Cicada Moving

Chapter 875: Heroes behind enemy lines...

“Guo Jinyao, are you awake? Don’t pretend to be dead.”

“There is light, nothing will happen to this guy, right?”

“Section Chief, don’t worry, I have tried the efficacy of nitrous oxide myself.”

 “Oh, use more smelling salts then.”

 Guo Jinyao drowsily heard someone whispering in his ear, and then an indescribable stench poured into his nose. He suddenly regained consciousness and opened his eyes.

The first thing that caught his eye was a dark room and a bald man wearing a white shirt with half-rolled sleeves. The man was close to his face, tilted his head for a while and turned around and shouted.

“Deputy Director, Section Chief, this guy is awake. Do you want to interrogate him immediately?”


Hearing these two words, Guo Jinyao seemed to panic all of a sudden. He shook his dizzy head and looked towards the direction where the bald man was speaking. He met another person with doubtful eyes.

Zuo Zhong looked at the suspect related to NK~VD with great interest. To be honest, it was the first time for him to see a Red Russian intelligence officer, so he was inevitably a little curious.

After all, the KGB developed by it will be famous in later generations. It is an intelligence agency as famous as the CIA in the United States. He wants to know how long the other party can persist in the face of punishment.

Thinking of this, he suddenly smiled: "Let's get started. Today's interrogation work will be left to you. I'll listen in with Lao Gu, so hold on tight. I'll have to deal with official business later."

 Gu Qi on the side also nodded, but he was a little confused. Why did the deputy director say the last sentence in front of the suspect? Wasn't this to let the other party know that they didn't have much time?

However, the tacit understanding formed by long-term cooperation prevented Gu Qi from rashly reminding him. He carefully unfolded his notebook, picked up the pen, and quietly started recording.

“Yes, I promise to complete the task.”

Gui Youguang grinned, turned around, walked to Guo Jinyao, bent down, and said word by word: "Mr. Guo, this is the Secret Service. You should know us well, so I won't say anything more.

 First, tell me your true identity and who you serve, and second, tell me who your superior is. If you don't explain, you won't be able to leave alive, and not just one or two prisoners will die in my hands.

 Don't expect anyone to come to rescue you. If we dare to arrest you, we are naturally fully prepared. You are a citizen of the Republic of China. This is the internal affairs of the National Government. Other countries have no right to interfere. Do you understand what I am saying? "

 He nodded pointedly, trying to make Guo Jinyao understand his current situation, then took out a vise, grabbed the other person's right hand, and clamped the thumb nail with the vise.

Feeling the severe pain in his finger, Guo Jinyao suddenly showed pain on his face and begged: "Sir, Guo really doesn't know what you are talking about, I am just an ordinary businessman.

If I have offended you before, please tell me frankly. I still have some property at home, whether it is money or other things, and I can keep it to your satisfaction and that of the other officers. "

“Hmph, if you don’t eat the toast, you will be fined with wine!” Faced with the bribe, Gui Youguang glared and pulled out a piece of nail with a strong tug on his hand. Guo Jinyao immediately let out a shrill scream.

Ten fingers connected to the heart, in scientific terms, means that the tactile corpuscles in the nerve endings are most distributed on the fingers. When the fingers are stimulated by external stimuli, the cerebral cortex responds most sensitively.

 Under the tremendous pain, the veins in Guo Jinyao's forehead throbbed, but he still did not let go. The price he gave became higher and higher, from a few thousand French currency to 10,000 French currency.

"Don't pretend to be stupid! I didn't arrest you to rip you off, let alone join in with some scum. I advise you to tell the truth, otherwise it won't be as simple as missing a nail."

Gui Youguang, who was upright and had cool sleeves, clamped the vise on the second nail plate, ready to attack if he disagreed with her.

When Zuo Zhong heard what this guy said, his face turned dark. What a scum, what a complicit person. He has been risking his life for the fruit party, so why can't he make some hard-earned money?

Feeling that he was being connoted, he slammed the table: "What nonsense are you talking about? Give me a torture and beat this nonsense **** to death. The affairs of the officers are not something that a common citizen can comment on."

Also, Guo Jinyao, I’m warning you for the last time, don’t tarnish the reputation of the government, otherwise you will be punished with an additional penalty, and you will not be able to escape death even if you confess honestly. Do you understand? "

The furious Deputy Director Zuo put his hands on his hips and yelled angrily. No matter how hard he suppressed the idea of ​​sending the bald man to the Japanese mainland, he wished he could be sent out today to become a "hero behind enemy lines."


Gui Youguang didn't know why the deputy director was so angry. He raised his left hand and scratched his bald head, and used his right hand to "repair" Guo Jinyao's nails again.

In the corridor that was flickering due to unstable voltage, several screams suddenly rang out. The little agents responsible for guarding secretly swallowed and looked sideways in the direction of the interrogation room.

 “Say! Your identity and superiors!”

 “I don’t know about my superiors, I’m really a businessman.”

