Cicada Moving

Chapter 861: success or failure

Chapter 861 Success or failure

 As the sun rises, a new day arrives.

In the North China Front Army Headquarters, the iron palms of military boots stepped on the smooth floor, making a clicking sound. Otsuki, the owner of the military boots, walked into the office with a sullen face.

Standing in the middle of the room, his eyes glanced at the bathroom, the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, his expression seemed a little proud, and then he picked up the phone and connected the front army's special service department to say something in Japanese.

After making the call, he sat down on the chair and took out his family sword, picked up a piece of cotton cloth and wiped it carefully, his eyes full of piety.

About five minutes later, a group of Japanese agents in plain clothes knocked on the door and came in. They stood in front of the desk with their heads bowed respectfully, quietly waiting for orders.

The big moon on the opposite side didn't seem to see them. She stood up and held the handle of the knife with one hand, lightly supporting the back of the knife with the other hand. She pointed the shining cold blade at the sun and took a breath, muttering to herself.

“When I was studying in Germany, my tutor once told me that stupidity is the only disease that does not harm yourself but brings misfortune to those around you. I have always believed this. What do you think?”

Facing his inquiry, the plainclothes agents did not dare to be careless. The leader bent down and replied loudly: "Hai, thank you for your teachings, Colonel. I will definitely keep it in mind for those of low rank."

Hearing this, Otsuki stopped and looked at the other person, with a satisfied smile on his face. He put the katana back into the scabbard with a flick of his hand, held the handle firmly with the sword and nodded.

“Yo Xi, that’s great, but it’s a pity that the Chinese don’t understand this and think that they can change the outcome with some tricks. They don’t know that strategies need to be supported by strength.”

  After saying something incoherently, he turned back to the table, took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to the leading agent.

“According to the order of His Excellency Commander Juichi Terauchi, you immediately go to this location to arrest the dangerous elements who undermine the co-prosperity of Daito (Separated) Asia. If there is resistance, they will be killed without mercy.

I will accompany you on the move. I really want to see what the other party’s expression will be like when they see me. Despicable and stupid Chinese people, I hope they won’t be scared, huh. "

Da Yue sneered, subconsciously touched his belly, and read out the order through gritted teeth, his words filled with murderous intent.


The spy leader was stunned, but he quickly reacted. He took the document with both hands, bent down and stretched out his right hand toward the door to signal the colonel to go ahead.

The impatient Otsuki flicked his cloak, and the group quickly walked out of the building, jumped into several cars and trucks, and headed straight for the address on the document.

 The other side of the city.

Yu Yuju was wearing a suit of sea dragon leather goods worth thousands of gold. She came out of an alley with a playful smile and walked towards the scrap collection station. She hummed "Taiping Lyrics" in a decent manner.

“The beautiful scenery of Hangzhou is unparalleled in the world.

The banks of the West Lake are filled with exotic flowers and plants that are fragrant all year round.

That spring outing to Su Di, where the peach blossoms are red and the willows are green,

 In summer, the lotus flowers fill the pond~"

Just walking and singing, he arrived at the courtyard gate. He pushed open the courtyard door and shouted Brother Jia several times. As a result, the courtyard was quiet.

Yu Yuju didn't take it seriously and continued to walk inside. He supported Jia Fugui because he valued his flexible mind, and he didn't really expect how much money he could make from selling scraps.

So it doesn't matter whether the other party comes to work or what time he comes to work, as long as he can help him take care of the Yu family's business, not to mention raising a cousin, he can even support the Jia family.

However, as soon as he walked into the yard, a stinky smell hit him. He quickly covered his mouth and nose, glanced at the messy sacks, and showed disgust, bypassing the garbage and coming to the side room.

The room was empty, and the ashes in the brazier had long been extinguished. Yu Yuju rubbed her hands, picked up the tongs, put a few pieces of charcoal and kindling into the basin, and lit the match with a match.

The faint blue flames began to jump, and soon there was a touch of warmth in the room. He sat on Jia Fugui's seat and started a fire, and opened the account book to see his income these days.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the book, Yu Yuju found a letter sandwiched in the middle. The words "personally addressed by Boss Yu" were clearly written on the cover, which made an unknown thought flash in his mind.

Hurrying to tear open the seal, he took out the letter and read it at a glance. The more he looked at it, the paler his face became, the more he looked at it, the more his thighs shook, and finally he fell to the ground.

“Oh my God, you named Jia...”


 “Don’t move!”

Just as he was wailing like a widower, the door of the scrap collection station was kicked open, and then a group of vicious agents rushed in and put a gun to Yu Yuju's head.

Yu Yuju held the letter in her hand and looked at the Japanese with tears in her eyes. Her mouth was slightly open and she didn't dare to move. It wasn't until she saw Da Yue, whom she had met several times, that she cried out for injustice.

“Colonel, it’s me. I’m a good citizen. It was Jia Fugui who framed me!”

Da Yue stared at Yu Yuju without saying a word. She reached out and took the letter from the pear-shaped opponent's hand and read it again. Her eyes slowly widened, and the anger in her heart could no longer be suppressed.

I saw the letter saying:

Brother Yu, it is as if we have met each other when we see each other. The deployment and deployment of the Japanese pirate troops in the Xucheng battle are all due to your cooperation. We are extremely grateful. When we say goodbye, I leave a poem on my sleeve as a souvenir.

The moon is bright in the sky, the evening tide is raging, the affairs of the country are confused, and I am worried. I am able to take advantage of the long wind of Zongji, break through thousands of miles of waves to kill the dragon. I hope that my brother will remember to do many things that are beneficial to the country and the nation. "Baga! Baga!"

