Cicada Moving

Chapter 862: Someone coming

 Chapter 862 Someone is coming

 Iron Lion Alley.

In the basement of the North China Front Army Headquarters, the ice cellar that was originally used by officials of the previous dynasty was converted into a torture chamber by the Japanese. Under the dim light, there were screams one after another.

Otsuki took out a handkerchief and covered his mouth and nose, curiously looking at the most mysterious place in the headquarters, and followed an agent to one of the interrogation rooms.

I saw a wooden frame standing next to the wall of the room, with a bruised woman tied to it. She was the waitress of the restaurant, and next to her were interrogators holding various torture instruments.


“Say, what is your name, and where are your accomplices?”

A whip hit the woman's face hard, and her skin was instantly torn. However, she just glanced at the interrogator contemptuously, spat out **** spit, and then closed her eyes.

This reaction angered the agents. They took out the red-hot tongs from the brazier and pressed them against the opponent's collarbone while grinning, making a creepy sizzling sound.

 After a burst of thick smoke, the charred clothing and the rapidly shrinking wounds were stuck together. The woman groaned, her body trembled violently, and she clenched her hands tied to the wooden frame.

Ot Yue stood there with her arms folded, watching this scene with interest, and becoming more and more curious about Zuo Zhong. If an ordinary subordinate is so tough, what will happen to him after he is arrested.

Since coming to the Republic of China, he has seen many generals who retreated without fighting, officials who betrayed their country for glory, and businessmen who bowed their heads. This was the first time he saw such a warrior who was not afraid of torture.

As we all know, the style of a department is usually directly related to the personality of its business chief. If you want to fully understand Zuo Zhong, this prisoner is the best way.

 “bridge beans sack.”

Thinking of this, Dayue stopped the interrogator, walked up to the woman step by step, raised his hand and gently touched the **** wound, shook his head slightly and persuaded in a tone full of regret.

"Your actions have been seen through by me. Those battle plans are all fake. Your place has failed. There is no point in keeping silent. Why ask for trouble."

 As long as you cooperate, identify yourself or help us capture Zuo Zhong, I can give you a large sum of money and send you to the mainland of the empire to ensure your safety. "

Faced with his persuasion and temptation, the woman was silent for a moment, her jaw suddenly forced hard, and she bit her tongue off. Blood gushes out from the broken hole and quickly fills her entire mouth.

While the Japanese didn't react, she used all her strength to swallow the tongue and blood in her mouth, and then gritted her teeth until she fainted from the pain.

 “Baga! Quickly pry open her mouth and let the doctor bandage it!”

Otsue was shocked and shouted loudly. Although biting the tongue will not cause immediate death, if the other person bites the artery at the base of the tongue or the trachea or respiratory tract is blocked by blood, it will still be life-threatening.

He did not expect the Chinese intelligence officers to be so cruel to him. The human tongue is rich in nerves. When it is injured, the body will instinctively feel pain, causing the teeth to automatically loosen and the tongue to retract.

Those who can defeat this instinct are those who are determined and have strong perseverance. When encountering such an opponent, even if it is an enemy, Otsuki has to respect him.

The agents hurriedly pinched the chewing muscles on the woman's face, trying to get her mouth to open, but it didn't work. They had no choice but to raise their fists and punch the opponent's cheek.

  One, two, three times, after being punched again and again, the woman finally opened her mouth. The doctor who had been waiting for a long time opened the dilation forceps and used tweezers to hold cotton to stop the bleeding of the wound.

I have to say that the Japanese have a very high level of trauma treatment. Under emergency treatment, the woman’s wound quickly stopped bleeding, and her life was saved.

The problem is that after a series of complicated examinations, the doctor said with an ugly face that the other party's injuries were very serious and he had basically lost his speech function.

 In other words, unless women actively cooperate with the interrogation and explain the issues in writing, it is difficult for them to obtain any useful information.

But for such a professional intelligence officer who can bear the pain of biting off his tongue, no one can be sure whether the other party will stab him directly in the head after getting the pen.

After hearing this, Da Yue took a deep breath and ordered the torture to continue. Since this person wanted to die, let her do it and see if it was their torture tools or the other person's mouth that was harder.

 At the same time, he had a hunch that this diehard must be an important member of the Secret Service. Once a breakthrough was opened in him, it would not be far away from catching Zuo Zhong.

The interrogators were instructed not to care about life or death, and they completely let go of their hands. They used the tiger bench, waterboarding, and the electric chair all over the place, but to no avail.

Gradually losing patience, Otsuki even resorted to ice torture, a method specifically used for female agents—putting the interrogation target on ice and pouring cold water on it over and over again.

Due to the body structure, under low-temperature stimulation, the target's lower body will completely lose consciousness, become incontinent, and undergo both physical and psychological torture.

Even so, the Japanese still failed to obtain a confession. They were so incompetent that they launched a fatigue offensive, not letting the woman rest for a moment, in an attempt to destroy the other party's psychological defense.

High-wattage light bulbs illuminated the small interrogation room as if it were daytime, and harsh noises were played continuously from the speakers. Secret agents entered the interrogation room every half hour to wake up the interrogation target.

