left in a hurry, Akai Ryota, who was pretending to be Pang Chong, touched his beard. This was a habitual action that this man had developed in the military before killing people. Obviously, the person coming had angered him.

Zuo Zhong narrowed his eyes as he listened. The date mentioned by the other party happened to be two days before Su Zifu's death. It was probably not a coincidence. It was probably this conversation that led to Su Zifu's death.

What did they talk about that day? It was a pity that the two dutiful sons didn't hear it. He folded his arms and thought for a few minutes, and decided to have a head-on confrontation with Pang Chong to see if he could physically convince this guy.

 (End of this chapter)

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