The soldiers opened fire immediately.

Two kilometers outside the park.

In an open field, the cannons of twenty or thirty tanks were aimed at the location of the park.

Bao Youxiang, who was in charge of the military headquarters, conveyed the order through the radio.

"Bombard the park first! Cover the location of the park with all-round firepower!"

At the command, the soldiers opened fire immediately.

Boom boom boom!

The roar of the shells sounded, and powerful shells were fired towards the direction of the park.

Li Yu, who was standing on the rooftop, saw the whistling shells at the first time.

He had already noticed the other party's intention, which seemed to be to flatten the entire park where he was.

"Haha, do you think this will work?" Li Yu smiled faintly.

He ordered King Kong to enlarge his body directly and transform into a metal giant that was a hundred meters tall!

And he stayed on the forehead of the metal giant, overlooking the front.

The metal giant seemed to stand upright, standing in front of the park building, like a mountain lying on the earth.

Those shells rumbled on the metal giant, but only made a dull sound of metal collision.

But the result was that even King Kong's metal shell could not be broken.

Those shells that were enough to penetrate armor were no longer enough to break its defense after King Kong swallowed a large amount of metal from a certain military district headquarters.

King Kong's body size was also stretched to the maximum, a hundred meters.

In terms of height, it has surpassed the tentacle monster.

Although it cannot be compared with the golden eagle, the pressure it gives people is unprecedented.

The troops in the distance were stunned when they saw King Kong grow bigger.

Such a huge metal giant is much bigger than the Transformers in the movie!

How to fight such a metal monster?

What kind of shells should be used to penetrate such a monster?

The soldiers who had just launched a round of attack were terrified.

"Let the drone fly over and try to drop bombs!" Bao Youxiang looked grim and continued to give orders.

The soldiers on the front line received the order and had to grit their teeth and fly the drone to the park, using the bombs carried by the drone to try to bomb again.

But this time, before the drones approached, the golden eagle in the sky just shook its wings slightly, and the strong wind blew away the approaching drones in an instant.

The tornado-like wind blew all the drones away and hit the ground, losing their ability to move. The bombs they carried were naturally useless.

This scene made the drone troops fall into despair.

"We still have missile vehicles! Fire missiles!" Bao Youxiang waved his hand weakly.

The few missile vehicles that were left revealed the most powerful missiles.

The power of these missiles was much stronger than the ordinary shells of tanks.

It was the most powerful weapon in Bao Youxiang's hands in the entire Wa region.

Although this was just a conventional missile with a maximum range of only a few dozen kilometers, it was far inferior to the advanced missiles of major countries, or even nuclear warheads.

But for striking large targets, these missiles are undoubtedly the most effective.

However, when the missiles of the missile vehicles were launched with a bang.

Although the speed was extremely fast, it flew in front of the King Kong giant in almost an instant.

However, the reaction of these spiritual creatures under Li Yu was surprisingly fast.

They reacted almost the moment these missiles flew.

The golden eagle shook its wings, and a hurricane formed, which blew the missiles crooked and hit the buildings next to it. With a bang, a civilian house was directly blown through.

The tentacle monster raised its tentacles and whipped them out like a whip, hitting the missiles with incomparable precision.

Missiles were blown up in mid-air!

Although the missiles were powerful, they were just like a small flower when they exploded in the air, and could not cause any damage to the units on the ground.

The tentacles of the tentacle monster were also extremely tough. After the missiles exploded, they were only blown open with some shallow wounds and some blood. But for a tentacle monster with dozens or hundreds of tentacles, a wounded tentacle would have no effect at all.

Even if all its tentacles were blown away, it could easily grow back with its self-healing talent.

Finally, it was King Kong, which used its particle expansion and contraction ability to transform into a large metal net and placed it in front of it.

The missile landed on the metal net and got stuck directly. Then, after King Kong pushed hard, it bounced back directly.

The three awakened creatures showed their skills, and Li Yu was secretly excited.

It was amazing!

These modern weapons were useless in front of them.

Should we say that the awakened creatures were too strong, or that the military strength of these people in the Wa area was too weak?

And this scene also made the soldiers of the front-line troops stunned.

Bao Youxiang, who was commanding remotely through video, was so scared that he sat on the ground.

He played all his cards, but he couldn't do anything to the other party!

"Quick, let the helicopter take off! Let's retreat!" After reacting, Bao Youxiang prepared to run away.

And those front-line troops had lost all their ways and were completely abandoned by him.

It was impossible not to give up. Those were already elite troops and assets. Even these firepower equipment could not hit the monsters. Could they still count on other infantrymen?

Bao Youxiang now only wanted to escape!

Escape to a big country, perhaps only a big country could stop these monsters.

At this time, after enduring a round of output from the opponent, Li Yu was not to be outdone and started to counterattack directly.

He waved his hand.

The awakened creatures received instructions.

The four legs of the tentacles stomped on the ground, and the body actually jumped up, jumped to a height of 100 meters, jumped far away, and instantly jumped hundreds of meters.

In a few takeoffs and landings, it had already arrived above the front-line troops.


A Taishan pressed down on the top, crushing several tanks on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, King Kong also took steps, stomping on the ground rumbling, the earth cracking, and in a few steps he had already followed to the front-line troops.

It was too lazy to fire its weapons, so it just slapped down and flattened an armored vehicle. It grabbed a missile vehicle with its big hand, just like grabbing a toy, opened its mouth, shook it, and poured out a lot of missiles, all into its stomach.

It also put the missile vehicle in its mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it.

And the last golden eagle, it just flapped its wings and appeared in front of the front-line troops.

Another flap, a strong wind suddenly rose, and the soldiers were blown into the sky on the spot.

Then, one by one, they fell to the ground with screams, and fell into boxes.

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