Cicada Moving

Chapter 874: Arrest Guo Jinyao

Chapter 874: Capturing Guo Jinyao

 Gu Qi was stunned for a moment when he heard Zuo Zhong's order to arrest people. He glanced at the equally incomprehensible bald head and asked in a confused tone.

 “Deputy Director, who are you arresting?”

Zuo Zhong raised his chin in the direction of the Zhenchang: "Who else could it be? Of course it is Guo Jinyao. When the light comes, you will personally lead the team. We must capture the target alive."

Gui Youguang nodded. He didn't care whether the opponent was NK~VD or not. He would catch him if his superiors asked him to. He immediately gathered his special operations team to check the weapons, familiarize themselves with the terrain, and prepare for action.

It was Gu Qi who was worried: "Deputy Director, you said before that the people of Red Russia cannot move around. If there is a conflict between the two countries, we cannot bear this responsibility."

“Lao Gu, don’t worry. One moment and another, there are some things that I can’t explain to you right now, but you can rest assured that just Guo Jinyao can’t change the world.”

Zuo Zhong said as he took the layout plan of the Zhenchang Oil Mill and looked at it. It was an old-fashioned pingfang shop with a residence and a shop, with a total area of ​​about 70 or 80 square meters.

This has advantages and disadvantages for action. The advantage is that the area is small and easy to control. The disadvantage is that there are many obstacles and people will inevitably bump into each other when entering, which affects the speed of movement.

 He thought for a while, then called Gu Qi and Gui Youguang to his side, and the three of them discussed the terrain in order to work out a solid action plan that could quickly capture the target.

 After some discussion, Gui Youguang’s suggestion was finally adopted, that is, the operators broke doors and windows from multiple directions to enter the scene, leaving no time for Guo Jinyao and possible helpers to react.

“Have you checked the number and background of the people in the store?”

The overall action plan was finalized, and Zuo Zhong asked the bald man again that this matter was very important, otherwise what would happen if the other party led people to rush in and collide head-on with a group of heavily armed agents.

“It has been found out that in addition to Guo Jinyao, there are two other men on the Zhenchang, one is 17 and the other is 23. They are both local residents, their parents and relatives are at home, and they have not received military training.”

Gui Youguang took out two personnel files. He had some experience in the preliminary preparations for the operation and had already checked the personnel information around the target.

Zuo Zhong nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, as long as these two people don't resist, let them live. We can't kill innocent people indiscriminately. They can still be used as witnesses against Guo Jinyao in the future."

 After saying that, he set a specific time for the operation, and he would start on time in one hour. It would be the time when the store was closing, and the flow of people on the street was not large, which was very suitable for arresting.

 After receiving the order, Gui Youguang immediately puffed up his chest and walked away majestically. Compared with boring intelligence investigation, it was obviously more in line with the big bald man's heart to lead a team on a mission.

The watch on his wrist kept ticking, and an hour passed quickly. Zhangjiawan Town slowly became quiet, with only the sound of the clatter of spatulas and the mother calling her children home for dinner.

  “5, 4, 3, 2, 1.”

 “Do it!”

In the alley not far from the Zhenchang, Gui Youguang, who was wearing a mask, looked down at his watch to count down the time. When the minute hand jumped, he shouted in a low voice and headed straight for the target with three action experts.

At the same time, two other action teams with a total of 8 people carried out raids from the side window of the shop and the backyard. 12 elite secret service agents dealt with 3 people. It can be said that it was a lion fighting a rabbit, and they also used their full strength.

 Gui Youguang held a short gun with his arms folded, looked straight ahead, and wore special military boots under his feet. The soles made of natural rubber eliminated most of the footsteps, and quietly approached the gate of Zhenchang.

At this time, one of Guo Jinyao's waiters had his back to the alley, humming a local Jitan tune, installing the door panels with a relaxed expression, and thinking about what to eat tonight.

But he didn't notice that someone in the darkness raised his arm and slowly stretched toward his neck. When the two were more than ten centimeters away, the other person suddenly accelerated and covered the man's mouth.

Before the clerk could react, the man pinned him to the ground and skillfully groped for his body and collar. After confirming that there were no dangerous items, he was handcuffed.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the operators had solved the first target. Gui Youguang did not stop at all. He and the remaining two agents walked over the threshold and walked into the store. The muzzle of the gun swayed slightly from side to side.

“What’s wrong? Is the door panel broken?”

Thinking that the boy was back, Guo Jinyao stood at the counter, fiddling with the abacus in his hand, and asked casually, but after waiting for a few seconds, he didn't hear an answer, so he frowned and raised his head.

What caught his eye was a big fist, and then the fist hit the bridge of his nose hard. After a burst of severe pain, Guo Jinyao fell to the ground with tears in his eyes.

Two little agents jumped up and jumped over the counter. One of them pressed down the target's arm with all his strength, while the other pinched the opponent's cheek and stuffed a ball into his mouth to prevent suicide.

Looking at Guo Jinyao, who was twisting desperately and trying to break free, the agent took out a small cylinder, pointed it at his nostril and stabbed it in. He pushed the piston with his thumb to push out the gas quickly.

