Lighthouse country.

Emperor Ao was having a headache how to resist the attack of the Heavenly Shaman spacecraft.

According to the experience of the last time, the Mother of Heavenly Devil should send many Heavenly Devil spacecraft to various cities on the earth.

At that time, how will the lighthouse country resist these heavenly evil spacecraft?



Tuk Tuk Tuk~~~


Secretary: "Mr. President, the latest news, Longguo is going to hold a global live press conference~conference!"

Austrian Emperor: "Is it released ten?"

Secretary: "It is said that an extraterrestrial civilization has arrived on Earth and wants to cooperate with Dragon Kingdom."

Austrian Emperor: ".................."

There is a kind of discomfort inside.

Why are aliens looking for Dragon Kingdom directly? Don't come to my beacon country?

Do you look down on my lighthouse country?


22:00 in the evening.

There were only 12 hours left until the Tiansha Mothership arrived.

Longguo held a global live press conference and introduced the white ball stars.

Global audience: 4.4 billion!

On the podium, press spokesperson Zhao Shuang and Bai Qiuxingren.

"All compatriots in the world, this is a friend from the universe-the white ball star."

"Its hometown has been destroyed by the Tiansha civilization, and only one of them escaped. Now, it is not afraid of life and death to come to the earth, and is willing to help our earth resist the Tiansha mothership."

"It has brought a lot of information about the mothership of the Tiansha, and it has brought a lot of advanced technology..."

And the barrage and comments in the live broadcast room are like this:

"How does it feel like Xia Weiguo?"

"The similarity is 99%...except for the different colors."

"You got the wrong point. Hey, now the Mothership of the Heavenly Fiend is about to arrive, and the end of mankind is coming."

"The sky is falling and the tall man is holding it up. Anyway, it is the Dragon Kingdom who bears the brunt. What are you afraid of..."

"Yes, we are weak countries, what can we do if we struggle again? Can we hurt a single hair of the Tiansha spacecraft?"

"Everything depends on the Dragon Kingdom."

"My Victorian country is not protected by the Dragon Kingdom. Is it still time to join the "Dragon Kingdom Alliance"? "(Read more @

"It's too late, wait for death!"

"I'm from Napo Country. I've already run into the mountains. I don't believe that the Heavenly Evil spaceship will blow up the mountains boringly."

"It has been withdrawn long ago."

"I heard that many cities in the world have become empty cities, and the speed of evacuation is very fast."

"No way, the monsters have invaded too much, and the evacuation skills are full."

"At the same level... it's a sad story. The Dragon Kingdom never needs to evacuate."

"Envy the people of Longguo."

"Want to be born in the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Why am I a Victorian? In my next life, I want to be a dragon countryman."


It gets crooked while chatting, but doesn't pay much attention to the white stars.

At this time, the white ball star man was sneaking into the earth's Internet quietly, observing his comments on the Internet.

Soon, it got angry.

Because it saw that many humans actually said that he is human food "Xia Yi Weiguo"!

Damn humans!

How dare to humiliate and blaspheme the great white ball god!


It decided that after a few years later, after completely controlling the high-level humans, he must put to death all the humans who have scolded it as "Xia Yi Wei Guo"!


the other side.

Organic methyl land.

MSI suddenly became emotional.

MSI: "Master, I found it!"

Lin Jun's eyes lit up: "The signal, is there a clue?"

MSI nodded: "Yes, I split these sound waves apart, then re-recorded them, and finally combined 1 billion multiple combinations, and then made an amazing discovery-this sound wave turned out to be the Voyager Golden Disc The songs recorded on the Internet (called "Song of the Earth") are arranged in reverse in a specific way!

Lin Jun frowned: "Does it make any sense to do this?"

· ·········Ask for flowers········

With such a complicated method, the white ball stars will definitely not do useless things, and they must have some special effects.

He thought of the record in "Future Memorabilia" that the white ball star can control people.

Combine this music...

MSI: "Master, I suggest, do an experiment right away..."

Lin Jun nodded, "I thought of going with me."

Soon, Lin Jun found 8 prisoners, and played the "music" of the white ball stars to these prisoners, and then monitored their brain waves.

And it's the kind of power-enhanced version.

4 hours later...

MSI: "Master, I found out that the brain waves of 8 prisoners in Zone B have started to show convergence, 0.03214%!"

... ...... 0

Lin Jun frowned: "Convergence..."

The human brain is very sophisticated, even if it is 0.03214%, it is already a very big change.

9 hours later...

Experimental results: The brain wave convergence of the eight prisoners in the B area increased from 0.03214% to 0.08321%...

Lin Jun finally had a rough guess.

Combined with the description of "Future Memorabilia": "Continuously release signals, enter the human brain in the way of quantum entanglement, control the thinking and thinking activities of earth humans, and hinder the rapid development of earth civilization..."

The music (Earth Song) carried by Voyager One encompasses most of the conscious aesthetics of humans on earth, and represents that in the subconscious, humans like this kind of music.

After getting this "Song of the Earth", the white ball stars used their own technology to reverse compile the "Song of the Earth" and came up with another kind of music.

Lin Jun tentatively called this music: "Song of Hypnosis".

It is possible that the white ball star people hypnotize human beings all over the world through it.

Lin Jun breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that you know the methods of the white star people, then it will be easy to handle it next.

"You can create another signal to hedge it..."

. a few.

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