Cicada Moving

Chapter 917: Xiangtang

Chapter 917 Xiangtang

 In a medical clinic in Nan'an.

Ling Sanping stood in the ward, adjusted the height of the infusion bottle, touched the forehead of the patient on the bed, and nodded to Gu Qi and the tea waiter.

“The body temperature is normal and the wound is not infected.”

Hearing this, the tea waiter looked nervous and asked, "Is everything okay? When will he wake up?"

"That's not clear. It depends on the patient's own desire to live." Ling Sanping took a deep look at the other party and winked at Gu Qi.

Gu Qi smiled and said to the tea waiter: "Don't worry, we will inquire as soon as possible after people wake up and find out the murderer that day.

You and your people are responsible for the external security, and leave the internal protection to us. I promise to give you a lively brother. "

The tea waiter laughed twice, feeling extremely anxious. According to his experience, the "witness" should have woken up a long time ago. Why didn't he wake up until now?

 Damn it, did he strike too hard that day?

But there was no way. Who would have thought that the intelligence agencies of the Republic of China would respond so quickly. Not only did they capture Xin Lisheng who was ambushing them in the air defense force, but they also found the hotel at Haitang Creek Wharf.

In order to prevent exposure, he could only take the risk of silencing all the members of Wenrentang who had met the team leader. However, doing so would inevitably attract the attention of the military commander.

In order to protect himself, he arranged for his men to perform a painful trick. He originally wanted to rely on witness to clear away his suspicion.

As a result, the "witness" who should have been awake is still lying in bed, and Zhang Qi even sent him to the hospital.

 Would Jun Tong and Sun Renyi have doubts about him? Thinking of this, the tea waiter's heart tightened and he observed the two Republic of China spies with his peripheral vision.

I saw the other two sitting in front of the window drinking tea and chatting, not caring about his actions at all. Maybe they were overthinking, the tea waiter thought.

Although they have long been prepared to devote themselves to the empire and His Majesty Tian Locust, it is better to die than to live. Who is willing to die if they can live.

At this moment, Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang strode in. Ling Sanping and Gu Qi quickly stood up to say hello, and at the same time looked at the tea waiter calmly.

 “How is it, is the person still alive?”

Throwing his coat to Gui Youguang behind him, Zuo Zhong came to the hospital bed and looked down at the half-dead spy for a while, then raised his head and asked.

Ling Sanping touched his chin and said with certainty: "No problem, I added a sedative to the infusion bottle. As long as the medicine continues, he won't wake up."

 The tea waiter on the side was observing Zuo Zhong attentively. He had to collect all available intelligence about the biggest enemy of the empire’s intelligence department, but he was immediately frightened out of his wits by the word tranquilizer.


This thought flashed through his mind, and the next moment he kicked his feet hard and threw himself towards the window. As long as he could escape from the hospital, he was confident of escaping safely with his familiarity with the surrounding terrain.

As a result, just as he was halfway up the body, the tea waiter felt someone tap him on the shoulder, and he was back to where he was. He slowly turned his head and saw a big, ferocious face right in front of him.

The other party showed his white teeth and gave a kind warning: "Stand still, or I will tear you apart!"

Feeling the severe pain in his shoulder, the tea waiter carefully weighed the strength of both sides and wisely chose to stay put and let the other party search him.

 “Vice-seat, no problem.”

After completing the search, Gui Youguang shouted, took out the handcuffs and cuffed the spy behind his back, and gently squeezed the man's shoulder joints and mandible a few times.

Even if the prisoner has been controlled, one cannot take it lightly at any time until he is shot. This is a lesson learned with blood and life.

Zuo Zhong ripped off the "witness'" infusion tube, walked to the tea waiter in two steps, patted the other person's face gently, turned to Gui Youguang and nodded.

“Take this guy on the bed and those Wenren cousins ​​outside who are suspected of being Japanese spies and bring them back to the headquarters. Treat them well and don’t let them die.

 Come back immediately after delivering the goods. After the incense hall is over, the preliminary preparations for the operation can begin. By the way, Bai Wenzhi and Shen Dongxin will be notified.

This time there are a large number of targets and we don’t have enough manpower. Let the police and the Central Military Commission also contribute. It can be regarded as a farewell gift from the brothers to Dongxin.

By the way, remember not to go to the civilian docks around Haitang Creek. Go to the military dock and use a traffic boat to cross. The Japanese spies are well-informed, so be careful. "

 “Understood, Vice-President.”

Gui Youguang grinned, took a black hood and put it on the heads of the tea waiter and the "witness", and led someone to lift the two people into the car. The driver stepped on the accelerator and the car sped away.

At the same time, Pao Ge, who was closely related to the tea server in Ren Ren Ren Hall, was also arrested and controlled by the spies one by one, and was secretly taken to the Luojiawan Military Command Headquarters.

After dealing with the little bug, Zuo Zhong told Gu Qi: "Lao Gu, you will accompany me to the incense hall later and tell the brothers to keep an eye on the place inside and outside.

No one is allowed to enter or leave, and all telephone lines are cut off to prevent people attending the Xiangtang from passing on information to the Japanese. If anyone is found to be leaking secrets, they will be arrested directly. "

After speaking, he glanced at Xian Feng with disgust at Ling Sanping, a city with graceful and graceful trees.

