Cicada Moving

Chapter 921: The unexpected Wu Xiwen

Chapter 921 The unexpected Wu Xiwen

While Wu Chunyang led people to watch the Japanese spy and Brother Pao struggling in the rain, several trucks drove quickly from both ends of the road and stopped outside the gate of Chongli Society.

The moment the brakes sounded, dozens of armed agents jumped out of the car. Before the doorman could react, a gun was pressed against his head.

 “Don’t move!”

The little agent threatened fiercely, reached out and snatched the short gun from the opponent's waist, and at the same time put his foot on Brother Pao's knee, and quickly controlled the exit.


Wu Jingzhong got out of the passenger car and waved vigorously, and many operatives holding Thomsons formed an attack formation and rushed into the main hall of Chongli Society.

This place is a wooden two-story building. The agents already know the internal structure of the building and have carried out many simulated attacks last night.

 After entering the door, a group of people immediately rushed to the stairs. According to reliable information, all the account books of Chongli Society were stored on the second floor and were guarded by specialized personnel.

Don’t think that only formal transactions require accounting books. Any organization that reaches a certain scale needs to keep accounts, otherwise it will easily lead to internal strife.

In a sense, gangs take this matter more seriously than ordinary businessmen. After all, ordinary businessmen will lose money at most if they fight among themselves, and people will die if they fight among themselves.

 But this is a good thing for the military commander. With these account books, the military commander can grasp the financial channels of Chongli Society, and may be able to find more clues from them.

The other team of operatives went straight to the back hall after entering the door. Some of the flag-bearers participating in the Xiangtang had been here before. The other party said that Wu Xiwen had been sitting here all year round and rarely went out.

This is consistent with the surveillance records. As the No. 1 target, Wu Jingzhong arranged for fifteen people to carry out the arrest task, striving to control the opponent in the shortest possible time.

But when the agents entered the back hall, they saw a shocking scene—their target Wu Xiwen was smiling, kneeling down with his head in his hands.

 “Don’t shoot, I surrender.”

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, Wu Xiwen smiled and said something, then he slowly lay down on the ground in a very cooperative manner and put his hands behind his back.

With his face close to the ground, he shouted loudly: "I want to see your commander Zuo Chongzuo. I have the information you want to know."

 Although the professionally trained operators did not understand why the other party gave up resistance, they still did not dare to be careless and immediately began to search the scene and body searches.

The secret service headquarters also encountered this situation many years ago. The other party pretended to surrender, but actually lit the fuse. As a result, everyone in the room was blown up to the sky.

“Safe, no explosives.”

 “Safe, no poison in the collar.”

 “Safe, no weapons found.”

 “Second floor, control.”

Several voices rang out more than ten seconds later. The agent leading the team frowned, glanced at the target who was tied tightly, said "stay alert" and strode out of the small building.

At this time, there was no one on the road. Pedestrians, vehicles and nearby businesses were driven to an open space to prepare for interrogation.

 It is necessary to find out where you are coming from, where you are going, and who your contact persons are. Taking photos is unavoidable. It is regarded as a registration of the migrant population in the mountain city.

On both sides of the street, some military and police personnel pulled up horses and barbed wire fences to block the surrounding traffic to prevent any fish that slipped through the net from escaping in the chaos.

The leading agent hurriedly walked to the truck and whispered a few words to Wu Jingzhong. Wu Jingzhong was stunned and immediately ordered the other party to protect the suspect and physical evidence.

Eat a long and long one, and the two parties Du Heng snatched the medicine in the second place.

Song Minghao is a close subordinate of the deputy director. Even if he makes a big mistake, he will only be punished with two drinks. If it were him, he would have gone to work in the occupied area by now.

The humble Wu Jingzhong trotted to the surveillance point not far away, found Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang, who was scratching his head anxiously, and introduced the situation at the scene in detail.

Wu Xiwen gives up resistance? Still want to talk to yourself?

 Hearing the news, Zuo Zhong was quite surprised. After dealing with Japanese spies for many years, voluntary surrender did occur several times, such as that **** Hase Ryosuke.

But Wu Xiwen has been lurking in the mountain city for more than 20 years. If he wanted to surrender, he would have surrendered long ago. Why wait until today? It can be seen from the other party's previous actions that this person has no intention of repenting.

There are only two possibilities for this matter, either he wanted to delay time and cover other accomplices to evacuate the mountain city, or he deliberately threw himself into a trap to achieve some ulterior purpose.

 After thinking for a while, Zuo Zhong said to Wu Jingzhong: "Bring the person back to the bureau headquarters and strengthen internal security. No one is allowed to approach the target without my personal order.

By the way, let Dr. Ling check to see if these Japanese spies carry any deadly germs. The Japanese are so crazy that they can do anything. We have to guard against them.

 Tell the brothers responsible for arresting not to come into contact with other people yet, isolate themselves after returning, and make sure there is no problem before coming out. Remember to prepare some good wine and food for them. "

Thinking of the "little gift" he left in Tokyo, he felt that it was necessary to rule out the possibility of poisoning by the enemy. The current mountain city and the government could not withstand the trouble.

"Yes, deputy seat." Wu Jingzhong saluted and turned around to leave. Taking care of a suspect was not a good job. It was too easy to get into trouble. It was better to send him to the detention center as soon as possible.

The order was quickly conveyed to the operators. The agents took out hoods and put them on the suspects, then put them into cars one by one and transferred them to Luojiawan under the protection of the military.

