
Boom boom boom boom~~~~

A violent explosion, the center of the explosion spread to a radius of tens of kilometers.

In less than 20 seconds, the new capital of Victoria, the entire city was razed to the ground!

800 kilometers away, the new capital of Napoleon:

In the distant mountains, in the eyes of hundreds of thousands of citizens, a beam of light exploded in the center of the new capital of Napo Guo, and then the entire city was completely destroyed in an instant, leaving a sinkhole.

Open country, Canada, Austria, bear fruit, will country... the capitals and big cities of various countries have been baptized in turns.

The lighthouse country, this disaster-prone country, was taken care of by the Tiansha mothership. A total of six Tiansha spaceships aimed at six cities.

Austrian Emperor had already left the No. 4 capital in a plane.

He came to the mountain 100 kilometers away and looked far away.

Then he watched as the capital was flooded by a white light.

The capital on the 4th, inferior to the same fate of the previous three ‘seniors’, is destroyed!

"Mr. President, the remaining five cities have also been destroyed."

Emperor Ao was expressionless and nodded.

Isn't it expected?

But why is my heart full of grief and anger?

It's my beacon country again!


Emperor Austrian roared inwardly, feeling that the world was full of malice towards the lighthouse country.

At this time, the global network fry pot.

"It's started, it's started!"

"Oh my God, the new capital of Victoria has been destroyed again!"

"The six cities in our lighthouse country are gone."

"Our Canada is so miserable!"

"Where is the mecha of the Dragon Kingdom? Why hasn't it appeared yet?"

"Yeah, didn't the Dragon Kingdom say to protect our country? Why haven't you seen the Dragon Kingdom until now. "?"

But this kind of person was quickly slapped in the face.

Because they were told by other netizens that there was no movement from the Tiansha spacecraft in the cities of the Dragon Nations Alliance.

"Fuck, fuck!"

"Why? Why didn't the Dragon Nations Alliance countries come under attack?"


"It must be fake."

Everyone can't believe it.

Obviously Long Long Guo didn't do anything.

Why is there nothing at all?

Someone is thinking: "Could it be that Dragon Kingdom colluded with aliens?"

But thinking about it is wrong.

Long Guo is not so stupid.

And how can such a powerful alien cooperate with the people on earth? Isn't this the elephant cooperating with the ant?

People around the world are full of shock, confusion and disbelief.(Read more @

Austrian Emperor, Victoria, Napoleon, Bear Country...Presidents and prime ministers of various countries: "..."

"Turn the table (╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻ah!!!"

"There must be a problem."

"Why won't the Dragon Nations Alliance countries be attacked by aliens?"

"There must be something wrong with this."

On the Longguoneng Alliance side, the countries have completely boiled over.

"Haha, Dragon Country is awesome."

"Fortunately to join the Dragon Nations Alliance, our city is saved."

"Long live Sevia, long live the Dragon Kingdom!"

Super Plus enjoy.

The whole country cheered.


And in the sky evil spacecraft above the Dragon Nation Alliance, the sky evil star people have become a mess.

"what happened?"

"Why can't we control the spaceship?"

"Report to the mothership immediately!"

"Report to the captain, we can't send a signal!"

"How is this going?"

This chaotic scene took place in many Tiansha spaceships.


Here is the Mothership of Tiansha.

The captain is checking the result of the battle.

Looking at the destroyed cities one by one, smiles were relieved.

But his face soon went wrong.

His face was shocked.

"How is it possible? How can these cities be nothing?"

His face changed drastically.

He found that more than 40 cities were unscathed.

"Damn the Third Army is really getting more and more presumptuous, and even my orders have not been implemented seriously. After this incident, we must rectify it."

The captain subconsciously thought that it was just that the army below did not implement his orders.

He didn't expect that the Sky Evil spaceship was controlled by humans. After all, in his eyes, the human strength was still too bad, and it was impossible to control the Sky Evil spacecraft.

He continued to order, this time with harsh words.

10 minutes later……

Still nothing happened.

Order again!

Still nothing happened!


The captain's angry face disappeared and frowned instead.

If at first he felt that the army did not implement his orders.

But now it is still like this after many orders. If he hasn't noticed the abnormality, then he should go to death.

"What must be wrong with this?"

A strange atmosphere filled the command room.

Not only the captain, but also the deputy captain and all crew members of the command center felt an unpleasant atmosphere.

suddenly! !


An entire mothership sounded fierce sirens.

"Warning! Warning! There is an invasion of foreign enemies, there is an invasion of foreign enemies!"

The entire mothership was dyed red all at once. This is the most advanced warning!

The face of the hundreds of thousands of crew members on the entire Tiansha mothership changed drastically.

How can the mothership have enemies?

impossible! folder!

This is inside the mothership!

Soon, they saw 100 red signals, surging out of the two Tiansha spacecraft that had returned from the earth, leaving in four directions.

One is the dormitory area.

One is the command center.

One is the energy power zone of the mothership.

The last one is the location of the mothership's self-detonation device! !

The captain was frightened and angry.

The opponent's purpose is very obvious-to seize the Tiansha mothership!

. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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