The more Li Yu thought about it, the more excited he became! Before he had this system to enlighten all things, he had never dreamed that he would become a hero who could fight violence and protect the good. Now, he had this ability by chance, so he certainly couldn't live in vain! He checked the merit balance of the system, and there were still 5720, which was not a small amount. This was all thanks to the group of villains who blocked the road, otherwise it wouldn't have increased so fast. However, Li Yu looked at it and found that among the ten spiritual awakening objects, the one that wanted to upgrade the fastest was the ant, because the ant was now level 5, and it only took 2200 merit points to upgrade to level 10. For other spiritual creatures, if they want to upgrade to level 10, they need at least 6,000 or 7,000, and some need tens of thousands.

Although the water bear does not require much merit to upgrade, it is useless to upgrade it to level 10.

After comprehensive consideration, it is better to upgrade the ant first!

"Dali, come here!"

The ant, which is already as big as a fist, crawled over quickly.

It is true that if it is not your spiritual creature, you will be scared to death if you suddenly see such a big ant without fighting!

Many small insect creatures are insignificant in the eyes of humans. In fact, it is very scary to look at their bodies with a magnifying glass or microscope.

"Master, I'm coming!" Dali agreed in a muffled voice.

Loyalty of 100 is good, it is available at any time and extremely obedient.

"Be good, Dali, the master will upgrade you to level 10, you must be mentally prepared!"

Before Dali could react, Li Yu pressed the upgrade button on the system panel.

Li Yu stared at the ant Dali with his eyes, looking forward to its changes.

As the system merits were deducted little by little, Ant Dali rose to level 6, level 7...

I saw that Ant Dali's head was slowly getting bigger, and the six legs became thicker, and the thin and long hairs on them became thicker and harder!

At the same time, the ant's body also made a strange gurgling sound, as if it was about to break through an invisible shackle.

Although Li Yu was mentally prepared, he was still shocked to see the ant grow bigger little by little.

Such a cute little insect, after growing bigger, it was so scary, that head, very similar to Godzilla.

Ant Dali, who was upgraded to level 10, was about one meter tall, and his six legs were as thick as an adult's thighs, and the barbs between the foot segments were like the sickle of the god of death!

That head was as big as a football, with two big eyes on both sides, like two small black speakers, with dense grids on it, buckled on the head.

The whole face looked hideous and terrifying.

The two long antennae swayed slightly, the face was covered with barbs, and the mouth was secreting mucus.

Only when it was zoomed in did it become clear that there were rows of sharp fangs in his mouth!

Li Yu took a breath and confirmed the loyalty value of the ant in the system again. It was still 100, so he felt relieved.

"Master, I'm hungry..."

Dali, who had just upgraded, needed a lot of food. Li Yu fiddled with his tentacles a few times and comforted him: "Don't worry, I'll get you food right away."

Li Yu took out a lot of things such as steamed buns, ham, instant noodles, etc. The ant Dali opened his mouth wide and threw the food directly into his mouth with his sturdy hands and feet.

The sound of "clicking" sounded, which sounded quite relaxing.

This bite force is really unparalleled.

Li Yu grinned and thought, if any bad guy was caught by Dali, it would be so miserable...

He looked at the system property panel of the ant again.

[Spirit-awakening creature: Dali

Species: Arthropoda - Formicidae - Polyspinous Ants;

Evolution level: 10;

Loyalty: 100 (MAX);

Talent: Huge Strength (can carry objects dozens or even hundreds of times heavier than its own weight)

Evaluation: It can easily kill humans now! ]

Looks really domineering!

Li Yu thought excitedly that if the group of people last night met Dali, they would probably become its food!

After checking the merits, he found that there were still more than 3,000. Li Yu also decided to upgrade his Huge Strength level.

[500 merit points have been consumed, and the talent is being upgraded...]

[Upgrade completed, congratulations to the host for obtaining the talent: Huge Strength LV2! ]

Li Yu suddenly heard a crackling sound, and his coat was torn.

He felt that every part of his body was swelling and a little painful, and he seemed to have endless energy all over his body.

Li Yu hurried to the mirror and saw his biceps, triangles, and muscles.

The muscles of the triceps, latissimus dorsi, and thighs all grew larger.

When he exerted force, his muscles jumped up and down, and he was just like a devil muscle man!

This huge change made Li Yu so excited that he couldn't sleep at all.

He walked back and forth in the room, jumping, waving his fists, and making a whirring sound.

At the same time, Li Yu also integrated the spider's induction LV1, which is also powerful. He can sense the slightest movement within a range of ten meters, and has the primary ability to sense danger.

The system shows that he still has unintegrated talents that have been saved - self-healing ability, extreme adaptability, and rejuvenation ability!

Li Yu continued to check the system panel. Now he still has so many merits on hand. It takes 2,000 points to upgrade the spider's induction talent once, which is too expensive. And extreme adaptability, self-healing, rejuvenation, etc., at least 50,000 merits are needed to integrate!

I think it's better to save them first.

Suddenly, he discovered another good thing, that is, the 10th level awakening creature has the ability to share vision.

This is a function that comes with the awakening creature after level 10, which can share vision with the owner.

In other words, the perspective of Ant Dali can be shared with Li Yu.

And the 10th level awakening creatures also have the ability to share vision.

This made Li Yu even more excited. Think about it, if he can share the perspective with the awakening creatures such as golden eagles and water bears in the future, then he can detect any enemy situation in the sky, underground, or in the water!

Amphibious operations on land, sea and air, and attacking opponents in all directions without dead ends, that would be so cool!

In war, how important intelligence work is, there is no need to say more.

In the future, when dealing with evil forces, Li Yu can know himself and the enemy, quickly decide which offensive method to use, destroy the opponent to the greatest extent, and reduce his own losses!

In addition, the system has added 10 new positions for awakening creatures, and a synthesis function.

This synthesis function is also very practical, even terrifying.

To put it simply, it consumes a certain amount of merit points to synthesize two different awakening creatures, similar to the fusion in Dragon Ball.

Two individuals become a single individual, and the appearance is a combination of the two individuals, and the ability and talent can also be inherited, or merged into a new talent.

The new species of the awakening creature after synthesis is based on the higher level.

For example, a level 7 and a level 5 awakening creature, after synthesis, it is level 7, and the synthesis condition is that the level of the awakening creature cannot be lower than level 5.

After the new species reaches level 10, it can be synthesized twice, that is, another awakening creature can be added to the synthesis.

He lay on the bed, and in his excitement, he thought of Chen Hao again!

This kid is so cruel!

He actually paid such a professional to kill him, this revenge must be avenged!

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