As the time on the watch passed by one minute and one second, the onlooker Otsuki changed from being calm and unhurried to being restless, and then from being restless to being anxious, and finally turned around and left.

He did not have time to guide the business work of the Secret Service. The part of the combat plan that the Chinese took away was invalid, and the new combat plan had to be formulated before the troops sent from central China arrived.

 Otherwise Commander Juichi Terauchi loses face in front of the other commander, he will be the first to suffer misfortune. No one can bear the anger of such a big shot, not even an imperial noble.

 Three days later.

Otsuki finished reviewing a thick stack of documents, with a satisfied smile on his face, and immediately ordered his subordinates to send the information on the next military deployment of the North China Front to the secret room. As long as the headquarters has no objections, the preparations for the Xucheng Battle will be over here. The rest is the work of the combat troops and has nothing to do with him. He can finally take a rest.

He stood up and stretched, then as if he thought of something, he pressed the electric bell on the table to summon the agents outside the door.

“Has that woman confessed? Also, when will the train from Shanghai to Beiping arrive? Has the headquarters sent anyone to greet the guy from the south?”

Otsuki stood in front of the mirror in the office, adjusting her appearance, asking two questions, and pinched off an acne on her face.

“Reporting to Your Excellency, Colonel, we are still interrogating and there is no result for the time being.”

The agent bowed to apologize, lowered his head and replied: "The train will arrive at Zhengyangmen Railway Station in one hour, and I didn't hear that anyone was going to greet it."

Tightening the buttons on the collar of the military uniform, Otsuki nodded. This was within his expectation. There was both cooperation and competition between North China and Central China, so naturally no one cared about the arrival of a Lieutenant Colonel.

After thinking for a while, he ordered the secret agent with a smile in his eyes: "Go and prepare the vehicle. You guys will accompany me to the train station to pick up people. You are all working for His Majesty Tian Locust. Don't let people think that the North China Front Army does not understand etiquette.

Well, let the Zhongyang Hotel in Donghua Gate prepare a luxurious guest room and a table of meals. The other party is serving in a place like Shanghai and is used to the feasting and feasting, so as not to make people say weird things if the hospitality is not good when he arrives. "


The agent hurried out after returning the order. For the highest military organization in Beiping and even North China, arranging accommodation and meals for a few people was a simple matter.

 A few minutes later, after learning that everything had been arranged, Dayue got into the car and rushed to the train station with a smile, wondering what kind of person would come from Central China.

 The other party can be entrusted with the important task of determining whether the combat plan has been leaked. The background must not be simple. If you can have a good relationship with this person, you will have more connections in the military.

 Ot Yue couldn't help but sigh. They say that officialdom is like a battlefield. In fact, the strife in officialdom is more cruel than the battlefield. If not for this, how could he be a colonel now?

Colonel sounds good, but according to the regulations of the army, when a staff officer like him joins a field unit, he will be automatically demoted one level, and he cannot even be a regimental captain.

 Looking at the officers who were about the same age as him and graduated from mainland universities, the lowest positions were all regiment captains. As soon as the years were up, it would be easy to get the star and become a general.

Is this fair?

Of course it's not fair, who is not a student of the Army University? Those **** from the Tianbao Money Group and the Saber Group have monopolized the channels for promotion in the military. No wonder there are unknown incidents.

Otsuki, who was madly criticizing the potential promotion of the Japanese Army, smashed the car window and wished he could go back to the day of February 26 and kill all the national thieves who hindered his promotion.

The agents in the car didn't know what was going on and didn't dare to ask why the colonel was angry. Upon seeing this, the driver stepped on the accelerator and drove quickly towards the train station.


In the distance, a train blew its whistle and drove into Zhengyangmen Station. A young lieutenant colonel wearing a Shogo-style military uniform walked out of the first-class carriage at the rear of the train.

The conductor who was maintaining order did not dare to neglect, stopped other passengers in the carriage, temporarily cleared the corridor, and respectfully sent the other passengers to the door.

The train moved slowly and steadily, and white steam poured out from the bottom of the car and enveloped the platform. When the smoke dissipated, the car door was opened, and the Lieutenant Colonel walked out of the car lazily.

 “Didi Didi~”

At this time, Otsuki stood beside the car and pressed the car horn. The sound attracted the attention of many passengers, including the lieutenant colonel.

When he saw the car and a group of Japanese soldiers driving onto the platform, the man smiled and raised **** in an inappropriate American military salute.

Otsuki, who witnessed all this, was also smiling. It seemed that the other party had also studied in a military academy in the Omi country. Xixi, they must have a lot in common.

The two people with bright smiles stepped forward in unison, held their hands tightly together, and solemnly introduced themselves.

 “Hello, Hiroshi Otsuki.”

 “Hello, Takeo Okada.”

Just as they were exchanging greetings, in an abandoned house in Beiping City, Wu Chunyang, whose pseudonym was Jia Jixiang, bit gauze in his mouth and stabbed the wound on his left arm with tweezers in his right hand.

After a few grunts, he took out the warhead and threw it into an enamel jar filled with alcohol. There was a clang. Someone outside the door heard the sound and opened the door, and there was a burst of whispers in the room.

 “When people arrive, keep an eye on them.”



 (End of this chapter)

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