Cicada Moving

Chapter 922: invite

Chapter 922 Invitation

On the second day of the large-scale military reunification operation, No. 29 Luojiawan was bustling with people, the phone kept ringing, and spies ran in and out.

 Yesterday, water and land channels and communications in the mountain city were cut off. There were many **** conflicts. Thousands of people were arrested and many shops were closed.

 Many officials called to inquire about this. During the phone calls, these people openly defended the people involved in the case in official terms. Pingshi must have collected a lot of local specialties.

However, after knowing that the case was personally assigned by someone, they gave up decisively. When it comes to adapting to the wind, the party elites are professional.

Zuo Zhong was not idle either. He was sitting in the office, leaning back on his chair and holding a microphone while chatting with the person opposite him with a smile.

“Old Yang, just leave this matter alone. Your business partner probably won’t have a chance to come out.”

“Well, let’s go out and have a drink together if we have the chance.”

 “Hahaha, okay, I’ll let Lao Bai treat me. See you later.”

  Laughing and hanging up the phone, Zuo Zhong shook his head helplessly. It was really terrible. I didn’t expect that even Section Chief Yang from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, no, Director Yang, would be involved in this matter.

He and Lao Yang got along well when they were in Jinling, so they still have to give him the face he deserves. Now it depends on whether the other party can understand him, otherwise he may be in trouble.

The Huangshan Official Residence case is the most serious case of the national government. Anyone involved must deal with it seriously. This is someone's personal order. I hope the other party can cut it off in time.


At this time, there was a knock on the office door, and then He Yijun walked in and reported to him that Ling Sanping had checked Wu Xiwen and found that this person did not carry any germs.

“Notify everyone to go to the interrogation room.”

Zuo Zhong stood up and said something, picked up the file and walked out of the office building. He quickly came to the foot of the mountain in the corner of the compound, stopped in front of an iron door and pressed the button on the wall.

After a piercing electric bell, a figure flashed past the observation hole on the iron door. After a while, the explosion-proof door, which was more than ten centimeters thick, slowly opened, and a musty smell came out.

This place was originally an underground warehouse for the police training center. After the military moved westward, it was transformed into a detention center. The solid rocks surrounding it minimized the possibility of detainees escaping.

Even if there is an air attack, the hundreds of meters thick mountain can ensure the safety of prisoners and staff. Compared with the detention center of Jinling Honggong Temple, this place is obviously safer.

The only disadvantage is that it is too humid. Being in this environment for a long time can easily cause respiratory infections, skin diseases and rheumatism.

But it’s not a big problem. In any case, military prisoners generally don’t live long and their heads are gone, so they probably won’t care about these little things.

 “Hello, Deputy Director.”

The guard agent saluted and welcomed Zuo Chong in. Under the dim light, he saw several long passages extending into the heart of the mountain, with multiple iron fences in the middle.

Guards carrying batons patrolled back and forth in the passage. It was not that the military commander was so poor that he could not even afford a gun. This was just to prevent prisoners from snatching weapons.

None of the prisoners detained here are simple people. It will be very dangerous if the other party obtains firearms. The most appropriate choice for guards is to use non-lethal weapons.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew from the depths of the passage, coupled with the faint groans, cries, and screams, it seemed that people had arrived at the eighteenth level of hell.

Zuo Zhong nodded with satisfaction. The environment almost didn't matter. They weren't inviting Japanese spies as guests. Letting these people suffer a little would also help with the interrogation.

Just as he was thinking about it, a few more people walked in behind him. The four persons in charge of the first and second offices and Gui Youguang rushed to the detention center after receiving the order.

“Vice-in-Chief, why don’t we go see Wu Xiwen first?” Gu Qi took the lead in asking.

“Well, let’s go, doesn’t he want to see me? Let’s see what tricks he wants to play.” Zuo Chong said with a smile, walking toward a passage.

The group passed through four or five iron gates and finally saw the target in the deepest part of the detention center. The target was half-crouched in a cell that was less than half a meter long, wide and high.

This kind of cell cannot sit, stand upright, or lie down. It is specially used to deal with uncooperative interrogation subjects. Many prisoners are driven crazy after staying in it for a few days.

Zuo Zhong put his hands on his knees, lowered his head and looked through the ventilation window at Wu Xiwen, whose eyes were closed and his face was full of pain, and waved to say hello.

“Oh, isn’t this the famous Chongli Shewu Zhang Banner? Hello, I heard that you want to see me. Why, do you really want to surrender to Zuo?”

Wu Xiwen, who had reached the limit of support, suddenly opened his eyes when he heard this, stared at the smiling face in front of him, smiled bitterly, and said in embarrassment.

“Hello, Mr. Zuo, I really want to turn from darkness to light. Can you please let someone release Wu first? This feeling is really uncomfortable.”


In response to this request, Zuo Zhong, who was smiling but not smiling, snorted, but still nodded to Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang next to him, indicating to them to release the person. Of course he is not soft-hearted, the main reason is that he may be tortured later. The other party is locked in this small cage, and the interrogators can't let go of their hands.

