The first battle was a success.

Chapter 34: Victory in the First Battle

Li Yu developed a detailed revenge plan against Chen Hao, and the action will begin tomorrow night!

"Thanks to you, I've upgraded again. To thank you, I'll try my hand on you!"

He thought for a long time and gave this action a code name: Eliminate all evil!


Tian Weiwei said very little the next day. When she looked at Li Yu, her face was red. It seemed that the active confession last night made Tian Weiwei's girlish heart a little embarrassed.

And Li Yu's subsequent actions also made Tian Weiwei difficult to accept for a while.

Li Yu understood that girls who fell in love for the first time all had this kind of reaction, which was very cute and innocent.

Li Yu was not in a hurry to achieve success. This kind of thing needs time for girls to adapt, otherwise they will be scared away.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Tian Weiwei found a reason and left early.

Li Yu did not try to keep her. He was just about to start preparing and would take action at night!

As night fell, Li Yu synthesized the spider and the salamander.

Now that he had enough merit points, the self-healing ability he had saved before could be integrated.

After the synthesis, Li Yu looked at this new spiritual awakening object and found it very cute.

The little thing was as big as a palm, green, and had ten legs. It was a disc-shaped mollusk that was amphibious and had the ability to regenerate and heal.

In addition, it had the ability to spin silk. Each of its legs could shoot out high-strength spider silk. The spider silk was not only sticky, but also very strong and tough, and it was difficult to cut with an ordinary knife.

What's more terrifying is that the little thing also has the toxin talent of the salamander. The toxin ability belongs to the type of nerve paralysis, and it can easily poison an elephant!

Moreover, this new species can not only crawl, but also jump using spider silk, and it is extremely fast.

Li Yu had already used the golden eagle to conduct high-altitude reconnaissance during the day, and transmitted the appearance of Chen Hao in his memory to the golden eagle.

So the golden eagle found Chen Hao's home very easily.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, the "Eliminate Evil" operation officially began!

Li Yu released the newly synthesized little thing, and he also gave it a name, "Tentacle Monster"!


In front of the bar.

Chen Hao was drunk and hugged two scantily clad beauties, and he got into his Bentley car impatiently, and ordered the driver to go home immediately!

"Mr. Chen, why are you so impatient? We are both yours tonight!"

"That's right, we are both treasures, Mr. Chen, you have to work harder!"

Under the stimulation of alcohol and beauties, Chen Hao's brain was confused, and he started to make moves in the car.

It was past 2 a.m. when Chen Hao finally fell into a deep sleep with satisfaction. The two beauties were also exhausted and fell asleep one on the left and one on the right.

At this time, on the windowsill on the second floor of Chen Hao's villa, a pair of strange eyes were staring at the chaotic scene in the room.

When everything calmed down, snoring sounded, and the "tentacle monster" began to move!

It crawled in through the crack of the window, slowly climbed onto the bed, and bit Chen Hao's leg.

Chen Hao slept like a dead pig, without any reaction, but just scratched his thigh subconsciously.

The "tentacle monster" mission was completed, and it crawled out of Chen Hao's villa without anyone noticing...

At 10:26 p.m., Li Yu received a message from the system——

[Solve Chen Hao, merit points +500]

"Bingo! Done!"

Li Yu jumped up again excitedly.

It was so exciting. He could remotely control the spirit objects and kill the enemy while lying on the bed at home!

The success of this operation is of great significance, indicating that Li Yu's tactical system has been formed, and it will only become more and more perfect and more and more terrifying in the future.

The next morning, an urgent news was broadcasted on major radio stations——

"Chen Hao, a rich second-generation man in Hucheng, was bitten by an unknown creature last night. He was rushed to the hospital and rescued for three hours, but the treatment was ineffective and he became a vegetable. "

After the police investigated, they believed that it was just an accident because Li Yu did not leave any evidence or clues.

The success of the first operation made Li Yu's upgrade path unstoppable.

He checked and found that there were nearly 4,000 merit points, so Li Yu thought about synthesis.

Currently, Li Yu's spiritual objects are:

Level 2 A Tao;

Level 1 A Jian;

Level 3 Xiao Hei;

Level 5 Tardigrade;

Level 5 Turritopsis;

Level 10 Ant;

Level 1 King Kong;

Level 1 Golden Eagle;

Level 5 Tentacle Monster (a synthetic evolution of spider and salamander)

Li Yu has no

Satisfied, considering that Ant Dali is now level 10 and has two opportunities to synthesize, he decided to find two new spiritual creatures.

Do it right away!

Li Yu immediately posted an inquiry online, entered a professional website, and checked it out.

After a lot of screening, Li Yu finally decided on two special creatures-

Dead leaf mantis and chameleon.

Why choose these two creatures? Because the dead leaf mantis has the camouflage talent and fighting instinct talent, it is a natural killer!

And the color change of the chameleon is a stronger stealth ability than camouflage, which may make the talent transform!

This is very important for fighting those mysterious dark organizations in the future.

However, how to find these two things still took Li Yu a bit of trouble.

There are many merchants selling these strange insects online, but none of them satisfied Li Yu.

Because he doesn't want this thing as a pet, Li Yu needs a warrior!

So first of all, the size should be big, the appearance and color should look bright, and at the same time, it should be energetic and not droopy.

Finally, Li Yu found a merchant that sold all kinds of strange insects and animals, and bought dead leaf mantises and rhinoceros chameleons.

When Li Yu came back from the express station with a big box, Tian Weiwei asked curiously: "Li Yu, what did you buy?"

Li Yu put the box behind him and answered evasively: "Nothing... I bought a pet..."

"Pet? Is it a kitten or a puppy?" Tian Weiwei was even more curious and rushed over to grab it.

Li Yu quickly dodged, then hurried to his room, and bang! Closed the door.

Tian Weiwei stood there, full of question marks.

Since she came here, Li Yu has never concealed anything from her.

But what is he doing this time?

Just now he said it was a pet, but Tian Weiwei lay on the door and listened for a long time, and there was no cat or dog barking.

Tian Weiwei's little brain began to think wildly-

"Li Yu didn't succeed on me last time... Could it be... he couldn't stand it anymore?"

"Did he buy that kind of toy for himself?"

"Oh my God! How can a man be like this?"


The more Tian Weiwei thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case. Her face suddenly turned red and she lowered her head and returned to her room.

At lunch, Tian Weiwei lowered her head, her cheeks were red, and she only ate rice but not vegetables.

Li Yu saw that she was strange, so he asked with concern: "Weiwei, what's wrong with you? Is the food not delicious?"

"No... No." Tian Weiwei's voice was smaller than a mosquito.

"Why is your face so red? Do you have a cold?" Li Yu stretched out his hand to Tian Weiwei's forehead, and Tian Weiwei subconsciously dodged.

Li Yu put down his chopsticks, hugged his shoulders with both hands, and just looked at her.

"Why... are you looking at me?" Tian Weiwei was even more scared.

"Weiwei, we haven't just met, just say whatever you want to say. There are only two of us, and you are being so mysterious. Aren't you annoying?"

Tian Weiwei bit her lip, finally mustered up the courage, and whispered: "Is that the toy you just bought?"

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