The whole process was very exciting.

Just when everyone was laughing and talking.

Li Yu had already arrived downstairs of the villa.

His physical fitness has improved a thousand times now. Although his talents are only at LV2, the effects are different from before.

With the spider sense turned on, everything within a radius of dozens of kilometers can be sensed.

And now, he directly locked Wu Liang and others in the villa.

Just when Li Yu was about to go up to find Wu Liang.

Outside the villa, a black business car drove in.

A big man in a suit who looked like a bodyguard got out of the car.

The bodyguard opened the back door and carried out an unconscious girl from the back seat.

The girl's hands and feet were tied with ropes.

The bodyguard in a suit looked coldly at Li Yu standing at the gate of the villa, and directly carried the girl and swiped the card to enter the villa.

Li Yu stood there with a frown.

This looked like kidnapping.

So he stepped forward and raised his hand to grab the bodyguard in a suit by the shoulder.

The bodyguard in a suit felt that he was grabbed by the shoulder, and his face suddenly changed. He turned back and stared at Li Yu: "What are you doing? Let go!"

Li Yu said lightly: "Kidnap in broad daylight?"

"Boy! Mind your own business! Let go or not?!" The bodyguard in a suit was furious: "This is Mr. Wu's base, how dare you offend Mr. Wu?!"

"Haha!" Li Yu smiled coldly, and with a slight force on his palm, he heard a click, and instantly crushed the bodyguard in a suit's shoulder.

"Ah!!!" The bodyguard in a suit cried out in pain, his body softened, and the unconscious girl he was carrying also fell to the ground.

Li Yu raised his hand and grabbed the girl in his arms.

Then he stepped on the bodyguard and knocked him unconscious: "You are an accomplice to the evil, I will deal with you later!"

After that, Li Yu took the unconscious girl to the second floor of the villa.

At this time, Wu Liang and others who were on the second floor of the villa also heard some noises downstairs. One of the women went to the stairs and looked and screamed.

"Ah! Mr. Wu, someone broke in!"

Wu Liang and others heard it and their faces changed immediately: "What's going on? Where is the bodyguard?"

They also stood up and came to the stairs, and saw Li Yu, who was hugging the unconscious girl, slowly coming.

"Who are you? Get out!" Wu Liang shouted, his voice a little flustered.

Because he had seen that his bodyguard was lying unconscious at the door.

Zhou Feng, who was standing by, saw this scene and also shouted: "Breaking into a private house! Believe it or not, I'll shoot you!"

Looking at the cowardly expressions of the few people, Li Yu smiled faintly: "Wu Liang, don't you know me? I'm Li Yu!"

"Li Yu?" Wu Liang was stunned for a moment, then asked in confusion: "Are you Li Yu? Mr. Li?"

Li Yu nodded.

Wu Liang took a look and found that it was Li Yu!

Damn, I was scared!

I thought it was some gangster!

If you are Li Yu, then I'm not afraid!

Wu Liang straightened his back immediately and shouted angrily: "Li Yu! Mr. Li! What are you doing? Since you came to discuss the project with me, why did you knock down my bodyguard? What do you want to do? Rebellion!?"

Li Yu looked at Wu Liang as if he was a fool.

Wu Liang was even more angry: "Li Yu! Why are you looking at me like that? I need an explanation from you! If you are not satisfied with the explanation, believe it or not, I will have someone cut your project! You will not be able to survive in China!"


Li Yu suddenly laughed.

Then, he shook his head and said to himself: "It's true, inherent arrogance kills people!"

After that, he raised his hand and pointed.


Talent discharge!

The next second, a lightning bolt burst out from his palm.


Instantly, the lightning bolt fell on Wu Liang's body, shocking him to the core.

Wu Liang's body stiffened, and he fell to the ground with a thud, and his whole body was burnt from the inside out.

This sudden scene made several people present dumbfounded.

Zhou Feng and the three women looked at Li Yu in a daze.

Several people looked at Li Yu blankly, then at Wu Liang who was burnt on the ground, feeling as if they were dreaming.

It took several seconds.

They finally reacted.

Ah ah ah!

Several women screamed like thunder.

Zhou Feng's legs softened and he knelt down on the spot.

"God! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!" He screamed miserably.

The strong desire to survive made him crawl away from Li Yu on his knees.

Li Yu glanced at Zhou Feng. He remembered that there were some stories about Zhou Feng in the information about Wu Liang that Xiao Ji had found before.

This was also a bad guy.

So, Li Yu raised his hand again and pointed, lightning burst out, and Zhou Feng was also electrocuted.

The two people died.

In total, Li Yu gained two thousand merits.

It was better than nothing.

And the three women, seeing the two men who were full of energy just now, were now all dead, and they were scared to death on the spot. Their legs softened and they knelt on the ground. They didn't even dare to scream, and stayed there like a dead man.

Li Yu glanced at the three women, and his spiritual power burst out, directly knocking the three women unconscious.

This is the effect of Li Yu's powerful spiritual power.

With the continuous blessing of the dragon totem visualization, Li Yu's spiritual power has been growing. Now, he can make ordinary people collapse mentally just by the deterrence of his eyes!

This is invincible!

Under Li Yu's mental interference, the three women will lose their memories of the past two days after waking up.

At that time, even if others want to investigate, it will be difficult to investigate.

After all, Li Yu directly electrocuted Wu Liang and Zhou Feng to death. There was no physical contact at all, and there was no murder weapon left.

When the forensic doctor came, he would only think that the two people died of electrocution.

Of course, if they really want to investigate, Li Yu will still be investigated, but he doesn't care anymore.

Just investigate!

When a countryman is found out, let's see how you react?

At this point, Li Yu doesn't even want to hide it anymore.

He thinks that he can be a little more high-profile.

Even exposing it is not a bad idea.

Because he wants to promote his virtual reality game technology next, he must get official approval from various countries before he can promote this game to the whole people to make money.

But he has no background at all at present. The emergence of such a cross-era technology is bound to attract countless covetousness, and it will inevitably be obstructed in the process of promotion. Instead of being approached by various forces at that time, it is better to show his cards early.

Rely on his own strength to announce his existence to the world.

Then, promote money-making projects, collect wealth, and then do charity organizations to earn merits

Thinking of this, Li Yu couldn't help but smile with some expectation, then hugged the girl in his arms and turned to leave the villa.

When leaving, he also electrocuted the bodyguard in a suit who helped the evil.

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