Wu Chunyang and Wu Chunyang opened the door of the cell, which was more like a dog cage. Wu Xiwen fell to the ground like a vicious dog, breathing in the air that was not fresh.

The agents held their arms and watched indifferently, keeping a certain distance from him. It was not until the guards brought various instruments to handcuff the man tightly that they helped him up.

 “Thank you, thank you very much.”

Wu Xiwen thanked him, wiped away the dust on his chest with his handcuffed hands, and straightened his messy bangs on his forehead. It was obvious that he was a fastidious person.

After doing this, he bowed his hands to Zuo Zhong: "Thank you Mr. Zuo for your consideration. If you have anything to ask, just ask. I promise to tell you everything you know."

  Don’t worry, we are colleagues. I know that no one can withstand being tortured to extract a confession. Instead of wasting time and asking for trouble, it is better to cooperate with you. "

He said these words very sincerely, and with his sincere eyes, the credibility seemed to be very high, but only he knew whether it was true or not.

After listening to this, Zuo Zhong thought of the rusty warhead, and his smile became brighter. He raised his hand and pointed at the end of the passage.

"Mr. Wu, there is no need to rush. This is not the place to talk. Please move outside the cave. You and I can sit down and have some breakfast and chat while eating, okay?"

By the way, Mr. Zuo would like to invite you to watch a play. Let me tell you that this play is very exciting and will only be performed once. It is a rare opportunity. Please appreciate it. "

After asking, without waiting for Wu Xiwen's answer, he gave an order to Gu Qi: "Immediately go to Zhangbian to make arrangements. I will have breakfast with Wu Zhangqi and drive away all the irrelevant people."

 “Qibian? That’s not...Okay, I’ll go there right away.”

 Gu Qi was stunned for a moment, and then quickly responded and replied. Before leaving, he glanced at Wu Xiwen with a slightly sympathetic look.

Wu Xiwen, who noticed this scene, didn't know why the fat man looked at him like this, but he could guess that something was wrong.

But the current situation is that one person is a prisoner and another is a fish. He has to agree or not, and no one cares about the opinion of a prisoner.

After being hooded again, he was carried out of the detention center and thrown into the back of a car. With the roar of engines, more than a dozen cars filed out of the military compound.

Along the way, as a professional spy with professional training, Wu Xiwen tried to judge his position by timing and turning the vehicle left and right.

Unfortunately, even after decades of living in a mountain city, he still completely lost his sense of direction after driving the car several times in the undulating streets.

I don’t know how long it took, but the car slowly stopped amid a jolt. Wu Xiwen was pulled out of the car like a puppet on strings, with the cobblestones beneath his feet.

 Through the hood, he heard the rushing water and Taoist chanting, smelled the scent of incense in the air, and a place name appeared in his mind.

“Fairy Cave? Are we in the Coral Dam?”

Whether it was intentional or not, Wu Xiwen muttered something to himself, but before he finished speaking, the hood on his head was violently pulled off.

He subconsciously narrowed his eyes and turned his head to avoid the strong sunlight, and then Zuo Zhong's unhurried voice sounded in his ears again.

“Did you hear that? Mr. Wu is helping us find loopholes in our work. Remember, you must have your ears and noses plugged when you **** prisoners in the future.”

 After the rain, the sun shines brightly in the mountain city, washing away the haze over the city. The gentle breeze blows across the sky, and the earth is full of vitality again.

Zuo Zhong smiled and joked with his men, then walked to a table and politely invited Wu Xiwen to sit down and have a meal.

“Come on, Mr. Takeru, my men have prepared the most authentic Japanese breakfast, including main course, rice, side dishes, pickles and soup.

 Don't be polite. You have been in the Republic of China for so many years. You must miss the taste of your hometown. You must eat more today. "

Once again, he sat on the chair without waiting for Wu Xiwen's answer, but the other party no longer cared about politeness issues at this time, and focused his attention on his side.

On the beach not far away, hundreds of low-level robe brothers from the Chongli Society and three other halls were tied behind their backs and kneeling on the ground, with expressionless spies behind them.

 What exactly do the Chinese want to do?

Wu Xiwen frowned and came to the table as if nothing had happened and sat down. Looking at the tabletop with only bowls and spoons, he didn’t know where to start. There were not even chopsticks. How could anyone eat like this?

Upon seeing this, Zuo Zhong took a spoonful of miso soup and explained with a smile: "Please understand, you should know that in the hands of people like us, chopsticks are no different from weapons.

In case Mr. Wu made some unwise moves and was killed, he lost your most important audience. "

After "persuading" Wu Xiwen, Zuo Zhong waved to Gui Youguang, who immediately turned around and walked to the side, took out his pistol, pointed it at a seriously injured Pao brother, and pulled the trigger.

With the sound of a gunshot, Wu Xiwen, a veteran spy who had been lurking in the mountain city for more than 20 years, took a deep breath, and with the same smile, took a mouthful of soup and put it into his mouth to taste it carefully.

The white tofu and red miso mixed together were strikingly similar to the pool of liquid on the ground dozens of meters away, but the two people at the table didn't seem to care...

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