Wu Xiwen was even more tightly sandwiched between the two agents and got into a car alone. Zuo Zhong did not come forward the whole time and stood quietly at the surveillance point watching the convoy whizzing past.

 “If there is light, ask other action groups if everything is going well.”

 When the car drove away, he turned back and said to Gui Youguang, such a large operation involving thousands of suspects must not relax until the last moment.

 Gui Youguang, who didn't get a chance to perform, muttered and walked to the phone. He wanted to make a few calls and ask questions before going back to report to Zuo Chonghui.

“Deputy Director, the operation of the Second Division went smoothly. Lao Gu and Lao Song successfully captured the target. All suspicious persons below the banner were not caught, and there were no casualties among the operating personnel.

 Zhongtong also succeeded, and captured all the high-level officials of the two halls. However, they encountered strong resistance from the enemy during their actions. Five people died and more than a dozen were seriously injured.

Director Zhu has sent people to send all the suspects to our bureau. He also asked Dongxin to tell you that you have time to go to his house to drink tea and discuss important matters with you. "

Zuo Zhong nodded after hearing this. Without Xu Zeng, things really got better. Under the leadership of the old principal and Shen Dongxin, the Zhongtong finally succeeded.

Although the casualties were not small, the process was not important in terms of the desired result above. It was just a few agents who died. The mountain city was full of unemployed people, so we could just recruit them after they died.

After thinking for a while, he asked again: "Where are the lower-level people in these four halls, as well as those shops and foreign banks, we must be careful of people from the Ge Laohui betraying us.

Chaibo is charming, and who knows if the other party will turn against him. He told Wu Chunyang that he is allowed to kill first and then report later when necessary. If anything goes wrong, I will be responsible for it.

The bureau chief has been having a headache recently about the bureau's funding. He has repeatedly told me to be optimistic about the assets involved, as they are all our military commander's money. "

 From the beginning of the war to the end of 1938, including the Loyalty and Salvation Army, there were tens of thousands of people under military command, and the monthly military pay was an astronomical figure.

A penny is too much for a hero. After the government moved westward, the government faced financial difficulties. The allocations for various departments became less and less. The pants I wore were pawned several times.

Not only did he wear his pants, he also repeatedly sent handwritten letters to the Ministry of Finance, the Farmers Bank of China and other institutions, describing the difficulties and loan items and promising to repay them.

This naturally means that he has P's money to repay, which makes the government officials run away when they see him. People give him the nickname "Borrow but never repay".

 Thanks to the "printing factory" which is continuously producing Japanese yen, otherwise the military rule would have collapsed long ago. Let alone fighting, there would be problems with feeding the personnel.

But having the cornucopia of the yen does not mean that everything will be fine. No matter how much money is printed, it is useless. It must be "processed" from the market before it can be used.

They can't carry boxes of counterfeit banknotes to Japanese banks to deposit money. The Japanese are not stupid. If so much excess currency suddenly appears, they will definitely be suspicious.

When the water from far away could not quench the thirst of the nearby, Lao Dai focused on the frivolous money in Chongli Society and other halls. In the words of the other party, people can run away, but not a penny of money can be lost.

Gui Youguang didn't know these things, so he replied confidently: "Don't worry, Deputy Chairman, Ge Laohui will go to great lengths this time, and those low-level people are either dead or arrested.

Even if a few escape, with the help of Lao Bai and the gendarmerie, they will not be able to get out of the city, and there will be no problems with their property. Chunyang is guarding them.

As soon as the operation was over, he closed the shop and asked someone from the general affairs department to help with the statistics. Unless the people from the Ge Lao Hui didn't care about the lives of his wife and children, they would never betray him. "

To be honest, he doesn't look down on these robe brothers at all. He should treat such people like the Secret Service treated Ma Tianchang of the Jinling Cao Gang and completely subdue them instead of cooperating.

Zuo Zhong rolled his eyes at him: "When did you talk so much, kid? Have you forgotten what I told you? You should be cautious in doing things.

Half of your special operations team is assigned to support Wu Chunyang, and at the same time, the person who supervises the general affairs, with such a large amount of money, there is no guarantee that anyone will be stunned.

Alright, let’s go back to the bureau and wait. The interrogation will begin as soon as Ling Sanping’s inspection is over. I want to see what tricks Wu is playing. "

With these words behind him, Zuo Zhong put on a second lieutenant uniform and walked out of the surveillance point. He and Gui Youguang walked around the city a few times and secretly returned to the headquarters of the Military Command Bureau.

The two got out of the car and walked into the office building. The hall was full of staff and agents running along with documents, and it was a lively scene.

Time suddenly seemed to return to the Secret Service a few years ago. At that time, they were exterminating Japanese spies in Jinling again and again, and it was so lively.

While Zuo Zhong was lamenting how time flies, He Yijun, who received the news, quickly walked downstairs to his side, took out a document and asked for instructions.

“Deputy, there are too many suspects captured this time, and the detention center is unable to undertake all detention tasks. The general affairs department recommends opening a temporary detention point in the family area.”

"No, this case is of great importance. The prisoners must not be left outside. In this way, let Gui Youguang do a count and shoot all those with minor injuries to free up the cells."

Raising his hand and waving hard, Zuo Zhong gave his answer coldly. The military commander did not have the money to treat the injuries of the Japanese spies. If they wanted to blame, they could only blame their own lives.

 (End of this chapter)

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