After killing the director and the manager Zhang, Li Yu glanced at the remaining female piglets who had been bullied, and did not speak to them. He walked out directly. Outside, in the hall, the other piglets were trembling, looking confused and shocked. Some of them were the director's thugs. Li Yu didn't say anything, and directly raised his hand to shoot these thugs. Blood splattered on the spot. The rest of the people screamed in fear. After finishing the job, Li Yu slowly left the scene. Ma Yongyuan hid in the crowd, his face dull, and he didn't react until Li Yu's figure disappeared. and several colleagues who had just arrived, cheered.

They were unfortunate, being deceived here, but they were lucky to meet Iron Man who fell from the sky and saved them.

The gratitude, shock, excitement and excitement in their hearts were beyond words.

But there is no doubt that this experience will become the biggest topic of conversation in their lives.

After dealing with those thugs with sin values, Li Yu returned to the rooftop.

Standing on the edge of the rooftop, overlooking the park square below.

At this moment, the other thugs in the park have basically been dealt with by the tentacle monster.

The remaining ones should have hidden or escaped.

For these people, Li Yu was too lazy to look for them again.

They will be settled one by one in the future.

The most important thing now is to deal with the encirclement and suppression of the official forces in a certain Wa area here.

A certain Wa area is the most powerful force in the southern country.

There are 30,000 regular troops here, and 10,000 reserve troops.

There are four big families backing them up.

The Bai family, the Wei family, the Liu family, and the Peng family.

The Bai Yingxiong that Li Yu killed in a certain area before was the son of the head of the Bai family, the head of the four big families. The official forces there were also other figures of the Bai family, who were later blown up by Li Yu's King Kong.

And the official forces here, all the four big families have figures here.

The leader of the warlord is Bao Youxiang, who is a very ruthless person.

At this time, these figures have learned about what happened in the park through various information channels.

Even the video of the golden eagle and the tentacle monster has been passed to the hands of official figures.

In the army, Bao Youxiang looked at the content in the video, and his old face was full of solemnity.

Although he had known about the appearance of monsters in a certain area before, he did not expect that these monsters would appear in his own territory so soon.

Just now, he had received calls from the four big families, urging him to find a way to deal with these monsters.

But although Bao Youxiang is the head of the warlords and has 30,000 soldiers in his hands, he can be said to be a powerful figure in the entire southern region.

However, the opponent is a monster!

The black tentacle monster that is as big as a hill and the giant bird monster that is hundreds of meters long are simply not something that humans can resist.

"Leader, what should we do? How should we deal with these monsters?" Bao Youxiang's men asked with a bitter face.

Bao Youxiang pondered for a moment and said slowly: "This is our territory. No matter what kind of monster the other side is, we have to give it a try! But we can't let ordinary soldiers go, let's send out drones! And pull out all the missiles in stock, and arrange the rocket troops. If it really doesn't work, we should make plans to retreat."

Facing these monsters, although he was very scared in his heart, the military force under his command gave Bao Youxiang some confidence.

As long as the firepower is enough, he is willing to try the depth of these monsters.

After all, these monsters have been wreaking havoc on his territory. If he allows the monsters to continue wreaking havoc, then he, the warlord leader in the southern region, may not be able to explain to his subordinates.

After all, the soldiers' families are here. The monsters are wreaking havoc, and the soldiers' families are in danger. There is no way to ignore it.

"Yes, leader!" After hearing Bao Youxiang's order, the subordinates immediately conveyed the order and began to act.

Soon, the drone troops set off, followed by armored vehicles and tanks, and then the rocket troops set off, and finally several powerful missile vehicles slowly drove out of the warehouse.

This is all their assets. They spent a lot of money and got it from the hands of a big country through multiple channels.

These modern heavy-armored troops were originally used to defend the entire South

The official forces of the Mian country.

However, now, he no longer cares about these weapons and equipment, and pulls them all out.

Bao Youxiang's military headquarters is less than 50 kilometers away from the park where Li Yu is located. After these troops set out, they arrived outside the park in more than an hour and assembled several kilometers away.

At this time, the people on the streets near the park had already run away.

Except for the people in the park, the crowds within a radius of dozens of kilometers around have already hidden, and there is no one on the street.

After all, the deterrent power of the golden eagle and the tentacle monster is too great.

Under the spread of fear, how dare people appear on the street.

This is also in the South Mian country with a tough folk style. The local people are almost all soldiers, and their physical fitness is quite good. Moreover, the street buildings are not dense and tall, so they run very fast.

If it were in China, the crowded streets, the towering buildings, the dense crowds, and the sub-healthy bodies, I am afraid that the chaos caused alone would be enough to bring a devastating blow.

On the rooftop.

Li Yu stood there quietly in his diamond armor.

The park was completely quiet, and the piglets all hid in the building and dared not come out.

The tentacle monster and the golden eagle were like two mountains, pressing on people's hearts.

"Here they come!" At a certain moment, Li Yu looked into the distance.

With the blessing of the eagle eye talent, his vision could see very far.

He saw the gathering of troops several kilometers away at a glance.

"Is it just this small number? But the quality is not bad." Li Yu silently evaluated the opponent's strength.

They dispatched some modern mechanical troops, drone troops, rocket troops, armored vehicles, tanks, missile vehicles and other equipment.

I didn't expect that the warlords here were quite advanced in terms of weapons.

Although there were not many infantrymen dispatched, there were only about a thousand people.

But the remaining two thousand people were all the personnel of those modern weapon troops.

There were a total of three thousand people.

"Instead of using their best light infantry, they choose to use all their modern weapons to fight?" Li Yu smiled disdainfully and muttered, "That's a good plan, but unfortunately, they are not regular troops after all. These modern weapons and equipment are not enough! It's just a last-ditch effort!"

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