“As for you, when you go back, immediately organize the rescue personnel of Renxin Hospital to prepare and do your best to treat the injured people who may appear during the operation.”

It’s not that he doesn’t have confidence in his men. The Japanese have been lurking in the mountain city for so many years and have controlled so many robes. It’s easy to get weapons.

The bullets have no eyes. Even if they are outnumbered, various unexpected changes will still happen when they are captured. It is better to be prepared in advance. "yes."


Gu Qi and Ling Sanping puffed up their chests and went to make arrangements separately. They were old intelligencers and they knew exactly what they should do.

 It was over at the medical clinic. Zuo Zhong walked out of the door and looked up at the dark cloudy sky. A storm seemed to be coming.

He just didn’t know whether this rain could sweep away the evil spirits in the mountain city and clear up the jade world. He raised the corner of his mouth slightly and walked towards the teahouse.

As the public entrance of Wenrentang, the teahouse is a perfect place to hold an incense hall. Zuo Zhong sat down in the back hall and poured a cup of tea, quietly waiting for the arrival of the heroes from the mountain city of Zihu.

Time passed by second by second, and the water in the teapot was changed twice. Gu Qi quickly came in and leaned next to his ear and whispered in his ear that the flags at the entrances of the Ge Lao Association had passed.

In order to keep it secret, Wu Chunyang and Sun Renyi personally invited these people to come. A group of more than ten people boarded a boat arranged by the military commander and landed secretly at Changbian.

Zuo Zhong smiled with satisfaction and made arrangements for the Xiangtang: "Well, you, Chunyang and Sun Renyi will host it in the front hall later. You can make your own decisions in general, without asking me.

The principle is that as long as they are willing to cooperate with the military commander to raid the halls where Japanese spies are hiding and find the lurking spies, past events will be forgotten and all files and records will be cleared. "

 Gu Qi hunched over and thought for a while, and said respectfully, "Yes," he was still confident in dealing with a few Zihu Cao Mang. If he didn't agree, the other party would only die.

 Due to historical reasons, the national government can give gangs room to survive, but the prerequisite is that they must be patriotic and obey management, otherwise the military will not mind killing them.

After the two discussed, footsteps and discussions soon came from outside. Sun Renyi walked in front, followed by a group of flag-bearers with dragons and phoenixes on their bodies and kind faces.

 “Everyone, please take a seat.”

Sun Renyi raised his hand and motioned for the visitors to sit down. The tea guests in the lobby had already been asked to leave. Standing in the corner were spies disguised as Pao Ge and armed with live ammunition.

After everyone entered, the teahouse door was slammed shut with a creak. Under the dim light, everyone sat down one after another, and the wind outside the house kept whining.

One of the cheeky men drank a cup of tea, tapped his foot on the stool next to him, and shouted carelessly.

"Sun Zhangqi, you called all the brothers to your place, but you didn't let us bring people. After all, there are things to discuss. We are all brothers. If you have anything to say, just say it."

 “Yes, Sun is in charge of the flag.”

“We are all brothers, so if you need help, you’re welcome.”

When seven or eight hall leaders heard this, they all agreed. They all worked in the mountain city and were very familiar with Sun Renyi, otherwise they would not have come alone.

The other party is so mysterious this time, they must have something to do, and they are still willing to help as long as it does not affect their own interests.

"This... I'd better ask the rightful owner to tell the big guys."

Sun Renyi hesitated for a moment, then stepped aside to ask Wu Chunyang to sit down at the main seat, while he quietly sat down with the others.

At this time, Gu Qi also walked out of the back hall, nodded his chin with Wu Chunyang, and then the two of them sat on the middle chair without hesitation.

 “Be bold!”

“Friends on any line, please get out of the way.”

 “Sun Renyi, what do you mean!”

 The flag bearers are willing to give face to Sun Renyi, but that does not mean they are willing to give face to two strangers. They are both the top figures of Brother Shancheng Pao, and no one has lost his temper.

Wu Chunyang smiled when he saw this, and then raised his hand to signal Gu Qi to speak first. After all, he was less qualified and it was the other party who should come forward in this situation.

Now is not the time for you to give in. Gu Qi was not polite and spoke in a deep voice about his identity and the reason for inviting everyone here.

“Everyone holding the flag, I am Gu Qi, Director of the Second Division of the Military Command Bureau, and this person next to me is Wu Chunyang, Director of the First Division. I invite you here today because of a Japanese espionage case.”

As soon as these words came out, the hall instantly became extremely quiet. The flag bearers who came to attend the incense hall immediately shut their mouths and looked at Sun Renyi fiercely as if nothing had happened.

No one who can get ahead in a mountain city is a fool. They know very well where the military commander is. It is a devil's cave that eats people without spitting out bones.

It is definitely not good for the other party to deceive these people together, and there are also Japanese spies. Is that something they can get involved in? The stubborn Sun Renyi has done a lot of harm to people.

 But when thinking about the rumors about military rule, no matter how angry they were in their hearts, the shocked and angry flag bearers all remained silent, wanting to hear what this group of spies were going to do.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Gu Qi looked around at Brother Pao with different expressions, and said something that shocked everyone present.

“I would like to ask you to help the government sweep the Chongli Society!”

 (End of this chapter)

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