The nitrous oxide used in the rescue operation at the Blackwood Hotel in Shanghai once again worked. Guo Jinyao quickly stopped struggling. The agent felt for his pulse and raised his head and shouted.


"Well, cover your head and take him out. Notify the deputy director and section chief that the operation was successful. Let the technicians enter the scene and tell them that there may be dangerous goods on site. Let the brothers pay attention."

 Gui Youguang, who had not done anything during the whole process, glanced around the room and found that another guy was carried in from the backyard by his subordinates. He turned off the gun safety in his hand and turned around to order his subordinates.

 After saying that, he walked around inside the Zhenchang to eliminate the possibility of anyone else hiding inside, and then went out to find Zuo Zhong's return order.

Zuo Zhong, who was using a telescope to observe the scene and the surrounding crowd, did not say anything when he heard Gui Youguang's report. With so many good people dealing with three people, if there were still problems, he would consider changing to another operational commander.

Gu Qi asked about the specific situation. When he heard that Guo Jinyao was arrested without any resistance, he was excited but also a little confused, because this was not like the style of the Red Russian and Di~xiadang. During his work in the camp investigation section, Gu Qi often interacted with the underground party. When he was arrested, unless he was an unstable element who had already planned to surrender, no underground party would be so cooperative.

 After hesitating for a moment, he expressed his doubts. Gui Youguang thought it was okay. After all, their actions were sudden and it was normal for the target to not have time to react.

Zuo Zhong, however, smiled and shook his head, too lazy to participate in the discussion among his men. Some things had not yet been announced, so as a fashionable saying goes, he just let the bullets fly for a while.

While the three of them were thinking about their own thoughts, the technicians' search also yielded results, and people kept coming to report to them the latest situation.

“Report, a hidden compartment was found in the target’s bedroom, and there was a Russian-made radio station inside.”

“The study found two telegram files, involving the military (separation) deployment of the frontline troops.”

“A batch of illegal leaflets and publications from the lower party were seized from the kitchen stove.”

“There were two Brownings on the rafters, the magazines were full and the bullets were loaded.”





It's all conclusive evidence. No matter how unreasonable the Red Russians are, they can't say anything in the face of this. Guo Jinyao can't just collect contraband for fun.

Zuo Zhong pulled the slide hard, and a golden bullet jumped out from the ejection port of the Browning that was found, and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Gui Youguang quickly picked it up and took a look. As a weapons expert, he could tell at a glance that it was an original product made in the United States. It had a low misfire rate, high power, and a high price.

Not to mention the poor underground party, even if Browning is used as the secret service headquarters equipped with guns, ordinary intelligence officers do not need to afford such high-end gadgets.

In the Republic of China, most of the forces that distributed this type of gun used the 11.43mm bullets made by the Republic of China. There was only one reason: they were cheap.

 Listening to his findings, Zuo Zhong pulled out the magazine and pointed the pistol at the light to check. Judging from the manufacturing process and inscriptions, the gun was also an American product and sold for hundreds of French coins.

Throwing the gun to Gu Qi, Zuo Zhong took a closer look around the radio station and found that it was also the latest product of Red Russia, which had previously supported more than 20 national government stations.

Junwei Hui was very satisfied with these new radio stations with long communication distance and clear signals. He repeatedly requested Moscow to provide another batch, but was rejected by the Red Russians.

Unexpectedly, the other party turned around and gave Guo Jinyao one. If the government officials knew about this, they would have to break the defense again. Aren't they inferior to a spy?


Zuo Zhong chuckled lightly, and said to Gu and Gui with a hint of ridicule: "Red Russians and Di~ The lower party has made a fortune. The weapons and equipment are better than our secret service.

Now that the case is over, these two guns and radios will be distributed to the local district stations, which can be saved as much as possible. Even though flies are small, they are still meat, and Virgo is having a headache for funds. "

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

 Gu Qi immediately expressed his agreement. After losing Shanghai, a financial and taxation center, and coupled with successive wars, the government's financial situation was not optimistic and it could be said that it was stretched.

Although the Secret Service is an important agency, its funding has been cut a lot. Fortunately, the "printing" factory in Yamashiro has been progressing smoothly since the captured counterfeit banknote expert Saburo Shinoda.

The first batch of "goods" will soon be sent to enemy-occupied areas for trial use. Minister Song has also provided some channels and help. With this real money printing machine, funding is not a problem.

If you don’t have enough money, just print it.

  Anyway, the Japanese government is here to support it. Didn’t some people in later generations say that appropriate inflation (separation) is beneficial to the economy? This is equivalent to doing good deeds without leaving their name.

Zuo Zhong thought of this and pointed at the tied-up Guo Jinyao with a smile: "Take this guy back to the office and start interrogating him immediately to find out information about his accomplices and superiors."


Gu Qi and Gui Youguang stood at attention and replied. Among the crowd watching from a distance, a mysterious man pressed his hat when he saw this scene, turned around and left the place.

Zuo Zhong seemed to be aware of it. He turned to look at the whispering people, but found nothing. He raised his eyebrows and got into the car and greeted the driver: "Let's go back to the office."

 (End of this chapter)

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