"Guo, this is just an appetizer. The more painful punishment is yet to come. I advise you to be more sensible." "I, I am really unjust."

 “Oh, if you keep talking back, let’s see how long you can hold on.”

With the conversation between Gui Youguang and Guo Jinyao, the movements in the interrogation room became more terrifying. The sound of whipping, smashing, and electric current resounded throughout the night until dawn the next day.

In the room, the big bald man gasped and wiped the sweat from his head, and gave a thumbs up to the **** Guo Jinyao. He was indeed a gangster, but he was harder to deal with than the Japanese spies.

It's a pity that the other party forgot one thing. An ordinary person without professional training would either completely collapse long ago or admit everything he said under such intensity of torture.

 Because when the pain accumulates to a certain level, the victim does not think about how to prove his innocence, but just wants a quick death. Those who can survive are either born ruthless people or professionals.

In Gui Youguang's view, Guo Jinyao falls into the latter category. The other party avoided irritating him during the torture. What does this mean? It shows that this person is still very calm even at this time.

 A naturally cruel person may be able to withstand the unbearable pain of ordinary people, but he will never know how to deal with interrogators. This requires targeted physical (isolation) and psychological training.

Meeting such a good "opponent", Gui Youguang was not discouraged at all, and prepared to fight a protracted battle with the opponent, while training new recruits and improving the interrogation level of the Secret Service.

As a result, before he could speak, Zuo Zhong put down the tasteless tea, covered up a yawn, raised his hand to look at his watch, stood up and said to suspend the interrogation.

"Pause? Deputy Director, now is the critical moment. You must not stop, otherwise all the previous efforts will be wasted. Give me a few more days, and I promise to pry open this guy's mouth."

Hearing this, Gui Youguang became anxious and hurriedly ran to Zuo Zhong to plead. Interrogation is actually the same as fighting. It pays attention to one vigorous attack, then weakens again, and then exhausts three times. The rhythm is very important.

Zuo Zhong stretched, looked at Guo Jinyao who had his head lowered and said nothing, and patted Gui Youguang on the shoulder: "Don't be anxious, I have a backing, how can I speak so easily.

In this case, let Mr. Guo see how well our Secret Service handles the case. First, invite the backstage person to the interrogation room to have a chat, stop his thoughts, and then interrogate him again. "

As soon as these words came out, Guo Jinyao's ears twitched slightly, and then quickly returned to his half-dead look, as if he didn't believe that the government dared to offend the people behind him.

 “Backstage? You mean Red Russia?”

Gui Youguang glanced at Guo Jinyao with disdain. No matter what the doctrine is, helping outsiders steal secrets is betraying the country. How is this different from those traitors?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He volunteered and said that he would take his own people to arrest the person at Wangjiadun Airport. He would forget about the others and bring the Red Russian cook back.

"You are no longer needed for this task. I have given it to Chunyang. Don't look at me. If you lose your mind and start a fight with the Red Russians, I and Virgo will be the unlucky ones."

Zuo Zhong glanced at Gui Youguang and rejected the other party's proposal without hesitation. This guy was too reckless. If there was a conflict, everyone from Dai Chunfeng to himself would have to suffer.

He still needs to be useful in serving the party and the country, so how can he do it here? Wu Chunyang has always been prudent in doing things and is good at intelligence operations, so he is the most suitable person.

When Gui Youguang said this, he stiffened his neck and wanted to refute, but he hesitated for a long time without farting, and finally walked away dejectedly, mumbling without knowing what he was talking about.

Too lazy to talk to the bald man, Zuo Zhong stared at Guo Jinyao with cold eyes for a moment, then asked Gu Qi to leave the interrogation room, and went back to his office alone to rest for a while. After waking up, he began to deal with the backlog of official documents.

By the time the sun went down and the documents were almost done, there was a gentle knock on the office door, and then Wu Chunyang walked in furtively, leaning against him and whispering in his ear for a long time.

 “Did the other party really say that?”

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

“Well, that’s pretty much what I thought.”

 “Deputy Director, you are so clever and clever, I admire you for your humble position.”

“Okay, okay, stop flattering me, I’ll inform the others to come to the interrogation room first.”

After an endless conversation, Zuo Zhong, who finished calling Gucci, put down the phone, stood up, reached out and took the coat from Wu Chunyang and put it on, introducing it as he walked.

“Let’s go, follow me to meet our new guest. This person is not simple. Gui Youguang used all the torture methods but couldn’t get him to speak. His attitude is very tough.

 The commissioners and directors are already aware of this matter, and all aspects are paying attention. We must open a breakthrough from him as soon as possible, lest anyone think that the Secret Service only takes pay and does nothing. "

Wu Chunyang followed closely. He had not yet figured out some of the deputy director's arrangements, and intelligence work was most taboo about preconceptions, so he was not ready to express his opinion for the time being.

The two walked to the interrogation room like this. Gu Qi and Gui Youguang were already waiting outside the door. After the four of them met, they entered the room. Guo Jinyao, who was sitting on the interrogation chair, slowly raised his head.

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