Otsuki's eyes were red with anger, and he tore the letter into pieces. He drew out his katana and slashed at the wooden table beside him wildly. He ignored the flying wood chips and kept roaring from his mouth.

The Japanese spies around him swallowed their saliva when they saw this. Seeing His Excellency Colonel being so angry, no one dared to say anything to persuade him, for fear that they would become the table full of holes.

Wu~neng was furious for a long time. Da Yue gasped and hesitated for a while, pointed at Yu Yuju who was sitting on the ground, and ordered his subordinates in half-baked Chinese.

“Mr. Yu, please get up quickly. There is a saying in China that a person who knows the current affairs is a hero. A smart person like Mr. Yu will not do anything unwise.

  (dubbing here)

The national government wants to instigate a relationship between the Locust Army and the Beiping industrial and commercial community with sinister intentions. The Japanese Empire will never be fooled and harm our friends. "

As a noble with a keen sense of politics, he knew that whether Yu Yuju helped the rebels or not, they must deny it.

Once the opponent is captured, the situation that was finally stabilized will be unstable again. Now that the war is going on, North China cannot be in chaos, so the person named Yu can only be released first.

 “Thank you, Mr. Colonel, thank you very much.”

Yu Yuju, who was helped up, expressed her gratitude again and again, and swore that she would definitely serve the Japanese and help them catch the **** Jia Fugui, and yes, that Jia Jixiang.

Dayue nodded with satisfaction. It was not in vain that he let this person go. The next second, he asked him about the background information and addresses of the Jia brothers, and prepared to conduct a search throughout the city.

How could Yu Yuju dare to hide anything? She told the story of the small courtyard in Jiaozi Alley, and volunteered to lead the agents to arrest the person. She looked like she wanted to kill her good friend Jia Fugui right away.

 “Yoshi, hurry up!”

Seeing how active the other party was, Dayue became more and more satisfied. He left a few agents to guard the scene, waved his hands and led others to kill towards the north of the city. Of course, the house was empty.

It can’t be said that there is nothing. The first batch of agents who broke into the door encountered two pull-finger grenade traps, and the raging flames caused by it dyed half of the sky red.

Da Yue, who had been bombed to pieces, was furious and ordered the police station and military police to dispatch the government intelligence officers. The alarm sounded throughout Beiping City.

But when he returned to the office and closed the door, the originally angry Otsuki's expression changed. He lazily lay down on the chair, knocked his military boots on the table, and hummed a tune happily.

The pleasure of using wisdom to defeat the enemy makes Mr. Colonel intoxicated. Although he is also a member of the army, he actually does not look down on his colleagues who only know how to kill.

In his view, killing is a sign of incompetence. A truly qualified officer should be able to strategize, detect the opponent's plot in subtle ways, and win decisively thousands of miles away.

Just like yesterday, when he felt a stomachache, he realized that the extremely delicious fish dish at noon and the maid who spilled the water must have been specially arranged by someone.

Moreover, this person must know his living habits and his character very well, and want to use this shameless method to force him to leak the empire's military plan.

Meeting such an opponent, naturally he had to have a good time. The fact was almost as he guessed. The opponent ran away with some useless information. Da Yue laughed disdainfully at the thought.

 Don’t the Chinese know that military plans can be changed? The locust army with absolute superiority has countless combat plans to choose from, which the national government can never match.

In addition, using waste paper to obtain information may seem clever, but in fact it is full of uncertainty and it is impossible to obtain all the information.

 It is a pity that the Chinese have relatively good intelligence personnel, but they do not have the best army and the best commander. Failure is doomed.

  Sighing secretly, Otsuki picked up the phone when he heard the phone ringing, and reported two pieces of good news and one piece of bad news to him.

  First, the arresters caught a woman at the train station who was trying to leave Beiping under a false identity. According to the secret agent responsible for protecting Otsuki, she was identified as the maid of Songwu Restaurant.

Second, more than one person saw the Jia brothers appearing in Nancheng. It seemed that they wanted to escape through the road and go to the Guojun's sphere of influence in Yu Province.

After hearing this, Da Yue was overjoyed and immediately made corresponding arrangements: "Yoshi, very good, bring the maid to the headquarters immediately. I think your torture instruments can be put to use.

Don't stop searching. Now that you have found traces of Jia Fugui and Jia Jixiang, stick to them. I will send people to support you. We must catch them alive. Yes, we must catch them alive. "

 Hang up the phone with a smile. He walked around the office twice with his hands behind his back. He finally calmed down his excitement and thought about the third thing.

 This matter spread quickly today. The Central China Dispatch Army Intelligence Department received a call saying that it would secretly send a lieutenant colonel to Beiping and arrive at Beiping Railway Station three days later.

The purpose is to determine whether the North China Front's combat plan has been leaked, so as to decide whether both sides will continue to attack from the north and the south, and to help them arrest national intelligence personnel.

Because according to reliable information, the person leading this secret theft operation is probably Zuo Zhong, the deputy director of the National Government Secret Service. This person has mastered many secrets of the Kuomintang and the intelligence value is very high.

There are even rumors that the other party was involved in the unknown incident on 226. The other party may know the whereabouts of the **** Okamoto. This is the No. 1 serious case that even the locusts are concerned about.

Zuo Zhong... Da Yue whispered this familiar name silently, and the smile on his face became more and more unrestrained. Then, let's use the other person's head to achieve his reputation as the flower of the Locust Army.

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