Cicada Moving

Chapter 918: Coercion and inducement

Chapter 918: Coercion and inducement

Hearing that the military commander asked them to help sweep the Chongli Society, the flag bearers at the entrance of the Ge Lao Hall in Shancheng were in an uproar and there was a lot of discussion.

It is one thing to cooperate with the government, but it is another thing to help the government kill fellow sect members. This will be stabbed in the back by Comrade Qiu Hu.


The man who first asked Sun Renyi slammed the table, stood up and roared: "In my dreams, even if I am beaten to death or shot by your military commander, I will never betray my brothers!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the other Zhangqi seemed to have found their backbone and stood up to express their stance.

 “Yes! I will never kill my fellow disciples!”


 “Sun Renyi, you are unkind and unrighteous.”

Sun Renyi looked ugly after being reprimanded by so many former friends and classmates. If he couldn't handle this matter well, he would stop hanging out in the mountain city in the future.

He quickly looked at Gu Qi, hoping that the other party would come forward to explain something, at least not to put all the blame on himself.

 Gu Qi looked at the messy scene in front of him quietly, put his hand in front of his mouth and yawned, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, they were really a bunch of people.

Despite how loud these people were shouting, no one dared to take a step beyond the limit. They just said they wanted to leave but didn't move their feet. It was obvious that they wanted to bargain through pressure.

But they didn’t understand one thing. What the government gives you is yours. What the government doesn’t give you, you can’t take by force. No matter how powerful Ge Lao is, can he defeat millions of soldiers?

Wu Chunyang was also holding a tea cup and drinking tea with an indifferent expression, as if he didn't hear the noise around his ears. Not only was he not angry in his heart, he even felt like laughing.

If the deputy chairperson hadn't asked them to speak well, he would have "released" them into the light long ago. Some people just can't get used to it, otherwise they will never learn to speak well.


A gentle cough came from the back hall. Gu Qi's face straightened, and his cold and sharp eyes pierced the eyes of those present.

Perhaps thinking of the consequences of being targeted by the military commander, the originally aggrieved flag bearers slowly stopped making noises and sat down with their heads shrunk.


 Gu Qi snorted coldly and said sadly: "Hey, why don't you stop making trouble? Don't think that if you are given three points of color, you can open a dyeing workshop."

This is a very unpleasant thing to say, but the old and rebellious Pao Ge elders didn’t even dare to let go, and looked like they were going to do it.

 What the military commanders and secret services were doing in Jinling and Changcheng was no secret, and no one wanted to become a decoration on the city gate tower.

The most excited person just now put his hands on his knees and straightened his waist, just like a student in school. He highlighted two words - well-behaved.

Seeing that everyone was no longer noisy, Gu Qi's face looked a little better, just a little better, and he increased the intensity of his words.

“Since you have never dealt with the military commander before and don’t know our rules, I won’t go into details this time, but this situation can only happen once.

If anyone dares to cause trouble again, I guarantee that you will not be able to see the sun tomorrow, and your family members will also be punished, even if they are abroad.

 Zhang Zhangqi, how are your wife and children doing in Cochin? Zhao Longtou, your son’s studies in the United States are going well..."

He called several people's names in succession. It looked like a greeting, but the threat was clear. Anyone who disagreed would be prepared to suffer misfortune for the whole family.

 Some people always think that everything will be fine if they send their children abroad. It is so cute to ignore the more than 30 intelligence stations established by the military in dozens of cities on five continents around the world.

 After years of development, especially with the support of the deputy director, they have formed a complete intelligence network overseas.

For example, Japan Station, American Station, London Station, Paris Station, Berlin Station, Delhi Station, Mumbai Station, Yangon Station, Bangkok Station, Changi Station, Luzon Station, Haiphong Station, Saigon Station, Istanbul Station, Cairo Station, etc. .

Even if some intelligence stations only have a few staff members, and their daily work is only to collect public information from newspapers, there is still no problem in investigating the family members of several gang members.

Hearing Gu Qi's words, the faces of the flag bearers changed again and again, and they secretly cursed you, a government official, for threatening people with old, weak, women and children, how shameless you are.

Gu Qi seemed to have guessed what they were thinking, and his expression became more and more serious: "Don't think that Mr. Gu is unethical. Morality is something you talk about with your friends. The military commander will never show mercy to enemies and traitors.

To tell you the truth, not only the Chongli Society, but also the other three Tangtangs are our targets. The Japanese used various means to kill the original leader and support Japanese spies to become their flag bearers.

Don't think this is alarmist. If you don't believe it, you can ask Sun Zhangqi. If we hadn't intervened in time, what you came to attend today might not be the incense hall, but his funeral. "

As the saying goes, one stone stirs up a thousand ripples. Gu Qi's words shocked all the brothers. The military commander wanted to take action against the four halls, and these halls were also controlled by the Japanese?

Even Sun Renyi was almost killed by the other party. Is it possible that this Shancheng brother is notoriously cautious, so how could he be sneaked into the hall so easily? Everyone was surprised and uncertain. They turned to look at Sun Renyi for answers, and then saw him nodding with a grimace.

“Mr. Gu is right, you should know that the original teakeeper of this teahouse was the steward of Wenrentang, and he was a Japanese spy.

He has been with me for many years, but he colluded with the Chongli Society to steal and kill five of his fellow disciples. There is evidence for these things, and it is definitely not just what Sun said.

