The captain didn't know who the enemy was that had rushed into the mothership, but he also realized that if the enemy dared to do so, he must have great strength and confidence.

At the same time, he also thought of another possibility of horror.

"Contact the mother emperor immediately, this may be a trap!"

He said loudly.

As a result, the crew soon told him: "Captain, we can't reach the mother emperor... the signal is blocked, or our signal is controlled."

The face of the captain and deputy captain changed drastically.

Even the signal is cut off?

Why is the enemy so powerful?

Captain: "It must be a ghost made by a white star man!"

Deputy Captain: "It must be!"

The two looked at each other and both saw each other's horror.

At this time, the crew shouted:

"Captain, the enemy has 3 kilometers to reach the command center. The estimated time is 123 seconds!"

"All firepower, stop me! Command center guard soldiers, dispatch!"


5 seconds later...

"It's not good, Captain, the opponent's defense is very strong, and our firepower is completely useless against the opponent!"

10 seconds later...

"Captain, the opponent's attack is very powerful, and our soldiers can't stop it!"

One bad news after another keeps coming.

The command center is in chaos.

"There are still 30 seconds..."

360  "20 seconds..."

"10 seconds……"

"1 second……"

"Here, they are right outside the door!!!"

Everyone in the command center, they all looked at the door of the command center.

A heart, hanging in the throat.


boom! ! !

A loud noise!

All the gods were shocked!

Then I saw the super alloy in the command center, which was super thick and heavy, with dozens of tons of doors.

There is an extra pit!



Boom~~~! !

With the last loud noise.

The front iron door was directly hit by violence, like a cannonball, which stirred up the sound of a violent wind, and directly smashed the two crew members into flesh.

Ah ah ah~~~

The command center was in chaos and screamed in panic.

At this time, they finally saw the appearance of the enemy, with silver-red outer armor, almost two meters high, and walked in.

The captain's first reaction was that he couldn't believe it.

"How is it possible? With such a small thing, how could it be possible to break the forty-ton alloy gate of the command center?"

Moreover, the captain also discovered another detail:

The enemy's body was still stained with the blue blood of the Sky Fiend.(Read more @

Obviously there has been a big battle.

However, the outer armor on the enemy was not damaged in the slightest. Obviously, the internal firepower of the Tiansha mothership did not cause trouble to the enemy.

The captain is like falling into the ice deep!

Xiao Lengyu led the team and sneered looking at the evil stars in the command center in front of him.

Waved his hand.

The mecha divisions rushed out.

Then quickly knocked all the gods to the ground and controlled it.

"The first formation reports that it has occupied the command center."

Lin Jun's voice came from the communication queue.

"well done!"

the other side,

Another mech formation has already arrived at the Mothership Energy Power Furnace...

It is a huge controllable nuclear fusion reactor, similar to the nuclear fusion reaction of the sun. Nuclear fusion is constantly taking place. The huge energy is confined in the core area by a special device, continuously supplying energy to the entire mothership.

The anti-gravity device is also nearby.

The mech formation encountered fierce resistance from the Heavenly Fiends.

However, under the strong defenses and perverted attacks of the mecha formations, these Heavenly Evil warriors dissolve like ice and snow.

Soon, the mecha formation took control of the entire energy-powered furnace, and under the command of MSI, it continued to strangle the Tiansha fighters who had come for reinforcements from all directions.

Zhao Jiahao: "The second formation report has occupied the mothership energy power zone."

Lin Jun: "Good job!"


Next, there is the dormitory area, the self-detonation device area...

The mecha troops crushed and killed the biological armor of the Heavenly Devil warriors.

In less than two minutes, these two areas were occupied by mecha troops.

Afterwards, the four mecha formations separated some mechas and began to strangle, kill, or arrest the scattered Celestials.

Half an hour later,

The mothership of the god of evil has completely fallen into the control of the Dragon Kingdom! !



the other side.

The Northwest Desert of Longguo.

"Professor Lin, the Tiansha mothership has all fallen into our control!"

Following Xiao Lengyu's report, Lin Jun smiled, and all the mechs shouted with excitement.

The most critical link is finally completed.

Lin Jun told MSI: "For the time being, don't worry about the non-Dragon Nations Alliance's Tiansha spacecraft on Earth, let them destroy a number of cities..."

Everyone understands in seconds.

"Hey hey~~~"

Lin Jun solemnly: "The mothership is done, then the mother emperor battleship will be the next step."

At exactly this time, the mother emperor battleship had reached an altitude of 10,000 meters in the northwestern desert and was coming quickly.

"Mother Emperor Battleship, here comes!"

"All mecha divisions are ready!"

"Release the bait!"

Lin Jun sneered, this white star has already been squeezed a lot of oil and water by Lin Jun, now let him use his residual heat.

Want to control the human beings on earth?

Eat shit you!

300 meters away, another part of the base.

At this moment, the white ball star finally knew that he had been tricked by the Longguo people.

There are no secrets of the earth's core at all in this place!

I was deceived!

"Damn, you humans dare to lie to me!"

At this time, the researcher who led him showed a'sorrowful' wry smile: "The white ball messenger, I did not expect you to see through it in the end... But please forgive our behavior. If you don't trick you here, we can't The mother emperor deceived to reduce the loss of human beings on the earth."

The white star was taken aback: "What? Did you expose it to the Heavenly Evil Mother?"

The researcher begged: "Please, stay in the base? The mother emperor will arrive here in half an hour."

Half an hour?

The white star person panicked: "You humans are too hateful!"

Without a word, it fled the base quickly.


Just left the base and appeared over the desert.


The entrance of the base is closed directly.

White star person: "Huh???"

Suddenly there was a bad feeling.



It looked up and saw a huge battleship appearing at an altitude of less than 500 meters.

Mother emperor battleship! !

White ball star: "...................................."

It's been counted!

Trapped by humans! !

. .

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