The old man was so angry that he was not happy.

Put away the phone.

Li Yu's mouth tilted and he smiled like a dragon king.

Interesting, really interesting!

I was feeling bored because of my invincibility, but I didn't expect someone so stubborn to come. I hope it will bring some fun.

And what he said on the phone about knowing big friends was naturally false.

Apart from the president Jiang Qingxue, there was Xiao Jiu, and Li Yu didn't really know any other big people.

However, his spirit creatures killed quite a few big people.

Basically, all the so-called big people were turned into merit points.

And this second generation of Jiangcheng, in Li Yu's place, was just a piece of shit that Ajian could solve with a curse.

However, Li Yu was bored this time, and the Yi Jin Jing would not arrive until tomorrow, so he would just play with this second generation today?

He asked Xiaoji to retrieve all the information of this second generation.

All kinds of assets and deeds appeared in front of Li Yu without a single detail.

Li Yu quickly scanned and immediately started to curse.

"Dog! It's really a second generation dog!"

This second generation dog, relying on the relationship with his father, the strongest people's servant in Jiangcheng, has gathered a lot of wealth in his name through various means, at least 1 billion.

There are other invisible assets, adding up to at least 10 billion!

These were all obtained by him through various illegal means, and these assets were finally laundered.

Today, this second generation dog is already one of the top ten outstanding young people in Jiangcheng, and he is in great glory.

However, this is not the reason why Li Yu scolded him, because making money is just a basic operation for these second generations of dogs.

It's nothing strange.

What really made Li Yu sentence this guy to death was that he committed rape when he was 14, 16, 18, and almost every year afterwards.

But all these crimes were wiped out by his father.

"Alas, even if Ajian can curse 100 evil people to death every day, there are too many evil people in the world, and they can't be killed at all, they can't be killed!" Li Yu couldn't help but sigh.

This time he decided to do it himself.

It also gave a big warning to those who were eager to move their poverty alleviation and assistance projects!

As for what kind of attention it would attract afterwards?

Li Yu no longer cares.

Yes, his thoughts have changed a long time ago.

In the past, he would be cautious, careful in words and deeds, and dare not make a big fuss when encountering things.

But now, he is invincible, what is there to be afraid of!

"That's right, I won't pretend anymore! I am an invincible motherland! I'm showing my cards!" Li Yu thought to himself.

So, he called the second generation dog directly.

After the call was connected, a young man's voice came from the other side: "Who are you?"

Li Yu said lightly: "I, Li Yu, the founder of the poverty alleviation project! I heard that you want to see me, right?"

The other party was stunned, and then reacted. Li Kexiao said: "Oh, you are Mr. Qian's boss, Mr. Li! Nice to meet you! Let me introduce myself first. I am Wu Liang, one of the top ten outstanding young people in Jiangcheng. My father is the strongest people's servant in Jiangcheng, and my mother is from a wealthy family in Beijing. I am not engaged in the industry of people's servants. I like to do business. I have a small investment company under my hands and like to look for projects to invest everywhere! Your project is very good, and charity shines for the people. It is really admirable!"

Then, the other party changed the subject again: "However, if you want to expand your project, I think it is still missing something. I believe you should understand!"

"Oh? I think, except for the lack of money, it seems that there is nothing missing!" Li Yu said lightly.

"Brother, I can tell you are not very old, so I am arrogant to call you my brother. Brother, do you know that if you don't have a background behind you, you can't do business in the long run!" Wu Liang seemed to be interested and began to preach: "And if you want to make money with this project, you must attract other investments, and only with a good background can you attract more investments and make more money! You should understand it now, right?"

"Oh, I understand, you want to be my background?" Li Yu chuckled.

"Smart! Brother, your brain is quite active! I like to make friends with smart people like you!" Wu Liang smiled and said, "How about this, let's make an appointment for a time and place to discuss the cooperation project in detail?"

Li Yu nodded and said, "Okay, or I will go to you now?"

"Okay, brother, why don't you come to my house? My house is in a certain villa area in Jiangcheng. I

How about I prepare a little surprise for you?" Wu Liang laughed.

He felt that Li Yu was very good and in a good mood.

"Okay, I'll come over now!" Li Yu agreed.

After making an appointment with the other party, Li Yu hung up the phone.

With a playful smile, he said to himself: "Let me make you happy first, second generation dog... "

He sent a message to Tian Weiwei, saying that he was going out, and then Li Yu headed directly to Jiangcheng.

Since King Kong was not around, Li Yu had no means of transportation.

But Li Yu's current speed was almost sky-high.

After eating a lot of spiritual fruits, Li Yu's physical fitness was thousands of times better than that of ordinary people.

If he really let go, he would be able to reach Jiangcheng in a flash.

But he still liked to experience the feeling of being an ordinary person.

So, he first took a taxi to Hucheng, and then took the high-speed rail to Jiangcheng.

Since the two cities were not far apart, it took more than half an hour to get there.

To After reaching Jiangcheng, Li Yu took a taxi to Wu Liang's villa area.

He took a taxi all the way to the gate of the villa area, got off the car, informed the guard, and then walked in slowly.

At this time.

In Villa No. 2 of the villa area.

In the living room on the second floor.

Two men and three women gathered together to chat.

One of the young men said to another tall and handsome young man: "Mr. Wu, the person in charge of the project you mentioned, Li Yu, seems to be a fool. I just checked his information. This person really has no background at all. He just made some money by luck. I didn't expect that he wanted to do charity work. It's really funny!"

The man called Mr. Wu, that is, Wu Liang, waved his hand and said: "Zhou Feng, don't underestimate him. I don't know where this person makes money from. Every time he spends money on charity, I am shocked. According to the speed at which he spends money, I am actually more interested in his other money-making projects!"

"Oh, it turns out that Mr. Wu is waiting for him here! You pulled me here and said you wanted to introduce a project, I thought it was really a charity!" The man called Zhou Feng couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha, that's not entirely true. This man's charity work is very successful. Recently, his charity organization has become more and more famous. If I can get involved, there will definitely be a lot of room for maneuver!" Wu Liang said lightly.

"That's right, you are really worthy of being Mr. Wu. People who have seen the world are different!" Zhou Feng smiled and nodded, flattering him.

The other three women next to him also cast admiring eyes at Wu Liang, and praised him in a sweet voice...

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