Cicada Moving

Chapter 660: Confrontation with Pang Chong (1)

 Chapter 660 Confrontation with Pang Chong (1)


 “Say it or not! Say it or not!”

The lights in the dim corridor of the detention center flickered, and roars kept coming from a brightly lit interrogation room. After an unknown amount of time, Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi walked out of it with dark faces.

“Deputy Director, after more than ten hours of interrogation, whipping, tiger bench, and electric chair were all used, but the man named Pang refused to speak. It seems that it is unlikely that this person will give an explanation. What should we do next?

Should he send his father and mother to Jinling? Those two old guys have been complaining about injustice since they were arrested by the Hunan Province. I think we can reunite their family and confront them face to face. "

As he spoke, Gu Qi took out the cigarette case from his arms, handed Zuo Zhong a cigarette and lit a lighter. The two of them lit their cigarettes and stood outside the interrogation room, puffing out smoke. The atmosphere became a little solemn for a while.

·Interrogation subjects have different experiences, personalities, etc. This is an objective situation. Only by being familiar with the case and understanding the characteristics of the criminal suspect can we determine the interrogation methods and strategies.

 Fortunately, with the help of the confessions of Pang Chong's two filial sons, they had a deep understanding of Pang Chong. Unfortunately, no matter how they tried to persuade him mentally or physically, the other party remained silent.

He even kept his eyes closed from beginning to end, not giving the interrogators a chance to understand his mental activities. From this point of view alone, I am indeed much more professional and dedicated than his two sons.

 “Forget it about Pang Chong’s parents.”

Opposite Zuo Zhong smoked a cigarette and said something. Finally, he put out the cigarette **** on the wall and said lightly: "Two spies who have been lurking for a lifetime have a strong will that ordinary people can't imagine.

Furthermore, they have been living in Shacheng since they completed the task of replacing Zhen Pang Chong's parents. They have no understanding of the spy organization in Jinling. If they are killed and the outside world finds out, it will be a troublesome matter.

Furthermore, allowing Pang Chong to see his parents, in a sense, gave him support. He told the Hunan Province not to beat or scold them, to be careful of their suicide, and to shoot them secretly after the case was over. "

 Gu Qi expressed his gratitude. It was not a pleasant thing to torment two old men in their 70s and 80s. Even if they were Japanese spies, the difference between humans and animals is that they have pity for the old and love for the young.

This is not the kindness of a woman. She vents her anger and abuses knowing that there is no gain. It is the act of a coward. She is in darkness and has a bright heart. The longer you stay in this industry, the more you understand the importance of sunshine.

 After rejecting the idea of ​​using Pang Chong's parents, Zuo Chong took a walk around the yard and said softly: "Suspend the torture and interrogation. This man is a tough guy. The harder we beat him, the tougher he will become.

 The first interrogation is an important round of confrontation between the two parties. Some interrogation subjects will use this opportunity to observe the interrogator's behavior, attitude and tone of questioning, observe the words and expressions, and try to find out.

 A good first interrogation can quickly dispel the other party's sense of chance and force them to bow their heads and confess their sins, and not dare to carry out conspiracies easily. This is conducive to the smooth progress of the interrogation.

 If it is not done well, the subject of the interrogation will think that the interrogator is easy to deal with, or that we have no evidence, and his or her arrogance will become even more arrogant, which will increase the difficulty of subsequent interrogations.

So, if you can't be tough, then be soft. Pang Chong is an important person. If we control him, the enemy will definitely fall into chaos. We have a certain amount of time to pry open his mouth, so there is no need to rush. "

 Suspension of torture?

Gu Qi thought for a while and nodded slightly. In fact, it was useless for them to worry. An intelligence agent who had been lurking for decades was not that easy to deal with. It would be abnormal to explain directly.

As for fishing for a big fish in the long term, it is unrealistic to find the person behind it through Pang Chong. Pang Chong’s two sons have told each other that the other party is ready to silence the eldest son. The longer the delay, the fewer clues will be.

After discussing, the two returned to the interrogation room to announce the end of the torture. Pang Chong still showed no reaction on the electric chair and allowed the guards to release him and apply medicine, and was carried to a single cell.

 In the next few days, Zuo Zhong launched a counterattack program against the other party's resistance. The method was also very simple. Every few hours, he would sit opposite Pang Chong with a newspaper.

He neither asked about the case nor spoke, and just read the newspaper quietly. When the fixed time came, he deliberately folded the newspaper to make a sound, and then left the cell without saying a word.

The other party wants to rely on their words and deeds to judge what is happening in the outside world, so why doesn't he retaliate in the same way? It is not the Secret Service that is being investigated now, it is the Japanese who should be worried.

 One day has passed, and two days have passed.

Zuo Zhong repeated such actions, while Pang Chong was handcuffed in the cell. Both parties remained silent. The only sounds in the room were the breathing of the two and the footsteps of the guards patrolling back and forth outside the door.

Finally, on the third day, Pang Chong couldn't help it anymore. He was angered by the Chinese people's disregard and behavior, and he wanted to know how much information his two **** sons had confessed.

So after Zuo Zhong arrived again, he shook the handcuffs vigorously and asked loudly: "I am an active officer in the Training Directorate, why did the Secret Service detain me, and why didn't you say anything."