And my dear brother, Wu Xiwen, a despicable villain, was harmed. I will not be a human being unless I take revenge. I sincerely ask you all to give me a helping hand. "

Sun Renyi’s eyes were red, he clasped his hands and turned around in a circle, then bowed deeply, vividly explaining what it means to attach importance to love and righteousness.

During this period, Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang paid close attention to the facial expressions and body movements of Brother Pao, trying to see if there were any Japanese nails in them.

But maybe the Japanese have made arrangements in the five halls of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trust, or maybe they are disguised well, so the two of them did not find any suspicious people who behaved abnormally.

Gu Qi couldn't help but be a little disappointed. He clapped his hands and asked the little agent to present the tracking records as well as the files, warheads and other evidence collected by Wu Chunyang.

More than a dozen flag-bearers doubtfully picked up a photo and investigation transcript and looked at it carefully. The more they looked at it, the more angry they became. It turned out that everything Sun Renyi said was true.

What you fear the most when you are hanging out in Jianghu is not being targeted by the government, not being plotted by your enemies, but being stabbed in the back by your own people, because once a traitor strikes, he will be more ruthless than anyone else.

Take Sun Renyi's brother-in-law as an example. After his death, his family immediately left the mountain city. What was the reason? It was not to avoid Wu Xiwen.

The Japanese approach is a big taboo. No one wants to be a stepping stone for others, especially these senior officials who have controlled the life and death of others.

Gu Qi sat at the top and watched with cold eyes. He had a clear understanding of their thoughts. Knowing that the matter was done, he looked at each other and smiled at Wu Chunyang next to him.

  When it comes to patriotism, these people may not be very interested, but when it comes to their own interests, it's different. Not to mention the Japanese, even if the Americans come, they will still beat up the mother-in-law.

Sure enough, after the flag bearers laid down the evidence, they stopped talking about harming their fellow disciples. If they wanted to step on their heads or even occupy the magpie's nest, there was no way!

At this time, there was another cough in the inner hall. Wu Chunyang stood up and went in for a while. After coming out, he handed a note to Gu Qi. After reading it, Gu Qi added fuel to the fire.

“Everyone, everyone, I have something ugly to say at the beginning. The wealth, cars, and real estate in the four halls, including Chongli Society, are all owned by the military commander.

As for the territory and business, whoever grabs it will belong to him. Sun Zhangqi's family affairs will be handled by himself, and Wenrentang is also qualified to participate in the action.

 In addition, in addition to tobacco, land and population, we will share 60% of all business income from you in the future. Don’t be too expensive. No one dares to investigate the business of military commanders.

As for the two things I just mentioned, no one is allowed to participate, otherwise you will be careful with your heads. After I have said this, who is in favor and who is against? "

The good old man Gucci stood up slowly as he spoke, holding his hands on the table, his eyes sweeping across everyone's faces, full of aggression.

And the leading men almost fell out on the spot when they heard the first sentence, oh, let them fight the battle, and the army will take all the benefits, then they can't kneel down and beg for food.

 But after hearing the second sentence, everyone's mood immediately turned from cloudy to clear. It doesn't matter if someone has a knife or a knife. When you come out to hang out, you have to talk about power and background!

If you can establish a relationship with the military commander, let alone 60%, even 70% would be considered. With the protection of the other party, you can participate in businesses that you could not get involved in before.


The cheeky man slapped the table again and said solemnly: "I agree, the Japanese are attacking Brother Pao and I have no sworn relationship with them!

 Sir Gu, don’t worry, my court is always at your disposal. If anyone dares to object, leave it to me and I will promise to convince him/her. "

As he spoke, he looked at his colleagues who were allies just a few seconds ago. They looked like they were going to kill each other with just one order from Gu Qi.

 Bah! You are the same thing. You were the one who started the trouble earlier, and you were the first one to stand up and flatter the military commander. You are really shameless.

 The noses of the other flag-bearers were all crooked with anger, and they clapped their chests to express their agreement not to be outdone. What’s wrong with making money on your knees? It’s all about making money, not shabbiness.

 Gu Qi laughed heartily, and his attitude suddenly became warm: "With the help of all of you in charge of the flag, this operation will be a success. Okay, let's talk about the specific arrangements.

 At the meeting, military commanders will protect everyone and return to their respective halls to gather troops. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, they will act in a unified manner to launch a surprise attack on four halls where Japanese spies are hiding.

 We will personally take responsibility for the four flag-bearers and the managers at all levels. You should mainly deal with the youngest and youngest at the bottom and try to catch those alive.

At the same time, we have to trouble Sun Zhangqi to spread the word to the outside world and let everyone know that Wenrentang is looking for the murderer of the five Pao brothers. What do you think? "

Snake has its own path, and rat has its own path. It is difficult for the military commander alone to catch all the hundreds of robbers in one go, even if the police and central commander-in-chief are added.

The underground power of the entire mountain city must be mobilized, so as to achieve twice the result with half the effort. Gu Qi was once again amazed by the deputy director's generosity.

 “I would like to listen to the command of the ancient commander!”

All the brothers in the meeting shouted back. With huge interests at hand, they didn't care whether the accompanying agents were protecting or monitoring.

The wind outside the window became more and more fierce. Far away in Chongli Society in Shancheng City, Wu Xiwen frowned as he looked at the crumbling branches outside.

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