On August 2, 2025, 10 o'clock in the morning of Long Country Time.

Tiansha mothership, here comes!

It broke through the anti-space and appeared directly above the earth's orbit, only more than 4,000 kilometers away from the earth.

Right above the Dragon Kingdom.

What is the concept of a huge volume with a diameter of 1,200 kilometers?

Looking up from the Dragon Kingdom anyway, it was like a huge sky covering the sky.

Global panic! !

At the beginning, everyone was thinking: Dragon Kingdom might really be able to deal with the Mothership of Heavenly Evil.

But when the Tiansha Mothership really arrived, everyone was shocked by its terrifying shape.

"This horse riding is really human beings that can defeat it?"

They panic.

The Internet is even more miserable.

"It's over, mankind is really over."


On the mothership of the gods.

The captain and deputy captain came to a central palace.

In the center of the palace, is a huge celestial being 10 times larger than ordinary celestial beings.

Mother emperor!

Master of the entire mothership!

You can even mentally control all the gods, command and control them.

The captain and deputy captain came to the mother emperor and saluted respectfully.

"Respect the mother emperor, we have reached the earth..."

The huge mother emperor opened her eyes.

"Is it finally here..."

"Then, let all the children move out, destroy all the cities of mankind, and destroy all mankind..."

With a majestic order,

Hundreds of super-large Tiansha spacecraft with a diameter of more than ten kilometers flew out of the belly of the Tiansha mothership, and flew in batches to major cities around the world.

Prepare to destroy the cities.

Human beings suddenly fell into a panic!

"Come on, the sky evil spaceship is coming!"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Our city is over!"

Global panic.


On the mothership of the gods.

The captain respectfully asked: "Respected Mother Emperor, why not destroy this planet directly?"

According to previous regulations, if you encounter a powerful enemy, the best solution is to destroy the enemy’s planet directly, so that the opponent loses its foundation, and then step by step to destroy the enemy’s final strength.

The mother emperor has a deep gaze: "This earth civilization has not yet developed space technology, and even other planets close to this'solar system' are unable to detect it. Obviously its strength is very poor."

"For this kind of enemy, we don't need to destroy its planet. This is a planet of life. Whether it is sold out or kept for use by our Tiansha civilization, the value is extremely high."

"So, we don't need to destroy their planet like the enemies we encountered before."

The captain and deputy captain couldn't help being solemn and admiring after listening.

"The vision of the mother emperor!"

Their conversation quickly reached Lin Jun's ears through the MSI clone hidden inside the mothership.

Lin Jun was happy.

"It seems that the mothership of Tiansha is a light enemy!"

According to the movie plot of "Independence Day 2", human beings developed a huge outer space fleet because of the "Independence Day 1" Tiansha spacecraft technology, which made the Tiansha mothership feel threatened.

Therefore, the Tiansha mothership directly used the mothership's ultimate weapon, draining the energy of the earth's core, and wanted to destroy the earth in one fell swoop.

But now, the current situation of the earth is different from that of "Independence Day 2."

Although the technology of the earth is higher than that of "Independence Day 2," because of the crisis of alien invasion, all countries on the earth have not developed a space fleet.

This gave the Tiansha mothership an illusion: human beings on earth are so weak, it is easy to kill human civilization.

As a result, the Tiansha Mother Emperor did not use the ultimate weapon, but directly sent more than 100 Tiansha spaceships to prepare the frogs in warm water to erode and destroy humans bit by bit.

Lin Jun is in a good mood.

"This is better and more beneficial to our plan!"


at this time,

Mother Tiansha did three things...

While commanding more than 100 Tiansha spacecraft to fly to major cities around the world...

While manipulating the many Tiansha spaceships that were left on the earth two years ago through the Tiansha mothership, they returned to the mothership (highly daring and despised for humans), and finally found that only two could understand (the two captured by the Dragon Kingdom) .

While receiving the latest information on the earth.

"Huh... White star person? Dragon Kingdom? Cooperation?"

Suddenly, the mother emperor was shocked when she saw a new piece of news!

The captain and deputy captain were also taken aback: "Why are there white stars here?"

The white ball star people, a notorious race, the race is very small, insidious is synonymous with it, there are many legends about the white ball star people circulating in the universe.

It is said that its growth depends on absorbing the wisdom of other civilizations.

The more civilizations that smoke, the stronger it is.

3000 years ago, Tiansha civilization encountered a powerful white star, and was unknowingly controlled a lot of people. Then there was a civil war within Tiansha civilization with heavy losses.

The deputy captain exclaimed excitedly: "Mother Emperor, I remember that the great Emperor Tiansha always wanted to capture a white ball star in order to avenge the enemy. Perhaps this time we can capture it alive and dedicate it to His Majesty. "

The captain also realized this and nodded excitedly: "1.7 Yes, we must catch it!"

Mother Tiansha stood up: "This time, I will go personally!!"

It wants to catch the white star person personally and dedicate it to His Majesty the Great!

After manipulating it, he quickly found the position of the white ball star through the earth's network-the Northwest Great Desert of the Long Kingdom!

At this time, the mother emperor had already put on a huge biological armor that was dozens of meters high and long.

"set off!"

A unique Tiansha spacecraft flew to the northwest desert of the Long Kingdom.


The Great Northwest Desert.

Secret base.

Lin Jun smiled: "It's here!!"

The mother emperor has eaten this bait!

. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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