Zuo Zhong slowly folded the newspaper, looked up at the other party and said casually: "Isn't this great? You have an explanation to your superiors, and I will hand you over to close the case. Everyone will be happy."

Then, he opened the newspaper and continued to read the news seriously, leaving the speechless Pang Chong aside. After a while, when the fixed time came, he got up and walked out of the cell without saying a word. Gu Qi, who was waiting outside, came up to him with a smile. Zuo Zhong put his finger in front of his mouth and shook his head, indicating not to speak. The two of them lowered their steps and walked to the courtyard of the detention center to start communicating.

“Deputy Director, is the heat almost done?”

 “The first step is completed, it’s still early to start.”

Facing Gu Qi’s question, Zuo Zhong smiled with his hands behind his back: “Our goal is to get him to speak. You heard it just now. The other party’s questions are a good start. Do the rest of the work slowly.

After all, Pang Chong is not a full-time agent. He seems to have a tough attitude but his ability to withstand pressure is average. Moreover, this person has been hiding for many years and does not understand the latest interrogation and confrontation techniques.

 Otherwise, this trick will not be so easy to succeed. Lao Gu, the more we are at this time, the more we must stay calm. The fish has already been hooked. If you lift the rod too early or too late, the big fish will be decoupled.

By the way, is there any movement among Wu Jingzhong and Chunyang's targets? Is anyone trying to escape? Tell them to keep an eye on them. It's a bit risky to arrest Pang Chong in advance. Surveillance work is the key. "

After listening to what Zuo Zhong said, Gu Qi thought about the profound meaning. Most of Pang Chong's intelligence skills came from his father. The old man was a spy decades ago, and he most likely became a monk halfway.

 Intelligence technology at that time was still very primitive, especially at the psychological level, with almost zero research. Today, intelligence technology is changing with each passing day, and new technologies appear every month, every day, and every hour.

With the opponent's depth, long-term lurking is certainly hidden, but it also loses the opportunity to learn these advanced technologies. This cannot be understood in a short time and requires professional training.

For example, the Secret Service conducts one or two trainings every year to familiarize intelligence personnel with the current international intelligence situation. This is something that Pang Chong certainly cannot do because he does not have time to study off-the-job.

These thoughts flashed through Gu Qi's mind quickly, and he replied: "There is no movement, Yang Changqing's activities are normal, the frequency of outings and phone calls is the same as before, and his mood seems to be very stable.

Those suspicious government officials spend a lot of time and alcohol in addition to going to work. Their expenses are somewhat inconsistent with their income, but they are still within a reasonable range. You know, these people can still make money no matter how marginal they are. "

 Well, that’s true.

Zuo Zhong had a smile on his face. When working in the government, you must know how to use the relationship between people, and you must join in this relationship as soon as possible. This is the case from district to county, and from county to city.

This is like a spider web. Those who can spin silk are flying around in the web, while those who cannot spin silk fall to the ground and look at the web and sigh, and then are smashed to pieces by a big foot falling from the sky.

 Some things are not given to you and you cannot force them.

 Some things are given to you and you cannot refuse them.

Let's talk about the suspicious officials. Don't look at them, they are all from Qingshui Yamen. The money they get is not a small amount. It's not that others pay more attention to them. It's just that they are one of the procedures and cannot be exceeded.

Even if someone doesn’t want to collect or says they dare not collect, it will offend everyone. If you say on the shore that you don’t want the ship to sink, no one will believe it. If you say on the ship that you don’t want the ship to sink, no one will doubt it.

Zuo Zhong secretly shook his head, thought for a few seconds and told Gu Qi: "Continue to monitor, and by the way, let the Jinling Police Department and Caobang pay close attention to abnormalities in the city, and report immediately as soon as there is any news.

Pang Chong's arrest will definitely shock the opponent's organization. Even if there is no emergency evacuation, the communication and transportation channels must be disinfected to see if any clues can be found from here. "

 “I understand, Deputy Director.”

 Gu Qi saluted. This is to use the advantage of the public to squeeze the opponent. It doesn't matter if they move or not. Try to delay as much time as possible until Pang Chong opens his mouth to explain the problem before taking action.

Compared with the previous investigation style, the Secret Service this time acted in an upright and upright manner, which is not quite like the style of an intelligence agency. I don’t know what the deputy director’s considerations were for doing this.

 After discussing the work, the two of them dispersed to work. Zuo Zhong continued to have a silent "conversation" with Pang Chong at a fixed time, constantly exerting psychological pressure on the other party until he collapsed.

 This process took longer than imagined.

On the tenth day after being arrested, which was seven days after the last time he spoke, Pang Chong spoke for the second time. The content was that he was willing to talk, but he had to decide the topic of the conversation, otherwise he would never speak.

Zuo Zhong readily agreed, even though he knew that this might be a conspiracy by the other party, because such a long time was enough for his boss to return to Japan from the Republic of China, and there was no practical significance in confessing or not confessing.

Sure enough, in the subsequent conversation, Pang Chong talked about him, not mentioning his involvement in espionage activities at all. He talked about his joining the army and the Northern Expedition, and his words were full of pride and pride.

 (End of this chapter)

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